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Universal acclaim- based on 84 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 76 out of 84
  2. Negative: 3 out of 84
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  1. Sep 10, 2013
    London grammar deliver an outstandingly mature debut. If You Wait is emotional, uplifting and stunningly beautiful. The use of trippy, light and airy dance beats along with strong, lung-busting vocals creates an album that is pushing music into the future and the cover of Kavinsky's Nightcall is inspired. If there is any down side to If You Wait, its the ballads on the album, they couldLondon grammar deliver an outstandingly mature debut. If You Wait is emotional, uplifting and stunningly beautiful. The use of trippy, light and airy dance beats along with strong, lung-busting vocals creates an album that is pushing music into the future and the cover of Kavinsky's Nightcall is inspired. If there is any down side to If You Wait, its the ballads on the album, they could be stronger. Expand
  2. Jan 15, 2014
    Homogêneo, emocional e inspirador. Acho uma mistura da parte instrumentalista de The xx e um pouco vocal de Florence Welch, não é exatamente uma comparação de estilo, mas sim, de qualidade. If You Wait é de longe, um dos melhores álbuns de 2013 e vale a pena cada segundo, cada música ou cada nota que se ouve.
  3. Nov 17, 2013
    The past three years have been very great for the UK music scene. This debut album from London Grammar might be the best debut by a UK act this year. The tracks "Stay Awake" and "Wasting My Young Years" are really hypnotizing. Though similar sound has been up-and-coming lately, they manage to deliver a sound that is very appealing both musically and lyrically while also being veryThe past three years have been very great for the UK music scene. This debut album from London Grammar might be the best debut by a UK act this year. The tracks "Stay Awake" and "Wasting My Young Years" are really hypnotizing. Though similar sound has been up-and-coming lately, they manage to deliver a sound that is very appealing both musically and lyrically while also being very original. Definitely money well-spent. Expand
  4. Oct 18, 2014
    It fleshes out true emotion, both dark and melancholic ones. Reid's vocals, even by itself, can sunder a soul apart. There are a few moments that drag and bore once and a while, but this is an excellent debut.
  5. Jan 23, 2017
    This album is among my favourites of all time. I can't say how many times I listened to it. Hannah's voice is incredible. There's a link in sounds between all songs on this album, it gives a perfect imaginary world all along the album.
  6. Sep 4, 2023
    represents a remarkable inaugural offering from the band, garnering a highly merited 9. Hannah Reid's brilliance radiates across the entire album, highlighting her exceptional abilities. There isn't a single subpar track to be found; each one serves as a testament to their inventiveness and musical mastery, resulting in an enthralling voyage from beginning to end.
  7. Sep 23, 2013
    The London Grammar very original group! With original, but at the same time commercial sounding. At Hanna Read possesses the magnificent deep, shrill vocal, not conceding such soul the giant as Adele and Lana Del Ray! For me it is one of the main opening of year! And this album just proved me it! It is very soft, pleasant and attracts with it the listener. They have a big future!
  8. May 5, 2015
    A beautiful debut album combining soaring vocals with trip hop beats. Hannah Reid's voice will send shivers down your spine. The album contains a number of 'alt-pop' tracks that could easily rotate on popular radio. Catchy tunes and... Did I mention the vocals! A truly stunning vocal delivery, Indeed a well crafted album offering a rather novel sound of it's own. Trip hop meets classicalA beautiful debut album combining soaring vocals with trip hop beats. Hannah Reid's voice will send shivers down your spine. The album contains a number of 'alt-pop' tracks that could easily rotate on popular radio. Catchy tunes and... Did I mention the vocals! A truly stunning vocal delivery, Indeed a well crafted album offering a rather novel sound of it's own. Trip hop meets classical meets pop. Go buy it! Expand
  9. Apr 4, 2014
    The new London Grammar album is anything but derivative which works to its advantages and (somewhat) disadvantages. The entire album is cohesively sombre, dark and beautiful that is almost reminiscent of early Florence + The Machine but only stripped down to the core and the trio couldn’t be more deserving of the same success and recognition. The only problem with If You Wait is theThe new London Grammar album is anything but derivative which works to its advantages and (somewhat) disadvantages. The entire album is cohesively sombre, dark and beautiful that is almost reminiscent of early Florence + The Machine but only stripped down to the core and the trio couldn’t be more deserving of the same success and recognition. The only problem with If You Wait is the absence of a standout track that it would seem to be a hard task to recognize a torch piece for this album as each track tries to play along a common ground that nothing soars above. Quite a misfire for a band that has the potential to garner mainstream limelight. It might not be fully recognized yet but the promise is definitely there if this album is any indication.

    Listen to: Strong, Nightcall, Metal & Dust
  10. Dec 4, 2015
    This isn't a perfect album, but the parts that are good are exceptional. I love the sound they've crafted on this album. It's melodic, hypnotic, dramatic, emotional, and beautiful. And although the production is nice, Hannah Reid's vocal performance is really the standout here. She has a unique and amazing voice that really gives these songs even more depth than the bare compositionsThis isn't a perfect album, but the parts that are good are exceptional. I love the sound they've crafted on this album. It's melodic, hypnotic, dramatic, emotional, and beautiful. And although the production is nice, Hannah Reid's vocal performance is really the standout here. She has a unique and amazing voice that really gives these songs even more depth than the bare compositions provide. Some of the songs drag a bit, but overall London Grammar displays a lot of potential here which makes me anxious for their future releases.

    Highlights: Hey Now, Stay Awake, Shyer, Sights
  11. Apr 9, 2014
    Her vocals are like a second rate Florence Welch. They have tried really hard to be mature and moody but all the mournful, dreary wailing gets a bit much after a while. Their more upbeat tracks (2 out of 14 tracks on the deluxe album) are by far their most interesting. Cheer the f__ up London Grammar. Life is not that bad!!!?

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Oct 25, 2013
    Impassioned rather than impatient and delicate where others opt for too-sweet delicacies, If You Wait is going all the way.
  2. Oct 17, 2013
    Although at times they come close to overshadowing the subtle instrumentation provided by Major and Dan Rothman, it’s actually the intrinsic balance between the contributions of all three that defines their sound.
  3. Q Magazine
    Oct 16, 2013
    It lacks variety, but with a debut this clear-eyed they earn enough musical credit to stay in the black until next time. [Nov 2013, p.111]