• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: May 17, 2019
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Universal acclaim- based on 1075 Ratings

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  1. Jun 23, 2019
    Very experimental but as an old Tyler fan I don’t like the new sound. It has some great moment but that’s it for me
  2. May 20, 2019
    As a full experience it's pretty good , but after the first listen there's no reason to come back to any of the tracks , except two that I thought where catchy , the whole experience overall starts to feel like a chore by the midpoint of the album .
  3. May 21, 2019
    IGOR, Tyler the Creators 5th studio album is good no doubt but doesn’t hold up to breathtaking experiences like Wolf or even Flowerboy or other Neo Soul albums available. Unfortunately leaving it sitting as a very average album.

    It can come across as rather repetitive throughout with some songs feeling like you’ve heard it before on first listen. Tyler also can’t sing at all, leaving a
    IGOR, Tyler the Creators 5th studio album is good no doubt but doesn’t hold up to breathtaking experiences like Wolf or even Flowerboy or other Neo Soul albums available. Unfortunately leaving it sitting as a very average album.

    It can come across as rather repetitive throughout with some songs feeling like you’ve heard it before on first listen. Tyler also can’t sing at all, leaving a high pitched voice in place for his singing voice, reminding me of a great Mac millar tape - delusional Thomas, however Tyler’s voice is one of the reasons he was so memorable and that raw aggressive deep voice has no place on IGOR.

    IGOR, where not a let down, is not the work I expected from Tyler and feels more along the mainstream audience with constant hooks instead of content.

  4. May 19, 2019
    Tyler The Creator creates washed out vocal harmonies over synth heavy instrumentals that range from half baked and messy to wildly original and beautiful. Lyrical themes continue to revolve around relationship issues and emotional regulation/turmoil. Vocals are lacking much of the time. Features are all over the place. Ideas seem to be unfinished, but there is enjoyment to be had withTyler The Creator creates washed out vocal harmonies over synth heavy instrumentals that range from half baked and messy to wildly original and beautiful. Lyrical themes continue to revolve around relationship issues and emotional regulation/turmoil. Vocals are lacking much of the time. Features are all over the place. Ideas seem to be unfinished, but there is enjoyment to be had with IGOR. -Jay Massey Expand
  5. May 18, 2019
    “IGOR” looked interesting with the snippets of the songs that he put out for the album, but when the full project was released it didn’t really live up to expectations and it was a bit of a disappointment. The production on this album was amazing, but not consistently. Hearing static all the time can get annoying. Lyrically the album was hot garbage and 90% of the lyrics were just ad-libs“IGOR” looked interesting with the snippets of the songs that he put out for the album, but when the full project was released it didn’t really live up to expectations and it was a bit of a disappointment. The production on this album was amazing, but not consistently. Hearing static all the time can get annoying. Lyrically the album was hot garbage and 90% of the lyrics were just ad-libs and repeating hooks (Don’t get me started with carti’s part of the album.) Other than that, the album was extremely mediocre and wasn’t even close to topping “Wolf” which is still his best album he’s ever released in his discography. Expand
  6. May 18, 2019
    Easily tyler's worst album, pointless features, pointless high pitched vocals, it literally ruined so many songs from being great here, but the beats are probably the best in his entire career, so he improved on that at least.
  7. May 17, 2019
    I'm honestly pretty new to Tyler and his music, after listening to Flower Boy recently and thoroughly enjoying it, I felt like this album felt too messy and cluttered, where the music was not necessarily bad, however it just felt like so much could've been done so much better.
  8. May 17, 2019
    Interesting production muddied by obnoxious euphemisms. There are genuine highlights, but lyrics like "I'm your puppet, U control me" and "U make my earthquake" lack subtletly, convey no real emotion, and are corny as hell. The first, stronger half of the record is captivating enough, but there is no compelling narrative to hold onto here. Overall, a weak and superfluous follow up to Flower Boy.

Universal acclaim - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. The Wire
    Jul 11, 2019
    Things improve markedly when he plays to his strengths with the nuanced narrative of “A Boy Is A Gun”, but ultimately such moments [are] hard to hear over the pitiable “Puppet” and “Earfquake”, functional pop wisely rejected by Justin Bieber and Rihanna. When the narrative sags and his mind seems to wander, it just isn’t enough, no matter how stylish the trimmings. [Aug 2019, p.68]
  2. Jun 27, 2019
    For the most part, Tyler has opted out of his rapping heritage, preferring pitch-altered singing vocals which will split some opinion. However, this elevated IGOR beyond the mere confines of genre, to a substantially great work of art, cementing Tyler's case as one of this decade's most essential artists.
  3. Jun 21, 2019
    It’s an intriguing album with few dips (only Kanye’s verse on Puppet sounds rather phoned in and lacklustre), and it adds up to Tyler, The Creator’s best work to date. He may not be threatening Western civilization anymore, but he is creating something far more interesting.