• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: May 27, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. Here I Stand is almost exactly the kind of release you'd expect a 29-year-old Usher to deliver in 2008, and while it is seriously doubtful the album will move more copies than the nearly diamond platinum "Confessions," there is plenty to like about it.
  2. After a four-year break, Usher's fifth set is bursting with grown man, true-to-life tales like leaving his player ways behind ("Before I Met You"), falling in love ("Something Special," "Lifetime" and the title track), making love ("This Ain't Sex") and having a child.
  3. 60
    Usher has called Here I Stand his “grown and sexy” album, and he’s half right. Apart from a couple of A­up-tempo tracks by Danjahandz (“Appetite”) and Scandinavians-of-the-moment Stargate (“What’s a Man to Do”), the production is cocktail-lounge crunk, full of splashy cymbals, jazzy electric guitar and tinkly pianos.
  4. The honesty on display in the songwriting and the deft, diverse production are both startling and satisfying.
  5. So smooth nothing sticks, there's no guts, no depth and no matter how much he protests to the contrary, nothing to believe.
  6. At nearly 70 minutes, the disc could certainly have used a stronger editing hand, and even in his newly revelatory state, Usher remains more a smooth entertainer than an astute lyricist. Still, a good portion of Stand's tunes deserve a place in the dance-floor pantheon--and, yes, in the bedroom, too.
  7. As it is, it merely stands him in good stead amongst the many contenders for his throne.
  8. R’n’B lothario sings the praises of monogamy on patchy fifth album.
  9. The album would be much better without its excess of undistinguished ballads, but that aside, it's a more accomplished version of "Confessions," the hooks more effortless, the singing even better, the songwriting more consistent.
  10. Last year he made the magnificent 'Dat Girl Right There', only to omit it in favour of the gloop he wades through on this.
  11. Now that he's got the American Dream, he sounds like he's stopped trying.
  12. Usher always delivers musically, but his perpetual claims of excellence and of being on the "cutting edge" (though it's unclear by whose definition and compared to what), his music is almost always just one notch above mediocrity.
  13. He sounds much more convincing on syrupy ballads like the Dre and Vidal-produced title track, which lyrically and musically sounds more passionate and more adult than Usher ever has.
  14. But tension, not bliss, creates the album’s best songs.
  15. A little too sitting-on-the-dock-of-the-bay for Chris Breezy–trained earbuds, perhaps, Here I Stand is pure grown-man bidness.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 34 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 34
  2. Negative: 7 out of 34
  1. JamarioP.
    Jul 16, 2008
    I here a lot of negative things about this album, but i thinks it's really good. It's a much mire mature album than he has ever I here a lot of negative things about this album, but i thinks it's really good. It's a much mire mature album than he has ever made before. And he has some really nice tracks on here. I think people should definitely sit and listen to the words he speak in this album. Full Review »
  2. marionc.
    May 30, 2008
    Of course it won't sell or be a spopular as confessions or 8701 bc the radio played so many big singles but overall this was a good cd.
    May 27, 2008
    Lovely album from Usher. If we are just to talk about the stunning ballad Moving mountains then the album deserves a 10 for that track alone.