
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. There are more than a few bright spots, but unfortunately, this is one of Enon's slightest and most uneven albums
  2. So the record fails as a self-sufficient statement, but after eight years of existence Enon has at long last become an entity capable of releasing a great album rather than just a collection of great songs that have little to do with each other.
  3. The case for ...Carbon Clouds as a fine collection of inventive indie songs enthusiastically rendered is undeniable, but if somehow you’re hankering after more than that, get the picture.
  4. This Enon is leaner and more straight-forward--but also more one-dimensional.
  5. 80
    The band manages to harness the immediacy of being a three-piece without sacrificing sonic depth or complexity.
  6. Leaner and more direct than its predecessor, "Hocus Pocus," few fans will be disappointed with Grass Geysers...Carbon Clouds.
  7. They’ve evolved into a tightly wound and grotesquely attuned power trio; and nowhere is that more evident than on the hyper-bpms of Grass Geysers.
  8. John Schmersal's noisy, scratchy guitar (he performed the same duty for Brainiac in the '90s) and Toko Yasuda's honey-smooth vocals (which deliver the big hooks) seem like an odd contrast on paper, but work perfectly.
  9. They really did a great job. I think their best song was 'Those Who Don’t Blink' but it is not a good song for a headache.
  10. It's hard to say that the group took the safe route with Grass Geysers, because it's such an exhilarating listen. Perhaps it's an unfair standard, but as past albums prove, this band still has some muscles that it's not flexing here.
  11. Spin
    Schmersal's guitar artfully complements the melodies, instead of screeching to compete with them. [Nov 2007, p.118]
  12. Under The Radar
    Grass Geysers...Carbon Clouds has hooks and beats in spades, making it their most scorching and unrelenting disc to date. [Fall 2007, p.73]
  13. Uncut
    It's a potent combination and one made all more alluring by their refusal to settle for one chorus when about 12 all being played at once will do. [Nov 2007, p.98]
  14. 84
    While Grass Geysers…Carbon Clouds shows that Schmerse is still refining and fucking with his most primal pop tendencies, it’s most impressive because this time around, it’s not just Enon that makes the record special.

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