
Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Sep 21, 2011
    Hurricane is her first new album since 1989, and it's her best ever.
  2. Sep 6, 2011
    Hurricane Dub is the original album chopped and screwed and recorded at the bottom of the sea, all murky bass, Jones' deep voice and rasta-twangy guitar.
  3. Sep 9, 2011
    All in all, Hurricane is a worthy collection of music for Jones at this point of her career; we should hope it's the start of a new era for the icon rather than just a one-off release.
  4. While never as life-changing as these memories clearly were, Hurricane succeeds in its sheer force of conviction.
  5. Sep 6, 2011
    For longtime fans, a dubbed-out Grace Jones begets an exotic retelling of her myth, like painting a Sherman tank in watercolours - sure it's pretty, but under those runny dub brushstokes is hidden a killing machine.
  6. Entertainment Weekly
    Sep 29, 2011
    Get down, demon lady! [Sep 2011, p.137]
  7. Sep 8, 2011
    Her throaty vocals and winsome lyrics recall the Jamaican patois and patience of her youth, while the title track shows off a Grace Jones delighting in a frightening form of future-forward decadence.
  8. 100
    No one intones like the stentorian Warhol muse -- and then she breaks into vibrato-driven song, throbbing and strong.
  9. It is, without a doubt, the work of a superstar returning from the shadows.
  10. In revisiting the production of her '80s records she paradoxically produces something that sounds timeless.
  11. Sep 6, 2011
    The new versions amp up the bass and echo, often sounding like the original album when heard from a particularly foreboding shower stall.
  12. It may sound beside the point to exclaim that Jones sounds as good as she looks, or vice versa, but she's always been as attentive to her image as her performance, so I don't think she'd take issue with me praising Hurricane by calling it as lean, mean, and close to the bone as she herself remains.
  13. 80
    Jones has always savored extremes, and here, she's alternately demonic (the toothy gleam of 'Corporate Cannibal') and angelic (the gloriously autobiographical 'Williams' Blood').
  14. Sep 6, 2011
    Jones co-wrote all the material, and it shrewdly plays to her age and experience (she's 63), like a latter-day Marianne Faithfull with a Jamaican tinge and more of a bellow than a croak.
  15. 88
    F*ck Hurricane Irene - Hurricane Grace is this year's force to be reckoned with.
  16. Uncut
    It bubbles with conviction, the mock-fearsome, statuesque diva loading her lyrics with Prince-like panche. [Nov 2008, p.105]
  17. The cast includes Sly & Robbie, Brian Eno, Tricky, Wendy & Lisa, and aristocratic former lover Ivor Guest, who brings his experience as a soundtrack composer to an album rich with cinematic splendor.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 40 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 36 out of 40
  2. Negative: 3 out of 40
  1. Jul 18, 2014
    'Hurricane' is a biggest comeback by a veteran artist! Grace Jones's imagination it so dark and powerful that made me feel like I was inside'Hurricane' is a biggest comeback by a veteran artist! Grace Jones's imagination it so dark and powerful that made me feel like I was inside the hell and on the same time on heaven. This is amazing!!! Full Review »
  2. Mar 22, 2012
    One of the best comeback albums an artist could make. Veteran Grace fans will instantly recognize it's her and her style upon first listen.One of the best comeback albums an artist could make. Veteran Grace fans will instantly recognize it's her and her style upon first listen. Nearly 23 years after "Bulletproof Heart", Grace Jones still has that magic. Full Review »
  3. Nov 12, 2018
    A great album by a great performer and artist. Released 19 years after her 1989 album "Bulletproof Heart", Grace returns to form, mixing herA great album by a great performer and artist. Released 19 years after her 1989 album "Bulletproof Heart", Grace returns to form, mixing her new-wave artistry, now influenced by her Jamaican heritage. The results are quite strong. Listen to: Hurricane, Corporate Cannibal, This Is, Williams' Blood. Full Review »