
Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. A cannily considered, thoroughly de nos jours mix of punk, skiffle and music hall-bred power pop which fizzes with energy and affects a brash charm, but adds little to Barat’s and Doherty’s original blueprint.
  2. Blender
    The quartet has the virtues of youth... and some of the drawbacks. [May 2007, p.106]
  3. Filter
    Hats of to the Buskers has a few top-notch tunes up its sleeve, but it generally fails to match the thrilling energy and shambolic charm of the [Libertines]. [#24, p.94]
  4. Mojo
    [It] burns with pop ambition. [Feb 2007, p.105]
  5. There's enough talent here to suggest that the hype around The View at the moment is thoroughly justified - hats off to them indeed.
  6. If 'Hats Off...' is slightly too much, too soon, they've still done enough to impress.
  7. It would be disappointing if this turned out to be the best debut album of 2007 - there's nothing particularly original here - but Hats Off to the Buskers is nonetheless a record that re-energises melodic guitar music in the most irresistible fashion, recalling the euphoric punch of Oasis' Definitely Maybe or the Strokes' Is This It as it does so.
  8. Like so many debuts, Hats Off to the Buskers is ultimately a document of a band searching for their own voice in those of others.
  9. The View are a study of all the essentials of British rock & roll.
  10. It’s nowhere near as definitive a piece of work as the Arctic Monkeys’ debut—to which it will inevitably be compared—but neither is it an empty product fuelled by baseless industry hype.
  11. In a vacuum, Hats off to the Buskers exists as a charming, innocuous piece of work, perfectly fine for mass appeal; in the real world, Falconer and company are gonna have to grin and bear just a few more Arctic Monkeys references.
  12. Spin
    These young Scotsmen have grime to spare, along with a belief in rock's power to rescue them from it. [Mar 2007, p.99]
  13. For the most part Hats Off To The Buskers is second-tier British post-punk.
  14. [The] good half is legitimately exciting.
  15. They're not without their charms.
  16. Uncut
    Their lack of artifice is a godsend. [Feb 2007, p.81]
  17. Under The Radar
    The View isn't bad, it's just that it's almost completely indistinguishable from countless other post-Pete Doherty, '60s-inspired Brit-rock bands. [#17, p.88]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 38 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 38
  2. Negative: 11 out of 38
  1. Jun 19, 2012
    It's rock and it's raw and it's very very Scottish. From a similar kind of place as the Libertines musically but they're a bit more rocky.It's rock and it's raw and it's very very Scottish. From a similar kind of place as the Libertines musically but they're a bit more rocky. They broke onto the scene when people were looking for another Arctic Monkeys. Superstar Tradesman, Wasted Little DJ's and Face for the Radio are the standout tracks. There's plenty to like on it but there is alot of standard average Indie rock on it. They've had a few records since this one but I've not heard them. They're career seemed to come to a halt after this record. Full Review »
  2. JJ.
    Sep 21, 2007
    This album is pure crap. British "rock n roll" is officially dead.
  3. paul
    Jul 16, 2007
    Ignore the jaded 'experts'. It's interesting and different enough. They can probably do better, but this is good listening Ignore the jaded 'experts'. It's interesting and different enough. They can probably do better, but this is good listening until they do. What kind of criticism is 'they can do better' for a debut album anyway? Full Review »