• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: May 12, 2017
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 1530 Ratings

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  1. May 12, 2017
    Mediocre to the point if being hard to listen through. It is generic, forgettable, and lacking in any emotional resonance. He claims his album is about social matters or childbirth and there is no sense to that. His voice shows signs of strain. Not one song could be described as great. There are decent background instrumentals but that is it. Any critic who praises this to high heavensMediocre to the point if being hard to listen through. It is generic, forgettable, and lacking in any emotional resonance. He claims his album is about social matters or childbirth and there is no sense to that. His voice shows signs of strain. Not one song could be described as great. There are decent background instrumentals but that is it. Any critic who praises this to high heavens when they were being dismissive towards a better album with actual great vocals and depth, is going to be side-eyed. Expand
  2. May 12, 2017
    I was very excited to hear Harry Styles' new work since going solo... and I have not been disappointed! This album is the perfect mix of fun, hard rock songs like 'Kiwi' that will have you singing and dancing, but also deeper and more heartfelt songs such as 'From The Dining Table'. His voice has really improved and you can tell that he has grown greatly as an artist since One Direction,I was very excited to hear Harry Styles' new work since going solo... and I have not been disappointed! This album is the perfect mix of fun, hard rock songs like 'Kiwi' that will have you singing and dancing, but also deeper and more heartfelt songs such as 'From The Dining Table'. His voice has really improved and you can tell that he has grown greatly as an artist since One Direction, by exploring a different sound and developing his own unique style. Harry has really put all his emotion and heart into creating an amazing album... and he has not failed. Everyone should give his new songs a try, there will be something that you will like for sure. Expand
  3. May 12, 2017
    Review of Harry Styles, the self titled album - 6.5/10 (3/5)

    Going for an old school British sound, Harry's solo debut album is set to capture an audience different from the screaming teen girls that followed One Direction. Influences of melancholic & / psychedelic rock and punk-funk are clear, with excessive use of electronic guitar riffs and distorted vocals that remind you of David
    Review of Harry Styles, the self titled album - 6.5/10 (3/5)

    Going for an old school British sound, Harry's solo debut album is set to capture an audience different from the screaming teen girls that followed One Direction.
    Influences of melancholic & / psychedelic rock and punk-funk are clear, with excessive use of electronic guitar riffs and distorted vocals that remind you of David Bowie, Bryan Adams, Bruce Springsteen, The Beatles, ect.
    - The album starts with "Meet Me In The Hallway", an almost George-Michael-at-a-hipster-after-party ballad.
    - The core of the album is presented next: slow-versed but with a powerful chorus, "Sign Of The Times" captures the attention as first single.
    - "Carolina", a headache-inducing noise factory, is just the worst song on the album. He really believes people will sing along to that "lalalalalalala" try-hard Mick Jagger stuff?
    - Sad, because the next song, "Two Ghosts", is a beautiful, relaxing, almost-country ballad, a la The Eagles and The Boss combined.
    - Ah, "Sweet Creature", a sweet guitar 'pickle'-song, I could 've done without the strained repetitive belts, but it's acceptable.
    We're already halfway through as the album is only 10 songs,
    - and "Only Angel" as an up-tempo rock song wakes us right up; it is just good fun (but please, get rid of the cowbell...). Europe's "Mind In The Gutter" sounds exactly the same.
    - "Kiwi" is rock-n-roll, Elvis, Bryan Adams and Kiss on steroids.
    - Oh, okay, we're going back to a calm Bowie-like forest-people-on-drugs anthem with "Ever Since New York". It is a good sing-along song, but can't keep the attention.
    - I heard this Elton John "Bennie And The Jets" type of sound coming back lately (Lady Gaga - "Hey Girl"), and Harry is trying to combine blues with smoke-a-cig-and-complain-about-women music with "Woman". Easy listening, but not my cup of tea.
    - The album ends the same way as it starts, with a slow after-hours track, which reminds me of Gustavo Santaolalla - "The Wings". "From The Dining Table" does not reach that level of quality though.

    Briefly, Harry Styles by Harry Styles is an alternative hipster album, you either like it or you hate it. The fan girls will back off, and an older crowd will appear at bars, where Harry will be performing small-stage intimate Irish pub-shows. I recommend "Only Angel" as a potentially successful single.

    1. Sign Of The Times, 2. Two Ghosts, 3. Only Angel
  4. May 12, 2017
    I really like to the album. His musical influences have definitely inspired him and this album. He still learning and definitely has potential. As a music lover 60s to the 90s music ; I applaud him for having the guts to do the kind of music he loved and do than to do the mainstream autotune edm music of today. So good job Harry can't wait see what the future holds. :-)
  5. May 12, 2017
    This album blew me away. It was a plethora of genres, with the soft country tunes to the fire-fueled kiwi, its a wonderful surprise to see someone as young try so many genres that aren't exactly mainstream. Really enjoyed it and cant wait to see how he grows as an artist. Also don't think we need "Bowie" comparisons, although influenced, he is also an artist in his own right. He's notThis album blew me away. It was a plethora of genres, with the soft country tunes to the fire-fueled kiwi, its a wonderful surprise to see someone as young try so many genres that aren't exactly mainstream. Really enjoyed it and cant wait to see how he grows as an artist. Also don't think we need "Bowie" comparisons, although influenced, he is also an artist in his own right. He's not legend status, but I can't wait to see his future work. Expand
  6. May 12, 2017
    Wow... was not expecting this.. at all. To think that an artist with such mega power, chose to be authentic instead of going down the mainstream route to maximize his fame and deepen his pockets, in itself, deserves praise. A very well deserved 10.
  7. May 12, 2017
    I have never heard a One Direction song so I had no idea what to expect from this him, but I am beyond pleasantly surprised. After just one listen I know this album will be in heavy rotation for me all summer.
  8. May 12, 2017
    The album is LIT! Every song it's so different, Harry's vocals are AMAZING! I'm never getting tired of listen to it! Such a great work Harry Styles!!!
  9. May 12, 2017
    Disguisting as F. Zayn album is better & i dont like him. Aftet all this hype this is a very dissapoinment for a 1D boy with 80 million record deal. Tragic
  10. May 12, 2017
    Tiene un estilo tan especial este álbum, cada canción te lleva a un nuevo mundo y te hace sentir triste y a la vez feliz. Sin duda uno de los mejores álbumes de este año.
  11. May 12, 2017
    Gran álbum, no pensaba encontrar canciones de este género este siglo donde todos los ritmos parecen estar hechos de un mismo escritor. Escuchar y ver las letras de las canciones.
  12. May 12, 2017
    AMAZING ALBUM! All those songs are just the best thing ever. These days seems like almost all the songs are the same, but Harry Styles showed me that this is not the case.
  13. May 12, 2017
    10 canciones que son muy diferentes a lo que había esperado de Harry Styles. El album te hace recordar a los años 70 y 80, y revive recuerdos de cuando uno era joven.
  14. May 12, 2017
    Amazing album! well-writing songs and beautiful rhythms. Very different from what on the radio nowadays. Amazing artist, songwriter and singer. I'm amazed.
  15. May 12, 2017
    El álbum está muy bien hecho, el tipo de canciones que se escucha en él son diferentes a las que uno está acostumbrado a escuchar en esta época en la radio, y a lo que se esperaba qe Harry Styles sacara. Un valiente y bien hecho álbum, fabolusas canciones y buenas letras.
  16. May 12, 2017
    Blending sweeping ballads with 70’s soft-rock inspired jams, Harry Styles’ self-titled album is an entertaining and confident debut for the former One Direction star.
  17. May 12, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 24
  2. Negative: 1 out of 24
  1. Q Magazine
    Jun 6, 2017
    Despite Styles' self-conscious references, his debut avoids indulgence. [Aug 2017, p.110]
  2. 80
    Ultimately Harry Styles feels comfortable and readily worn-in.
  3. May 18, 2017
    The missteps don’t detract too much from this ambitious, if slightly unfocused, debut.