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Universal acclaim- based on 61 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 52 out of 61
  2. Negative: 2 out of 61
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  1. Aug 15, 2015
    I find this one of the most brilliant albums of the last 10 years. It's one of two albums I've listened to the most in the last couple of years (the other being Caravels' "Lacuna"), and I can say with a hand on my heart that I'm still not fed up. It still rings bells in my heart.

    The emotional depth combined with the energetic delivery and hookiness is frankly unmatched. I see them
    I find this one of the most brilliant albums of the last 10 years. It's one of two albums I've listened to the most in the last couple of years (the other being Caravels' "Lacuna"), and I can say with a hand on my heart that I'm still not fed up. It still rings bells in my heart.

    The emotional depth combined with the energetic delivery and hookiness is frankly unmatched. I see them compared to, and do it myself, the old school of emo bands, but I think The Hotelier have surpassed those bands in terms of songwriting and performance with this album. I remember listening to the album and hearing the closing track "Dendron" for the first time during a late night walk in my neighborhood. I thought "this is kind of commercial song, but still not, and I really like it". Now, after tens and tens of listens to it later, the depth and hooks of it still gives me goosebumps. And I still can see that dark road before meg, glowing with hope and love for life. That is what this album gives me.
  2. May 18, 2015
    It almost ruined my adulthood, caught me off guard. I fell apart like a teenager fighting off all the ghosts I could get my hands on.

    "You were right to doubt
    Broken since foundations in the structures you were building came undone"

    Any song can easily become your own personal high point of the album. For me, it was it's entirety.
  3. Jan 12, 2015
    Beyond brilliant in my opinion. A modern gem of emo and a must hear. Despite the odd good but not great track, the majority of the songs encompassed on this album are brilliant, beautiful instrumentation with soul-searching vocals and phenomenal delivery. Absolutely essential listening, just for Life in Drag and Dendron if nothing else.
  4. May 21, 2014
    In this album the Hotelier from Massachusetts, built a politicized not only drive but a very successful production of delicate tones.

    To make things more simply, the "Home, Like Noplace Is There" is an excellent indie rock, the boundaries of punk, and the album "Your Deep Rest" ... great song!

Universal acclaim - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Sep 3, 2014
    It’s melodramatic, yes, but the layers to the narrator of Home, Like Noplace Is There are vast. This guy cycles through a series of emotions, each feeling valid, each feeling like an appropriate result of confusion in the wake of a huge loss.
  2. Apr 16, 2014
    The highs wouldn’t feel so high without the lows here, which is a regular trope of the genre; but as with all tropes, execution trumps invention, and the Hotelier executes exceptionally.
  3. 90
    This album is arguably their strongest music to date and they manage to shoot the most cathartic of bullets at you.