• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Mar 8, 2011

Mixed or average reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Mar 16, 2011
    If you wanna know how NOT to do it, listen to the last five tracks on Goodbye Lullaby. Avril wrote them all herself, and let's just say she's an artist who benefits from collaboration.
  2. Mar 15, 2011
    Faced with competing for "pop" ambitions this "rock" wannabe never really had, she instead strides toward brunette-dom on the new, stalwartly unfun Goodbye Lullaby, which--if you couldn't tell from the piano on the cover-means Vanessa Carlton and Michelle Branch. This is the death of Auto-Tune, moment of silence. Except, you know, for the single.
  3. Mar 9, 2011
    An effective, but ultimately generic, pop album.
  4. Mar 8, 2011
    Goodbye Lullaby seems as much about the singer-songwriter's self-examination - she co-wrote all the tracks and is the sole author on many - as about any outward relationships.
  5. Mar 8, 2011
    Lavigne is a divorced singer-songwriter about to enter her late 20s, but on Lullaby, she would've been better off not acting her age.
  6. Mar 8, 2011
    You know you're in trouble when Avril Lavigne starts sharing song titles with R.E.M. and Pink Floyd.
  7. 63
    The problems arise on Goodbye Lullaby when Lavigne compartmentalizes her softer side, to the point where it eclipses her finger-jabbing cheekiness.
  8. Mar 8, 2011
    Goodbye Lullaby is lovelorn and introspective, full of gusty tunes with a surprising message: Avril cares.
  9. 67
    Goodbye Lullaby seeks balance: The first half is loaded with glossy confections, while the second consists of quieter reflections clearly inspired by (and, bizarrely, produced by) her ex-husband, Sum 41 frontman Deryck Whibley.
  10. Mar 7, 2011
    Whether Goodbye Lullaby was all a tad over thought, or whether she's just holding back, the finished product falls significantly short of Avril Lavigne's own capabilities.
  11. 70
    It's the pop-factory material, not Ms. Lavigne's own presumably more personal songs, that offers details, humor and a sense of letting go. Her grown-up seriousness could use a little more of them.
  12. Mar 7, 2011
    Lavigne once again seems to be grappling with emotions just beyond her reach, never articulating her angst or crafting a melancholy melody, making Goodbye Lullaby feel affected, not genuine.
  13. Mar 7, 2011
    Since her production team more or less comes through for her, it's ultimately on Lavigne's slight shoulders that Goodbye Lullaby is such a strident, ineffectual attempt at a serious pop record.
  14. Mar 4, 2011
    Consider it easing into the topic at hand, which turns out to be the songstress' most intimate and soul-baring set to date.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 291 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 18 out of 291
  1. Feb 27, 2016
    6/10 - "Whether Goodbye Lullaby was all a tad over thought, or whether she's just holding back, the finished product falls significantly short6/10 - "Whether Goodbye Lullaby was all a tad over thought, or whether she's just holding back, the finished product falls significantly short of Avril Lavigne's own capabilities" - BBC Music Full Review »
  2. Mar 8, 2011
    Good Album, but a little too dull in the middle, anyway it's still a gd album and she finally put her own feelings in the album, well done,Good Album, but a little too dull in the middle, anyway it's still a gd album and she finally put her own feelings in the album, well done, Avril!! Keep Going, this is ur best album!!~ Full Review »
  3. Mar 8, 2011
    Pop punk princess Lavigne has enchanting vocal chords and breathtaking talent, but throughout Goodbye Lullaby, there's a notorious struggle.Pop punk princess Lavigne has enchanting vocal chords and breathtaking talent, but throughout Goodbye Lullaby, there's a notorious struggle. The most simple critique is that all of her tracks sound the same. None of them "spark". But the greater problem is how real the tracks are. Lavigne constantly bragged about how "acoustic" Goodbye Lullaby was going to be. However, her lead single, "What The Hell", is nearly a complete clone of her lead single from her predecessor, The Best Damn Thing. The lyrics are merely shuffled and have no connection with the rest of Goodbye Lullaby. The finale track, "Goodbye", is the the only highlight, featuring Lavigne's angelic vocals accompanied by Evanescence-style piano and strings. But it's a mere sparkle, and cannot shine any light on this rainy parade.

    I'll always respect Lavigne as an artist, and I hope that she'll eventually find her "true self". But Goodbye Lullaby is conflicted between sounding mainstream and alternative. I'd prefer Lavigne to find her old roots, and possibly express them in a newer way. But Goodbye Lullaby is the "same ol', same ol'".
    Full Review »