
Universal acclaim - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Oct 20, 2015
    Tickets to the show may be sold out until approximately forever, but this album is an excellent replacement.
  2. Oct 20, 2015
    This recording seems a vital one, and time will tell if the musical is a watershed in big-budget musical theater.
  3. Oct 20, 2015
    Hamilton’s stage production should be required viewing for every American citizen, but this exhilarating listen is a much more practical, and every bit as enjoyable, stand-in.
  4. Oct 20, 2015
    It’s 46 songs of verbose, intricately delivered raps, spun from a story with enough character to have already made it a New York Times best-seller. There’s a lot of ground to cover regardless of medium.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 63 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 52 out of 63
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 63
  3. Negative: 11 out of 63
  1. Dec 4, 2015
    horrível, a mesma coisa de sempre, sem talento, péssimas composições, sem graça, flop total como isso ta no topo há ninguém veio negativar ouhorrível, a mesma coisa de sempre, sem talento, péssimas composições, sem graça, flop total como isso ta no topo há ninguém veio negativar ou perder tempo aqui. affz Full Review »
  2. Nov 10, 2015
    If you are at all interested in the art form of the Broadway musical, this album is required listening. It is at once a love letter to theIf you are at all interested in the art form of the Broadway musical, this album is required listening. It is at once a love letter to the history of Broadway and many pop styles, and a completely new synthesis. Plus, it's educational! Full Review »
  3. Jan 3, 2016
    This is my absolute favorite recording of 2016. It's an amazing mix of hip hop, Broadway, history and verbal jousting that would make EminemThis is my absolute favorite recording of 2016. It's an amazing mix of hip hop, Broadway, history and verbal jousting that would make Eminem envious. Even after dozens of runs through the soundtrack, I still hear themes that make me go "WOW." I can't recommend this any higher. Lin Manuel Miranda and Questlove are certified geniuses. Full Review »