
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Jun 5, 2020
    Heartbreaker Please raises one's spirits by accepting the end as a new beginning. He sings about feeling "Brand New", and while his enthusiasm is suspect, there is a sense of relief present. Thompson's not wallowing; he's re-joining the world and out looking for love.
  2. Jun 1, 2020
    Thompson was a capable performer from the start, and Heartbreaker Please demonstrates he's improved with the passage of time, while his songwriting has also gained a depth that comes from a lived life.
  3. May 29, 2020
    As the title suggests, Thompson reckons with the breakup of a real-life relationship but navigates it with an even-handed balance that’s part wistful and part deeply honest.
  4. Uncut
    May 29, 2020
    A lachrymose collection of Elvis Costello-rootsy, mid-Atlantic songs expertly constructed but running rather low on stardust. [Jul 2020, p.36]
  5. Mojo
    May 29, 2020
    Heartbreaker Please expresses its title in the most literal terms; it's broken and pleading. At the same time, the music provides a through-line to the 43-year-old's singer's past, striking his usual balance between Buddy Holly simplicity and Roy Orbison sweep, with a dash of Memphis horns tossed in. [Jun 2020, p.89]
  6. 80
    For those who, like Thomson, also yearn for the charmingly constructed sounds of classic singles which remain timeless slices of memorable music, and others wanting a taste of those songs in a contemporary setting, Heartbreaker Please finds Teddy Thompson nailing that elusive style with deceptive, impressive ease.
  7. May 29, 2020
    Heartbreaker Please, like much of Thompson’s output, is unshowy yet quietly effective. ... The album can sound a little too cosy, where you’re often yearning for something a bit more raw and less polished. Yet if you’re looking for some timeless, classic-sounding pop, then Thompson does a very good job.
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 1
  2. Negative: 0 out of 1
  1. May 31, 2020
    A Teddy Thompson album is a good thing, but this one is more curiosity than killer. His voice is undeniably expressive, but take a ballad tooA Teddy Thompson album is a good thing, but this one is more curiosity than killer. His voice is undeniably expressive, but take a ballad too slow and it can become a whine, which happens a couple times here. Elsewhere, the uptempo numbers have a dated Mexican influence, some complete with horns, clean and precise, totally mismatched to Thompson's voice and lyrics. It often sounds like he's singing over someone else's old record collection. The starry waltz "Take Me Away" shows how good this could have been - romantic and yearning with a more upfront production, you feel every string, every tremble in Thompson's delivery. Unfortunately, this makes the other tracks even paler by comparison. Full Review »