• Record Label: La Face
  • Release Date: Apr 4, 2006

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 20
  2. Negative: 1 out of 20
  1. Blender
    Striking [and] confident. [Apr 2006, p.116]
  2. It's when Pink steps outside of expectations that she turns exciting.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    Even her misses are ballsier and blusterier than most everybody else's recent hits. [7 Apr 2006, p.58]
  4. Where this translates, then, is with those willing to man up and embrace what makes Pink Pink: her spellbinding ability to render rebelliousness in all the many colors of the rainbow.
  5. Pink's sound is more aggressive this time and owes more to '80s pop/rock than contemporary hip-hop--with dollops of folk and blues.
  6. The music here is a weird mish-mash of FM rock, folky ballads, and funky, poppy dance tracks. It makes for a diverting, interesting listen - but not a totally successful one.
  7. Los Angeles Times
    The more serious numbers often feel clunky. [2 Apr 2006]
  8. The New York Times
    A wildly uneven mixture of pop treats and melodramatic misfires. [3 Apr 2006]
  9. The only sign of life is that filthy mouth and cherry-vanilla hair.
  10. This is the third album in a row where she's thrown a curve ball, confounding expectations by delivering a record that's wilder, stronger, and better than the last.
  11. Pink's rhymes still rely too heavily on adolescent clichés and there's an air of contrived confessionalism throughout the album.
  12. Next time, she needs to dump the tired wild-girl shtick, unleash her lung-power and the world will fall at her feet. For now, this is just another album of production-line US pop.
  13. Whether she sings rock, pop, R&B or her usual combination of all three, [Pink] is belting more urgently and taking more risks than her pop-radio contemporaries.
  14. With American Idol rampant, it's nice to have this emotional hipster sticking her celebrity cred in the stupid world's face.
  15. Uncut
    Extremely mixed results. [May 2006, p.119]
  16. New Musical Express (NME)
    This latest effort sees her turn indistinguishable. [1 Apr 2006, p.43]
  17. Q Magazine
    Be warned: wisdom, soul searching and politics often lead to earnest power chords and clenched fists when coupled with poodle rock. [May 2006, p.123]
  18. A wildly ambitious album that solidifies Pink’s status as superbad funky rocker chick.
  19. The top half of the album is stuffed to the gills with dry Pat Benatar rips and unexciting ballads.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 249 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 25 out of 249
  1. HarveyR
    Apr 10, 2006
    This album deffinatley needs to win The Album Of The Year at the next Grammies. She truley is this generations new Madonna.
  2. Feb 15, 2012
    this is, i think, her best album of all. she has many great tracks. She keeps on extending and gets better and better and better! i reallythis is, i think, her best album of all. she has many great tracks. She keeps on extending and gets better and better and better! i really think she did very good wit this Full Review »
  3. RickP
    Apr 8, 2006
    If this is main stream music, THEN I LOVE IT! GREAT WORK! This girl is a modern day Madoona!