• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: May 20, 2022
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 640 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 64 out of 640
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  1. Sep 8, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Excelente álbum, lírica impresionante y sobre todo el juego de pistas para cada canción ha sido excelente, me encantó Satellite, una canción que te transporta así como todo el álbum Expand
  2. Jul 28, 2023
    The lyrics are amazing, the vocals are amazing, the production is amazing. Is such a complete album and it makes me feel comfortable and welcomed. Like a real home
  3. Jun 23, 2023
    obrigada harry, por me convidar a entrar na sua casa e poder te conhecer um pouco mais♡ eu te amo mil milhões, obrigada por essa perfeição, eu te amo muito muito muito muito muito muito
  4. Jun 22, 2023
    This has to be his best album, on all levels. The production, lyrics, vocals and music arrangements are all just next level. I danced and cried whilst listening to Harry's House; it is truly a triumph.
  5. Jun 4, 2023
    Such a great, well made fun pop album.
    Harry sounds happy, secure and the album is a perfectly thought out record without any bad songs
  6. Apr 5, 2023
    Harry Styles' latest album is filled with fun moments that further cement Styles' legendary status as an entertainer and singer. "Music from a Sushi Restaurant" is incredibly jovial that recalls 70s funk a la Sly and the Family Stone. "Late Night Talking" is another peppy tune that is among the best on the record that could easily be a Hall & Oates hit from the 80s. The time machine backHarry Styles' latest album is filled with fun moments that further cement Styles' legendary status as an entertainer and singer. "Music from a Sushi Restaurant" is incredibly jovial that recalls 70s funk a la Sly and the Family Stone. "Late Night Talking" is another peppy tune that is among the best on the record that could easily be a Hall & Oates hit from the 80s. The time machine back to the 80s continues with the hit single, "As It Was". The album mid-way through becomes a big stagnant, but there are still some great moments in the back-half, like the dramatic ending of "Satellite" and the funky "Cinema". Expand
  7. Mar 30, 2023
    A solid follow-up to Fineline, Harry's House is great throughout and excellent in places. As It Was is such a devastating track when severed from its uptempo pop sound and one which continues to be endlessly listenable. Tracks like Boyfriends and Little Freak fall a little flat alongside the likes of Matilda and Keep Driving. Harry Style's is a truly talented artist and performer who IA solid follow-up to Fineline, Harry's House is great throughout and excellent in places. As It Was is such a devastating track when severed from its uptempo pop sound and one which continues to be endlessly listenable. Tracks like Boyfriends and Little Freak fall a little flat alongside the likes of Matilda and Keep Driving. Harry Style's is a truly talented artist and performer who I believe can do even bigger and better things in the future. Expand
  8. Mar 17, 2023
    A solid, fun album, full of nice songs. In this record Harry explores the 80s and the majority of the songs are influenced by music styles of that decade. Its smash lead single “As It Was” is a love at first listen, very catchy and captivating.
  9. Mar 3, 2023
    It's not exactly something new. It's very standard, but it does what it intends on doing, very well. "As It Was", "Late Night Talking", "Music for a Sushi Restaurant" are the best 3 tracks in my opinion. But it feels very standardised (the rest of the album). I think there is a lack of boldness and risks in this album, but that doesn't make it bad, it just makes it a normal pop hit album.
  10. Feb 1, 2023
    This project is something great, although I could pick on one song that I unfortunately don't like.
  11. Dec 23, 2022
    The production on songs like daydreaming, daylight and grape juice take away from the album. The large guitar bit throughout daylight and at the end feels off. The way it’s mixed doesn’t match the overall sound of the rest of the song and it pulls me out. That’s one example of the overlying issue with this album(along with some problems with lyrical content). 7/10.
  12. Dec 14, 2022
    By miles and miles, my favorite Harry record. The production and writing here is just so much better and more memorable. Music for a sushi restaurant, late night talking, as it was, little freak, keep driving and cinema are incredible songs
  13. May 20, 2022
    Fantastic album, his best work yet. The album is so cohesive and the song writing has evolved to a point where the songs will become classics
  14. Nov 27, 2022
    Harry's House : 8.5 (arredondei para nove pois sou legal)

    Gostei da maior parte das músicas deste albúm, mas as músicas finais acabaram não fazendo muito meu estilo. Musicas favoritadas: Cinema e Matilda (além daquelas que fizeram sucesso no ticoteco). Beijinhos
  15. Nov 13, 2022
    Puedes notar el cambio de Fine Line a este álbum, harry sigue en el mainstream mientras toma riesgos, que podrían ser más, pero es suficiente para obtener un álbum cohesivo, que sigue una secuencia, con conexión. Harry's House es una propuesta pop interesante con trompetas brillantes y unas cuerdas asombrosas (el bajo en Music for a Sushi Restaurant es un gran ejemplo), diferente a losPuedes notar el cambio de Fine Line a este álbum, harry sigue en el mainstream mientras toma riesgos, que podrían ser más, pero es suficiente para obtener un álbum cohesivo, que sigue una secuencia, con conexión. Harry's House es una propuesta pop interesante con trompetas brillantes y unas cuerdas asombrosas (el bajo en Music for a Sushi Restaurant es un gran ejemplo), diferente a los sonidos saturados de sintetizadores del pop actual, sin agregar el género urbano como un elemento popular; no, este álbum se mantiene fiel a Harry Styles, único, original y refrescante. Expand
  16. Nov 12, 2022
    Definitely the album of the year no one do it like him every song is amazing !!
  17. Nov 12, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Bjbjguvugugygyfygyvyvyvycycycychvhvjvjvhvhvhvhgh. Nbjbjbjvuvhvhftsrvuv nbhgtf Expand
  18. Nov 12, 2022
    This album is too good. Harry's voice gets better and better and I love that he keeps exploring and trying out different sounds. He is incredibly talented.
  19. Nov 11, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. el mejor album en el mundo todas y cada una de sus letras son arte dense la oportunidad de escucharlo Expand
  20. Nov 11, 2022
    Still my favorite album! Harry just proved how wonderful and big he is! So talented and deserves all the good noise around him
  21. Oct 22, 2022
    The sounds in this album is so good…i am not really a fan of old music but this album make me want to go back in time and explore those sounds…all the songs from start to finish bring something new ans exciting…i will definitely be listening to this album as a whole for a very long time
  22. Oct 21, 2022
    Un álbum lleno de experiencias y emociones increíbles, Harry es un gran artista y considero que este es un trabajo increíble
  23. Oct 21, 2022
    Such an amazing and sweet album! He definitely found himself in music cause all the songs match him!
  24. Oct 5, 2022
    Great album, inspired by retro sounds. Better than Harry's sophomore album.
  25. Sep 7, 2022
    Ended Justin and Ed
    He is the moment
    He is the a legend
    He is an icon
    The new king of pop
  26. Aug 22, 2022
    The lyrics touch my heart. Thank you for share these beautiful things with us
  27. Aug 21, 2022
    Probably one of the best albums this year. I like the instrumentals and the cohesive atmosphere. The album cover is good, and the overall concept of the record is solid. I would love to have more vocally demanding moments but the emotional tranks like Matilda and As it was made this album unique. The album's last song, "Love of my life is sonically outstanding and made me feel many emotions.
  28. Jul 31, 2022
    harry styles surprised me a lot this album came as a wonderful and delicious opportunity to get to know harry a little more I loved it so much
  29. Jul 31, 2022
    One of the things I most love about Harry is the way he is so personal and honest with his fans through his lyrics. Anyone who listen to his other two albums feel close to him, but Harry’s House makes sure that you’ll feel this from the start to the beginning. Harry invites you to his house to have a tea and an open conversation about his life. Soup, sex and sun salutations (and cocaineOne of the things I most love about Harry is the way he is so personal and honest with his fans through his lyrics. Anyone who listen to his other two albums feel close to him, but Harry’s House makes sure that you’ll feel this from the start to the beginning. Harry invites you to his house to have a tea and an open conversation about his life. Soup, sex and sun salutations (and cocaine hahaha). We are so blessed to have someone so creative and talented in our new generation. I hope he will keep blessing us throughout the years. Expand
  30. Jul 30, 2022
    One of the best experiences I've ever had, the album brings you a feeling of comfort with each song and you want to hear that song again and again, each song has a unique and smooth sound It really makes you feel and feel at home.

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. May 31, 2022
    Ultimately, Harry's House doesn’t really go anywhere or do much of anything at all. It breezes by with songs that seemed designed for the festival circuit and that are interesting and experimental enough that they’ll fit with Harry’s aesthetic without being too alienating for radio, almost as if he and his team couldn’t decide which was more important to them, so they went with neither.
  2. May 27, 2022
    Harry's House is what happens when Styles steps out of the spotlight to live his life. And despite the fact that there's nothing as immortal as "Watermelon Sugar" to be found, this album, as a whole, has solid bones and is sturdy enough to last.
  3. May 26, 2022
    On an album that, through its title, implies intimacy and solitude, Styles shows there are no four walls that can contain him.