
Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. By far the tightest record SFA has released since "Radiator"--boasting no song over five minutes and four clocking in under three--this is a concise, song-oriented record, which is somewhat ironic since it began its life as something as a concept album.
  2. No doubt fans’ll love it, but virgins shouldn’t expect to swoon at this end-of-the-pier jamming.
  3. The latest from this genre-bending Welsh band is largely a smoothed-out pop record, reining in some of Super Furry Animals' more left-field tendencies and tenderly nurturing the catchy, chart-friendly hooks of Gruff Rhys and company.
  4. Hey Venus! is like a really good haircut: it's brisk, light around the ears, and after so many 'do permutations it's bound to get some compliments about how civilized it looks, how grown up.
  5. This is a band that is as strong as ever and on the pleasurable Hey Venus! sound downright terrific.
  6. Hey Venus! is conspicuously short and sweet, and as a result among the greatest things they've ever done.
  7. Hey Venus! is the most concise album in the band's history.
  8. Hot Press
    If the last 10 years have taught us anything, it's that Super Furry Animals march resolutely to their own quixotic beat.
  9. Mojo
    The gleeful exuberance of Hey Venus! finds the band refreshed.... If Hey Venus! lacks anything, it's the thumping-heart centerpiece that made SFA's early records so special. [Sep 2007, p.108]
  10. Hey Venus!, then, is not the type of progressing heavyweight that has marked the output of later day Super Furries. As a shorter, lighter effort, though, it is every bit as tantalising, thickly coated in SFA-brand special sauce and still worth its weight in goal.
  11. 11 years into their career, SFA have produced some of their most beautiful songs yet.
  12. The album's psychedelic pop runs out of gas near the end in cringe-worthy Battersea Odyssey and Let The Wolves Howl At The Moon, but by then you're won over and wondering how you slept on this band for the past nine years.
  13. They fail to develop their retro psychedelia influences, and use fairground organs and cutesy strings as lazy shorthand for dreamy nostalgia. The result is a pleasant record that's lacking in personality.
  14. The first half of Hey Venus! is the band’s most sustained barrage of hooks and video game psychedelia in years. However, the album soon descends into epic overtures like the ponderous “Battersea Odyssey” that lose some of that creative spirit.
  15. It's fair to say the songs lack the epic sweep of the last couple of albums, but there's still little about Hey Venus! to fault beyond the faint whiff of musical conservatism.
  16. Hey Venus! is everything its predecessor was not: immediately likeable, swiftly paced, and mercilessly brief.
  17. Q Magazine
    Hey Venus! feels like a missed opportunity. [Sep 2007, p.94]
  18. Spin
    The lower-key approach pays off here. [Sep 2007, p.138]
  19. What Hey Venus! ultimately is, is a good record of classy pop/rock songs, arranged and produced well, shot through with a degree of personality and skill, and almost completely lacking in the inspired, eclectic madness which made "Radiator and Guerilla" so damn good.
  20. It's unabashedly a pop album, and by restraining its inventiveness, the band maintains a warm of sense of Zappa-esque liveliness.
  21. The only shortcoming is how quickly it's all over. Roll on number nine.
  22. When all these cuts add up, we wind up with an album’s worth of pleasantries.
  23. 60
    Hey Venus! is an attractive album with a broad appeal – Rough Trade wanted a pop record and got one--but it also feels like a missed opportunity, a consolidation of affairs rather than a step forward.
  24. Under The Radar
    Dependability is ultimately the albatross one acquires after a career of brilliance. You know what you’re going to get. And what you get with Venus is plenty great, and, like their manufactured counterparts in dependability, more than worth the investment. [Fall 2007, p.83]
  25. There's a newfound depth of feeling in their eighth-album expertise that bitters the sweetness of Beach Boys tributes like 'Show Your Hand.'
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 39 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 39
  2. Negative: 3 out of 39
  1. LiamR
    Feb 24, 2008
    I was ready to give this album a 9, and pretty much say how it was a slight disappointment but never the less one of SFA's greatest I was ready to give this album a 9, and pretty much say how it was a slight disappointment but never the less one of SFA's greatest albums. But then "Baby Ate My Eightball" came on, and I realized that this is once again, a triumph. Full Review »
  2. EmilyW.
    Feb 12, 2008
    Iban L., the fact that you say Ween's album was a disappointment, like that was actually a surprise, makes your 3 rating completely Iban L., the fact that you say Ween's album was a disappointment, like that was actually a surprise, makes your 3 rating completely irrelevant. Glad to see this album getting more love from the critics after the new release. Definitely not a letdown after Love Kraft (in fact, much better) and one of the 20 best album of 2007. Full Review »
  3. Liz
    Jan 22, 2008
    Pure pop joy. It would get a 10 if it wasn't so short.