
Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Billboard
    "Guerolito" proves that remixes do not have to work solely for dance crossover: They can give a well-received album new legs among its original fans, too. [17 Dec 2005]
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    It's a studio-geek jam session that, in terms of sonic inventiveness, nearly beats the DJ-savvy original. [16 Dec 2005, p.82]
  3. Even for an artist this venerable, a remix record is still a remix record-- generally uneven, part enlightening, and part skippable.
  4. Think of Guerolito as an addendum or an after-dinner mint — the worthwhile offerings it affords will be of most use to the listener who enjoyed the main course.
  5. Rolling Stone
    Guerolito is like Guero's spazzy, endearing little brother. [15 Dec 2005, p.154]
  6. The New York Times
    Beck's original versions now sound restrained and single-minded, probably truer to the songs. The remixes are busier and dizzier, leaving Beck to his melancholy while they have some fun. [12 Dec 2005]
  7. The reinventions that fare best are the ones that come from the minds and hands of producers who dare to alter the attitude of the original compositions.
  8. Only half of these tracks provide truly valuable alternatives to Guero songs.
  9. Spin
    Cut Mr. Hansen up, and he reassembles nicely, but weirdly enough, it's tough to out-Beck Beck. [Jan 2006, p.92]
  10. The most rewarding reworkings (Boards of Canada's "Broken Drum," Octet's "Girl") come from those who avoid novelty and realize that, underneath all the blips and glitches, Beck is just a soul man.
  11. A surprisingly cohesive rethink that manages several times to outshine its source material.
  12. Plays more like a gimmick than a remix album.
  13. Uncut
    If the reheated Odelay-isms of last year's Guero felt like a tactical move in the wake of the soul-bearing torment of Sea Change, Guerolito has an equally hollow ring. [Feb 2006, p.86]
  14. Over the course of the LP... the toe-tapping comfortably outweighs the head-scratching.
  15. By letting inferior guests share his stage, Beck only reminds us what a unique and gifted individual he is.
  16. While a few get close, not one remix here stands up to the original on 'Guero'.
  17. Alternative Press
    Most of [the remixers] subtly tweak the originals into charming facsimiles of Beck's clap-happy, orchestral folk-blues funk ditties. [Mar 2006, p.138]
  18. Q Magazine
    Guerolito's songs dissolve in an anonymous stream of chugging electro and dub effects. [Feb 2006, p.101]
  19. Under The Radar
    What becomes clear quickly is that... Beck still makes a better Beck album than anybody else. [#12, p.94]
  20. New Musical Express (NME)
    Will... have you oiling your joints and gearing up for a bit of robobooty gyration. [21 Jan 2006, p.33]
  21. Despite the variety of acts on the disc, the songs are surprisingly uniform in structure: stripped down to Beck's vocals (which are left intact) and rebuilt with a drum machine set to either "monotonous" or "uninspired."
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 25
  2. Negative: 3 out of 25
  1. Nov 26, 2017
    Guerolito is a strange album. Sometimes it feels like an great addition to Guero. Ghost Range by homelife feels like an trippy western withGuerolito is a strange album. Sometimes it feels like an great addition to Guero. Ghost Range by homelife feels like an trippy western with some awesome violins. Heaven Hammer feels like an eighties drama in itself. Ghettoship malfunction is more of an game intro and it is good. A lot of other mixes are fine and feels like some nice views on these songs. However, the album can't escape a sense of pointlessness. Guero is an great album, but didn't feel like it should be remixed. I think the Information and Color would have been a better pick, because these albums are more beat-driven. There are some terrible mixes on this album. Girl was an awesome darkly comic song, but this version feels like an emo kid not having his eye-liner. The Scarecrow mix just sucks.
    Overall consensus: Guerolito is a fun, breezy album with new and weird mixes on the album, for better and worse
    Full Review »
  2. GabeC
    Oct 10, 2006
    I'm giving an OK rating because; as far as remix albums go; this at least has some individual tracks that are really good. The mixes of I'm giving an OK rating because; as far as remix albums go; this at least has some individual tracks that are really good. The mixes of Girl, Missing and Hell Yes (almost like it better than the original) are fantastic. Most of the others are quite forgettable, but thankfully its only the Black Tambourine mix (which in advance I thought would be a really good track to remix) that truly makes my ears bleed and make me want to shoot Adrock. Full Review »
  3. danielar
    Feb 28, 2006
    I think it´s a really great album, the music and the lyrics are just perfect.