
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Here and Now is good enough that you can't help but wish Holsapple and Stamey cut another album before they start getting their Social Security checks.
  2. The long-awaited hERE aND nOW falls victim to the pair's hokier tendencies.
  3. While the disc is slowed by a few bouts of inconsistency, the foundation on which Holsapple and Stamey have long built their work (a tremendous sense of melody, almost familial harmonies) is ever-present here, suggesting that the pair remember what made them great, and that audiences will too.
  4. Still, for all the sophisticated, melodic pleasure to be found on Here and Now, a comfy old shoe of an album, one could be forgiven for occasionally wondering whether things might achieve just a touch more frisson if Holsapple and Stamey surrendered just a little to the temptations of that sharp-edged sound of yore.
  5. 70
    Their first full-length collaboration since 1991's stellar "Mavericks" is a beautiful set of grown-up pop, meshing Holsapple's emotional directness with Stamey's headier approach.
  6. Under The Radar
    Holsapple and Stamey cover a lot of ground on Here And Now, but the common element is the glorious melodies and natural harmonies that can only be borne out of decades of musical partnership. [Summer 2009, p.74]

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