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Generally favorable reviews- based on 244 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 61 out of 244
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  1. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album ok, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  2. Jul 5, 2023
    This Album was like that of a Mozart symphony. The songs seem to be composed by a true master of his craft and will bring you through all of the emotions from birth to death, Love, Hate, Sadness, and despair. This album was made for anyone with ears, It has cured the deaf and fed the hungry, this album is a masterpiece. I only use that word because there is no word with greater meaning.
  3. May 4, 2023
    A project of many highs and lows unfortunately. Terrible art cover.
    Both Drake and 21 Savage seem to give both their best and most boring performances. 'Major Distribution' and 'Treacherous Twins' are two examples of how boring and directionless this LP can be. And there is more of it. The last quarter of 'Her Loss' also sees some tasteless tracks poorly extending its length. Useless
    A project of many highs and lows unfortunately. Terrible art cover.
    Both Drake and 21 Savage seem to give both their best and most boring performances. 'Major Distribution' and 'Treacherous Twins' are two examples of how boring and directionless this LP can be. And there is more of it. The last quarter of 'Her Loss' also sees some tasteless tracks poorly extending its length. Useless interludes still come to darken the already damaged picture.
    As a huge Daft Punk fan (check my profile for more) I immediately noticed the unmissable 'One More Time' sample on 'Circo Loco' which brought me nostalgia. Can't say it evoked more to me.
    Subpar and disappointing featuring from Travis Scott on that lame trap song 'P*ssy & Millions' (silly title by the way).
    Some other tracks as 'Privileged Rappers' , 'I Guess It's F*ck Me' or 'BackOutsideBoyz' (with Lil Yachty's vocal noticeable help) represent some that deserve a few listens but there is not much more to look up in here.
  4. Apr 28, 2023
    Her Loss is a collaborative project full of energy and confidence. Drake put more effort on this record than his last three albums combined. The album could have used more 21 Savage but he didn't disappoint in any of his appearances. Whenever Drake leaves out his typical emotional baggage to a side, he can really focus and deliver some excellent one-liners and lyrical punch. StandoutHer Loss is a collaborative project full of energy and confidence. Drake put more effort on this record than his last three albums combined. The album could have used more 21 Savage but he didn't disappoint in any of his appearances. Whenever Drake leaves out his typical emotional baggage to a side, he can really focus and deliver some excellent one-liners and lyrical punch. Standout tracks are On Bs, **** & Millions, Middle of the Ocean, and Broke Boys. Expand
  5. Mar 19, 2023
    Some good songs, some forgettable songs. 21 should've had way more time cause it felt like 75% Drake 25% 21 Savage, but overall good beats and flows. Also mediocre lyrics.
  6. Feb 13, 2023
    The album lacks a lot of emotion and I cannot go 3 songs in without basically falling asleep, a far cry from what he used to produce. Tried asking my friend who's a fan of Drake's to sing one melody from this album and he couldn't, pretty much sums it up for my take on it.
  7. Jan 31, 2023

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  8. Jan 12, 2023
    Though the album is a 5 overall, the second half is a very enjoyable bout and contains some of the best material Drake has released since More Life. The first half, however, is a snoozefest, and although the Daft Punk's "One More Time" sample had me excited for a few seconds, it was ruined by the most generic trap drums known to mankind. My favorite songs are Hours In Silence, **** &Though the album is a 5 overall, the second half is a very enjoyable bout and contains some of the best material Drake has released since More Life. The first half, however, is a snoozefest, and although the Daft Punk's "One More Time" sample had me excited for a few seconds, it was ruined by the most generic trap drums known to mankind. My favorite songs are Hours In Silence, **** & Millions, Middle of the Ocean and More M's.

    EDIT: This album has been growing on me lately, and I've increased the score to a 6 instead of a 5. It's certainly Drake's best record since 2015
  9. Dec 22, 2022
    It's toxic, mysognystic and quite lazy. Her Loss is a horrific album, through Rich Flex is it's strongest entry, the rest of the album is shamefull. It's not great at all.
  10. Dec 17, 2022
    This mostly feels like a Drake album with 21 as a guest instead of a legit "collab album". Other than that, this album is good.
  11. Dec 16, 2022
    All 0 reviews are people that haven’t even listened to the album. They just hate drake and won’t give it a chance. Lots to like in this one. 21 does his thing and lots of standouts
  12. Dec 13, 2022
    This is drakes best rapping in years. Although it has some flaws, it’s a pretty great album. Although this was more drake ft 21, each get their moments to shine. I recommend this project
  13. Nov 21, 2022
    Overall, a pretty solid album, but didn't quite live up to the expectation I had for a Drake and 21 Savage collab album. 21 Savage's performance was arguably better, so a bit of a shame to see him not play a bigger role.
  14. Nov 18, 2022
  15. Nov 17, 2022
    Just a nice album, I don’t even have any words to describe it lolololololoofudddufigigigiiglfudkdykdidkyxkycyixoycykxykxykxgkchkchkchkchk luck hk
  16. Nov 16, 2022
    I can't hear this anymore, it's Bad af, the producer is really baaad. Sorry for the fans but it's baad album
  17. Nov 15, 2022
    Nah man, this album sucks. Drake has completely lost it, he can't even rap anymore. 21 is just another mumble rapper, identically built like all the other mumble rappers, his part on the album is trash but it was predictable. I can't understand how this **** can be considered "rap" comparing it to the likes of Em, Kendrick or Wayne. Pure ass album. Period.
  18. Nov 15, 2022
    Este álbum no tiene nada bueno siempre con sonidos repetitivos y con letras sin sentido como siempre nada que bueno que ofrecer por parte de ellos, sin embargo para gustos los colores.
  19. Nov 15, 2022
    great album drake leveled up his game
    21 savage's performance really helped the record
  20. Nov 13, 2022
    After last few albums pleasantly surprised, definitely best one out of the trilogy. Supreme production and Drake in his own element supported
  21. Nov 12, 2022
    This is an incredibly good album. I can't imagine the effort getting any better than this. The collaboration between Drake and 21 Savage has all the chemistry expected as demonstrated in Jimmy Cooks from Honestly, Nevermind. This album has something extra, there aren't any skips. Every song demonstrates their incredible lyrical ability. Drake uses his voice (whether rapping orThis is an incredibly good album. I can't imagine the effort getting any better than this. The collaboration between Drake and 21 Savage has all the chemistry expected as demonstrated in Jimmy Cooks from Honestly, Nevermind. This album has something extra, there aren't any skips. Every song demonstrates their incredible lyrical ability. Drake uses his voice (whether rapping or singing) perfectly in each song. A classic! Expand
  22. Nov 9, 2022
    Mantiene el estilo de Drake, canciones relajadas para disfrutar sin esperar demasiadas sorpresas, tiene 5 canciones muy buenas y el resto me parecen muy decentes
  23. Nov 8, 2022
    Album's hard. Really good job. Sincerly, Drake took a long time to get back to his flow from years ago
  24. Nov 8, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. As a artist Drake lacks growth and content, he doesn't have a body of work in his entire discography. This album sounds like every other Drake album.. there's no content, lyrics are mediocre. 21 Savage is just a guest on the album. Expand
  25. Nov 8, 2022
    Drake is the more predominant artist on this "collab" album but he did a great job so how can I be mad. It's easily the best Drake album since Views.
  26. Nov 8, 2022
    I have had this collaborative album on repeat since the day it was released! Drake and 21 are both amazing on here and like always they have bangers!
  27. Nov 8, 2022
    Drake’s best overall project since Views in 2016 even though More Life, Dark Lane Demo Tapes and Honestly, Nevermind were interesting projects along the way. However this one here had everything executed perfectly down to the last details, the rollout was very creative and original (Fake Vogue Cover, Fake Stern Interview, Fake SNL Appearance and Fake A Colors Show). The Album Cover hadDrake’s best overall project since Views in 2016 even though More Life, Dark Lane Demo Tapes and Honestly, Nevermind were interesting projects along the way. However this one here had everything executed perfectly down to the last details, the rollout was very creative and original (Fake Vogue Cover, Fake Stern Interview, Fake SNL Appearance and Fake A Colors Show). The Album Cover had everyone talking but it was an interesting choice (Japanese Stripper and Only Fans Star Qui Yasuka Aka Suki Baby) and it fits the album theme perfectly. Her Loss is everything the name intended it to be, a testament to everyone’s ex girlfriend/s which is gonna make them regret their choice but also make u cry on some levels. The Production is heavenly to say the least, great uses of samples on « Spin Bout U » , «  Middle Of The Ocean » and « Circo Loco » to name a few. The transitions are great along with the beat switches that really surprised us « Rich Flex » « Major Distribution ». The duality of Drake and 21 Savage was really good and it came with a lot of great bars and disses which were controversial or not depending on your opinion about it. The only feature Travis Scott delivered an all time performance on **** & millions ». Overall Concise Project with a great mix of RnB and Rap. The OVO x 4L Duo may just have produced one of the greatest collab projects of all time. A Project where 21 Savage gladly enters Drake’s Universe in a Drake Themed Project which works perfectly on almost every track. There are captions for days and songs for decades. Her Loss 9/10 and probably Album of the year for me. Expand
  28. Nov 8, 2022
    "Her loss" is a tragedy if an album, the only good part about the album and the reason I didn't give it reason is drake's expensive production, but not only that drake's singing is horrible, he's successfully dragging down 21 to his horrible level of rapping, he absolutely obliterated 21's flow and ruined the rapper for me
  29. Nov 7, 2022
    Disappointing album. Boring and same sound as always. No need to keep trying, pass.
  30. Nov 7, 2022
    Tried to get through this album on a first listen... Boring and just a disappointing effort. Pass.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. Nov 28, 2022
    Her Loss is scattered, flowing more like a mixtape than a well-designed album, but there are plenty of highlights to balance out the less fully formed inclusions.
  2. Nov 10, 2022
    The best moments come when the duo find a balance and Drake falls back on his crate-digging prowess. ... Sadly, there’s not enough of this to go around, making Her Loss another disposable Drake project that will fade away in a few weeks—one that could have been so much more.
  3. 60
    “Her Loss” is frisky and centerless, a mood more than a mode. ... Often on this album — “More M’s,” “Privileged Rappers” — it feels as if they are ceding space to each other, side by side but not interwoven. Sometimes, like on “Spin Bout U,” they successfully melt into something greater than their parts.