• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Dec 14, 2018
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Universal acclaim- based on 477 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 61 out of 477
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  1. Dec 6, 2019
    Zayn é dono de uma das mais belas vozes do pop contemporâneo. Suas composições são confessionais e os instrumentais são bem intensos, em companhia de um conceito bem elaborado e uma interlude perfeita.
  2. Jan 15, 2019
    I decided to listen to the album, and the middle is pretty boring. He scattered good songs at the beginning and the end of the album. Mind Of Mine was good, but this is even better. Good job Zayn. But most of the songs feel like they are computer-generated. I mean they are so much similar and so much effects are applied to his voice.
  3. Dec 18, 2018
    Really enjoy listening to this album. The more I listen to it, the more I fall in love with it. The number of tracks can be a bit overwhelming, I agree but when you actually sit down and listen to it, you can really enjoy the album. Mostly the first half of the album is about how he feels about his significant other and the love he has for her which slowly transitions into him realisingReally enjoy listening to this album. The more I listen to it, the more I fall in love with it. The number of tracks can be a bit overwhelming, I agree but when you actually sit down and listen to it, you can really enjoy the album. Mostly the first half of the album is about how he feels about his significant other and the love he has for her which slowly transitions into him realising that the relationship is going downhill. Love the fact that it is cohesive and you can feel Zayn’s emotions throughout the album. Zayn did a really good job in expressing his emotions and you can see the growth from Mind of Mine not just production wise but lyrically and vocally as well. Overall a really great album and I really enjoy listening to it. Great piece of work. Expand
  4. Dec 18, 2018
    The most chill, vibe album I've ever listen... Pure plesaure. Thanks, Zayn! xoxo
  5. Dec 18, 2018
    it's just seems every thing is perfect
    great voice
    perfect lyrics
    good tunes
    mixed tunes
    perfect performance
    even though it has 27 songs but i feel i want more
  6. Dec 18, 2018
    This record reveals its beauty slowly and over repeated listenings, a testament to Zayn's stubborn insistence that he'll go his own way, thanks. At first I found the instrumentation too simple and too synthetic, but after spending lots of time with it I find that they keep the focus on Zayn's amazing voice, well employed here throughout his range from his sexy low notes to his soaringThis record reveals its beauty slowly and over repeated listenings, a testament to Zayn's stubborn insistence that he'll go his own way, thanks. At first I found the instrumentation too simple and too synthetic, but after spending lots of time with it I find that they keep the focus on Zayn's amazing voice, well employed here throughout his range from his sexy low notes to his soaring falsetto. The songs are mostly full of praise and longing for love, which seems to be the theme of his youth. I love it. Any fan of his will, and maybe others too. Expand
  7. Dec 19, 2018
    This album was honestly worth the long wait that we had to endure over the last two years. Each song shares an intimate detail and a view of his own, giving us an insight to his inner workings and what was important to him. He needs to change his full name to Zayn Malik Did That, because that is exactly what he did: That. I am incredibly proud of this man and can't wait to continueThis album was honestly worth the long wait that we had to endure over the last two years. Each song shares an intimate detail and a view of his own, giving us an insight to his inner workings and what was important to him. He needs to change his full name to Zayn Malik Did That, because that is exactly what he did: That. I am incredibly proud of this man and can't wait to continue supporting him through it all. Expand
  8. Jan 22, 2019
    A very good album with a lot of songs, so at first you can be worried some of them would look alike but it feels like all of them are bringing a different vibe and emotion.
  9. Feb 12, 2019
    This album is so incredible I previously had not listened to any of Zayn's solo music. My friend told me to listen to the album and i did. I loved it by the first song. Zayn's voice is so beautiful and he is an extremely skilled song writer. I can tell how passionate he is about his music. The album honestly did not even feel like 27 songs because every song was so well produced and sung iThis album is so incredible I previously had not listened to any of Zayn's solo music. My friend told me to listen to the album and i did. I loved it by the first song. Zayn's voice is so beautiful and he is an extremely skilled song writer. I can tell how passionate he is about his music. The album honestly did not even feel like 27 songs because every song was so well produced and sung i did not want them to end. Zayn's voice and music are so unique and unlike any other music i had ever heard before. The album was so cohesive and the songs told a story. It's one of the best albums i have ever heard in my life and i have listened to it daily since it came out 2 months ago. I can tell just by this album how hard he works in order to put out the best music possible. He is one of the best music artists of this generation. Icarus Falls made me want to learn more about Zayn and listen to his other music and i now am a huge fan. This album definitely has a song for everybody on it there was literally no bad song on it. Everybody needs to listen to this album to see what an amazing and genuine artist Zayn is. Expand
  10. Feb 12, 2019
    Still prefer Mind Of Mine because of its flow and cohesion but don't let the run time fool you, this is an exceptional album. Zayn explores a lot of different sounds and unique styles, with a few misses but mostly hits. Credit to him for trying new things and staying true to himself and what he likes. Overall, he pulled off the concept of the album very well and displayed his incredibleStill prefer Mind Of Mine because of its flow and cohesion but don't let the run time fool you, this is an exceptional album. Zayn explores a lot of different sounds and unique styles, with a few misses but mostly hits. Credit to him for trying new things and staying true to himself and what he likes. Overall, he pulled off the concept of the album very well and displayed his incredible vocal range. Dive into the lyrics and you'll really start to understand the depth and symbolism of the album. I love how the tone of the album shifts at the interlude and that the "falls" portion takes a darker, more ominous tone, it was done tastefully. I could do without NCNL and wish Dusk Till Dawn would have made the album instead. Expand
  11. Jul 1, 2019
    Amo este álbum de principio a fin. El hecho de que contenga 27 temas puede parecer un desafío al principio, pero vale la pena si eres amante del r&b alternativo. Stand Still y Satisfaction sobresalen, la producción es exquisita.
  12. Nov 9, 2020
    maravilhoso, bem produzido, vocais de anjo e deveria ter divulgado, te amo zayn
  13. Aug 23, 2019
    No words really the best album out there, there's a song for everyone. He has conveyed his emotion brilliantly through all the songs and the concept of the album is really smart, it being in two parts light and dark signifying Icarus and falls.
  14. Aug 28, 2019
    Every song has something special, it's a masterpiece and the rythms gets you to another places. Relaxing and Sexy and also Lovely songs.
  15. Sep 18, 2019
    de novo o meu amor me enchendo de orgulho! esse álbum é tudo de bom e mais um pouco! 27 músicas impecáveis e PERFEITAS!
  16. Aug 31, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the most amazing songs that i ever heard his VOICE and the lyrics just wow every song has very very deep meaning this album is sooooo underated Expand
  17. Dec 6, 2019
    I was intimated first by how long this album is! But when you realize that it is two part with different emotions it makes sense. Love it
  18. Dec 7, 2019
    Probably the best album of 2018. Find all songs catchy , this album is leg ahead of MOM. My fav tracks common, insomnia, flight of the stars, entertainer, scripted, natural, back to life ,NCNL , rainberry, there u r, too much.... I love all of them.
  19. Dec 11, 2019
    27 is tooooo long ,but i enjoyed it ,can't wait for his next work whenever that is!
  20. Dec 11, 2019
    the most amazing album ever done, zayn is the most incradible human alive. that's it. that's the tweet.
  21. Dec 11, 2019
    A masterpiece! Love the idea that the artist divide this album into two: the light (Icarus) side and the dark (Falls) side.
  22. r23
    Dec 12, 2019
    zayns best album period mom will always have special place in my heart but this album is just mindblowingly amazing
  23. Dec 12, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album is not repetitive have a lot of different sounds and even though it’s long but non of the songs are skip-able. Shame on the critics for not giving it a higher score Expand
  24. Dec 13, 2019
    Best album I've heard in a long time. Absolutely in love! The vocals, the production, the theme. All absolute smashing. Still can't decide what my favorite song is. Lengthy album but strong concept and amazing songs make you fall in love with it nonetheless. Thank you zayn
  25. Dec 13, 2019
    Brilliant album. Zayn showcases his raw talent and emotion and makes you feel what he is going through. It's real it's raw and it's relatable. He sings of realizing hurtful and toxic situations and people in his life and takes you on that journey with him. It's extremely poetic and some of the plays on words are incredible and really just add to the album. Amazing album
  26. Dec 13, 2019
    Deep, meaningful, soulful. Incredible vocals, he sounds like an angel singing. It's crazy how his voice floats on thin air and the way he knows how to do different things with his voice. 27 songs and none sound the same. This is how you do a lengthy album. Not many can pull it off. All I know is that this album is gonna be on repeat for a long long long time
  27. Oct 18, 2020
    At first glance an album with 27 songs can scare you - is it not boring or tiring? But as soon as Icarus Falls starts you get involved in each song and time seems to stop! Zayn is extremely talented, an incredible composer and is certainly one of the greatest singers of this generation. His voice is engaging, smooth, soft. It's able to reach notes that few can get, changing from low toAt first glance an album with 27 songs can scare you - is it not boring or tiring? But as soon as Icarus Falls starts you get involved in each song and time seems to stop! Zayn is extremely talented, an incredible composer and is certainly one of the greatest singers of this generation. His voice is engaging, smooth, soft. It's able to reach notes that few can get, changing from low to high in seconds. Very proud of you Zayn! Expand
  28. Dec 13, 2019
    Well worth the long wait...beautiful tracks...There You Are, Let Me, Common and Tonight are masterpieces
  29. Dec 14, 2019
    He got over his first album. Icarus Falls has mature lyrics, was well-produced, and as a bonus Zayn used the famous greek myth very interestingly as an analogy to problems he has due to fame, and to a devastating ending of a relationship that was previously his salvation.
  30. Nov 3, 2021
    More than 20 songs that are really superior to his previous work, a rich mix of sounds and notes
  31. Aug 7, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I mean could this album be any better no and it have all the elements. It's a masterpiece and it got gold certified in US and UK. I mean despite debuting at 61 at hot 200 that says talent transcends always. Anyway stream icarus falls. Expand
  32. Dec 16, 2019
    i loved each and every one of the songs in these album, 10/10 would recommend
  33. Dec 18, 2019
    There are 5 songs I can clearly point out as songs I will time and time again play on repeat.
  34. Dec 24, 2019
    Zayn did it again just like he did with "Mind Of Mine" I loved the album length im such a huge fan to his music and knowing that im going to have 27 Songs made me the happiest ever, everything from the album concept to the unbelievable creative lyrics to the new and catchy beats and his angelic and huge vocals range that we all know, I just LOVED IT, God Bless Your Amazing Mind Zayn, im soZayn did it again just like he did with "Mind Of Mine" I loved the album length im such a huge fan to his music and knowing that im going to have 27 Songs made me the happiest ever, everything from the album concept to the unbelievable creative lyrics to the new and catchy beats and his angelic and huge vocals range that we all know, I just LOVED IT, God Bless Your Amazing Mind Zayn, im so obsessed with this one!! Expand
  35. Dec 24, 2019
    I discovered this album last October and been playing obsessively in my car at work at home everywhere. His voice is so soothing yet so mature. A few tracks i felt like skipping at first but after listening them few more times I'm now totally more into them? It deserves full 10
  36. Dec 25, 2019
    i love this album, is incredible, is amazing, is wonderful, is art, this album is perfect.
  37. Jan 31, 2020
    Pure Masterpiece by Zayn Malik. Blend of many genres with an incredible voice, awesome production, and meaningful lyrics. But still underrated due to lack of promotion. #PureMasterpiece
  38. Feb 1, 2020
    Zayn is so talented, the album has such beautiful songs !!! Common and there you are are definitely my favorites !!!
  39. Jan 31, 2020
    "Icarus Falls" sounds a lot different than the first one, "Mind Of Mine". It has 27 songs, that made me feel sad cause is too many and it got a little flop, but none of the songs are bad. I like the 2 part album style, the first one "Icarus" part has more lively songs, and the "falls" part has melancholy and anger.
  40. Feb 6, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Arte. Arte. Arte. Arte. Arte. Arte. Arte. Arte. Arte. Arte. Arte. Arte. Arte. Arte. Arte. Arte. Arte. Arte. Expand
  41. Feb 2, 2020
    One of the best album ever!
    I've always loved Zayn's music and he's never disappoined me
  42. Feb 2, 2020
    zayn is truly one of the bests singers of the generation and this album shows that he is not here just for fame. he is here to make the industry an more open and confortable place to just make some great music without worrying about numbers and charts.
  43. Feb 6, 2020
    Icarus Falls is a long and extensive album can be make not heard so first, because of the number of tracks. However, the boy Zayn surprised me to bring a long album that gives to hear until dawn day again. His sound, vocals, compositions and production are strong and continues with his spectacular work of not mixing with that generic pop but rather at his pace.
  44. Feb 8, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Icarus Falls is a two part album with 27 tracks, (which honestly I find it a little too much, but I'm not complaining) all incredible songs. The first 12 until the interlude are representing the good initial (or not) times of a relationship where he represents himself as Icarus and compares his lover to the sun. The rest represent his downfall, his "fall from the sky". It's an interesting theme narrated from Z's perspective on his relationship(s).

    What's a downer is the lack of promotion this album had and the kind of excessive amount of tracks didn't help.
  45. Mar 27, 2020
    Not going to lie, this album has potential and this boy too, but I see there is a fatigue in listening to this record. The vocals are almost perfect, the lyrics are very metaphorical and deep but, is something missing. The album is very tiring to hear, the songs too. They are very long and there’s a lot of them, in some of them the noise pollution is big and the voice is too low, he wasNot going to lie, this album has potential and this boy too, but I see there is a fatigue in listening to this record. The vocals are almost perfect, the lyrics are very metaphorical and deep but, is something missing. The album is very tiring to hear, the songs too. They are very long and there’s a lot of them, in some of them the noise pollution is big and the voice is too low, he was kind of aimless I would say. Expand
  46. Mar 29, 2020
    this album art. he is the real genius of our time. his music will live eternal. your angelic voice and your angelic soul compete.
  47. Apr 9, 2020
    Best album. I don't know how it didn't get much recognition. People must don't have taste.
  48. May 16, 2020
    I absolutely love this album, and It's a conceptual masterpiece. This is the perfect sophomore album and I can't wait to see what he does next.
  49. Nov 24, 2020
    If you know the story about the myth Icarus and Daedalus this whole song will blow your mind. To put 27 songs together to make a story and to show life being absurd by having ups and downs, this album is just a masterpiece. What a genius, Zayn.
  50. Aug 2, 2020
    This album was one of the greatest yet underrated albums of our time. The seamless transition between different vibes of each section was immaculate to hear. One of the few albums I would die to listen to for the first time again. Did not get nearly enough praise as it should have, not a single skip on this album and I say that whole-heartedly. There is a song for everyone and every mood.This album was one of the greatest yet underrated albums of our time. The seamless transition between different vibes of each section was immaculate to hear. One of the few albums I would die to listen to for the first time again. Did not get nearly enough praise as it should have, not a single skip on this album and I say that whole-heartedly. There is a song for everyone and every mood. My personal favourites are Flight Of The Stars, Rainberry and Insomnia. Zayn has always had such an impressive voice and an incredible range, and this album definitely highlights that. If you had one day left on this planet, spend an 1hr 28mins listening to this masterpiece. Expand
  51. Aug 29, 2020
    This is a very underrated album and all the songs in here are very very very good
  52. Aug 28, 2020
    Amazing songs. Amazing music. Amazing high notes and falsettos. Amazing harmonies. I don't know where the ideas come from but Zayn, keep going man.
  53. Aug 30, 2020
    There's one thing this album really tells us about Zayn Malik: When he falls in love he falls deep. Not many artists can put out an album with 27 songs and make it work. ZAYN is one of those few. The story line of the album from the positive side of love 'Icarus' to the sadder side 'Falls' is very intriguing. He proves us again what an amazing vocalist he really is.
  54. Sep 5, 2020
    Esse álbum é maravilhoso, Zayn traz um toque pessoal e profundas letras. O lado escuro feito com o som da guitarra cria uma vibe mais crua e interessante. Minhas favoritas são Icarus Interlude, Satisfaction e Entertainer.
  55. Sep 11, 2020
    A perfect album, others should really take notes from him. every single song out there is so good and i’ve relistened the album so many times because its that good. It’s so underrated tho.
  56. Sep 13, 2020
    Uma baita evolução do Zayn em relação ao álbum anterior , 27 músicas que valem a pena serem ouvidas por conter alta qualidade
  57. Sep 27, 2020
    The album is so good, every track has its own meaning and vocals are outstandind. Deserves more!
  58. Oct 18, 2020
    esse álbum, assim como o zayn, é absolutamente TUDO e é perfeito em todos os detalhes
  59. Nov 8, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. çok güzel mükemmel hayatımın albümü herkesin dinlemesi lazım sabaha kadar övebilirim Expand
  60. Nov 26, 2020
    Icarus falls is one of the best albums I have ever heard. its the kind of album that you you listen at night lights closed looking up the ceiling of your room and just keep staring and then dint realize that an hour has just passed. its a bit lengthy as there are 27 songs and in between it feels really slow if you decide to go in one go. so I suggest to listen in halves and as always zaynsIcarus falls is one of the best albums I have ever heard. its the kind of album that you you listen at night lights closed looking up the ceiling of your room and just keep staring and then dint realize that an hour has just passed. its a bit lengthy as there are 27 songs and in between it feels really slow if you decide to go in one go. so I suggest to listen in halves and as always zayns voice is mesmerising.
    my fav songs of the album are :
    let me
    stand still
    if I got you
    there you are
    sour diesel
    good years
    too much
  61. Nov 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Love the greek legend Icarus reference. 29 tracks, this is a Christmas gift from Zayn. Vocal is amazing as ever, lyrics are great, spectacular album overall! The layers of his voice is epic.
    Review on tracklist:
    Starting the album with lighter/sweet happy songs.
    1. Let Me: Great single, though heavily produced but the lyrics made it very romantic song, great.
    2. Natural: Intimate sweet song, nice.
    3. Back To Life: Love the lyrics, average.
    4. Common: Not a great fan of the melody but the lyrics always great. Get average from me.
    5. Imprint: Love the light feels on the song, he really trying to coax his lover back. His voice is soothing, nice song!
    6. Stand Still: Beautiful relaxing song, lyrics are top notch! Great song.
    6. Tonight: This is the song that I was waiting for, very sexy voice, love it. He delivered. Lyrics very capturing, love the beat. Great great song. 7. Flights of the Stars: Another back to back amazing song after Tonight. Great song, lyrics are overwhelming in a good way. My favourite song so far and never tired to listen again. 9. If I Got You: The lyrics are interesting, but in the repetition in the chorus really a mood cutter. Average song for me.
    10. Talk To Me: This song should be one of the album single. Very catchy, lyrics are average, but the beat tho, love it so much. Great song.
    11. There You Are: Not really fav, lyrics are straight forward, but the guitar play is good. 12. I Don't Mind: This song lyrics is projecting the album theme. Love this song! Great for me.
    Starting this point, the songs become darker, which add the layer of the album.
    13. Icarus Interlude: I love the guitar play, his soothing voice and the lyrics, makes me smile. Very deep. Vocal runs at the end of this song is relaxing. Average.
    14. Good Guy: At first this song is reminding me of cowboy in the desert feels. Very intimidating, but the vibes it gave is very addictive. One of my fav song, great, great song, love it!
    15. You Wish You Knew: Beat is so catchy, the vibe is so chilling, the lyrics makes me wondering who he's been talking about. I wish I knew. Average song.
    16. Sour Diesel: Straight fall in love with the guitar, his high notes in this is chef's kiss. Funk rock, I like it so much, great song!
    17. Satisfaction: The bass is great. Lyrics outstanding, makes you reflect your life alot. Great song, I have nothing more to say!
    18. Scripted: The song is flowy, love it, average chill song. But the clip in the song is he describing Let Me. Hm I just want to know why.
    19. Entertainer: One of my fav, the shade in this song is so spicy. The song is fire. Great great song.
    20. All That: The melody is weird, don't really like it. The lyrics is so-so. Average.
    21. Good Years: The OT5s are triggered by this song is so funny. Very sad song, although for me is average song.
    22. Fresh Air: Another song that gives weird energy for me. But his vocal is playful, I kinda like it. Lyrics is so-so. Average.
    23. Rainberry: Love it the first time hear it. Heavily produced. The shade is something that I dig. Lol idk why. I just love it, great song!
    24. Insomnia: Very personal song for me, the lyrics got me screaming!!! XD Great song!
    25. No Candle No Light: Love the lyrics, love the beat, but idk, maybe Nicki not really my cup of tea. Average.
    26. Fingers: The lyrics got me in my feelings, very exposed. The song producing can be better imo. Average song.
    27. Too Much: The lyrics got me puzzled. The song is not so great but I like the rhythm and the flow. Average.
    28. Still Got Time: Summer vibes, fire! Great song.
    29. Dusk Till Dawn: Epic song, no one can change my mind. Only Zayn can sing this, with Sia obviously. Great collab! The high note is epic!
  62. Jan 16, 2021
    Love this album! It's so good!! Each track offers a different mix of emotion. Love it. ❤
  63. Jan 16, 2021


  64. Jan 16, 2021
    Definitely one of the most underrated albums of 2018. Icarus Falls was a concept album and it was just too good. The length of the album is the main reason of it being underappreciated, however, it gives the listener satisfying feels when you finish off the 27 tracks. The vocals as always, crazy good.
  65. Jan 16, 2021
    Zayn on his third album showed a more sensitive side, singing music with incredible melodies with lyrics sexy and equally good, a combination of everything good in the R&B universe, it's the best ex 1D solo album.
  66. Oct 24, 2022
    This Album is extremely well produced and very cleverly written. I know most people won’t appreciate because the length of this record, but it’s really a masterpiece once you listen then way is intended to. The first part of the album is all about love and the second half is about how a seemingly perfect relationship can become toxic.
  67. Jan 16, 2021
    Most people get put off due to the long tracklist 27 songs.. But listening to it partially is the best way.. As it a more mature and personal album and at the end you will start loving it after short sessions of listens
  68. Feb 8, 2021
    Amazing album ! Due to the lenght of the album, it takes time to really appreciate it. Zayn's silky smooth voice is a pleasure to listen to. What a voice ! He is so talented ! I listen to it every day and I'm not able to choose my favorite song. It's a shame that he does not get the support of his record label to promote it. Zayn is a true artist, he deserves so much more recognition.
  69. Mar 22, 2021
    This album is amazing I suggest to listen to this great album and you'll maybe like Icarus falls
  70. May 17, 2021
    justin bieber said he deserves a grammy? it is true. this work is so pure it deserves to be appreciated with more recognition
  71. May 21, 2021
    This album is so underrated. It's so calm and relaxing and his voice...man, I love this
  72. Nov 21, 2021
    obra de arte todo el álbum mis canciones favoritas sin duda son back to life, rainberry y icarus interlude
  73. Oct 15, 2021
    This album is ART. From beginning to end, it tells a story in such a beautiful and vulnerable way. The first part of the album is about the rise of Icarus meanwhile the second part talks about the fall of Icarus. I really liked the fact that he was inspired by a mythological character, it shows how creative Zayn really is. Each song tells a different story and yet the album is veryThis album is ART. From beginning to end, it tells a story in such a beautiful and vulnerable way. The first part of the album is about the rise of Icarus meanwhile the second part talks about the fall of Icarus. I really liked the fact that he was inspired by a mythological character, it shows how creative Zayn really is. Each song tells a different story and yet the album is very cohesive. Common speaks to my heart, Back to Life is just incredible, Stand Still is poetic, Tonight is a huge bop, Flight Of The Stars is one of my favorites, If I Got You is fun to listen to, There You Are is a PERFECT pop song, Sour Diesel is sexy, Insomnia is a song you would listen to for an hour, and Dusk Till Dawn is one of his biggest hits. Would it be a better if he scrapped some songs and kept 12-14 songs? Yes. Am I complaining to have 29 songs on this album? No, because they are all greats. Other artists have a difficult time even writing 10 songs in short amount of time meanwhile Zayn keeps being productive. This album deserved a better rollout and a better promotion. One of the most creative albums of this decade. Well done Zayn, you never disappoint. Expand
  74. Mar 4, 2023
    I felt absolutely nothing listening to this. It brings nothing to the table, like... it is completely forgettable. Zayn has a great voice to be wasting it making music this mediocre. This was a complete disappointment.
  75. Dec 16, 2021
    Icarus Falls Is the Best Zayn Album it deserved more recognition and attention, every single track in the album different sound and it had a very versatile sound, it's just an amazing album, loved it.
  76. Mar 2, 2022
    His best album. Every song will surprise you but is too big. Best songs are obviously still got time & DTD. But from the original it is You Wish you knew let me & entertainer
  77. Mar 13, 2022
    olha, gostar de 29 músicas em um álbum eh surreal, esse álbum realmente ta incrível o melhor trabalho dele
  78. Apr 14, 2022
    This album has 29 songs and like 1 single skip. That’s insane, he’s truly a real artist. I love the concept of the album, the lyrics are great and the music is amazing imo. I get that its pretty long for most people, it could’ve been shorter but I kinda love that it isn’t.
  79. Sep 19, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Honestly, this is one of Zayn's best works.
    It's amazing how Zayn crafted this album. So that even "Icarus Interlude" we have a more "happy" and "joyful" (so to speak) narrative.
    While right after Interlude we received a more "melancholy" side due to the fall of Icarus.
  80. Oct 18, 2022
    Album gostoso e bem a frente do tempo dele. As melhores são let me, Common, If a Got You, Talk To Me, You Wish I Knew, Entertainer, All That e minha favorita Still Got Time. Menino lindo com ótimo potencial.
  81. Nov 18, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Eu escuto esse album até hj com a mesma energia, só melhora com o tempo. Pena não ter sido tão trabalhado os singles para sua promoção. Expand
  82. Dec 17, 2022
    I was hesitant to listen to this album because of the duration of album. However, it was worth the 1 hour and 30-minute listen. Zayn's vocals soar across the album with mid-tempo beats play. Definitely a thrilling experience. 10/10
  83. Apr 16, 2023
    Best zayn album for a reason,I know that the length isn't ideal but once you give this a chance there is no going back.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Jan 31, 2019
    It’s an inward, headphones-on plug into a young man wrestling with varying levels of success, from codependency and addictive behaviour to self-acceptance. It’s the sound of Zayn grappling with toxic masculinity.
  2. Dec 26, 2018
    Once you accept the intimidating length and occasional clumsy lyric (see: “An attack of the mind / like Optimus Prime in his prime”), there’s plenty here to appreciate.
  3. Dec 20, 2018
    Icarus Falls has a lot of songs and some of them are quite good. As a vehicle for blitzing the internet with Zayn singles, the album is totally effective. But the concept is only half-conceived, and the listening experience is repetitive and dull.