• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Mar 15, 2005
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 255 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 17 out of 255

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  1. JayA
    Oct 3, 2005
    Daft Punk delivers yet again with a stylus of music that can both recede into your background subconscious and at the same moment push itself forward until it is all that fills your head, blasting its technatronic melody into your unprotected face. It's ironic humor and robotically produced structure is as enjoyable as it is intriguing. If computers could make music, it would be Daft Punk.
  2. tagadam
    Apr 2, 2005
  3. CarlosP
    Sep 7, 2005
    An ironic and self effacing examination of the current state of music in our society.
  4. cesard
    Mar 18, 2005
    give it some time
  5. TimC
    Mar 20, 2005
    It's been great to hear some positive views of a fantastic album. I was getting a bit overwhelmed by ignorant reviews that somehow expected this inovative pair to churd out a few more predictable tunes. I found this album unfolding as I listened to it over and over. Read the Stylus review. Human After All is less a collection of radio-frinedly tunes than it is a humourous insight It's been great to hear some positive views of a fantastic album. I was getting a bit overwhelmed by ignorant reviews that somehow expected this inovative pair to churd out a few more predictable tunes. I found this album unfolding as I listened to it over and over. Read the Stylus review. Human After All is less a collection of radio-frinedly tunes than it is a humourous insight into the state of popular music today. Expand
  6. simianprince
    Mar 27, 2005
    God creates man, man creates computer, computer creates Daft Punk. Don't be so quick to judge, try to listen.
  7. MattW.
    Jun 1, 2005
    I for one love Daft Punk's individuality in the techno/ dance world and I have to say that this cd is awesome! I listen to rock (heavy metal which has a lot of guitars) and so the mainly guitar laden CD had me hooked from the first second of Human After All. Ever since I got this new cd I haven't stopped listening to it (until I go to sleep). Not all of the songs I like on this I for one love Daft Punk's individuality in the techno/ dance world and I have to say that this cd is awesome! I listen to rock (heavy metal which has a lot of guitars) and so the mainly guitar laden CD had me hooked from the first second of Human After All. Ever since I got this new cd I haven't stopped listening to it (until I go to sleep). Not all of the songs I like on this cd have guitars in them though. I aboslutely HATED Technologic until I heard the trance background hit it, then I realized that Daft Punk was the connection between my two favorite kinds of music: rock and techno. I have to say that some of their hit songs I never liked, but this new cd blew me away. It's almost perfect in the mixing of guitars, estranged vocals, and cool techno backgrounds. I have all 3 of their cds (I don't consider Alive in 1997 to be an album) and I have to say this cd was overall my favorite except for the fact that the cover art and the booklet were pathetically designed, colored, and all that good stuff (not to mention the cd is all black which made it kinda hard to read.) Oh and they could do with never channel surfing on a cd again, lol. Expand
  8. Stafford
    Feb 21, 2007
    This album is a bit of shameful point for me. Rarely do I listen to reviewers, but for some reason or another I did with this one. I think it was the universal critial panning of the album that let me to ignore it for so long. For almost a year after it was released I went merrily on my way, driving around late at night with "Discovery" still cemented into my CD player. By some odd stroke This album is a bit of shameful point for me. Rarely do I listen to reviewers, but for some reason or another I did with this one. I think it was the universal critial panning of the album that let me to ignore it for so long. For almost a year after it was released I went merrily on my way, driving around late at night with "Discovery" still cemented into my CD player. By some odd stroke of fate though, this began wriggling its way into my life track by track. First one track, then two, and once I was up to three tracks that I really found amazing, I asked myself what the reviewers were blabbering about. So I began listening to it in its entirety. Since then the album has creeped its way into my subconcious. I'll find myself listening to something else and then, without even thinking change it to "Human After All." Certain facets of all those negative reviews are true. It is simpler and darker than "Discovery." But almost all of the negative statements made by the reviewers have ultimately become why I completely have become obsessed with this album. There are few albums in the recent past that I find myself thinking about the day, wishing I was listeing to it. It works on both a "headphone" level as well as purely in the background. I honestly can't put into words why this album has taken a hold of me as it has. But if you go into this not expecting "Discovery Deux" it becomes an extremely addictive and ultimately rewarding album. Whereas "Discovery" was the consolidation of 30 years of dance music into one cohesive brilliant statement, "Human After All" is future music. It's uncomprimising and like nothing you've really heard before. Brilliant in both its simplicity and complexity, the album confounds in the best of ways and presents plac ein music where computers begin to have emotion. Expand
  9. carlosa
    Nov 8, 2005
    critics are wrong....if you just listen to it and take it for what it is you'll see how focused and powerful daft punk is on human after all
  10. DaveM
    Nov 9, 2005
    If anyone should know better than to listen to critics, its every person who's ever gone to a movie, or listened to a new album, or played a new game which they absolutely adored, only to be bashed down by some nutjob who looks for the "code" or the "formula" of all the mainstream garbage thats out there. And who says it has to be exactly like their previous work? I absolutely love If anyone should know better than to listen to critics, its every person who's ever gone to a movie, or listened to a new album, or played a new game which they absolutely adored, only to be bashed down by some nutjob who looks for the "code" or the "formula" of all the mainstream garbage thats out there. And who says it has to be exactly like their previous work? I absolutely love this album, because its so original and different from what they've done before, yet it still carries that Daft Punkish-air. Its "chilling" music...something thats to be played in the car, or in the background of some club. You don't listen to electronic music like you would pop or hip-hop. Its soaking in the feeling of the music itself, and the subtle changes in its rhythm. Its not repedetiveness...its mixing, tweaking and capitalizing on a single catchy beat. Don't critique it like you would a new Nickelback album, or the latest R&B rehash of "my boyfriends cheating" or "guys in over-sized jerseys like to look at me while I shake my butt". As for Human After All, the Daft Punk duo give us a welcomed break from the cookie-cutting, formulaic problem that is today's music industry. Thank God that music distribution wasn't up to these "Music Critics". We'd all be mindlessly conforming to one mindset of what music is...oh wait, its already been done! Expand
  11. EricE
    Mar 22, 2005
    I just can't stop listening to this great album. It's even better in the car, and damnit, its just one of the best new sounds ive heard in a boring wanna-be genre of music for the past few years. Daft Punk has done it again --- don't listen to the morons who think that Daft Punk is going to remake another One More Time or Aerodynamic. THIS TYPE OF MUSIC DOESNT WORK LIKE I just can't stop listening to this great album. It's even better in the car, and damnit, its just one of the best new sounds ive heard in a boring wanna-be genre of music for the past few years. Daft Punk has done it again --- don't listen to the morons who think that Daft Punk is going to remake another One More Time or Aerodynamic. THIS TYPE OF MUSIC DOESNT WORK LIKE THAT. Evolution? You bet. Sucks? Yeah, a few tracks are lazy, but give it time and listen through it over and over. I thought Steam Machine sucked the first time I listened to it, and its the first song that I play in my car riding with my friends. Expand
  12. [Anonymous]
    Apr 15, 2005
    im a fan of them so i vote 10 the albums fine
  13. MikeM
    Sep 23, 2005
    I have never heard of daft punk before....but this album is mindblowingly awesome. Dont listen to the so-called critics who seem to be clones of themselves. They are the monotonous robots.
  14. CharlesM
    Jan 23, 2006
    Ever since I heard Daft Punk's "Around the World" I have been entranced by their incredible ability to create great music time and time again. Whenever someone mentions techno, I automatically think of Daft Punk. This album, if anything, makes me think of them even more highly (if that were possible). They're innovative, provacative, and above all else, they have a gift. A+++!
  15. DhirenM
    Mar 15, 2005
    Great album-maybe because im a huge fan but its what i wanted to here
  16. CraigO
    Mar 16, 2005
  17. TheSquigs
    Mar 17, 2005
    Man, people over analyze music way to much. Just put the CD on, and do what you would normally do when you enjoy music. DON'T SIT IN FRONT OF THE SPEAKERS AND WAIT FOR SOMETHING TO HAPPEN! Who are you? A critic who writes reviews for a living? Odds are, probably not.
  18. Dec 15, 2010
    Human After All is a bit of a mixed bag for me. I don't really agree with all the atrocious reviews for it, but I can understand what these critics are trying to say. Most of the tracks don't really go anywhere. It's like the chorus the whole song. Some are catchy the whole way through, others are just a bit annoying after a bit. All In All, Daft Punk's Discovery was brilliant, but HumanHuman After All is a bit of a mixed bag for me. I don't really agree with all the atrocious reviews for it, but I can understand what these critics are trying to say. Most of the tracks don't really go anywhere. It's like the chorus the whole song. Some are catchy the whole way through, others are just a bit annoying after a bit. All In All, Daft Punk's Discovery was brilliant, but Human After All could 've been so much better. C+ Expand
  19. Jan 16, 2012
    Human After All is an excellent album by one of the best artists that have ever existed. Maybe is not as good as its predecessor, but in my opinion at the same place as Homework, this record shows to the world what is real electronic music. Because a lot of people thinks that this dance-pop parasites and the awful remixes of their songs are electro. Nothing as far as reality. Human AfterHuman After All is an excellent album by one of the best artists that have ever existed. Maybe is not as good as its predecessor, but in my opinion at the same place as Homework, this record shows to the world what is real electronic music. Because a lot of people thinks that this dance-pop parasites and the awful remixes of their songs are electro. Nothing as far as reality. Human After All is the perfect example of this. Beginning with a masterpiece, the title track is simply awesome, one of the best Daft Punk songs. Prime Time Of Your Life is a strange song, with a lot of industrial music, but still cool. And then, Robot Rock. Epic. How, with a single riff, create something as brilliant. The best song of the CD. Steam Machine is the same story of the second track, but this kind of songs rules and make us see that DP is a very original band. Make Love is the opposite. A calmed song, with a single riff, but that really fits with the concept of art. Absolutely great. The Brainwasher is a great song to, direct to the spirit, effective. On/Off is only an introduction for what comes next, the best song with Robot Rock, Television Rules The Nation. Describe how amazing it is is impossible. Technologic is a fun song, that improves as it progresses. And the last song, Emotion, is a calmed song with a lot of feeling. In conclusion, a great album. Maybe some parts are repetitive, but who cares. It's Daft Punk, and Human After All is one of the tops of music in the 21st century. Expand
  20. Feb 16, 2014
    Seeing the yellow tinge of average surrounding the mediocre score of this album surprises me, and frankly, most of the reviewers and critics who delivered a poor score on this album probably listened to it once and disregarded it automatically. One who sees a mere 57 out of 100 rating on an album would surely give it a miss - a mistake that many have made. Simply put, this album, whileSeeing the yellow tinge of average surrounding the mediocre score of this album surprises me, and frankly, most of the reviewers and critics who delivered a poor score on this album probably listened to it once and disregarded it automatically. One who sees a mere 57 out of 100 rating on an album would surely give it a miss - a mistake that many have made. Simply put, this album, while almost half the length of their first album and considerably shorter than their second, is a gem that deserves much warmer recognition it has now gained. A track like "Robot Rock" may be tiresome to sit through for some, but that song is an anthem. It is a rewarding listen. "Steam Machine" tinges with the whisper of the eponymous track title, darkening the album's tone further; and lighter tracks "Make Love" and "Emotion" show that Daft Punk can create a song in any positive or negative tone, and any genre they see fit.
    In my opinion, then, "Human After All" is yet another flying-colours pass by the French duo.
  21. Jan 9, 2015
    I have to say, being a new Daft Punk fan I went into this album after Random Access Memories, in other words high expectations. In all truth...I actually liked this more then any music I have previously heard from them, Robot Rock has this simple yet elegant beat that just makes you want to move and makes you really feel like at the time it was the future of music. When I look at theI have to say, being a new Daft Punk fan I went into this album after Random Access Memories, in other words high expectations. In all truth...I actually liked this more then any music I have previously heard from them, Robot Rock has this simple yet elegant beat that just makes you want to move and makes you really feel like at the time it was the future of music. When I look at the critic section my heart drops to a new low, I sincerely love this album and can't stop listening to it. This album is one that a car stereo does not do justice and headphones are the best thing to be used for listening to the album. In my opinion this is the peak they have reached and sadly I think that RAM is actually not as good. Great album, incredible thought process, and the beats are lean and mean. Expand
  22. Dec 7, 2018
    Daft Punk can say so much in so little. Minimal maximalists. Greatest narrative I have ever heard in any platform.
  23. Dec 14, 2019
    This is my favorite album of Daft Punk so far. Criminally underrated. I think it's their most ambitious album to date.
  24. Mar 4, 2021
    Critics are stupid, dont listen to them. Anyone whos complaints of the record revolve around “lack of detail” should be dismissed and ignored. Daft Punk may not be constantly flaunting their sampling and chopping abilities on this record, but all of that discovery energy is still here, it just shows up in more subtle (and sometimes more interesting) ways. The synth tones on this record areCritics are stupid, dont listen to them. Anyone whos complaints of the record revolve around “lack of detail” should be dismissed and ignored. Daft Punk may not be constantly flaunting their sampling and chopping abilities on this record, but all of that discovery energy is still here, it just shows up in more subtle (and sometimes more interesting) ways. The synth tones on this record are incredibly fun and exciting, there isn't a sound here that I don't love.

    discovery is the show and human after all is the after party, where the real fun is.

    The pacing is fantastic and i actually think the incredibly short period they made the record in adds to that aesthetic. Human after all has me feeling like im behind the curtain, whimsically being guided through the duos creative processes. Its a really fun experience and i really cant recommend it enough.

    P.s. Anyone who compares “Technologic” and “Harder, Better, faster, Stronger ” has missed the charm and appeal of both songs.
  25. Jan 6, 2023
    Human after all shows that even with limited tools and only 6 weeks, they can still create an amazing album with songs that have become iconic like technologic and robot rock.
  26. JackS
    Apr 5, 2005
    Daft Punk should gain the respect they deserve for this album! I bought it with high expectations and I felt I was thoroughly rewarded! I listen to Daft Punk for their own creative perspective on music, that I simply can't get enough of! The only thing that may discourage me is the fact there aren't more songs on the album (i.e. Discovery). Overall though, the album delivers Daft Punk should gain the respect they deserve for this album! I bought it with high expectations and I felt I was thoroughly rewarded! I listen to Daft Punk for their own creative perspective on music, that I simply can't get enough of! The only thing that may discourage me is the fact there aren't more songs on the album (i.e. Discovery). Overall though, the album delivers signature Daft Punk magic at its best!!! Expand
  27. ReggieS
    May 3, 2005
    A few weeks ago i saw a picture of the new cover for Daft Punk's most recent release, ''Human After A;;'' in a circular in the news paper. Naturally at the prospect of new music from by far my favorite band i HAD to buy the CD! Immediately upon listening to the 1st track also titled ''Human After All'' I fell in love with Daft Punk all over A few weeks ago i saw a picture of the new cover for Daft Punk's most recent release, ''Human After A;;'' in a circular in the news paper. Naturally at the prospect of new music from by far my favorite band i HAD to buy the CD! Immediately upon listening to the 1st track also titled ''Human After All'' I fell in love with Daft Punk all over again. ''Human'' is still my favorite song after all these weeks. ''The Prime Time of Your Life'' really delivers an excellent and innovative song but after the 4th track with the exception of tracks 4 and 9 the CD seems to slip for me. Expand
  28. SaverC.
    Jul 6, 2007
    under s timated
  29. NikG
    Mar 28, 2005
    If you don't like dance/techno don't get it, otherwise YES!!!
  30. aland
    Apr 16, 2005
    i've yet to find it, really, but i'm convinced there's something really fucking cool about it that makes me want to put it on againa nd again
  31. DaftPunk
    Sep 27, 2005
    The ratings are obviously wrong, so much with trying to get a 10 scale going for music when "it's good" means a 6. This album is great, albeit nothing new but obviously so much better than stuff released these days. Like new episodes of the Simpsons, they might not be classics but still outclass the rest of the crap on TV. If you like the previous albums you won't be The ratings are obviously wrong, so much with trying to get a 10 scale going for music when "it's good" means a 6. This album is great, albeit nothing new but obviously so much better than stuff released these days. Like new episodes of the Simpsons, they might not be classics but still outclass the rest of the crap on TV. If you like the previous albums you won't be disappointed, if you don't know what to expect it may give you a little surprise. Expand
  32. Pppfffttttt
    Mar 19, 2005
    Human After All is definately a Gestaltist phenomenom; the nature of which can not be revealed by simply analyizing the parts that make it up. I agree that song for song it seems less brilliant and inspired than previous efforts but as a whole (sic) it rocks harder and shorter (let's face it, Homework plays 2 tracks past its bedtime). Like the other guy just said: "Don't sit in Human After All is definately a Gestaltist phenomenom; the nature of which can not be revealed by simply analyizing the parts that make it up. I agree that song for song it seems less brilliant and inspired than previous efforts but as a whole (sic) it rocks harder and shorter (let's face it, Homework plays 2 tracks past its bedtime). Like the other guy just said: "Don't sit in front of the speakers and wait for something to happen." Daft Punk are doing what all good artists do...getting people talking about art! Expand
  33. PhilD
    Mar 23, 2005
    Excellent , Daft Punk have done it again, Discovery was one of my favorite albums but this has blown the socks off it. The Human after All album is an evolution of their previous work.... 10/10 i love it.....
  34. DavidD
    Mar 29, 2005
    I don't know what everyone is fussing about. It seems to me that half of the reviewers say "Boring, Repetitive, Rubbish". and the other half say "Fantastic Statement of the Dullness of rock today". Well it's neither I think. You can't top discovery with the same style, It stood on its own as unique. And this album is a new direction, with some similar undertones to I don't know what everyone is fussing about. It seems to me that half of the reviewers say "Boring, Repetitive, Rubbish". and the other half say "Fantastic Statement of the Dullness of rock today". Well it's neither I think. You can't top discovery with the same style, It stood on its own as unique. And this album is a new direction, with some similar undertones to discovery. But it is a worthy addition to the daft punk cd collection, because just like their other albums, the more times you listen, the more you will "Tune in" to the Daft Punk wavelength. And that is a beautiful thing. To be fair, Human After All should be judged on its own, I'm lining it up neatly with my Air Moon Safari cd, and my Les Rhythm Digitalles Dark Dancer albums on my cd shelf.... ;) Expand
  35. YoshikoK.
    Aug 28, 2005
    If ya like Daft Punk, and electronic musicians who are like them, you'll love this album. From odd vocals that are fun to listen to, and cool guitar lines that you can't get outta your head. All I have left to to say: Encore!
  36. Evan
    Jul 23, 2007
    It's the sound of genius. Try listening to it again!
  37. May 26, 2013
    Human After All is a piece of incomprehensible art made music; it's a classic of experimental electronic music that after being rejected at first, became one of those rare gems that people still jam, no mater how old they are. Human After All may be very far from the definition of human, but that just enlightens its dark nature, and its vast potential.
  38. Mar 13, 2013
    Humongously underrated album. I'd take this album over Homework any day. Beat and builds that rival anything the duo had put together previously and a melodic melancholy I love getting lost in.
  39. Jul 23, 2013
    When i heard this album for the first time i couldn't believe how bad it was. I felt like daft punk became lazy. Now, after listening to this for a few more times, my opinion radically changed and i actually see this as one of the best albums i've ever heard. It's not all good though; take "steam machine" for example. You've heard enough already before the beat kicks in. It's the same withWhen i heard this album for the first time i couldn't believe how bad it was. I felt like daft punk became lazy. Now, after listening to this for a few more times, my opinion radically changed and i actually see this as one of the best albums i've ever heard. It's not all good though; take "steam machine" for example. You've heard enough already before the beat kicks in. It's the same with "the brainwasher". But it's the masterpieces that make this album so great. And with masterpieces, i'm talking about song like the title track, "technologic" and "prime time of your life". They've really grown to me now. What i like as well, is that everything sounds so spontaneous. Behind all the robotic effects, it sounds more human than anything i hear on the radio right now.
    They only thing i don't like, is that it's so short. 9 tracks? Come on, i wanted more of this awesomeness!
  40. Oct 23, 2020
    creo que la critica le ha jugado muy mal a este disco, lo bueno que ultimamente se esta viendo menos afectado, este que fue criticado en su tiempo por los mismos fans, se ha convertido en de los consentidos y los mas queridos, con el tiempo se ha podido mirar y escuchar la joya que es este album, tiene muchos pero muchos problemas, el mayor problema es el que sea muy repetitivo, daft punkcreo que la critica le ha jugado muy mal a este disco, lo bueno que ultimamente se esta viendo menos afectado, este que fue criticado en su tiempo por los mismos fans, se ha convertido en de los consentidos y los mas queridos, con el tiempo se ha podido mirar y escuchar la joya que es este album, tiene muchos pero muchos problemas, el mayor problema es el que sea muy repetitivo, daft punk es repetitivo, esa es la escencia, pero aqui si es mucho la repetitividad.

    lo mejor es que fue mejorado en un album posterior, Alive 2007 (Human After All Version Perfecta con mezcla de los demas albumes de Daft Punk)
  41. Gman
    Mar 17, 2005
    Pitched exactly halfway between the dancefloor inventiveness of Homework and the 80s inspired cheesefest that was Discovery, Human After All is far better than the rather mixed reviews have led us to believe. It may not be as ground breaking as either of their previous albums but it's still far more innovative than anything else that's calling itself 'dance music' Pitched exactly halfway between the dancefloor inventiveness of Homework and the 80s inspired cheesefest that was Discovery, Human After All is far better than the rather mixed reviews have led us to believe. It may not be as ground breaking as either of their previous albums but it's still far more innovative than anything else that's calling itself 'dance music' these days. This album is highly enjoyable from start to finish (and Robot Rock sounds every bit as great as a track called Robot Rock ought to). If Basement Jaxx made albums half as good as this, they might actually deserve all the praise heaped upon them. Expand
  42. neutro
    May 27, 2005
    This album was an initial let down, but these songs grew on me fast - forget the past two albums and forget the critics, approach this unclouded by skepticism and comparisons to the other material if you can, because these tracks are highly infectious -as is-.
  43. KyleK
    Mar 15, 2005
    you know, it is good. it really is. yeah it's not discovery, but really, i don't want another discovery. Discovery should be left as something that is completely unique and on it's own. taking a look at human after all, and taking out the fact that it's daft punk and all the hype that surrounds them, this IS a good album. it has character, it has consistency, and songs you know, it is good. it really is. yeah it's not discovery, but really, i don't want another discovery. Discovery should be left as something that is completely unique and on it's own. taking a look at human after all, and taking out the fact that it's daft punk and all the hype that surrounds them, this IS a good album. it has character, it has consistency, and songs like robot rock and technologic are fun and danceable. this isn't their best, but it's solid. Expand
  44. TealL
    Apr 23, 2005
    While the cover evokes the same pattern of past albums, the music contained in Human After All shouldn't be blended with past capsules of pure electronic fun and emotion expressed in Daft Punk's previous works. Human After All takes a far leap into the concept of technology regressing the work of the popular music of today. This, in turn, showing Daft Punk's versatility in While the cover evokes the same pattern of past albums, the music contained in Human After All shouldn't be blended with past capsules of pure electronic fun and emotion expressed in Daft Punk's previous works. Human After All takes a far leap into the concept of technology regressing the work of the popular music of today. This, in turn, showing Daft Punk's versatility in changing, not their sound, but the overall mood you get from listening to them. The horrible sides? Well, sure it lacks what Homework and discovery boasted. A playful sense of wonderment and toying around with grooves. The terrible thing about Human After All is the cricial ammunition it offers to acclaimed (and not so acclaimed) reviewers that could pin the album's darksided sound as "leftovers" or "short answers to fans demands for another album". The fact that the album's slip dates it's creation in 6 weeks doesn't help either. Don't be fooled by the masses of reviews, though. Take it into your own hands. So, we may not hear any of Human After All's tracks on the dancefloor, it's in hopefull wishes to say that Daft Punk will take the "Moby" way of promotion and album climax in licensing the songs for advertisements. Give it a listen before you buy and comment on it. Even though we do, it's tends to be unhealthy to judge CD's by their covers. Expand
  45. JoelJ
    Mar 15, 2005
    For me, this album is musically the electronic equivalent of Nirvana's "Bleach". It is the cultural significance of the album that makes it. The Daft Punks want to get a message across, an ambition they are harbouring for the first time, I'd suggest: the magic of pop is dying at the hands of television. I think they're right. We've gone in forty years from Lucy in the For me, this album is musically the electronic equivalent of Nirvana's "Bleach". It is the cultural significance of the album that makes it. The Daft Punks want to get a message across, an ambition they are harbouring for the first time, I'd suggest: the magic of pop is dying at the hands of television. I think they're right. We've gone in forty years from Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds to annual TV talent shows and software which evaluates the likely hit potential of a new song based on, essentially, it's mundanity. Discovery and Interstella5555 were detailed, technicolour and totally synthetic. I would have loved to hear and watch more of the same with this album, and I hope that DP will get back to it eventually, but... it seems that right now Daft Punk would rather beat 'em than join 'em, and if the only other option is following the Green Day path of "simplify, homogenise, capture the Christian Rock market if you can", then go for it. Expand
  46. LeonardoF
    Mar 16, 2005
    This is a Rock'n'Roll album made with computers by Robots. The album's title is as ironic as the repetitive, simple songs that seem to be short of ideas but have a concept behind them and are extremely danceable. "The Brainwasher" is the highlight - a clear party homage to Black Sabbath. This is a record that should be played loud.
  47. WillL
    Apr 11, 2005
    Not as coloful as their last albums, but this still delivers. Some people havent quite acquired a taste for this music and wouldnt "get it" hence, the mixed reviews. But it gets me moving.
  48. DanielH
    Jul 12, 2005
    This album while initially grating and yawnsome, is a decent, if not entirely easy, listen. Most of the tracks repeat themselves over and over, and their in-your-face melodies can be off-putting, but in the case of the immensely cool 'Robot Rock', I can certainly forgive it! The one track which I can't stand, however, is the mystifyingly titled 'Emotion', with its This album while initially grating and yawnsome, is a decent, if not entirely easy, listen. Most of the tracks repeat themselves over and over, and their in-your-face melodies can be off-putting, but in the case of the immensely cool 'Robot Rock', I can certainly forgive it! The one track which I can't stand, however, is the mystifyingly titled 'Emotion', with its vocodered monotone vocals that convey anything but emotion. So, after their crowd-pleasing 'Discovery', they've come back with an album that can, to retire on a cliche, be likened to Marmite. Expand
  49. Sep 1, 2010
    This is a very good album. Personally even though i love Daft Punk they were a bit repetitive on tracks such as Steam Machine or BrainWasher. However the electric flow and robotic feel never quite leave you and keep you tuned in through the whole album. My biggest problem with this album is that it's toooooooo short. It's essentially 9 songs. 9 songs! Not enough daft punk :/.
  50. Jan 27, 2022
    This album feels like a very well produced, catchy work of the finest satire.
  51. Aug 12, 2022
    Out of all the studio Daft Punk records, this one is definitely the least accessible. Unfortunately, this album gets compared to its catchier and friendlier counterparts, even though this album should really be treated as its own entity. If you treat this album how it demands to be treated, though, it really grows on you. Every song is mechanically cold and dark. Repetitive but neverOut of all the studio Daft Punk records, this one is definitely the least accessible. Unfortunately, this album gets compared to its catchier and friendlier counterparts, even though this album should really be treated as its own entity. If you treat this album how it demands to be treated, though, it really grows on you. Every song is mechanically cold and dark. Repetitive but never stale. While it's far from Daft Punk's best, Human After All is their most interesting album conceptually and sonically. Expand
  52. Dec 12, 2022
    I completely understand people not liking this album. Complaints of mechanical sounding repetition make sense considering songs like "Steam Machine" But this album does have it's upsides. First, even If you find it repetitive it doesn't really overstay it's welcome at only forty five minutes and ten tracks. Gone are the seven minute long (and arguably more repetitive) dance jams found onI completely understand people not liking this album. Complaints of mechanical sounding repetition make sense considering songs like "Steam Machine" But this album does have it's upsides. First, even If you find it repetitive it doesn't really overstay it's welcome at only forty five minutes and ten tracks. Gone are the seven minute long (and arguably more repetitive) dance jams found on Homework. Secondly, I love the album's themes and how well they are represented musically. This album deals with much, much darker subjects than any other album the robots have made, so the distorted, ominous sounds of the synths and guitars fit in nicely. What are these thematic elements? Technology, Paranoia, and even a wasted existence (Prime time of your life) as well as general critiques on the media and music industry with songs like "Television rules the nation." This album is not made for the dance floor. It's dark, mechanical, and honestly creepy sounding. (The music videos for "Technologic" and "Prime Time of Your Life" show these elements were obviously what Daft Punk was going for on this album.) I believe Daft achieved what they set out to do with this album, and I personally respect the hard turn away from the upbeat soundscapes of "Discovery" (Another great album.) In it's sound and simplicity. Overall this album is not easy to get into, and I'd definitely recommend a new listener start with "Discovery" if they want to get into Daft Punk, but if you do listen to this album be warned, it's not like anything else Daft Punk (Or many other artists) have ever made. TL/DR Album sound weird and dark. Me likey cuz not happy like Discovery was. Hard to get into but 8/10 Expand
  53. NicholasW
    Mar 15, 2005
    I can understand how people have issues with this album. There are some really jamming harmonies in there but not enough vocals to gel the songs. Lets all hope that there is a remix album in the work to flush out the tracks that can seem skeletal at times.
  54. AsmodyneA
    Mar 27, 2005
    It's no thrash... but it smells holyday's break for DaftPunk... Maybe they were asked to produce something this sh...y. U know how it goes to inspiration when you're forced to make bucks... ;-)
  55. Adam
    Apr 2, 2005
    It's a significant step down for Daft Punk, but it's hard to expect them to put out an album that rivals Homework or Discovery. Every song sounds similar, many songs are very repetitive (even in comparison to Homework songs), and there are only nine real songs total. However, I believe the album isn't horrible. Aside from "Television Rules the Nation" and "Emotion", I find It's a significant step down for Daft Punk, but it's hard to expect them to put out an album that rivals Homework or Discovery. Every song sounds similar, many songs are very repetitive (even in comparison to Homework songs), and there are only nine real songs total. However, I believe the album isn't horrible. Aside from "Television Rules the Nation" and "Emotion", I find the album to be enjoyable and even sometimes catchy. Give it a listen before letting the negative reviews dissuade you. Expand
  56. GCB
    Jun 27, 2007
    To be honest when I first heard this album I thought that the critics had got terribly wrong but after about 6/7 listens the repetitiveness just started doing my head in. There are some good moments on here and in Robot Rock a genuine Daft Punk classic, but most of the song
  57. FrancoisF
    Mar 15, 2005
    I really enjoy this album for a simple reason is that it is a subtle and witty follow-up to their previous world success, "discovery." This album grows on you and you really should listen to it a few times before getting into any critiques on how 'lazy' these guys were. Indeed, some songs (like Steam Machine) raise quesions as to their presence on this Album; nevertheless I I really enjoy this album for a simple reason is that it is a subtle and witty follow-up to their previous world success, "discovery." This album grows on you and you really should listen to it a few times before getting into any critiques on how 'lazy' these guys were. Indeed, some songs (like Steam Machine) raise quesions as to their presence on this Album; nevertheless I think there is an interesting flow in the music. Overall I'd say im mostly impressed by the quality of the production, the sound is incredible! Blast "Human after All" on a good pair of speakers and I think you'll get a pretty good definition of the term 'Electronic-Rock.' Expand
  58. Dec 15, 2016
    DP HAA is a good album **** da h8rsim fskifpiasmfoijuadshfnhggvhvhjdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
  59. Aug 6, 2018
    Daft Punk's HAA is not the most organic, varied electronic album, but it's still plenty of good fun. The music and repetitive lyrics are catchy, cool, and fun. The music and lyrics are admitably repetitive, but I can't say say that they aren't fun. I can jam to any of the fast songs on this album, and the slower tracks - "Make Love" and "Emotion" - are satisfying slow songs that soundDaft Punk's HAA is not the most organic, varied electronic album, but it's still plenty of good fun. The music and repetitive lyrics are catchy, cool, and fun. The music and lyrics are admitably repetitive, but I can't say say that they aren't fun. I can jam to any of the fast songs on this album, and the slower tracks - "Make Love" and "Emotion" - are satisfying slow songs that sound pretty good. HAA isn't the classiest, most varied electronic album, but is still plenty of fun with some great electronic music. Expand
  60. Dec 4, 2020
    The 'Daft Punk' duo is the best for what concerns electro music. They manage to subtly alternate between repetitiveness and bright sparkles of musical ingenuity. It is hard to become used to their songs which can stay in your head for weeks like a dream impossible to forget. I however have to admit that they used a bit too much the keyboard: we can find similar songs in 'Emotion',The 'Daft Punk' duo is the best for what concerns electro music. They manage to subtly alternate between repetitiveness and bright sparkles of musical ingenuity. It is hard to become used to their songs which can stay in your head for weeks like a dream impossible to forget. I however have to admit that they used a bit too much the keyboard: we can find similar songs in 'Emotion', 'Technologic' and 'The Prime Time of Your Life' and that represents almost 1/3 of the album. In any case the tracks go on without a hitch and only 'The Brainwasher' and 'Steam Machine' were hard to listen to for me.
    Despite being a shorter album than usual, the message of 'Human After All' is neat and clear and the duo manages to play perfectly on it, especially in the 'Technologic' song which compilates the main commands you can do with a computer. I can understand how people appreciate less this album because it somehow has less lyrics and chanting parts. It is actually closer to electro-dance swinging from silences to harsh techno.
  61. Apr 10, 2021
    this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7
  62. Nov 21, 2021
    Un gran retroceso musical comparado con Discovery, pero sigue siendo un buen disco

    A big musical downgrate compared to Discovery, good album tho
  63. Jonathan
    Mar 14, 2005
    To be fair. How what do you do to top Discovery? Well not this. The moment I bought Discovery and found the Daft Punk Club Card, logged in, and then relized they wanted money for the extra tracks. After that I got the feeling that something seemed wrong about their intentions. With the release of their third album my questions have been answered. Daft Punk, is in it for the money. This To be fair. How what do you do to top Discovery? Well not this. The moment I bought Discovery and found the Daft Punk Club Card, logged in, and then relized they wanted money for the extra tracks. After that I got the feeling that something seemed wrong about their intentions. With the release of their third album my questions have been answered. Daft Punk, is in it for the money. This album seems to shout "We Can put out anything and You people will pay us for it". There are 10 second bits and pieces of the album that rock. But when those 10 seconds are stretched into 4minutes, you lose interest. However, if you go back and listen to Homework, it is almost as repetitive and very simple in nature. It was however ahead of its time, so that made it fresh. Maybe Daft Punk needs to question their reason for making music. Whatever, they need to go back to the drawing board, do their Homework, and makes some Discovery-ies, for their next project. Give the fans what they expect. Maybe we expect too much? We are all Human After All. Peace Expand
  64. AlexB.
    Mar 16, 2005
    Like Jonathan said, how can Discovery be topped? With lots of hard work probably. Anyways, I sure know six weeks isn't sufficient enough to come up with a amazing follow-up, especially after four years of not releasing new material (Daft Club doesn't count). I'm huge fan of Daft Punk, following them since I first saw the video to "One More Time" and buying Discovery and Like Jonathan said, how can Discovery be topped? With lots of hard work probably. Anyways, I sure know six weeks isn't sufficient enough to come up with a amazing follow-up, especially after four years of not releasing new material (Daft Club doesn't count). I'm huge fan of Daft Punk, following them since I first saw the video to "One More Time" and buying Discovery and later Homework, but this is slightly disappointing. Is the music horrible? Not exactly, but knowing that the guys could do a hell of lot better, it struck me with a bitter taste. I did like the song "Robot Rock," even though most people complain about that one. Anyways, if you plan to get into Daft Punk, start with either Homework or Discovery first and then approach this one as a admirable failure. Expand
  65. DavidA
    Mar 18, 2005
    Personally, I've always preferred Homework to Discovery. I like Acid House, and I like hypnotic, repetitive grooves, when they are done well. Trading the 303 for guitars is a gamble, and there are both excellent bangers and disastrous failures on this latest effort. I still really like "Robot Rock". The problem with fans who got into DP solely with Discovery is that Discovery was Personally, I've always preferred Homework to Discovery. I like Acid House, and I like hypnotic, repetitive grooves, when they are done well. Trading the 303 for guitars is a gamble, and there are both excellent bangers and disastrous failures on this latest effort. I still really like "Robot Rock". The problem with fans who got into DP solely with Discovery is that Discovery was much more a pop record than any other DP output. In the end, Human After All is more a house record than a pop record, and while it's disappointing in parts, and the first fully fallible album of their career, it doesn't deserve the panning it's been receiving. Expand
  66. jonathank
    Mar 22, 2005
    A bit disapointed really with this latest outlet. My first impression of `human after all` was: `what have daft punk been doing for 4 years, having given such potential for success?`. Funny enough the title HAA gives an answer to a northern english girl who met me on holiday in rhodes, and made me listen to the lyrics of `smthing about us`, introducing me to Discovery, a realy excesive A bit disapointed really with this latest outlet. My first impression of `human after all` was: `what have daft punk been doing for 4 years, having given such potential for success?`. Funny enough the title HAA gives an answer to a northern english girl who met me on holiday in rhodes, and made me listen to the lyrics of `smthing about us`, introducing me to Discovery, a realy excesive but phat dance album. Favourite tracks (HAA): human after all, make love, steam machine. A very unique innovative band overall. Expand
  67. JoeM
    Jul 10, 2007
    Whether it's Bangalter's Roule imprint or De-Homem Christo's Crydamoure, Daft Punk's best, most rocking work has been generally based on a single gorgeous hook, amped & eq'ed to the max and repeated to punk-rock levels of aural devastation. Unfortunately in this case, with the noble exceptions of the title track, Prime Time, Robot Rock and Television well, the Whether it's Bangalter's Roule imprint or De-Homem Christo's Crydamoure, Daft Punk's best, most rocking work has been generally based on a single gorgeous hook, amped & eq'ed to the max and repeated to punk-rock levels of aural devastation. Unfortunately in this case, with the noble exceptions of the title track, Prime Time, Robot Rock and Television well, the hooks just ain't all that hot. Calm before the storm hopefully. Expand
  68. Apr 9, 2012
    I love Daft Punk and I consider Discovery and Alive 2007 to be among my favorite musical works. However, it is painfully obvious that they didn't care about how this album turned out. Dull, repetitive, and boring would be the best words to describe this 'album.'

    I only give a 6/10 because DP redeemed themselves and this album by remixing it with Alive 2007.
  69. Feb 7, 2014
    In all its metallic, cold, crunchiness, Human After All, which was considered to be one of the most anticipated, yet disappointing albums of 2005 and in the EDM community overall, there's meaning -- or should I say purpose -- to be found here. Now it's almost been a decade since its release, and Daft Punk have since produced for the 2010 Walt Disney film Tron: Legacy and made one of theIn all its metallic, cold, crunchiness, Human After All, which was considered to be one of the most anticipated, yet disappointing albums of 2005 and in the EDM community overall, there's meaning -- or should I say purpose -- to be found here. Now it's almost been a decade since its release, and Daft Punk have since produced for the 2010 Walt Disney film Tron: Legacy and made one of the most memorable, critically acclaimed of 2010s thus far, Random Access Memories. And maybe because of that, time has been moderately kinder to this electronic "dud". After all, Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homen-Christo -- calling them by name since I'm an adoring fan myself -- intended for the album to have a robotic perception of what "being human" means. It's virtually devoid of any lyrics (aside from the often grating repetition of the song's names, respectively), so we're left with the music. And the results are hit-or-miss. "The Brainwasher" and "Technologic" are probably the somewhat most enjoyable of the bunch, matching its repetitive vodocers with some catchy techno that can easily be described in one word: "earworm". And the worst being "Robot Rock", one of Daft Punk's laziest use of sampling to date and a poor sequel to "Aerodynamic". However, one treasure (or at least by this album's standards) exists: "Make Love", an appealing, soothing throwback to their Discovery days; it's the album's "breather". So all-in-all, it's not by any means a very good album and it's justifiable for whomever finds it quite the opposite. For any Daft Punk fan, they've learned to at least commend its existence. Daft Punk are "Human After All" -- totally called for -- they're inclined to make flaws. Even robots do that every now and then. Expand
  70. May 26, 2016
    Most of the songs are repetitive as hell.That doesn't mean that they are bad, but you get bored of them pretty fast, and I think this could have been so much better if Thomas and Guy-Manuel didn't put only 6 weeks of their time in this. Yet they saved this album because of the Alive 2007 tour.
  71. Aug 9, 2016
  72. Jul 11, 2019
    Interesting at times, and surely fun in Robot Rock, TV Rules the Nation and Technologic. I just don't think this is the proper way to follow up an all-timer in Discovery and a low point for Daft Punk, even if a decent album overall.
  73. ZachH
    Mar 14, 2005
    It's true that it is a lot like Homework was. A very disappointing record that lacks a great deal of distinguishing content.
  74. joser
    Mar 14, 2005
    Ao terceiro disco um passo em falso. Fraco.
  75. JonL
    Mar 19, 2005
    Homework, may the best dance record put out to date. It's simple raw messed up samples served up over unpolished drum machines. Daft Punk brought the D.I.Y. ethics of punk to dance music. On Discovery they reinvented themselves and made one of the best sounding dance records. Humans finds Daft wavering in between these two albums, and after two listens I can't help but feel Homework, may the best dance record put out to date. It's simple raw messed up samples served up over unpolished drum machines. Daft Punk brought the D.I.Y. ethics of punk to dance music. On Discovery they reinvented themselves and made one of the best sounding dance records. Humans finds Daft wavering in between these two albums, and after two listens I can't help but feel dissapointed in both the originality and production of the record. While I appreciate the return to the more raw approach of homework, they just don't seem to have put forth the effort needed to compete with their previous releases. I need the crazy crazy inventive noises that made them so accessible, even to lovers of punk music. Hopefully they release something soon, and for gods sake if you're going to have a link to your website when you put your disc in the computer. The least you can do is update it with something other than a site that is selling dolls from Daft Punk videos. Expand
  76. Aug 7, 2013
    You don’t have to agree on this, but to me, Daft Punk’s Discovery is the best album that has ever been made in the genre of electronic music. I didn’t expect the album’s follow-up to be just as good as the aforementioned 2001 masterpiece, however, Human After All was really a huge disappointment. The French duo Thomas Bangalter and Guy Manuel De Homem-Christo are definitely two of the mostYou don’t have to agree on this, but to me, Daft Punk’s Discovery is the best album that has ever been made in the genre of electronic music. I didn’t expect the album’s follow-up to be just as good as the aforementioned 2001 masterpiece, however, Human After All was really a huge disappointment. The French duo Thomas Bangalter and Guy Manuel De Homem-Christo are definitely two of the most gifted men in electronic music and proved it with practically every one of the 14 songs on Discovery which made all reasonable listeners want to hear more. But with this release, every reasonable listener that isn’t the absolute Daft Punk fan boy, should have enough after the dreary ten songs. Why is that? Shouldn’t a period of four years between those two albums have given them even more time to compose intelligent and dulcet house music? No, because the 4-year interval wasn’t spend with making music Daft Punk was inert most of it. Not more than 2 freaking weeks were dispensed on the production of Human After All and as with most albums that are made in such a short spell, the audience can notice that very clearly. Almost all of the album’s songs are a short concept repeated with minor variations over the course of at least four minutes. Lyrics are sparse and intelligent lyrics even sparser, but they probably thought that Technologic, one of the four songs released as a single, would compensate that with what are likely more words than all other Daft Punk songs combined. A robot voice (not the only song to use that) repeats short phrases associated with working/production of something so often that you could incur the tonal version of an epileptic seizure. The album’s general idea that technology is something that humans should be way more skeptical about sounds interesting and indeed is in some of the songs, yet the composers don’t seem that interested in this thematic which leads us, the listeners, to the same feeling. The best parts about all of the songs are the beats, a subject in which Daft Punk has always been elusively good, and they admittedly impressed me the first time I head them. Songs like Robot Rock, The Brainwasher, or the album’s best, Make Love, are prone to multiple listens only because of the beats of course, since those songs are more or less instrumental. If this album were the debut of the duo, I wouldn’t be as critical about it, but if you take a look at all of Daft Punk’s previous work, it’s just an unfulfilling record: Too long, too simple, too meaningless. Expand
  77. Oct 3, 2013
    Despite the clear goal of the album, it fails to hit the same chord Homework and Discovery were able to do. Overly repetitive, overly-sampling on Robot Rock (Breakwater-Release The Beast), and a rather boring album. The album may be a hit at dance clubs, but listening to this by yourself will bore you.
  78. Nov 19, 2014
    Eh.... Probably the weakest album. It's not bad but most of it is really weak. It has it's own nice sound (Techno/Rock) that moves away from former dancey Daft Punk. Most of the album is pretty hit or miss though.
  79. Jun 5, 2016
    This album is kinda meh. Because the music is kinda a bit weird. But songs like "Human After All" and "Digital Love" are only the best ones in my opinion. That's all I really got to say about it.
  80. marcusr
    Mar 20, 2005
    Blah. Without the creativity, groove or attention to detail of any of the previous records, this album manages to feel depressing and restless at the same time.
  81. Decepticon_Pom
    Apr 27, 2005
    How the mighty have fallen...
  82. kennyM
    Feb 11, 2006
    the number of good songs on this album - robot rock, steam machine, television rules the nation and technologig. the rest are monotonus and repetative to the point of nausia, the brainwasher in particular. male love makes me want to throw up. extremely disappointed.
  83. JerradH
    Mar 15, 2005
    I'm really disappointed from this album. After the great creative inspiration and infusion of nice melodies in Discovery, they've gone back to the "lets make 11 different 10 second snippets of music on an Atari 2600 and repeat them until everyone barfs" style. Homework wasn't even this drab.
  84. akbarshabooboo
    Mar 23, 2005
    This is a far cry from the jaw-dropping beats of 1997's 'Homework'.. the beats are mostly good, but once they are established, there is very little variation, and most songs will quickly bore the crap out of you because of this repetitiveness.
  85. jonz
    Mar 26, 2005
    When I first heard the leak of this album I thought it was a joke. Daft Punk are known to play games with their audience, and the album was just really sort of crappy, especially by Daft Punk standards. The day the album was released in stores I went out and got it, and sure enough, there was no joke, and they actually released this peice of crap album.
  86. Oct 8, 2011
    Daft Punk is known for their hybrid of organic samples and high edge house music, their first two albums leaving catchy and beautiful songs. While Human After All's titular track is a great opener, the rest of the album just can't follow suit. Nearly everything is just a mirror of its first fifteen seconds. It's unfortunate just how repetitive it gets, and actually a little annoying. ThisDaft Punk is known for their hybrid of organic samples and high edge house music, their first two albums leaving catchy and beautiful songs. While Human After All's titular track is a great opener, the rest of the album just can't follow suit. Nearly everything is just a mirror of its first fifteen seconds. It's unfortunate just how repetitive it gets, and actually a little annoying. This is especially the case for tracks like "Robot Rock", "Technologic" and "Brainwasher". Then there are even stranger "songs" like "On/Off', a prelude to "Prime Time of Your Life" and worse, "Emotion", which is basically just a rendition of technologic with other sounds from the album. It's very disappointing, considering the duo's previous successes. Expand
  87. Jan 12, 2014
    Human After All contain a few decent tracks (specifically, the title track, Robot Rock, and Technologic), but overall is a shockingly bad release from Daft Punk. Though Daft Punk, and House music in general, has been known for it repetitive nature, this album goes way over the top. The result is a sub-par album with little to commend, and a great deal to complain about. Though some mayHuman After All contain a few decent tracks (specifically, the title track, Robot Rock, and Technologic), but overall is a shockingly bad release from Daft Punk. Though Daft Punk, and House music in general, has been known for it repetitive nature, this album goes way over the top. The result is a sub-par album with little to commend, and a great deal to complain about. Though some may still enjoy this release, you must be willing to deal with incessantly repeating melodies that can easily grain on even the most patient of listeners, and be willing to accept that this album is leagues away from the style they established with Discovery and Homework. Expand
  88. dc
    Sep 4, 2006
    i have heard friends who never really bothered too much with daft punk before say they think this is a fun album. i can aalmost see what they mean, repetitive, ironic kind of vocador stuff, some beats, one killer riff in robot rock. but if you were a homework fanatic and admirer of discovery like many are (were?) - this is a crashing dissapointment, i agree with PFork - a heartbreaker. it i have heard friends who never really bothered too much with daft punk before say they think this is a fun album. i can aalmost see what they mean, repetitive, ironic kind of vocador stuff, some beats, one killer riff in robot rock. but if you were a homework fanatic and admirer of discovery like many are (were?) - this is a crashing dissapointment, i agree with PFork - a heartbreaker. it actually feels like being robbed buying this - PIECE OF S**T. wankers Expand
  89. ChrisC
    Mar 21, 2005
    Boring. Monotonous. Hum-drum. Daft Punk-by-numbers. Not a single exciting moment on the whole album.
  90. johnm
    Apr 29, 2005
    they phoned this one in. word has it they put this together in 19 days, and it shows. dissappointing to say the least.
  91. HaroldG
    Mar 17, 2005
    horrible. Around The World caught my attention to this group. I first saw the video on an Mtv show where the kids rated the video (the one that was hosted by Anada Lewis). The video was sharp and innovative. I bought the albumn immediately and discovered a whole new world of dance music! Speaking of Discovery, then came the cd,Discovery and a anime fanboy's dream come true. with the horrible. Around The World caught my attention to this group. I first saw the video on an Mtv show where the kids rated the video (the one that was hosted by Anada Lewis). The video was sharp and innovative. I bought the albumn immediately and discovered a whole new world of dance music! Speaking of Discovery, then came the cd,Discovery and a anime fanboy's dream come true. with the entire Album as a soundtrack to a pretty good anime flick. Now this garbage. where the hell are the hot beats? it sounds like something you play in an aroma thereapy session!!! C'mon guys! this REAY hurts!! I was so looking forward to something hot to workout to and you guy f'd up! Expand
  92. ZapB
    Mar 22, 2005
    This CD is so frustratingly repetitive, I just want to reach through the CD and slap those guys, and say, "put in a damn hook, or melody, or break!!".. But no, the songs just keep repeating over and over.. I can't believe these are the same guys who made Discovery..
  93. Dec 1, 2020
    Make Love и Human After All единственные песни, которые можно слушать без головной боли.
  94. PaulG
    Mar 25, 2005
    Rubbish, a rip off, i want my money back- what a dissapointment.These guys obviously needed the moneyand have discredited themselves.
  95. ChairmanSac
    Mar 22, 2005
    Daft Punk fans deserve an explanation for this crap. Any excuse will do; contract fulfillment, they totally forgot they had to record an album until the last two weeks, something. An album like this, especially after the brilliance of Discovery, is inexcusable. Every single song on this album is underdeveloped, and some of them are just plain terrible. Maybe this album is supposed to be a Daft Punk fans deserve an explanation for this crap. Any excuse will do; contract fulfillment, they totally forgot they had to record an album until the last two weeks, something. An album like this, especially after the brilliance of Discovery, is inexcusable. Every single song on this album is underdeveloped, and some of them are just plain terrible. Maybe this album is supposed to be a joke, who knows?. Expand
  96. cjaxx
    May 10, 2005
    apart, maybe, from the Better, Stronger, etc re-hash Prime Time of Your Life, I don't recall ever feeling so utterly dissappointed by a follow-up.
  97. Davidm
    Mar 21, 2005
  98. formerdaftpunkfan
    Mar 26, 2005
    Ill give it one thing ,the robot voices rule. But what the hell is everything else on this? Talk about being lazy and making one loop and playing it over and over and over. The guy that gave this a 10 are you serious? Man you must not listen to too much electronic cuz you would know that it took no talent to make this lousy album. Man I feel like I can make an album now and sit back and Ill give it one thing ,the robot voices rule. But what the hell is everything else on this? Talk about being lazy and making one loop and playing it over and over and over. The guy that gave this a 10 are you serious? Man you must not listen to too much electronic cuz you would know that it took no talent to make this lousy album. Man I feel like I can make an album now and sit back and collect the cash$$$ Expand
  99. JackC
    Oct 9, 2006
    Augh, it's terrible. Daft Punk set a pretty high standard with their previous two albums... and then to be treated to plodding, unmelodic messes like Technologic, Prime Time of Your Life, and Television Rules The Nation... I feel like Daft Punk is laughing at me and everyone else who bought this record. Every song is just a repetitive mess that I could have put together in 3 minutes Augh, it's terrible. Daft Punk set a pretty high standard with their previous two albums... and then to be treated to plodding, unmelodic messes like Technologic, Prime Time of Your Life, and Television Rules The Nation... I feel like Daft Punk is laughing at me and everyone else who bought this record. Every song is just a repetitive mess that I could have put together in 3 minutes with Protools, and feels especially shoddy given the fact that Daft Punk had years to work on this thing. Instead, they spent 6 weeks on it... and it shows. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 28
  2. Negative: 4 out of 28
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Dominated by overly repetitive, lumbering throwaways. [18 Mar 2005, p.68]
  2. Apparently knocked off in just six weeks, Daft Punk's third album sounds like it took six days. Six short days. With long lunches.
  3. Blender
    Feels desultory and numb, verging on autistic. [Apr 2005, p.116]