• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Apr 26, 2019
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 143 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 19 out of 143
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  1. Mar 27, 2020
    For me it's an okay album. It has some dance jams (like "Can We Pretend" - my fav), and the rest is very retrospective, and in some way boring, so sometimes I'm skipping some songs from this album.
  2. Apr 29, 2019
    It's more of the same. The magic formula. I like so mucha on the songs (Hey Why) Miss You Sometie and My Attic.
  3. Apr 27, 2019
    No great departure from the usual formula but it's a winning formula and another solid addition to her catalogue. Fans will not be disappointed.
  4. Apr 27, 2019
    This album has poor production and the lyrical content doesn't reach the depth and realism of her previous works. She attempts to have a "cooler" essence with no success. The lyrics are about the common topics singers sing about: love, the regret of a lover, the need of another person, and so on. This time Pink has not accomplished to come back as the versatile artist she is (supposed toThis album has poor production and the lyrical content doesn't reach the depth and realism of her previous works. She attempts to have a "cooler" essence with no success. The lyrics are about the common topics singers sing about: love, the regret of a lover, the need of another person, and so on. This time Pink has not accomplished to come back as the versatile artist she is (supposed to be). 59/100 Expand
  5. Apr 26, 2019
    P!nk has amazed me unlike the Beautiful Trauma album did. Her new body of work, Hurts 2B Human, is cohesive. Although the change of songs can be a mess in a couple of areas, the album is full of soul-filled ballads, electronic pop songs, a country/orchestral ballad with Chris Stapleton, and ultimately, a heartbreaking ballad with More. It might be a Japanese bonus track, but I think it'sP!nk has amazed me unlike the Beautiful Trauma album did. Her new body of work, Hurts 2B Human, is cohesive. Although the change of songs can be a mess in a couple of areas, the album is full of soul-filled ballads, electronic pop songs, a country/orchestral ballad with Chris Stapleton, and ultimately, a heartbreaking ballad with More. It might be a Japanese bonus track, but I think it's one of P!nk's best ballads in a long time. Expand
  6. Apr 26, 2019
    She let go of her artistry for the sake of commercial success. Beautiful Trauma sounded like an Ed Sheeran album. It's sad that she gave up her own sound to win people over. She's an icon, she doesn't need to strive for success. She made her mark and this is disappointing to say the least.
  7. Apr 26, 2019
    I love P!NK so much but this record was not that great. Although some songs like Hurts 2 be human is good but it lacks something I feel like this record was rushed and still needed a couple of months to perfect.
  8. Apr 26, 2019
    Love it, her best work so far. It's kinda like a throwback, the lp countains a bit of her albums.
  9. Apr 26, 2019
    From all the pop stars of her generation, P!nk remains the most constant in her musical releases, with a very distinct style that began in 2006 during "I'm Not Dead" and fully developed during her 2009 release "Funhouse", and that is exactly what "Hurts 2B Human" feels like. P!nk went back (for a moment) to the emotional roots of these records, while connecting with her current state ofFrom all the pop stars of her generation, P!nk remains the most constant in her musical releases, with a very distinct style that began in 2006 during "I'm Not Dead" and fully developed during her 2009 release "Funhouse", and that is exactly what "Hurts 2B Human" feels like. P!nk went back (for a moment) to the emotional roots of these records, while connecting with her current state of mind and once again delivered an introspective and emotional release, yet not completely shaken from the style of her previous release "Beautiful Trauma"

    While this may sound like P!nk could fall into a creative slump or a monotone musical cycle, "Hurts 2B Human" is the reflection of an artist who is growing artistically along with the challenges that balancing love and motherhood with a musical career have brought into her life.
  10. Apr 26, 2019
    Amazing, I really loved that work. Excited for the official videos and the presentations.
  11. Jun 28, 2019
    Você acredita que a cara de pau da Penelope tava passando o meu acelerador? Cara ela é muito safada! Como é que ela mexe nas coisas das pessoas? Tô puta! Porque ela pegou o meu acelerador. Eu vi. Eu não vou abrir a minha boca, mas eu vou levar todas as minhas coisas pro celeiro. Pode? Essas coisas de bronzeador? Pode. Claro que pode. Eles tão pensando que vão se fartar enquanto eu nãoVocê acredita que a cara de pau da Penelope tava passando o meu acelerador? Cara ela é muito safada! Como é que ela mexe nas coisas das pessoas? Tô puta! Porque ela pegou o meu acelerador. Eu vi. Eu não vou abrir a minha boca, mas eu vou levar todas as minhas coisas pro celeiro. Pode? Essas coisas de bronzeador? Pode. Claro que pode. Eles tão pensando que vão se fartar enquanto eu não tiver aqui. Bicho que ódio. Ela não consegue nem olhar na minha cara porque ela sabe que eu pe que eu Expand
  12. Apr 26, 2019
    eu achei o álbum magnífico, não tenho o que reclamar além da bagunça da era, pink não soube lançar corretamente a sequência de singles para obter um melhor desempenho comercial e conquistar melhor o público.
  13. May 1, 2019
    Not a huge P!nk fan but I expected this album to be really bad and it's not that bad, but it's not very good either. The first four tracks are good, then the album gets boring around tracks 5-6, then it comes back with Can We Pretend (expected that to be TRASH but it's SO GOOD), gets boring again but tracks 9 and 10 are good.
    In conclusion, the album is boring at times but there are some
    Not a huge P!nk fan but I expected this album to be really bad and it's not that bad, but it's not very good either. The first four tracks are good, then the album gets boring around tracks 5-6, then it comes back with Can We Pretend (expected that to be TRASH but it's SO GOOD), gets boring again but tracks 9 and 10 are good.
    In conclusion, the album is boring at times but there are some good songs in between. My faves are Walk Me Home, Hey Why, Can We Pretend, and Happy.
  14. Apr 26, 2019
    It's simply amazing. Every single song, specially 90 days, brings feelings on anyone and her voice. OMG, her voice in this album shows why P!nk it's one of the best artists on this century.
  15. Apr 26, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. P!nk nunca deixa de evoluir e isso é incrível, poucas se mantem tão relevante aos 20 anos de carreira.
    Ate outubro
  16. Apr 26, 2019
    Finally power ballads with identity, the best album since Funhouse! She serves amazing pop hits.
  17. Apr 28, 2019
    Как всегда хорошее звучание и пару не плохих тем. Но все похоже друг на друга и я не могу выделить прям какой-то хит. Все по накатаной.
  18. May 1, 2019
    If you are a P!nk fan, you might support her all the way to the end and that’s okay. I’m just a reviewer saying how I felt about it; it’s just okay. There are some good songs but the overall listening experience is just okay.
  19. Apr 26, 2019
    Has a mixture of Upbeat, Motivational, Sad and Relatable Songs. Her Vocals are Insane Worth Every Penny. My Favorite Songs: Walk Me Home, My Attic, 90 Days, Can We Pretend, Hurts 2B Human and Happy.
  20. Apr 26, 2019
    Alecia never disappoints. She can change the production and her partners, but she always put authentic, deep and passionate music. She is real and every single music she puts out has her unique signature. No need to mention her abilities as a performer and singer. She is still growing and showing new sides of herself, which keeps her work always fresh and interesting.
  21. Apr 26, 2019
    P!nk has a magic and contagious vibe that reinvents itself every era, that’s what make a long 20 year-career worth the way, and justify her grown and longevity. A perfect album with cohesive tracks and dance vibes, along with strong lyrics. (10/10)
  22. Apr 26, 2019
    Multiple Pink faces in one album without losing her personality and strength in her lyrics. This album give back a little of a misunderstood girl of 2000s but she returns like a mature mother who looking for a way to be better for all your family. Pink still have insecurities and express this with maestry.
  23. Apr 26, 2019
    Pink does not disappoint. Never! Ninth record (counting with the also excellent You+Me) and another solid work. Honest, powerful, an step close to adulthood, but with an unique approach of these subject in comparison with other artists. Some singles made me doubt about this work in the begin. Pink on EDM is something we are not used to, but in the end they merge perfectly with ballads andPink does not disappoint. Never! Ninth record (counting with the also excellent You+Me) and another solid work. Honest, powerful, an step close to adulthood, but with an unique approach of these subject in comparison with other artists. Some singles made me doubt about this work in the begin. Pink on EDM is something we are not used to, but in the end they merge perfectly with ballads and great lyrics. Composing a diverse and colorful work to match its beautiful cover Expand
  24. Apr 27, 2019
    Very beautiful album, a wonderful combination of sounds, the life lyrics, the album touched the very depths of the soul. I really liked the songs My Attic and Happy. P!nk never ceases to amaze, Bravo!
  25. Apr 27, 2019
    such a powerful and raw project, her vocal ability just get better, this is a very personal record that explores so many faces of what if feels to be human, she can really make pop anthems and really deep ballads with ease, this is probably her best album since 2008 funhouse.
  26. Apr 29, 2019
    Im loving the new album. The songs gives so much inspirations to me as a listener.
  27. Apr 30, 2019
    Once again, Pink didn't dissapoint at all. Very good album, even better than Beautiful Trauma, which was also very good album. My favourites: Hustle, Walk Me Home, My Attic, Hurts 2B Human and Happy. Well done Mrs. Moore!
  28. May 10, 2019
    This album is just a Beautiful Trauma's continuation. I'd want to feel this album like weird and unpredictable. I missed female collabs. The songs are generic and with no creativity. I love her, but it didn't work.
  29. May 19, 2019
    Another delusional album but at least it has some really good tracks which make me think that the real P!nk is still somewhere between all the dull and boring ballads that have no personality at all. The 2nd album in a row in which she failed to express herself as an artist and she just makes simple pop songs. Just barely sufficient.
  30. Jun 25, 2019
    In this album everything sounds old, dance songs are the ones that reveal the "backwardness" in this record. "Beautiful Trauma" was a good album and "The Truth About Love" could be called her best work, but this time all the songs are boring or sound obsolete. The whole album is quite inconsistent because while it has dance songs for very abrupt moments it falls into ballads or romanticIn this album everything sounds old, dance songs are the ones that reveal the "backwardness" in this record. "Beautiful Trauma" was a good album and "The Truth About Love" could be called her best work, but this time all the songs are boring or sound obsolete. The whole album is quite inconsistent because while it has dance songs for very abrupt moments it falls into ballads or romantic songs. This album is quite mediocre for an artist the size of P!nk, the production is quite basic, simple and monotonous, it does not try to innovate or do new things, it just repeats or copies what was popular in other years. I think that on this record she loses that essence of rebellion and flirting with rock. It has 2 good songs and that's saying, "90 Days" and "We Could Have It All". The final part of the album becomes very boring with typical ballads and that makes you want to finish by listening to this album so flat and mediocre. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. May 7, 2019
    As a whole Hurts 2B Human is not perfect. It is full of emotion and passion in certain parts, and yet devoid of it in others.
  2. May 2, 2019
    There are flourishes that hint the singer is still capable of reaching those heights in pop that few ever reach, moments when she still sounds like she’s actually having a good time recording the songs. Unfortunately, these moments are all too fleeting. When Hurts 2B Human works, its great. It reminds you why Pink is such a big star. When it doesn’t, it hurts.
  3. Apr 29, 2019
    Pink’s eighth album, Hurts 2B Human, finds the singer peddling the same boilerplate pop-rock songs about self-empowerment and existential angst that have defined her career for almost 20 years.