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Universal acclaim- based on 247 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 8 out of 247

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  1. Ryan
    Jun 17, 2007
    Very disappointing. I've always loved the White Stripes unique sense of style and their great sonic approach, but this album is definitely not up to par. Notably, the catchy melodies of 'Satan' and 'Elephant' seem to be missing. Maybe it will grow on me, but for now, Im let down.
  2. samd
    Jun 17, 2007
    A modern masterpiece. Somehow Jack White is able to hone the blues, bluegrass, metal sounds without sounding derivative., Beautifully crafted album, exquisite song writing..and very honest. Martyr for My Love For You is a brutal ironic ode to teenage insecurities an anguish and Rag and Bone is just pure fun. Effect and Cause will be the most overlooked song yet contains a style of song A modern masterpiece. Somehow Jack White is able to hone the blues, bluegrass, metal sounds without sounding derivative., Beautifully crafted album, exquisite song writing..and very honest. Martyr for My Love For You is a brutal ironic ode to teenage insecurities an anguish and Rag and Bone is just pure fun. Effect and Cause will be the most overlooked song yet contains a style of song writing the music industry hasn't heard since Dylan. Finally, Jack's guitar virtuosity- playing rythm and lead with Megs Bonzo-esque drumming make this due as loud and powerful and any band in the past 20 years. Bravo! Expand
  3. TomG
    Jun 17, 2007
    Great move after exquisite Get Behind Me Satan. They're in better form than Led Zep after 5 albums. Don't you think that Icky Thump's main riff resemble a bit the one form "Moby Dick"...?
  4. JacksonB
    Jun 15, 2007
    Fantastic album!
  5. JustinF
    Jun 15, 2007
    While it is truly an artistic and original album, Icky Thump is not without flaws. While it is an amazing piece to listen to, Icky Thump veers far off from the band's roots. The raw power of guitar, piano and drums has been added to with Synth, bag pipes and horns... this isn't a bad thing, but the new direction can be a lot to swallow for any hardcore stripes fan. Personally While it is truly an artistic and original album, Icky Thump is not without flaws. While it is an amazing piece to listen to, Icky Thump veers far off from the band's roots. The raw power of guitar, piano and drums has been added to with Synth, bag pipes and horns... this isn't a bad thing, but the new direction can be a lot to swallow for any hardcore stripes fan. Personally the new sound is a welcome change to me. The lyrics however are not, the single "Ickt Thump" is about immigrants... not exactly the regular stripes outting. Jack seems to have lost his lonely, love obsessed side, which is understandable considering his recent marriage. Still The album is number three in my book, behind Elephant and Get Behind Me Satan. If this is thier new sound then great!.. sounds amazing, but I'll take a while to get adjusted. Expand
  6. AMills
    Jun 15, 2007
    Fantastic album, every track, with the exception of St. Andrew is very well thought out and perfectly executed. Great mixture of their unique "live" recording, and studio production. My favorites are Little Cream Soda, Rag and Bone, Martyr For My Love, and Catch Hell Blues. All and all their best album to date, and that's saying something.
  7. BenM
    Jun 14, 2007
    Maybe the best Stripes album out there because of the way it pulls pieces of everything from their past (as well as the past of rock and roll in general) and also takes rock in new directions that can only be good for it and us as listeners.
  8. marcg
    Jun 14, 2007
    the worst album of the stripes...
  9. JasonW
    Jun 14, 2007
    The White Stripes understand that the way to stay on top isn't to try and figure out what their audience wants, but to make what they want and force us to want more.
  10. CarlosB
    Jun 13, 2007
    Y'all hear Icky Thump!
  11. MaximilianoS
    Jun 12, 2007
    Wonderful album, elaborated, very well mixed, neat sound, fine heavy guitars and new experimental instruments, but wait a minute, were is the white stripes incredible sound style? the one that make all of as love them when the white stripes first appear. I know groups can
  12. MaximilianoS
    Jun 12, 2007
    Wonderful album, elaborated, very well mixed, neat sound, fine heavy guitars and new experimental instruments, but wait a minute, were is the white stripes incredible sound style? the one that make all of as love them when the white stripes first appear. I know groups can
  13. SpencerJ
    Jun 8, 2007
    Weird. But heavy, rockin', and contains several moments of downright awesomeness.
  14. CoenV
    Jun 8, 2007
    Their most pompous album so far, ranging from flamenco to garage-rock. I heard some Led Zeppelin, some R.L. Burnside with some Stooges on the side with a topping of those weird Zappa-solos. Something for everyone, including bagpipes. Not their most inventive singing melodies, but certainly some of their most stomping riffs!
  15. EricF
    Jun 8, 2007
    One of my top 5 rock albums of all time.... Absolutely brilliant...
  16. JeffW
    Jun 8, 2007
    Each time The White Stripes put out an album, it outshines its predecessor, and this remains true with Icky Thump. This record manages to maintain energy and momentum even after the powerhouse duo of "Little Cream Soda" and "Rag & Bone"; undeniably a difficult feat. Also, unlike certain previous White Stripes records, Jack does not falter once, nor does the solidarity of drummer/vixen Meg Each time The White Stripes put out an album, it outshines its predecessor, and this remains true with Icky Thump. This record manages to maintain energy and momentum even after the powerhouse duo of "Little Cream Soda" and "Rag & Bone"; undeniably a difficult feat. Also, unlike certain previous White Stripes records, Jack does not falter once, nor does the solidarity of drummer/vixen Meg White. This album will exceed the expectations of even the most hopeful of fans. This is truly one for the ages. Expand
  17. DrewF
    Jun 6, 2007
    The best White Stripes to date, a combination of what makes them original, rock'n and confident. Each song is better than the last and the lyrics are at there best, can't wait to see them play live on new tour.
  18. TJWells
    Jun 6, 2007
    Unfuckingbelievable. Album of the year. Jack White is my god.
  19. MikeM
    Jun 6, 2007
    A solid rock powerhouse of an album. Great soloing, lyrically rich, and stylistically deep. Jack White uses horns and bagpipes on this record, as well as incorporating some pseudo-acting into the heavy blues track 'Rag and Bones.' This deviation from the typical White Stripes style has proved to be one of Jack's best albums.
  20. PatrickO
    Jun 6, 2007
    The best album of the white Stripes!Brilliant!Wonderful!
  21. RafaelB
    Jun 5, 2007
    Now they did it all right: guitars!
  22. piles
    Jun 3, 2007
    This album is just simply wonderful.
  23. DavidR
    Jun 2, 2007
    Brilliant Album, from the funky yet experementive icky thump, to conquest with its spicy mexican influence (first performed by Corky Robbins) its trumpets are also exquisite. However tracks 6 & 7 which feature a bag pipe do not do it for me, it reminds me of irish folk music, not my type. But little cream soda ignite the white stripes flame with is heavy rock stripped down feeling and its Brilliant Album, from the funky yet experementive icky thump, to conquest with its spicy mexican influence (first performed by Corky Robbins) its trumpets are also exquisite. However tracks 6 & 7 which feature a bag pipe do not do it for me, it reminds me of irish folk music, not my type. But little cream soda ignite the white stripes flame with is heavy rock stripped down feeling and its succesor 'rag & bone' another hit, all tracks up to effect and cause are then pure garage rock at its best and white stripes at their best, i would give it a 10, but the big pipes are just not doing it for me, its left me quite shocked. However i believe the best tracks are icky thump, conquest, little cream soda & rag and bone. Collapse

Generally favorable reviews - based on 39 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 39
  2. Negative: 1 out of 39
  1. This is a heavyweight album in every sense of the word.
  2. This is by far The White Stripes’ most peculiar record.
  3. Uncut
    A compellingly weird experience. [Jul 2007, p.92]