• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jul 16, 2002
Highly Evolved Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 50 Ratings

Summary: 2001 gave us The White Stripes and The Strokes; 2002 gives us The Hives and The Vines. This Australian four-piece outfit is the latest rock band to be hyped to stratospheric proportions (and an instant major-label contract) by the UK rock press, who compared the Vines to Nirvana (the band, not the concept). But although the Aussies did indeed get their start as a Nirvana cover band, there is a bit more to their debut album 'Highly Evolved' than Grunge, Part 2.
Record Label: Capitol
Genre(s): Rock, Alternative
Name: The Vines
Credit: Primary Artist

Track Listings

01 Get Free 07 Country Yard
02 Highly Evolved 08 Factory
03 Autumn Shade 09 In The Jungle
04 Outtathaway! 10 Mary Jane
05 Sunshinin' 11 Ain't No Room
06 Homesick 12 1969