• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: May 12, 2017
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  1. May 13, 2017
    This was sublime. It's lush, beautiful and a full-on emotional journey. I loved every second and keep going back for more. Gorgeous album. An absolute legend in the making is young Styles.
  2. May 13, 2017
    A great quality album! I love how its a mixture of slow, fun and a little bit of loud tracks on it, definitely worth to listen. I will definitelplaying this record alot!
  3. May 13, 2017
    Nice album. It was hyped a lot so I expected a bit more. I would've liked if he had gone pop-rock instead as his voice would've been better with it. Hopefully he'll improve more & more with time
  4. May 13, 2017
    Harry Styles album is amazing takes you on a roller coaster of emotions. It's great for all ages I am 51 years old and love it and my 25 year old loves it and my 16 year old loves it. I wish I could hear more on the radio because nowadays you only hear the same stuff and it gets tiring. It's magnificent . Outstanding it it's a Grammy worthy album.
  5. May 13, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I'm amazed of the quality of this record, the only disappointing thing is how short it is but I would rather have 10 tracks with great songs I guess. Standout tracks for me are Sign Of The Times, Carolian and Woman. Expand
  6. May 13, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I know its good when my whole family especially my rocker grandfather approve it! I personally dont listen to this type of music but cant deny the quality f this record, props to Harry for leaning into this type of music. A very solid debut album! Expand
  7. May 13, 2017
    I was very eager to get myself the self-titled 'Harry Styles' album after all the publicity he's been getting of late. It had many hurdles to get over in my book in terms of authenticity and creativeness.

    Although there are certain songs that I really liked such as 'Sign of The Times', it doesn't really get going from there. I found myself on many occasion wanting to skip to the next
    I was very eager to get myself the self-titled 'Harry Styles' album after all the publicity he's been getting of late. It had many hurdles to get over in my book in terms of authenticity and creativeness.

    Although there are certain songs that I really liked such as 'Sign of The Times', it doesn't really get going from there. I found myself on many occasion wanting to skip to the next track. But every time I did, it felt like some of the songs never really got me in the mood to listen further than a few seconds.

    It was possibly because my high standards come from years of listening to the likes of Queen and Bowie. I may have been spoilt all those years ago.

    There is some work to do for Harry. I still feel some of his former band members of 1D are coming out with more original soundtracks. And the sound he has needs a little refinement. The plagiarism allegations don't help much either. Sweet Creature sounded oddly similar to The Beatles Blackbird. Another 'oddity' was when was that Sign of The Times almost sounded like David Bowie's Space Oddity. And lastly Ever Since New York sounded a lot like Badfinger's Baby Blue. This is in my opinion is something to be very wary of. I think that took me by surprise and really didn't help my opinion of the album.

    If Harry is to become the rockstar he wants to be, there is a lot he needs to do.
  8. Ile
    May 13, 2017
    I've been waiting for this album for a long time and I'm really disappointed. It's really boring and his voice is too much altered. He cant sing high notes yet he does. He should stop it. Ah this album should be called "plagiarism"
  9. May 13, 2017
    If you think this is 'generic' and 'unoriginal' then you really need to expand your knowledge of music. Anyone rating it a 0 has had their ears plagued by the radio. Don't hate on something you don't understand. It's your problem; it's not on him sister.
  10. May 13, 2017
    The quality of the album is absolutely astounding. It is very different from the generic pop music that's everywhere nowadays. It has been praised not only by prestigious media outlets, but rock legends themselves which says a lot about his talent and the album itself.
  11. May 13, 2017
    I've been reading the childish 'reviews' written below by people who haven't even given this a chance and let their judgement be clouded by other artists that they like.
    All I have to say is... This is an amazing album. It's raw, real and honest. I'm pretty sure this has already been said before, but this is the type of music that I had been missing.
    Well done, Harry and everybody else
    I've been reading the childish 'reviews' written below by people who haven't even given this a chance and let their judgement be clouded by other artists that they like.
    All I have to say is... This is an amazing album. It's raw, real and honest. I'm pretty sure this has already been said before, but this is the type of music that I had been missing.
    Well done, Harry and everybody else who was involved in the creation of this great album.
  12. May 13, 2017
    I went into this album to figure out who Harry Styles is and what he was trying to accomplish. It didn't take long to realize his comparisons to past stars such as Bowie were warranted in some respects. Key word, some. I wasn't listening to Harry to see which glam star of the past few decades he was trying to impersonate, I wanted to see him as an artist. I feel like his album, for meI went into this album to figure out who Harry Styles is and what he was trying to accomplish. It didn't take long to realize his comparisons to past stars such as Bowie were warranted in some respects. Key word, some. I wasn't listening to Harry to see which glam star of the past few decades he was trying to impersonate, I wanted to see him as an artist. I feel like his album, for me personally, fell short in that respect. His songs weren't very memorable, relying more so on repetition (not only with lyrics, but the stories the songs told as well). If you asked me to recall one song that possibly stood out, I would say "Woman," since it is virtually impossible not to get his chorus stuck in your head. I appreciated "From the Dining Table" too. Did I find out who Harry Styles was? Well, no, other than the fact that he has trouble opening up and sleeps with girls, but any artist nowadays can provide me a tune expressing those sentiments in a less "tribute-y" "repetitive" way. I can only hope for more experimentation in albums to come. His debut album should have had more risk, but I think the problem came down to the fact that Harry was too focused on curating an image rather than putting out music that truly represented him. Expand
  13. May 13, 2017
    I was expecting something better after the hype he got. I am disappointed. His single was boring but I thought his album will be better. However, it was not the case. He tries to hard to be like Mick Jagger and it shows. I won't be listening to this again.
  14. May 13, 2017
    I am very impressed with Harry Styles' album, especially since it's his debut album. Unlike many albums that are released nowadays, the production of the songs is of high quality (live instrumentation) and they're very well written. The songs really tell a story. I have personally never been through heartbreak but Meet me in the hallway and From the dining table still hit me very hardI am very impressed with Harry Styles' album, especially since it's his debut album. Unlike many albums that are released nowadays, the production of the songs is of high quality (live instrumentation) and they're very well written. The songs really tell a story. I have personally never been through heartbreak but Meet me in the hallway and From the dining table still hit me very hard because he made me feel his pain. There's a lot of emotion in his voice and you can tell that he really means what he sings about. The upbeat songs like Kiwi and Only angel are absolute bangers, very rock and roll. Then you have acoustic songs like Two ghosts and Sweet creature, and fun (sexy) songs like Woman and Carolina. There's something for everyone on this album, and I think that's pretty amazing. Had high expectations after hearing Sign of the times, and he didn't let me down. Well done Harry! Expand
  15. May 13, 2017
    A stray away from all preceding One Direction albums, I truly believe Styles has developed his own personal and more mature sound with his solo debut. Heavily inspired by his icons, Styles has taken the classic 70's british rock sound and revitalized, while adding his own special flare that only he could provide. Songs such as Woman and Kiwi truly showcase Styles' maturity and have a majorA stray away from all preceding One Direction albums, I truly believe Styles has developed his own personal and more mature sound with his solo debut. Heavily inspired by his icons, Styles has taken the classic 70's british rock sound and revitalized, while adding his own special flare that only he could provide. Songs such as Woman and Kiwi truly showcase Styles' maturity and have a major "sex and rock +roll" vibe to them while songs like From the Dining Room Table and Two Ghosts make your heart ache and its hard not to sympathize with the young and evidently heartbroken singer. The real showstopper however is the lead single Sign of the Times. With such raw beauty and authenticity, there are very songs that have been performed with more passion than this one. Overall, I love everything about the album, from the genre, to the inspiration behind it, and to the personality and genuinity it holds. In fact, my only critique is that I wish it was longer. Expand
  16. May 13, 2017
    The best album Ive heard in a long time. His eclectic mix is refreshing, honest and raw. Every track resonates and his vocals are next to none. Well done Harry. A masterpiece.
  17. May 13, 2017
    Absolutely incredible album. From the lyrics to vocals it has captivated me. An incredible band as well. Definitely inspired by his own influences but still authentically Harry Styles. A smashing album that will be remembered for years to come. Looking forward to see what he accomplishes in the future. As someone with an eclectic taste in music I love this album. A great addition to myAbsolutely incredible album. From the lyrics to vocals it has captivated me. An incredible band as well. Definitely inspired by his own influences but still authentically Harry Styles. A smashing album that will be remembered for years to come. Looking forward to see what he accomplishes in the future. As someone with an eclectic taste in music I love this album. A great addition to my music collection. Proud of him, this is a masterpiece. Expand
  18. May 13, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I have no idea that this 1D member was going to release a solo album, if I haven't checked twitter trending topics, I would never find it out. As someone who loves old school music, the album is great, really enjoyed it. II was even surprised I haven't skip a song which I usually do if listening a whole album. Amazing solo debut! If Hary Styles is an instrument to bring back this type of music mainstream then he can definitely have my support. Expand
  19. May 13, 2017
    I saw some comparisons with Zayn's album which is pretty stupid to do in the first place since they ar e of different genres but since people are doing that here's my take on it- I wasn't a OneD fan but i did listen to Zayn's album and now I've heard Harry's and honestly I think Harrý's is much more mature and authentic sounding. His passion is very much clear throughout the record.I saw some comparisons with Zayn's album which is pretty stupid to do in the first place since they ar e of different genres but since people are doing that here's my take on it- I wasn't a OneD fan but i did listen to Zayn's album and now I've heard Harry's and honestly I think Harrý's is much more mature and authentic sounding. His passion is very much clear throughout the record. Zayn's was no different than what you hear on the radio all the time these days. Now i know just being different doesnt mean you're better but this album really is amazing. it caters to almost everyone's music tastes. But if your music taste is over played and over produced songs then this is not for you. Expand
  20. May 13, 2017
    Absolutely incredible album. His vocals are amazing and every song is golden. HE is golden. The styles of music are varied but it all flows really well. There isn't even one song on the album thats meh, that's alright but not great. They're all so good. Also, again I say, his vocals are amazing. He sings with so much emotion and you can feel everything he feels when you listen to it. TheAbsolutely incredible album. His vocals are amazing and every song is golden. HE is golden. The styles of music are varied but it all flows really well. There isn't even one song on the album thats meh, that's alright but not great. They're all so good. Also, again I say, his vocals are amazing. He sings with so much emotion and you can feel everything he feels when you listen to it. The lyrics are mature and personal. Love it. Love the entire thing. Expand
  21. May 13, 2017
    I noticed how some people are calling the album 'generic' , do they even listen to music that are on the radio right now? because this album is far from generic. it's influence is clear all throughout the album yet it comes off as original and not many people can do that so hats off to Styles for pulling this off. Expecting great things in the future.
  22. May 13, 2017
    I think the best aspect of this album is that it is original: nobody is doing this type of music right now. It's a breathe of fresh air in a moment in which we are forced to listen to rap music and R&B all the time. The music world needed this and I'm so proud of Harry for being true to himself, even if it meant going against what the general public seems to like at the moment.
    On another
    I think the best aspect of this album is that it is original: nobody is doing this type of music right now. It's a breathe of fresh air in a moment in which we are forced to listen to rap music and R&B all the time. The music world needed this and I'm so proud of Harry for being true to himself, even if it meant going against what the general public seems to like at the moment.
    On another note, it's sad to see so many bad reviews written by jealous people who didn't even listen to the album, that only want to make Harry seem bad in order to make their favorite (also known as Zayn, Harry's ex band mate) seem better. A bad review written by an anonymous person hiding behind a screen won't change the course of music.
  23. May 13, 2017
    For me this is the best album of the year, it's been a while since i never heard this kind of music i'm not talking about the genre but about the music quality. Now i understand why Harry styles was always the chosen one. He has all the combo . I really enjoyed all the tracks on this album, I give him 9/10 and i hope he'll gonna win a Grammy for this. It's not the fact that you haveFor me this is the best album of the year, it's been a while since i never heard this kind of music i'm not talking about the genre but about the music quality. Now i understand why Harry styles was always the chosen one. He has all the combo . I really enjoyed all the tracks on this album, I give him 9/10 and i hope he'll gonna win a Grammy for this. It's not the fact that you have the voice that makes you a talented person, it's the way you use it that makes the difference.Congratulations I became a fan. Expand
  24. May 13, 2017
    This album is so good exceeding my already very high hopes for it. People going on the basis that this is 'Harry Styles' and therefore everything he puts out is bad because he came from a boy band etc. is unfair. Preconceptions of artists and the music they make without first listening to everything they have done is frustrating. This album is incredible with different tones and sounds toThis album is so good exceeding my already very high hopes for it. People going on the basis that this is 'Harry Styles' and therefore everything he puts out is bad because he came from a boy band etc. is unfair. Preconceptions of artists and the music they make without first listening to everything they have done is frustrating. This album is incredible with different tones and sounds to each song making it stand out from the mainstream radio friendly songs written only to sell copies-it's exactly what music nowadays has been missing and it's so lovely that he's brought back this side of it. Expand
  25. May 13, 2017
    Anyone calling this 'ünoriginal' is honestly just being bitter because this album is anything but that. It's a breath of fresh air amongst the over-played songs that are on the radio right now. Really great job by Styles. Looking forward to what he has in store for the future
  26. May 13, 2017
    Wow! Harry Styles' self-titled debut album truly exceeded all of my expectations. Styles takes you on a journey back to the 80's with his soft-rock inspired jams and heartfelt ballads. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of his new sound - both lyrically and musically. With this album, Harry Styles proved that he is a very mature artist who definitely knows what he's doing! The musicWow! Harry Styles' self-titled debut album truly exceeded all of my expectations. Styles takes you on a journey back to the 80's with his soft-rock inspired jams and heartfelt ballads. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of his new sound - both lyrically and musically. With this album, Harry Styles proved that he is a very mature artist who definitely knows what he's doing! The music industry needs to keep an eye on him! Very impressive debut! Expand
  27. May 13, 2017
    Dissapointed. Even though I like the Style he was going for his album was boring and didjt live up the hype. I've never been a 1D fan so this the first time I heard his voice and it's sounds average at best. Totally a waste of money
  28. May 13, 2017
    Best album of this year for sure. I knew harry would do well and go for the artist route instead of the boring radio songs route! Most 1d ex-members can't relate!
  29. May 13, 2017
    It seems like he listened to old music from all the legends and he tried to make an album out of what he heard. Feels more like a tribute album than something to show who he actually is as an artist. Very boring and faceless!
  30. May 13, 2017
    Amazing! The best debut album from an artist in ages. He's doing great and i'm proud of how Harry sounds like he's not doing this because of sales, but because that's what he loves.
  31. May 13, 2017
    classic rock nostalgia. That's how I felt listening to this album. This is everything and more the music industry has been needing I'm glad he decided to do what he wanted to do despite others and he ended up absolutely killing it. Love it.
  32. May 13, 2017
    Grew up to David Bowie's , Queens , Prince and the Rolling Stones and I expected this to be a knock off version of the legendary 70's Classic Rock but I was surprised that Harry Styles didn't only go out of his way to release something that's not generic as a statement for his solo career but the album was actually amazing lyrical,production,vocals and instrumental wise and the cross overGrew up to David Bowie's , Queens , Prince and the Rolling Stones and I expected this to be a knock off version of the legendary 70's Classic Rock but I was surprised that Harry Styles didn't only go out of his way to release something that's not generic as a statement for his solo career but the album was actually amazing lyrical,production,vocals and instrumental wise and the cross over between the 70s and 2017 was just phenomenal. Boy really went go hard or go home! David Bowie would be proud! Expand
  33. May 13, 2017
    Harry Styles is like nothing out there at the moment, it's hard to imagine a 23 year old with the weight of a misconception about being in a boyband could write something this soul baring, honest, dark at times and just plain fun. You can hear his influences all through the album without feeling like he's copying or trying to be something he's not, it's all harry styles, the high notes andHarry Styles is like nothing out there at the moment, it's hard to imagine a 23 year old with the weight of a misconception about being in a boyband could write something this soul baring, honest, dark at times and just plain fun. You can hear his influences all through the album without feeling like he's copying or trying to be something he's not, it's all harry styles, the high notes and screams in the rockier tunes, the low vocals and slight break in his voice in the more somber songs, his honesty is consistent all through. In addition to going against all norms while putting out a debut album, he managed to capture true feelings, without sounding fake or whiny. It's an album I can enjoy whatever mood I'm in, because there is a song for every mood. And with Harry's stage presence, I can only imagine how some of these songs will sound live. A true treat, an appropriate nod to the old times, and a beautiful vision for times to come. Good job, Harry. Expand
  34. May 13, 2017
    It's so diverse, there's only 10 songs but they are really well written, wonderfully produced songs. I had high expectations and they were filled and then some. It's well-rounded album, I don't think there is anything missing. Lyrically kinda devastating and brutally honest. Good mix of slower and faster going songs. I think there is a hundred positive things I could say about this album,It's so diverse, there's only 10 songs but they are really well written, wonderfully produced songs. I had high expectations and they were filled and then some. It's well-rounded album, I don't think there is anything missing. Lyrically kinda devastating and brutally honest. Good mix of slower and faster going songs. I think there is a hundred positive things I could say about this album, if you don't believe me go and give it a listen and make up your own mind about it. Expand
  35. May 13, 2017
    From a heartbreaking song like From The Dining Table to a full on rock n roll song like Kiwi, this album is and will be the best album of the century. I wouldn't even be surprised if Harry will be nominated for a Grammy next year. This album gives out so many emotions (happiness, sadness, angst, jealousy and excitement. I absolutely love this album and I can't stop listening to it!
  36. May 13, 2017
    i can not believe I have waited for this over hyped trash and spent my hard earned money on this bland try hard 70s rock.... Bleh!! I want my money back......
  37. May 13, 2017
    This is a very diluted shadow of 70's rock. Its total lack luster and originality is epitome of blandness and unauthentic. A worst album of this year..
  38. May 13, 2017
    Ever since all the 1D boys gone solo. I was very intrigued as to what this guy has to offer... Since he is the only one who is getting so much hyped up and given promotion. But sadly I have spent my money on a very generic and copycat cat album. I am extremely disappointed!!
  39. May 13, 2017
    Harry Styles music is so bland and so much plagiarized from yonder days. There's Zero originality and uniqueness to this album. Massive disappointment
  40. May 13, 2017
    Absolutely shocked at how good this album was. I've been looking forward to Harry's solo stuff ever since he stood out to me among his previous band mates, and I'm happy to report that he has fulfilled all my expectations and more. THIS is exactly what music these days has been missing. Collapse
  41. May 13, 2017
    What every debut album should be like. Unlike others, it's clear that Harry Styles didn't particularly care about making music for charts or to please his already acquired audience: He made music that meant something to him and it shows! Every track tells a different story in a different way. I was pleasantly surprised by this album because there really is a song for everyone. The tunesWhat every debut album should be like. Unlike others, it's clear that Harry Styles didn't particularly care about making music for charts or to please his already acquired audience: He made music that meant something to him and it shows! Every track tells a different story in a different way. I was pleasantly surprised by this album because there really is a song for everyone. The tunes are catchy and never boring. The lyrics are smooth and witty. Styles really has outdone himself. Bravo! Expand
  42. May 13, 2017
    Absolutely amazing album! I'm so amazed by how he branched away from the usual pop generic music and created this album. He has definitely fulfilled my expectations as a solo artist. From the lyrics to the vocals he totally did it for me. Looking forward to whatever he has to put out in the future!
  43. May 13, 2017
    Unexpectedly very good album.. Harry did great job with it.. Very different from the mediocre music we are having these days.. Really great job
    My favorite tracks are Carolina, two ghost, sign times of the times, sweet creature and meet me in the hallway
  44. May 13, 2017
    what is this harry?? i expectted so much from 'the frontman of 1D'.Not even 1 song makes me feel like yeah i've heard something unique. All songs are mediocore.The music sounds familiar. He should make his own music and stop recreating the music that already exists.sorry harry this album failed to impress me
  45. May 13, 2017
    Derivative. contrived and pretentious album with a purpose to be a critical darling moreso than to actually cultivate a sound inspired by the 70's rock greats. Critics like Rolling Stone stop peddling PR paid drivel comparing this poser to rock legends of yore; your agenda is blatantly obvious. We can make up our own minds on what this lackluster effort is, thanks. I think most of theDerivative. contrived and pretentious album with a purpose to be a critical darling moreso than to actually cultivate a sound inspired by the 70's rock greats. Critics like Rolling Stone stop peddling PR paid drivel comparing this poser to rock legends of yore; your agenda is blatantly obvious. We can make up our own minds on what this lackluster effort is, thanks. I think most of the praise coming from people is that H has gone against the grain of mainstream music more than an actual analysis of the music. The actual music is plagiarized, blatant ripoffs from music done better and more authentic. In this album there is no sense of identity, or theme or conviction, just picking sounds from one rock great to another with the end result being pretentious drivel and blatant Grammy bait. Expand
  46. May 13, 2017
    90% negative reviews in this section with "0" from Zayn's fans. It is ridiculous! Are you have nothing to do? Even if you're not a fan of Harry or his album, this album totally doesn't deserve 0. And to me, it is sad to see how fans of the different artist doing stuff like that. Your score will not change anything. The album is great and people seems to like it. Whatever you want it or90% negative reviews in this section with "0" from Zayn's fans. It is ridiculous! Are you have nothing to do? Even if you're not a fan of Harry or his album, this album totally doesn't deserve 0. And to me, it is sad to see how fans of the different artist doing stuff like that. Your score will not change anything. The album is great and people seems to like it. Whatever you want it or not. Go and support your artist and don't do the collective spam on the page of the debut album by ex band-mate your fav singer.

    This is great album. 8.5/10. Deserve a listen for sure. Will give it a 10 and I already told why.
  47. May 13, 2017
    I honestly thought Harry's music was pretty boring which is a shame because I love Harry. Hopefully his next album it going to be better. Too robotic for me.
  48. May 13, 2017
    I really wanted to like harry's album i thought it was going to be different something special like they described it but its not my style and i like rock music
  49. May 13, 2017
    I didn't even know who one direction was i only knew a harry styles thats all the media talked about so i had very high expectations for this young man yet it was a complete dissapointment.
    It sounded like a 70's parody album, or an amateur who is trying to imitate their favorite rock bands.
    Now that thats been said, ill go check his peers i heard they came out with solo material as well
    I didn't even know who one direction was i only knew a harry styles thats all the media talked about so i had very high expectations for this young man yet it was a complete dissapointment.
    It sounded like a 70's parody album, or an amateur who is trying to imitate their favorite rock bands.
    Now that thats been said, ill go check his peers i heard they came out with solo material as well i don't even know their names because i was expecting harry to be the "beyonce" with all that talk in the media.
  50. May 13, 2017
    I am somewhat shocked at just how good Harry Styles album turned out. It's a very eclectic album that takes the listener on a journey of Harry Styles life outside of the tabloids. The listener gets a closer view of a celebrities life outside of the spotlight. The album felt intimate, and what I took from this album is just how vulnerable he must have felt exposing another side of himself.I am somewhat shocked at just how good Harry Styles album turned out. It's a very eclectic album that takes the listener on a journey of Harry Styles life outside of the tabloids. The listener gets a closer view of a celebrities life outside of the spotlight. The album felt intimate, and what I took from this album is just how vulnerable he must have felt exposing another side of himself. Sign of the times is one of my favorite tracks on the album followed by Carolina, ever since New York, Woman, Kiwi, sweet creature, Only Angle, Meet me in the hallway, and From the dining table. I'm warming up to Two Ghost. This is a great album and I would suggest to anyone who hasn't had a listen to keep an open mind and give the album a few listens from beginning to end before casting your final judgment. Expand
  51. May 13, 2017
    Amazing, as always.
    Harry Styles, is an direct icon, making everyone swoon, all other the world.
    Such a, sick, sick debut album.

    This guy is going somewhere.
  52. May 12, 2017
    Harry Styles is a storyteller he takes you on trips down complex emotions we have heard in songs a million times and still manages to pull the curtain and show you a new perspective. The stakes were high for his first album and his choice of eclectic melodies and rhythms was the perfect message to convey to his audience that he is still discovering his craft, but he will like to invite youHarry Styles is a storyteller he takes you on trips down complex emotions we have heard in songs a million times and still manages to pull the curtain and show you a new perspective. The stakes were high for his first album and his choice of eclectic melodies and rhythms was the perfect message to convey to his audience that he is still discovering his craft, but he will like to invite you on the journey with him. Harry's first album has already drawn comparisons to legendary musicians of eras past and although we can hear his musical inspirations through some of his melodic choices it is still a still all his own. Stakes were high for Styles, but his first album hits the mark and any blemishes that can be found only make you more excited to see him grow and polish them off. Expand
  53. May 12, 2017
    Completely boring, lifeless, and slow. This isn't rock music at all, and I expected much better. Not only that, but half the songs are complete rip-offs of classic songs released in the 70s and 80s.
  54. May 12, 2017
    It's boring as hell thank god it was only 10 song god only knows what would happened to me if it was more...i felt i aged 15 years listening to it is THAT bad...i won't even recommend it to am enemy....love yourself and save your time in something worth...if there's a mark less than a 0 it would be given to this album....
  55. May 12, 2017
    Wonderful album, a different sound. Harry is doing well in this new phase!
    He's doing the kind of music I like, has tracks like "Only Angel" that appeals to the taste buds of rock fans, but also features tracks like "Sweet Criature", "Ever Since New York" and "From The Dining Table" Which will surely appeal to folk / alternative fans.
  56. May 12, 2017
    Was excited for this album but man I gotta say very disappointed. I wanted some originality. I will not compare his album to his former band member because both are different genre. My review is only based on what he has brought to the album and i personally expected more since I was excited for his album the most.
  57. May 12, 2017
    Woman and From the Dining Table are my favorites but there honestly isn't a bad song on here. A very solid solo debut. The fact that it has so many zeroes right now is a joke lol. Could Zayn Malik fans be any more transparent?
  58. May 12, 2017
    I think it is the first album in last few years where every song to me at least solid 8/10. I wasn't expecting to like it so much. Production on this album is really good. They (Harry and his team) paid attention to details. It has the influence of old artists but sounds really fresh. All the songs are perfect together and it even feels like the album is ending too soon. I really hope thisI think it is the first album in last few years where every song to me at least solid 8/10. I wasn't expecting to like it so much. Production on this album is really good. They (Harry and his team) paid attention to details. It has the influence of old artists but sounds really fresh. All the songs are perfect together and it even feels like the album is ending too soon. I really hope this album gets the recognition it deserves. Expand
  59. May 12, 2017
    I think this album will change a lot of preconceived opinions on Harry. He put out something really exciting and authentic. There's nothing out there right now like this. I've had it on repeat since it was released, I genuinely enjoy every single song.
  60. May 12, 2017
    Even though I already thought Harry was very talented, I was wary of what his solo stuff would sound like. His ex-band mate Zayn, for example, is a talented singer, too. But I didn't care for his solo music at all. I loved Harry's first single, Sign of the Times, and that gave me hope that I might enjoy the rest of the album. I didn't expect to be blown away, but I was. Yes there areEven though I already thought Harry was very talented, I was wary of what his solo stuff would sound like. His ex-band mate Zayn, for example, is a talented singer, too. But I didn't care for his solo music at all. I loved Harry's first single, Sign of the Times, and that gave me hope that I might enjoy the rest of the album. I didn't expect to be blown away, but I was. Yes there are obvious influences in the music, but he has still made it his own. Good luck to you, Harry! Expand
  61. May 12, 2017
    Sounds like any other 1d album. Listened to few bits of it...didn't like it all. Two Ghosts is an exception but other than that..meh. Very unoriginal.
  62. May 12, 2017
    How refreshing to see a young male solo act go against the typical music on the radio these days. The lyrics, production, and vocals are all extremely impressive. The album is at its most brilliant when heard as a whole and in the order Styles intended. It's truly an experience and a timeless piece of work. Bravo, Harry.
  63. May 12, 2017
    an amazing, original, and eclectic surprise of an album. i was captivated through the slow, haunting ballads, to the powerful and energetic tunes. the songs fit so well together to create a brilliantly timeless album that i can't get enough of
  64. May 12, 2017
    Esse é definitivamente o pior álbum que eu ja escutei na minha vida, eu nunca sai de um álbum sem gostar de pelo menos uma música, mas todas são ruins de mais, sem contar todos os plágios do Harry, é impressionante que ele ta começando agora mas só ta vivendo pela superestimação e mijo por toda parte, pq sozinho ele nao faria sucesso sendo que mesmo com tudo isso ele nao faz, so sei queEsse é definitivamente o pior álbum que eu ja escutei na minha vida, eu nunca sai de um álbum sem gostar de pelo menos uma música, mas todas são ruins de mais, sem contar todos os plágios do Harry, é impressionante que ele ta começando agora mas só ta vivendo pela superestimação e mijo por toda parte, pq sozinho ele nao faria sucesso sendo que mesmo com tudo isso ele nao faz, so sei que boa sorte harry na sua jornada em encontrar um dia a originalidade, pra nao continuar ganhando dinheiro a custas do trabalho dos outros Expand
  65. May 12, 2017
    i hope this album makes people finally stop dismissing a man with genuine talent just because he was in a boyband. he's talented, he's got so much to say and the way he goes about it can only be classed as absolute elegance. it's a masterpiece.
  66. May 12, 2017
    Not gonna lie but I haven't heard an album like this in years. It's incredibly eclectic I love the different sounds, I love his voice, his music is so damn good please give it a try and you will not regret it
  67. May 12, 2017
    I never expected to like an indie/rock album. Here I am.
    Kiwi is just so good. I know some people might not want to give it a try because he was on a boyband, but it's good.
  68. May 12, 2017
    This album saved 2017. There isn't a single bad song on it. 100% the best way is to listen to it all the way through. Take 40 minutes to change your life.
  69. May 12, 2017
    Damn boy... you couldve done something so cliche for an ex-boyband member but this....this is a masterpiece. major respect to you for doing something that is at the same time nostaligc but also hugely different. looks good on you kid, keep it up! looking forward to more
  70. May 12, 2017
    O álbum é incrível, muito bem produzido e ele provou que não é só um ex boybander e sim um artista de verdade que deve ser levado a sério. Eu estou realmente impressionada e espero que as pessoas possam ter a oportunidade de conhecer o trabalho do rapaz sem qualquer tipo de preconceito.
  71. May 12, 2017
    i first heard of this guy when he was going to be in the new nolan movie but knew next to nothing about him other than assuming he was a nancy boy. this isnt a review of dunkirk and his acting of course, i just brought it up because i had preconceived notions about him but still gave the album a shot on spotify to see what all the fuss is about... and i have to say, this album blew myi first heard of this guy when he was going to be in the new nolan movie but knew next to nothing about him other than assuming he was a nancy boy. this isnt a review of dunkirk and his acting of course, i just brought it up because i had preconceived notions about him but still gave the album a shot on spotify to see what all the fuss is about... and i have to say, this album blew my mind. the production is great and his singing sounds instantly classic to me. he couldve gone and made a radio friendly pop rnb song like all other ex-boybanders but he made something in a genre that you can genuinely tell he worships... he took a risk and it paid off massively. he just gained a new fan. cant wait to see him in dunkirk this summer Expand
  72. May 12, 2017
    El álbum es excelente. Harry escogió 10 excelentes canciones para mostrarle al mundo que es una persona inteligente y vulnerable. Su talento jamas se verá opacado por los antis. Él ama su trabajo y se nota cuando escuchas el resultado.
    Ademas de ser una persona trabajadora y con mucho talento, es alguien humilde y lleno de amor por sus fans. Harry tendrá el existo que merece.
  73. May 12, 2017
    I love this album as much as I love Harry, One Direction and all pf my other favourite artists. When I was listening to this album I felt the same passion when I heard James Bay's debut album 'Chaos And The Calm' (2015). The lyrics are so precious and the way he musicalized them are glorious, it's exciting the thing that he did on the tracks 'Sign Of The Times' and 'Only Angel' when he wasI love this album as much as I love Harry, One Direction and all pf my other favourite artists. When I was listening to this album I felt the same passion when I heard James Bay's debut album 'Chaos And The Calm' (2015). The lyrics are so precious and the way he musicalized them are glorious, it's exciting the thing that he did on the tracks 'Sign Of The Times' and 'Only Angel' when he was going down with the rythm and voice and then he came up so wildly. This album is majestic and if you like the genres like classic rock, indie notes and pop-full-of-listen-worth-lyrics, this will be one of the albums that will make your life better. I am so proud of him and the way he showed the world how he really sounds like makes te album even better. —Paula Monsalve Prado. Expand
  74. May 12, 2017
    Absolutely shocked at how bad is Harry's debut album. It still sounds like One Direction but with Harry only vocals which can't be a good as he was not the best singer of the band. He always needed Liam and Zayn's support.
  75. May 12, 2017
    Novo príncipe do Rock, felizmente. Deixem esse preconceito lixo com ex-boyband de lado e ouçam o hinário que tá maravilhoso. Two Ghosts, Only Angel e Sign of the Times melhores faixas da nova bíblia do rock.
  76. May 12, 2017
    I wish Harry's album was as good as Zayn's. I am kinda disappointed, he should have stayed in One Direction. Harry's album lack originality and good vocals, it feels like he is trying too hard to be Bowie.
  77. May 12, 2017
    It is amazing, it shows us Harry's style which we really didn't get to see in One Direction. I am proud of him, he worked really hard, and I personally really enjoy this album. He has done an amazing job.
  78. May 12, 2017
    This album reminds me of Beck Morning Phase, so of course it is good. I feel like the lead single is a little bit far from the others tracks, but as a whole the album is amazing.
  79. May 12, 2017
    this album was boring and it honestly felt pretentious.I tried to give it a listen bc of the hype around it but it definitely does not live up to it. disappointing.
  80. May 12, 2017
    while listening to this album I felt like listening to a compilation of covers of sole other old songs. there is nothing original about this album. plus, the lyrics are bad, some of them really made me cringe (e.g. kiwi). for me, as of now, Harry is just a copycat. he has nothing to say and he has yet to find what he wants to be as an artist.
  81. May 12, 2017
    Incredible production value on this. However, it falls short because he wears his influences on his sleeve too strongly. I have no sense who Harry Styles the Artist is, I am very clear on who Harry Styles the Fanboy of Rock Legends is. This isn't a bad thing but I'm not sure why i should care if he's not bringing something fresh to the table. If i wanted to hear Rolling Stones or RodIncredible production value on this. However, it falls short because he wears his influences on his sleeve too strongly. I have no sense who Harry Styles the Artist is, I am very clear on who Harry Styles the Fanboy of Rock Legends is. This isn't a bad thing but I'm not sure why i should care if he's not bringing something fresh to the table. If i wanted to hear Rolling Stones or Rod Stewart or Elton John or Beatles et al. covers, well, I wouldn't bother - I'd just go to the source. I'll check him out on the next one, maybe he'll have found some identity by then. Expand
  82. May 12, 2017
    Masterpiece. Extremely talented lad. It was a very brave move to put this record out. He could've gone for the old EDM/rnb route, just like all the boy-band members do, but he decided to really step his game up. I respect that.
  83. May 12, 2017
    Some Z stans are just so childish and rude. It makes me sick. This album is soo good. I'm 100% sure that they didn't even listen the album. Horrible people. Just bitter!
  84. May 12, 2017
    que iconico diosrry patron de todos los miembros de 1D compren el album en itunes malditas perras hijueputas zorras gonorrientas pd
    ariana>>>>>> selena
  85. May 12, 2017
    I give him credit for at least attempting to be different. However, going against the popular norm does not automatically equal good music. I could tolerate only one song, the rest I hated, thus a score of 1. Comparisons to Fleetwood Mac and Bowie are not only exaggerated but disrespectful. Never a One Direction fan, but I honestly expected way more given the hype from Rolling Stone etc.
  86. May 12, 2017
    Harry Styles self titled album has surpassed my expectations. I was skeptical on the sound he was going but upon hearing Sign Of The Times, I knew this album will be worth the hype. I am excited for what the future holds for him as a solo artist!
  87. May 12, 2017
    Absolutely amazing! Superb songwriting, outstanding vocals. Just a pleasure to listen to! Thank you Harry Styles for bringing back real music! Every single song is great. My favorite is Two Ghosts for very personal reasons, it speaks to me. This whole album will become a classic, it's a masterpiece!
  88. May 12, 2017
    I've had books remind me of songs before. It isn't really uncommon.
    Though before yesterday, I've never had a book remind me of an album. Another first of mine, conquered by Harry Styles. The album "Harry Styles" reminds me of David Levithan's "The Lover's Dictionary," and I am so in love with that thought.
    Harry's debut album is an eclectic range of emotion and each song is clearly very
    I've had books remind me of songs before. It isn't really uncommon.
    Though before yesterday, I've never had a book remind me of an album. Another first of mine, conquered by Harry Styles. The album "Harry Styles" reminds me of David Levithan's "The Lover's Dictionary," and I am so in love with that thought.
    Harry's debut album is an eclectic range of emotion and each song is clearly very important to him. As he tries on different genres, he expresses himself seamlessly in each one.
    I have to give this album the full score of 10/10 because there is simply no way to fault pure emotion and deep artistry.
  89. May 12, 2017
    he did an awesome job!! i am really proud and I am pretty sure that he is going to win a lot of awards with his album, after all he is a rock & rock poet sex god
  90. May 12, 2017
    This album is definitely worth the hype. Each song shows off Styles's truly stunning vocals. An entire variety of genres and styles (!) are shown throughout the entire album, ranging from indie to funk to true rock 'n' roll. There's definitely a song for everyone. Definitely will have this album on repeat for the next few months.
  91. May 12, 2017
    The album is extremely diverse in regards to genre. It shows how Harry Styles's insane vocal range. It'll be interesting to see where he goes in the future because he is playing rock music that is at the top of the charts in comparison to what is currently on the radio now.
  92. May 12, 2017
    this album is positively amazing. it has personal, heart throbbing lyrics that just make you so upset but so amazed by his writing and singing skills. each song has its own meaning, so proud of you H. xx
  93. May 12, 2017
    such a boring album, nothing special.. david bowie rip off.. the only good song is "the signs of the times" , i expected a lot from harry as he was the main guy from 1D but i am disappointed
  94. May 12, 2017
  95. May 12, 2017
    Pisa menos rei do rock, já não bastava ser rei do pop, melhor debut do ano com toda a certeza e a pisada no Zayn foi forte como sempre né mores. 10/10
  96. May 12, 2017
    This Album by Harry Styles is everything he promised us and so much more! As he promised, it is a Rock N Roll kind of album - and a great one at that! There is a nice mix of a few upbeat songs and a few slower ones. Everything from fun to serious is covered.
  97. May 12, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I really don't want to go and compare two ex bandmates, but I guess I have to. They both are making different music, so in overall if you are not into classical rock but rnb, you will for sure not like it. Comparing two musically different albums is just plain stupid. Both did great work, I just prefer the Harry`s album better. Zayns music sounds all the same and you can just find two hits on that album going big. I can name half of harry styles album, that could be a great single and make it far. That even proves his first single out, going big in just few days. I prefer some songs more, some less. I am hyped up about Woman, Kiwi, Carolina a lot. Those are like my ultimate fave. I like the slow songs as well. In overall i am listening the album whole day and will be at least another month until I will be just full of it. For those who are giving this album zero, just because you are afraid Zayns album will have worse score. Please realize that Harry is just a little more fans. Its just a fact you cannot beat. So stop this nonsense and rate the music like it should be. Expand
  98. May 12, 2017
    We get to witness the brilliant mind of Harry Styles. He's an incredible writer and artist. The personal journey he takes you on is a spiritual experience. He's brave in putting out something that's not mainstream at the moment, but with this album that will soon change.
  99. May 12, 2017
    I was born in the 70s and grew up to these kinds of music so listening to Mr. Styles album is both nostalgic and refreshing. It's like being transported to another time....a pleasant time. I appreciate what Mr. Styles is trying to do and I hope he succeeds.
  100. May 12, 2017
    Harry Styles self titled album is a naive debut from an artist coming from one of the most successful boybands of this decade. Speaking of popularity in the group, Harry has definitely the most handsome, the most talked, the most talented, etc. And if you ask me, i would never imagine the Harry Styles from One Direction was going to full Rock N Roll for his debut; and the album it's notHarry Styles self titled album is a naive debut from an artist coming from one of the most successful boybands of this decade. Speaking of popularity in the group, Harry has definitely the most handsome, the most talked, the most talented, etc. And if you ask me, i would never imagine the Harry Styles from One Direction was going to full Rock N Roll for his debut; and the album it's not only full Rock N Roll, but it's actually really good.
    There's no doubt that Meet Me In The Halfway, Sign Of The Times, and From The Dining Table are highlights, but the rest of the album is not far from them. Harry goes full Rock N Roll with Carolina, Only Angels, and Kiwi, wich are the only upbeat songs of the album. In Woman, Harry shows his funky side, that could belong straight to a Prince album or to David Bowie's Let's Dance album. For me, Ever Since New York is one of my favorites; it reminds me of U2's The Joshue Tree era, specially to In Gods Country, which is a good thing.
    This debut album only make us ask ourselves if this album will be a classic of our generation; question that only time will teel us.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 24
  2. Negative: 1 out of 24
  1. Q Magazine
    Jun 6, 2017
    Despite Styles' self-conscious references, his debut avoids indulgence. [Aug 2017, p.110]
  2. 80
    Ultimately Harry Styles feels comfortable and readily worn-in.
  3. May 18, 2017
    The missteps don’t detract too much from this ambitious, if slightly unfocused, debut.