
Mixed or average reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Cook bursts back with Brighton Port Authority, a project that liberates him from the "electronic dance artist" identity crisis and allows his production talents to shine.
  2. 60
    The mellow rethink helps Cook get over his sweaty ’90s heyday, and his buddies sound equally liberated.
  3. Concocting a ruse about how the album came about after discovering a cardboard box of dusty and undated reel-to-reel tapes of the BPA’s lost studio sessions from the 70s seems foolish and unnecessary if the recordings were good enough to stand on their own merit. Sadly, other than Iggy Pop’s crack at the Monochrome Set tune He’s Frank, they’re not.
  4. Every synth setting and drum sound and vocal technique on I Think We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat is a pastiche of a sort of thing you've heard before.
  5. 60
    Iggy Pop's deadpan delivery on "He's Frank" sets the tone for an album that sometimes gets a little goofy, while the danceable "Toe Jam" pairs David Byrne with Dizzee Rascal (finally!). The lesser-known guests offer more misses than hits.
  6. What’s good here is excellent fun, and what isn’t is mostly forgettable.
  7. 40
    The color palette Fatboy has assembled for this project—Justin Robertson, Martha Wainwright, Dizzee Rascal, Iggy Pop, and David Byrne, to name but a few--doesn’t trump the fact that musically, the BPA is mired in beats that smack of early 2000, if not the late ‘90s.
  8. The beats are dandy, tweaked-up period pieces from Sixties ska to Eighties R&B. But song albums, as opposed to DJ mixes, need good songs.
  9. Alternative Press
    Even if this Boat doesn't always stay afloat, Cook's eager-to-please melodic sensibilities can still get jaws a-smilin'. [Mar 2009, p.116]
  10. Norman Cook’s concern for the state of his trade, while veiled in ironic drag, is hard to ignore. It’s what makes The BPA tick, but also what keeps the BPA’s debut album more in the theory-not-practice side of respectability.
  11. The guest list is impressive--there's everyone from Ashley Beedle to Martha Wainwright--but Cook's shtick of welded-together loops and samples remains the same, and it sounds wearied.
  12. A vessel that can't help but feel a little under-populated by comparison to N.A.S.A.'s "The Spirit of Apollo."
  13. Sound smart? It would be if he hadn’t served it up with such flaccid beats.
  14. Under The Radar
    The setting of its creation and the open mindedness of its creators allow for an unfettered approach to music-making that stops things from getting stale--or clashing with each other for that matter. [Winter 20009, p.70]
  15. Filter
    Even though songs 'He's Frank' and 'Toe Jam' are tremendous achievements, I Think falters too often in mediocrity, and fails to show promise of becoming as classic as it was meant to be. [Winter 209, p.103]
  16. Uncut
    Some tracks feel throwaway, but goodtime vibes prevail. [Apr 2009, p.80]
  17. Q Magazine
    If the whole is too eclectic to eclipse the sum of its parts, it's an exhilarating diversion. [Apr 2009, p.100]
User Score

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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 2
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 2
  3. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. misterhaan
    Feb 6, 2009
    I had some time to get into toe jam, seattle, he's frank, and should i stay or should i blow before this cd was available. in the past I had some time to get into toe jam, seattle, he's frank, and should i stay or should i blow before this cd was available. in the past i've bought cds with less than four good songs, and i like most fatboy slim, so i picked this up through amazon a few days before the everywhere else release. for me, all of these songs have a getting to know you period, by which i mean they started as okay songs and got better after each of the first few times i listened to them. Full Review »