If He Dies, If If If If If If Image

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Summary: The second full-length release for Radwan Ghazi Moumneh's project was recorded in Montréal and Beirut.
Record Label: Constellation
Genre(s): Pop/Rock, International
Credit: Primary Artist
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Track Listings

01 Al Affaq, Lau Mat, Lau Lau Lau Lau Lau Lau [The Hypocrite, If He Dies, If If If If If If] 05 Lau Ridyou Bil Hijaz? [What If the Hijaz Were Enough?]
02 A Granular Buzuk 06 Ah Ya Mal El Sham [Oh the Money of Syria]
03 7ebr El 3oyoun [Ink of the Eyes] 07 2asmar Sa7ar [The Brown One Cast a Spell]
04 Qala Li Kafa Kafa Kafa Kafa Kafa Kafa [To Me He Said Enough Enough Enough...] 08 Ta3mani; Ta3meitu [He Fed Me; I Fed Him]