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Universal acclaim- based on 54 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 42 out of 54
  2. Negative: 7 out of 54

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  1. EmG
    Jul 30, 2008
    Excellent pop album with touches of R&B and blues. Vanessa Hudgens isn't the most amazing vocalist but she pulls of each song well enough. Not just for the tween crowd anymore, this album has potential to reach out to a broader, older audience. Standouts: Identified, Amazed, Hook It Up, Party on the Moon, and Gone With The Wind.
  2. RonaldF.
    Jul 2, 2008
    A great improvement from her debut album 2 years ago it just proved that she has a bright future after hsm3 franchise.
  3. DimaR
    Apr 23, 2009
    I love her she is soooooooooooo butiful and she have a graet voice.
  4. AlyannaA.
    Jul 2, 2008
    awesome album by vanessa dont ask why, identified, amazed and gone with the wind are my fav tracks.
  5. May 3, 2011
    A great album. Vanessa hit the choice of songs. Go to a dance pop up a soft R&B.
    It's the kind of album that could please many people, should have had more singles and more disclosure because it is a really good album.
  6. dan
    Aug 2, 2009
    It's a great Album. Just as good if not better than her first. I wish she would have released a second single. Cant wait for her third album!!!
  7. StineG
    Mar 6, 2009
    .And ½ ! I generally like this album. And Vanessa CAN sing . I'm sick of people saying she can't. She's no Aguilera, but neither is Britney and people love her. I would rather listen to Vanessa Hudgens. She still has a long way to go, but she can get there and Im 22, so she must have reached a bit older audience. Highlights: First Bad Habit, Identified, Did it Ever .And ½ ! I generally like this album. And Vanessa CAN sing . I'm sick of people saying she can't. She's no Aguilera, but neither is Britney and people love her. I would rather listen to Vanessa Hudgens. She still has a long way to go, but she can get there and Im 22, so she must have reached a bit older audience. Highlights: First Bad Habit, Identified, Did it Ever Cross Your Mind - 10 Sneakernight, Set It Off, Vulnerable, Don't Leave Me, Paper cut - 8-9 Hook It Up is good too, but the chorus is rubbish - 7 The worst song is - Couldn't find anyone, but the weakest is Party On The Moon and Comitted . Expand
  8. NIcolasS
    Sep 24, 2008
    Most of the songs are very good and catchy. The highlights: Last night, Don't Ask Why, Hook It Up, Party On The Moon.
  9. DebbieI.
    Jul 3, 2008
    I especially enjoyed Sneaker Night. Vulnerable is a beautiful song and she sings it so well. I think for her age, she has done very well. This album is great to dance to. Vanessa has a great future ahead. She is definitely maturing. Please sign it Izzy. Thanks!
  10. Feb 14, 2011
    Identified defines how Hudgens developed into a better artist. It showed how Disney Channel stars can evolve from teen-pop to modern pop. Along with the development, Hudgens still cannot sing.
  11. AnneB
    May 12, 2009
    I wouldn't recommend this CD to anyone. It is quite a drab. Certainly not her best. Her first album was better than this.
  12. SuzyC
    Dec 28, 2008
    So far i like one song... Paper Cut....and i stumbled onto that after i had given up on the album after the first 8 songs! the rest is dribble! identified delievers but could have been better if she let go abit more...there was no feeling in this album! Sneaker night is lacking in soooo many ways... it was a blatent advertising tool for red sneakers.... its a pity as her voice could be So far i like one song... Paper Cut....and i stumbled onto that after i had given up on the album after the first 8 songs! the rest is dribble! identified delievers but could have been better if she let go abit more...there was no feeling in this album! Sneaker night is lacking in soooo many ways... it was a blatent advertising tool for red sneakers.... its a pity as her voice could be very alicia keys ... yet it only hits that once or twice in the album. Expand
  13. JesusN.
    Jul 2, 2008
    The Best Album of the Yearnot. what the muck was she thinking stick to porn quit acting or singing
  14. AshleyH
    Jul 23, 2008
    This is not a good song. Her shorts are way too short. Its a very immodest video. I wouldn't suggest this song to anyone.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Despite a few stumbles, Identified achieves its goal: it anticipates that Hudgens' fans will outgrow "High School Musical" soon enough, and gives her a better chance of staying relevant to them as they move on to other kinds of pop music.
  2. The rest of Identified, though, panders to the preteen demo with stop-start pop that ranges from pleasant (the title track) to dull ("Amazed") to off-putting ("Hook It Up"). But for little girls, this is one nonstop singalong.
  3. 60
    Her voice was made to rip, and when she lets go just a little, the coyness turns sultry--proof that she might just have a life after high school.