• Record Label: Rykodisc
  • Release Date: Aug 14, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 16
  2. Negative: 2 out of 16

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  1. YeboP.
    Sep 6, 2007
    It is a 10 out of 10.
  2. DanS
    Aug 13, 2007
    Wow. One of my favorite albums of 2005 finally gets released here. Well, it's about time. This album is one great pop song after another and a lot of fun.
  3. jesperp
    Aug 14, 2007
    Just pop blis. Everybody should get with this and DANCE!
  4. BertE
    Aug 16, 2007
    Great party record. Solid and fun all the way. Make sure to get the version with the extra bonus ep!
  5. MichaelS
    Nov 16, 2007
    Amazing album. For those of you looking for another "d-d-dont stup the beat", look elsewhere. Junior Senior's style changes with each song, and the result is an impressive blend of music that is consistent throughout the CD. A must-buy for anyone who calls themselves a fan of music, IMO. The lyrics are amazing, I cant tell you whether or not this is a concept album or not, but the Amazing album. For those of you looking for another "d-d-dont stup the beat", look elsewhere. Junior Senior's style changes with each song, and the result is an impressive blend of music that is consistent throughout the CD. A must-buy for anyone who calls themselves a fan of music, IMO. The lyrics are amazing, I cant tell you whether or not this is a concept album or not, but the songs definately have a story behind them, regardless of whether or not they all link together. And the bonus EP just seals the deal, this is an amazing package any way you look at it. Expand
  6. jesperr
    Aug 15, 2007
    the funky presidents are back on track
  7. ChunkA
    Aug 15, 2007
    Verry good follow up to 2005's D-D-Don't Stop The Beat. Fans won't be deceived.
  8. NickP.
    Sep 10, 2007
    Wow! This is so flamboyantly terrible. If you have the opportunity to remove Barney's sing along from your player, take the opportunity to listen to Junior Senior. While the beats are not bad, they certainly cater to a niche market of blind happiness and lyrical drivel.
  9. JordanG.
    Aug 31, 2007
    Vomit Skittles onto my checkered Vans. I'll reconsider if someone slips this all sly into a party's GangStarr/Eric B DJ set. Or a nice Stetsasonic mashup.

Awards & Rankings


Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. The b-b-beat continues on Hey Hey My My Yo Yo. In fact, the songs here are more catchy, and yes, more fun.
  2. Hey Hey is sharper than "D-Don’t," filled out and throbbing like soul should be, not burdened with the entropy of a smattered ramshackle collection all heart and no brains.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    The twosome's gleeful confections are more than a little over-the-top, but repeat listens will reveal some truely indelible melodies beneath those stylistic frills. [17 Aug 2007, p.73]