• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Dec 2, 2022

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Jan 9, 2023
    Heroes & Villains is the worthy and meticulously assembled sequel to Not All Heroes Wear Capes.
  2. Dec 8, 2022
    Heroes & Villains is entertaining enough as a man’s, man’s, man’s world. It’s better conceptualized and executed than Only Heroes Wear Capes, even if 21 Savage can’t quite match the ASMR pleasures of that album’s “Don’t Come Out the House.”
  3. Dec 8, 2022
    ‘HEROES & VILLAINS’ bursts with ideas, not all of which land. A record that revels in contradictions, it grasps towards the light while framing itself in darkness.
  4. Dec 8, 2022
    Metro is great when he makes Metro-type beats, shaky when he ventures outside of his comfort zone. On Heroes & Villains, he surpasses his standard quota of bangers while also taking a few fun risks.
  5. Dec 8, 2022
    As a concept album about good and evil, Heroes & Villains mostly delivers. It’s not very ambitious as far as subject matter goes, but the majority of the guests, whose appearances never feel obligatory, at least cursorily touch on the central theme. ... To this end, Metro seems more like an orchestrator or curator. Unlike Khaled, however, Metro aims for a unified sound, and damned if he doesn’t achieve it.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 40 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 40
  2. Negative: 3 out of 40
  1. Dec 13, 2022
    Run of the mill rap that couldn't even be saved by its A list collaborators, stunning add campaign and it's titled artists genius. It doesn'tRun of the mill rap that couldn't even be saved by its A list collaborators, stunning add campaign and it's titled artists genius. It doesn't experiment as it did on his prior records and is just a compilation of chart seeking potential hits drenched in testosterone and disenchantment Full Review »
  2. Aug 12, 2023
    Sampling Homelander is really crazy. But still, it didn't make the whole album great and I had quite mixed emotions from song to song
  3. Jul 31, 2023
    Metroon boomin want some more niggs
    Great album a Master piece of boomin all album is perfect is flawless