• Record Label: The Inc.
  • Release Date: Oct 9, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 69 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 56 out of 69
  2. Negative: 12 out of 69

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  1. MarkF
    Oct 22, 2008
    Let me star this off by saying Vanessa Carlton is my favorite singer.I am not blinded by that and automatically say that evrything is amazing,I really try to explore for faults.On Heroes and Thieves.however,there is none.Harmonium is still my favorite,an amazing album that suffered because of it's marketing failure.I think Universal Motown coulda marketed this one better Let me star this off by saying Vanessa Carlton is my favorite singer.I am not blinded by that and automatically say that evrything is amazing,I really try to explore for faults.On Heroes and Thieves.however,there is none.Harmonium is still my favorite,an amazing album that suffered because of it's marketing failure.I think Universal Motown coulda marketed this one better also...Anyways,it starts off with the killer comeback,"Nolita Fairytale",and from then on is truly stellar.She is nearly flawless!!!I recommend to anyone that enjoys great music.Can't wait for her fourth album!!! Collapse
  2. EdwardV
    Sep 22, 2008
    A inspiring album from a true artist. From my best to the rising "Home" ballad, all tracks have their certain qualities that place Vanessa as an artist of the millennium.
  3. PatricjH
    Jun 8, 2008
    Her best album. Solid, well written, and catchy!!! Her instrumentation is less boring than "Harmonium" (which personally I found half good, half baddd). This album shows consistency. "Home" is by far my favorite!
  4. LonnieE.
    Feb 15, 2008
    This is one great album from the first song to the last. Many songs get skipped when I play full CD's but not on this one. Vanessa is such a talented songwriter, pianist and music composer and only wish more people would go out and buy this album. Vanessa certainly deserves much more commercial success than she's currently experiencing though I know because she's the class This is one great album from the first song to the last. Many songs get skipped when I play full CD's but not on this one. Vanessa is such a talented songwriter, pianist and music composer and only wish more people would go out and buy this album. Vanessa certainly deserves much more commercial success than she's currently experiencing though I know because she's the class act she is that's not what's going to make her happy. Expand
  5. Zay
    Feb 15, 2008
    I, for one, am utterly in love with Heroes & Thieves. Yes, I loved Be Not Nobody. Yes, I loved Harmonium too. However, Heroes is a clear statement saying that the Vanessa we know and love is simply growing up. Her music has more focus, her lyrics are more experienced, and her vocals have definitely improved tenfold. Sure, Harmonium was more varied, but I think this CD is a big step I, for one, am utterly in love with Heroes & Thieves. Yes, I loved Be Not Nobody. Yes, I loved Harmonium too. However, Heroes is a clear statement saying that the Vanessa we know and love is simply growing up. Her music has more focus, her lyrics are more experienced, and her vocals have definitely improved tenfold. Sure, Harmonium was more varied, but I think this CD is a big step forward nonetheless. Fools Like Me and Nolita Fairytale in particular sound really, really impress. I can't wait for her fourth disc! Keep rockin your stuff, V! Expand
  6. AaronB.
    Jan 16, 2008
    After the "supposed" failure of Harmonium, I think this is the perfect follow up. I do feel that Harmonium suffered because it was not promoted properly, and I do feel this album is lacking a certain amount of promotion. Lets hope her upcoming tour will send her right back to the top. This is a beautiful album, and she is a wonderful musician.
  7. Allen
    Jan 12, 2008
    Vanessa Carlton is truly an amazing artist inside and out and everywhere else.
  8. BobV.
    Dec 29, 2007
    I love this album. The songs are so meaning full and the lyrics really hit home.
  9. Kim
    Dec 20, 2007
    There is not one song on the entire album that poses as mediocre. Carlton again crafts a superb album that's just as delightful in it's panic escapades as it is in her story telling.
  10. PeterF.
    Dec 4, 2007
    A consistent release and different from the other releases. While listening to her previous releases I felt that something was missing, but Heroes & Thieves proves that Vanessa Carlton can make a solid album. With a team of solid producers and better vocals, the album is more harmonic than the dark-oriented Harmonium. "The One", a duet with Stevie Nicks, is probably the best track on the A consistent release and different from the other releases. While listening to her previous releases I felt that something was missing, but Heroes & Thieves proves that Vanessa Carlton can make a solid album. With a team of solid producers and better vocals, the album is more harmonic than the dark-oriented Harmonium. "The One", a duet with Stevie Nicks, is probably the best track on the album, besides "This Time", the title-track "Heroes & Thieves" and "Hands on Me". Expand
  11. PatrickM
    Nov 19, 2007
    Personally, those who said it was a rather disappointing album, I think it's a very good one. She was in search of her musical position, rather than her creativity, and one article even says that she had the thought of leaving music itself. Also, The second album wasn't necessarily considered as "classic" - critic wise. Her music, yes, is definitely wonderful and melodious. Personally, those who said it was a rather disappointing album, I think it's a very good one. She was in search of her musical position, rather than her creativity, and one article even says that she had the thought of leaving music itself. Also, The second album wasn't necessarily considered as "classic" - critic wise. Her music, yes, is definitely wonderful and melodious. Lyrically, critic didn't prefer it as a VC type. Though, I think that everything she writes is deep and meaningful. Don't get me wrong, I love all of her songs and albums. Expand
  12. Samantha
    Nov 19, 2007
    way better then Harmonium. Love every song.
  13. music
    Nov 15, 2007
    I love Heroes and Thieves ! Thanks you vanessa carlton !
  14. NicholasS
    Nov 7, 2007
    All these reviews are horrible... you cant give the cd a 0 because you preferred the others, and you can give it a 10 just because it was good, unless it was really really good. but whatever. That being said... this album is not bad. It has some really great songs. Just not as many great songs as Harmonium, though some of the great songs on "Heroes" are some of the best songs of her career.
  15. DenisM.
    Nov 1, 2007
  16. Adam
    Nov 1, 2007
    It's been on repeat since i got it.
  17. MattD.
    Oct 26, 2007
    This is Vanessa's best. Her singing is better than it was before, with less over-emoting. The classic pop arrangements here are also gripping; they suit her more perfectly than darker, more alternative material. One of the best of the year; don't know where these zero ratings are coming from!!
  18. mickeym.
    Oct 24, 2007
    Ordinary. very ordinary.
  19. Sophia
    Oct 22, 2007
    This album is definitely the best coming out of VC's efforts, way better than her 2nd album. I strongly recommend for VC fans.
  20. MusicLover
    Oct 22, 2007
    A big disappointment, especially after Harmonium being such a classic.
  21. luisu.
    Oct 22, 2007
    Loved it!!
  22. JoseG.
    Oct 17, 2007
    Nothing here stacks up with "A Thousand Miles". I easily preferred her other albums to this.
  23. JoshuaS.
    Oct 16, 2007
    Vanessa is so amazing. Not only smart, beautiful & talented... but continues to GROW from album to album. Heroes & Thieves showcases her unique vocal stylings and shows that she is an artist with a true vison and voice. Vanessa wrote a timeless album that is a magic listen. SO many amazing songs... thanks for the new memories!
  24. helenO
    Oct 15, 2007
    The songs are great and catchy, and this may just be Vanessa's finest.
  25. fina
    Oct 15, 2007
    best album 2007
  26. JanP.
    Oct 14, 2007
    Every music she writes makes a new chapter in her life. From sweet to semi alternative...
  27. efh
    Oct 14, 2007
    great album
  28. ManuelD.
    Oct 13, 2007
    My favorite VC album so far.
  29. mikeb.
    Oct 13, 2007
    Her best yet. Beautiful.
  30. dddd
    Oct 13, 2007
  31. efh.
    Oct 12, 2007
    This is vanessa's greatest album ever.
  32. MichaelM.
    Oct 12, 2007
    Vanessa Carlton's third CD is quite amazing. There are relatively few albums that I enjoy from start to finish, but this is definitely one of them. This album is a must have for any "nessaholic" as well as anyone who remembers her from her "A Thousand Miles" days. Her sophomore album, Harmonium, incidentally is quite good as well!
  33. AlfonsoG.
    Oct 11, 2007
    Great Album! I really recommend buying this! Its a sign that there are still a few good artists these days that are really artists! She writs her own piano pices/lyrics and she sings live!
  34. EthanH
    Oct 11, 2007
    Damned good. Hopefully this'll bring her back.
  35. czarv.
    Oct 11, 2007
    this album is really good. it's real music! something we DESPERATELY need!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Her voice is too sweet and girlish to command, her melodies mellifluous but not grabbing--but Heroes & Thieves flows easily, and it's a nice return to the strengths of her debut.
  2. Fans of Carlton's indelible white-chick anthem "A Thousand Miles," on the other hand, have plenty to be excited about, since Heroes presents another batch of appealingly wistful reflections on life and love.
  3. However precious her poetry can be, Carlton always pins it to melodies that morph and expand evocatively.