• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: May 20, 2022
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Universal acclaim- based on 640 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 64 out of 640
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  1. May 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Harry styles's Harry's House is very diferent album from his two previous on so many levels. His best album yet. Expand
  2. May 20, 2022
    incredible. absolutely incredible. i love it so much. Thank you, Harry. Thank you for sharing this with us.
  3. May 20, 2022
    The production is so good, I was amazed with all the sounds, his voice is so good here, so mature and he’s playing with different notes, it’s amazing.
  4. May 20, 2022
    His best album ever .hit after hit and i fear grammy is waiting for him LOVE YOU HARRY
  5. May 20, 2022
    Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Good day to be called Matilda and it is despite the fact the song broke me.
  6. May 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. passports and footwells kiss her and don't tells wine glass puff pass tea with cyborgs riot america science and edibles life has gone viral in the bathroom cocaine side boobs choke her with a sea view toothache bad moves just act normal mocha pot monday it's all good hey you should we just keep driving? Expand
  7. May 20, 2022
    The full album start to finish, sonically, rhythmically, lyrically is absolutely perfect. There's not a single fault with it, the whole way through it's beautiful, it feels like a massive hug. It feels as though he's speaking directly to you and with the name being Harry's House the intimacy makes perfect sense. I smell a few grammys!!
  8. May 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best album of Harry Styles so far. Satellite is a masterpiece, definitely the best of the album. Little Freak, Daydreaming and Matilda are excelentes as well. Don’t think its the most intimate album of Harry but it feels like this is the music he wanted to do and now he’s comfortable for it. I feel like i’m literally at his home. Expand
  9. May 20, 2022
    This is definitely Harry's best album. Lyrically, musically, vocally, he outdid himself, I'm in awe of his work.
    I thought it would've been hard for Harry to top Fine Line, which is such an amazing album, but he did so easily. I love Fine Line and Harry's self titled album with every fiber of my body, but they have got nothing on Harry's House.
    Every track from beginning to end is so
    This is definitely Harry's best album. Lyrically, musically, vocally, he outdid himself, I'm in awe of his work.
    I thought it would've been hard for Harry to top Fine Line, which is such an amazing album, but he did so easily. I love Fine Line and Harry's self titled album with every fiber of my body, but they have got nothing on Harry's House.
    Every track from beginning to end is so addicting, so pleasing to listen to. There's not one track weaker than the others, in fact, each track is better than the last. It's hard to pick favourites.
    This is easily one of the best albums I've ever listened to, and I'm glad to see that some artists still make real music! I'm so glad to be able to spend my whole summer listening to this album. Summer 2022, you will always be famous.
  10. May 20, 2022
    It's soo different from his last albums every song is unique every song tells a different story he out did himself with this one it is executed soo masterfully little details everything soo good everyone should give him a chance without any bias
  11. May 20, 2022
    This album is truly an experience!

    The journey from Harry Styles to Fine Line and now to Harry’s House is truly astonishing and a wonderful and blessed journey to be apart of! The evolution of his lyricism, his voice and how he puts together an album is amazing. Compared to its predecessor, Harry’s house is probably less radio friendly, but it’s his most relaxed and sonically cohesive
    This album is truly an experience!

    The journey from Harry Styles to Fine Line and now to Harry’s House is truly astonishing and a wonderful and blessed journey to be apart of! The evolution of his lyricism, his voice and how he puts together an album is amazing. Compared to its predecessor, Harry’s house is probably less radio friendly, but it’s his most relaxed and sonically cohesive album yet. It’s like listening to one big song, which has distinct parts (songs) but the connection is truly there. I was excited for this album, with high expectations and a fear of a total letdown but I was truly surprised and in a good way! This is definitely an album which should be listened to top to bottom, in the order chosen, because the ride you’re on is just on a whole other level! Fantastic!
  12. May 20, 2022
    his best work yet. i have no idea how he managed to outdo fineline and hs1 but he did
  13. May 20, 2022
    I love this album! I can hear it all day on repeat! There is not a skip song for me!
  14. May 20, 2022
    What’s an amazing album! Probably one of the best albums of all time! My ultimate faves along with his two previous albums.
  15. May 20, 2022
    A wonderfully thought out album exploring yet again further genres than the previous album ‚Fine Line‘ did. Styles continues to test new possibilities in music and out did himself along the way. From groovy ‚Cinema‘ to gut wrenching ‚Matilda‘ and ‚Little Freak‘ Styles shows no matter what music he decides to do he excels.
  16. May 20, 2022
    This feels like coming home. At least 8 of these 13 tracks are my favorite pieces of work Harry has ever released…what a gift. Inventive, brilliant, sonically expansive and lyrically clever.
  17. May 20, 2022
    This album is stunning! Sonically & lyrically his absolute best. Harry finally finds a sound that is completely his own.
  18. May 20, 2022
    he really outdid himself with this album. I’m so glad he decided to show more of his vocals ability this time
  19. May 20, 2022
    If an album could represent its creators entire personality, it’s Harry’s house for Harry Styles. It’s love , yearning , sadness , smile put to music that distinct for the present age and yet radiate warmth.
  20. May 20, 2022
    an amazing album which shows Styles' talent in terms of range, vocals and genres.
  21. May 20, 2022
    spoiler: she slay harry you genius i listened to this from 12am to 10am i must sleep now but 10/10 10000/10000 an edible star
  22. May 20, 2022
    honestly, one of the best albums i've ever heard, amazing lyrics and beat. Harry Styles always make great music but this one exceeded my expectations!
  23. May 20, 2022
    Great album! MFSR, LNT, keep driving and LOML are my favourite! Harry truly outdid himself
  24. May 20, 2022
    great songs. zero skips. all the songs sound very different but the album is still really sonically cohesive.
  25. May 20, 2022
    The production is unbelievable and the lyrics are so intimate you feel you're reading his journal. Perfect album.
  26. May 20, 2022
    Amazing album,great production Harry's voice is really beautiful in this album and you can see the development in the writing ,the melodies and all !
  27. May 20, 2022
    That's Harry Styles’ best album to this date. The production? His vocals? Everything is amazing. It's pretty obvious that he cares about his audience and wants to give them a perfect music, what they really deserve.
  28. May 20, 2022
    This is undeniably Harry's best work. I am blown away by how much he has grown since his first album. The production is immaculate, the vocals are on point. Thank you Harry.
  29. May 20, 2022
    This album is amazing. The melody, the lyrics, harry's voice. I'm in love. My favourites are Love Of My Life, Little Freak and Music for a sushi restaurant.
  30. May 20, 2022
    His best album yet. Great production, i really love his vocal use in this record
  31. May 20, 2022
    What a Fantastic album ! Love the vocals and gonna be listening to it on repeat really
  32. May 20, 2022
    This is HANDS DOWN Harry's best album. I loved the fact that he decided to listen to classical music during the making of this album so you just know his sound is entirely his own. He is just so incredibly incapable of producing a bad album. Beyond talented man.
  33. May 20, 2022
    En su tercer trabajo musical en solitario, Harry Styles vuelve a superarse.
  34. May 20, 2022
    Outdone himself once again. From lyricism to voice to overall production of the songs as well as its aesthetic no one can ask for more. Definitely a no skip album! Job well done
  35. May 20, 2022
    A brilliant album full of clever writing and production. Every song is a journey which takes us to a new dimension. Vocals are powerful and versatile. He keeps pushing boundaries and showing how to take risks successfully with his music. His best album to date.
  36. May 20, 2022
    Different sound. A lot of great tracks. His voice sounds so smooth. Lovely album!
  37. May 20, 2022
    Pop AOTY has arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  38. May 20, 2022
    this album is fantastic. no skips. his vocals are incredible, the instruments, the production, really pure talent.
  39. May 20, 2022
    Wonderful, this is a more intimate album with a touch where Harry ventures into a new style that at times has certain shades of Funk. This work becomes the most intimate and special look of the great Harry Styles.
  40. May 20, 2022
    La estética del álbum definitivamente te introduce a lo que vas a escuchar. En pocas palabras, te transmite paz, calma y a la vez felicidad. Cuando terminas de escucharlo y piensas en elegir tu favorita es totalmente imposible.
    Muy buen álbum.
  41. May 20, 2022
    Incredible musically, the instrumentation is so on point, beautiful vocals and heavenly production.
    Every song slaps. Great album

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. May 31, 2022
    Ultimately, Harry's House doesn’t really go anywhere or do much of anything at all. It breezes by with songs that seemed designed for the festival circuit and that are interesting and experimental enough that they’ll fit with Harry’s aesthetic without being too alienating for radio, almost as if he and his team couldn’t decide which was more important to them, so they went with neither.
  2. May 27, 2022
    Harry's House is what happens when Styles steps out of the spotlight to live his life. And despite the fact that there's nothing as immortal as "Watermelon Sugar" to be found, this album, as a whole, has solid bones and is sturdy enough to last.
  3. May 26, 2022
    On an album that, through its title, implies intimacy and solitude, Styles shows there are no four walls that can contain him.