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Generally favorable reviews- based on 38 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 38
  2. Negative: 11 out of 38

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  1. Jun 19, 2012
    It's rock and it's raw and it's very very Scottish. From a similar kind of place as the Libertines musically but they're a bit more rocky. They broke onto the scene when people were looking for another Arctic Monkeys. Superstar Tradesman, Wasted Little DJ's and Face for the Radio are the standout tracks. There's plenty to like on it but there is alot of standard average Indie rock on it.It's rock and it's raw and it's very very Scottish. From a similar kind of place as the Libertines musically but they're a bit more rocky. They broke onto the scene when people were looking for another Arctic Monkeys. Superstar Tradesman, Wasted Little DJ's and Face for the Radio are the standout tracks. There's plenty to like on it but there is alot of standard average Indie rock on it. They've had a few records since this one but I've not heard them. They're career seemed to come to a halt after this record. Collapse
  2. JJ.
    Sep 21, 2007
    This album is pure crap. British "rock n roll" is officially dead.
  3. paul
    Jul 16, 2007
    Ignore the jaded 'experts'. It's interesting and different enough. They can probably do better, but this is good listening until they do. What kind of criticism is 'they can do better' for a debut album anyway?
  4. MartinF.
    Jun 25, 2007
    This is an amazing album. Truely inspirtional and has brung rock music back to life. Great stuff guys!
  5. [Anonymous]
    May 8, 2007
    crackin little album perfect pick me up for a boring drive to work. oh and Maddy H "the best english band since the arctic monkeys..." are from dundee, which is in scotland.
  6. BeansOnToast
    May 6, 2007
    A terrible result, despite the all-star production treatment, and misguided media preference as the latest indie wannabes. Shameful and massively inferior attempt to capture the Libertines sound. If there is anything else around which sounds as contrived and plasticy as this, then I'm yet to hear it (thank f**k). What next, an album of motown covers or the beatles perhaps ? Anyone A terrible result, despite the all-star production treatment, and misguided media preference as the latest indie wannabes. Shameful and massively inferior attempt to capture the Libertines sound. If there is anything else around which sounds as contrived and plasticy as this, then I'm yet to hear it (thank f**k). What next, an album of motown covers or the beatles perhaps ? Anyone who appreciates good indie, don't waste your money or your bandwidth Expand
  7. asdsadasdsad
    May 3, 2007
  8. aa
    May 3, 2007
  9. MaddyH
    Apr 11, 2007
    Yes at times they do sound slightly like the Libertines, and a times you can hear Oasis....but mostly what you hear is the view. And it is true...the view are on fire! The best english band since the f the arctic monkeys exploded onto the scene, not only are the songs great, but they are so damn catchy too! Thet are all that a young band should be.
  10. Borachon
    Mar 14, 2007
    Awful, awful, awful band. Truly embarrassing lyrics, horrible voice, jingly-jangly guitars that have been heard ten million times before. If you thought Razorlight were as low as generic guitar music could go, think again. Dire.
  11. AndrewE
    Mar 8, 2007
    Proof that an album doesn't need to change your life to be f*cking great. I dare someone not to enjoy 'Same Jeans', 'The Don', 'Wasted Little DJs', or 'Claudia'. Nothing original, but there's nothing wrong with that. And these guys are how old? 19? 20? Expect more infectious guitar pop in the next few years, assuming their cocaine arrest Proof that an album doesn't need to change your life to be f*cking great. I dare someone not to enjoy 'Same Jeans', 'The Don', 'Wasted Little DJs', or 'Claudia'. Nothing original, but there's nothing wrong with that. And these guys are how old? 19? 20? Expect more infectious guitar pop in the next few years, assuming their cocaine arrest isn't the first step to a Libertines-esque implosion. Expand
  12. colmc
    Feb 27, 2007
    brill album which will have you humming al day long!
  13. LoudonFast
    Feb 12, 2007
    Sorta Like the La's meet the Buzzcocks. What's not to like? Standout cuts: "Wasted Little DJs," "Comin' Down" and Superstar Tradesman. "Same Jeans" sounds like a pop hit, though I could care less about pop hits.
  14. popshockdotorg
    Feb 11, 2007
    Didn't the Libertines happen once already... And then a second time (Babyshambles)... And then a third time (Dirty Pretty Things)... There are one or two good tracks on this album, but I'll be surprised if this band are even still around in a year's time.
  15. robn
    Feb 11, 2007
    geein' this a ten because GUY H reckons a review saying 'HATE THIS BAND - AWFUL!!' actually makes up a decent review. He probably hasnt heard the record but oh well, i hear the clash, the beatles bob dylan, oasis, the libertines and a lot more in this record althought it isnt done as well as the mentioned artists work. Great opening track in a similar vein to Rock n Roll geein' this a ten because GUY H reckons a review saying 'HATE THIS BAND - AWFUL!!' actually makes up a decent review. He probably hasnt heard the record but oh well, i hear the clash, the beatles bob dylan, oasis, the libertines and a lot more in this record althought it isnt done as well as the mentioned artists work. Great opening track in a similar vein to Rock n Roll star from Definitely Maybe - sets the tone for the record. Theres few ctiricisms to made at this record but it just seems a little unfinished in places Typical Time for example could be an amazing piece of work, i thought i had a dodgy copy when mine stopped at 35 seconds but no it is a sweet but way too short track. Wasteland is my favourite track, it seems to combine the rock and reggae vibe that Joe strummer and Paul Simonon reached on Guns of brixton and numerous other Clash masterpieces. Skag trendy reminds me of 'The boy looked at johnny' with bassist/guitarist Kieron giving it his best Pete Doherty meets Iggy Pop teenage screams over a delightfully funky bass riff. Kyle could be the next great songwriter since pete doherty face for the radio only serves to support this. standouts - face for the radio, same jeans, wasteland, comin down, skag trendy if you are looking for a band that will change your lives like The beatles did in 1964, or Bob Dylan did in 1966 or The Clash in 1977 then look elsewhere. but if you are looking for a solid record that is consistent enough to be hled in high esteem in ten years time, then get this on your speakers. Who knows, the second album could just be called Dundee Calling. Expand
  16. LuisA
    Feb 10, 2007
    a fantastic debut album, brits next best thing!
  17. celsos
    Feb 10, 2007
    Its a nice surprise this cd! Punk Rock and Rock n Roll mixed!!
  18. GillD
    Feb 9, 2007
    Brilliant! Scag Trendy, Face for the Radio, Superstar Trademan n Wasted Little DJ's r my faves, tho there's truly not a bad song on the album. Luv hearing the Dundee accent comin thru!. Better than The Arctic Monkeys live too! Move over lads...
  19. obregon
    Feb 8, 2007
    Very bad album.
  20. NoelG
    Feb 7, 2007
    best band in the uk.
  21. JonathanN
    Feb 7, 2007
    Disgusting little boy he is.
  22. GuyH
    Feb 5, 2007
    Just hate this band - awful!
  23. friendofman
    Feb 4, 2007

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. A cannily considered, thoroughly de nos jours mix of punk, skiffle and music hall-bred power pop which fizzes with energy and affects a brash charm, but adds little to Barat’s and Doherty’s original blueprint.
  2. Mojo
    [It] burns with pop ambition. [Feb 2007, p.105]
  3. There's enough talent here to suggest that the hype around The View at the moment is thoroughly justified - hats off to them indeed.