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Generally favorable reviews- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 17
  2. Negative: 3 out of 17
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  1. Apr 5, 2022
    Though her lyrics remain a bit too overbroad and beholden to cliche to allow its songs to land with the impact they could/should, a few mold-breakers in this regard as well as solid production/musicianship and Morris's admittedly impeccable vocals nevertheless ensure that "Humble Quest" remains a perfectly pleasant (if mostly inessential) country-pop listen.

    Choice Cuts: "Humble Quest,"
    Though her lyrics remain a bit too overbroad and beholden to cliche to allow its songs to land with the impact they could/should, a few mold-breakers in this regard as well as solid production/musicianship and Morris's admittedly impeccable vocals nevertheless ensure that "Humble Quest" remains a perfectly pleasant (if mostly inessential) country-pop listen.

    Choice Cuts: "Humble Quest," "Nervous," "Detour"
  2. Apr 16, 2022
    Maren Morris' latest album is certainly not bad. It has some fun songs with catchy hooks/verses. Her vocals are very on and off. Sometimes, they deliver, and other times, they are painfully bad. The lyrics are funny sometimes, (especially the cringeworthy love letter towards tall guys,) but there are some lyrics that aren't good. Though still better than most male counterparts of hers, IMaren Morris' latest album is certainly not bad. It has some fun songs with catchy hooks/verses. Her vocals are very on and off. Sometimes, they deliver, and other times, they are painfully bad. The lyrics are funny sometimes, (especially the cringeworthy love letter towards tall guys,) but there are some lyrics that aren't good. Though still better than most male counterparts of hers, I was hoping for something more engaging. Expand
  3. May 19, 2022
    Há cada álbum lançado a genial e revolucionaria Maren Morris do "Hero" se esvai. Em seu terceiro disco, as ótimas "Circles Around This Town", "Humble Quest" e "Nervous" ficam perdidas entre outras oito faixas esquecíveis. O sucesso estrondoso de "The Bones" me deixou ansioso para os próximos passos da cantora, mas ela mesma está apagando as suas pegadas na areia.
  4. Mar 29, 2022
    I’ve been hoping for something to blow me away as much as her first album did. Unfortunately, the album is boring. Most songs are bland sounding with generic lyrics. Nothing really grabs my attention. I expect a country album to be country especially since it was stated this would go back to the roots of country music but it’s adult contemporary at best. For a project that came 3 yearsI’ve been hoping for something to blow me away as much as her first album did. Unfortunately, the album is boring. Most songs are bland sounding with generic lyrics. Nothing really grabs my attention. I expect a country album to be country especially since it was stated this would go back to the roots of country music but it’s adult contemporary at best. For a project that came 3 years after the last one I also expect it to be amazing. Sadly, it’s the furthest thing from that. Expand
  5. Apr 8, 2022
    I actually liked this album a lot. "Background Music" and "Nervous" were great, I LOVE the title track and "I Can't Love You Anymore". All up it's nice to see more traditonally country album from Maren. "Hero" was good but since then country in particular has been trending back towards neo traditional sound, so I get why some may not like it.
  6. Sep 6, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Maren is a mediocre singer. She has the personality of a lamp and not a new lamp, an old dusty, attic lamp. She is mean spirited and talentless. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Mar 28, 2022
    There are precisely zero churches or trucks on Morris’ latest. Instead, the Texas singer luxuriates in tasteful adult pop rock in the vein of Sheryl Crow and John Mayer, collaborating with producer Greg Kurstin, an A-list practitioner of the sound (Adele, James Blunt, Foo Fighters).
  2. Mar 28, 2022
    Humble Quest is a mature record in its approach in addition to its theme, a record that offers warm consolation in hours of trouble as well as breezy relaxation during the good times.
  3. 83
    Morris' full breadth is encapsulated on Humble Quest, and it's far more ambitious than the title suggests. The 32-year-old's third studio album mines a rich yet relatable personal life