• Record Label: Vagrant
  • Release Date: May 13, 2003

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. It's an album that kills with catchiness.
  2. Another set of sad but very fun songs.
  3. Blender
    The mean-spirited sounds of Good Mourning are easy to listen to, but hard to forget. [#17, p.132]
  4. The slick production will scare off longtime fans quicker than a cross repels a vampire, but for the rest of us, it's an easy introduction to a crew of weird guys who deserve to be heard.
  5. Entertainment Weekly
    Spews enough speed, hooks, and sick puns to sate the most ADD-afflicted appetite for distraction. [20 Jun 2003, p.73]
  6. Mojo
    For a genre whose young bands are increasingly concerned with girls and girls only, the Alkaline Trio have delivered an album offering far more than the pink blush of awkward adolescence. [Jul 2003, p.108]
  7. Q Magazine
    Alkaline Trio subvert their perky, zinging three chord mall-punk with misanthropy, melancholy and alcohol-sodden, world-weary wisdom. [Jun 2003, p.92]
  8. There's enough mayhem and murder to satisfy any Scarface groupie.
  9. Spin
    Their best by a mile. [Jun 2003, p.100]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 44
  2. Negative: 4 out of 44
  1. Stephanie
    Apr 21, 2006
    My introduction to the Alkaline Trio was this album. I can't say that the songs are my favorites (well, "Blue in the Face" is my My introduction to the Alkaline Trio was this album. I can't say that the songs are my favorites (well, "Blue in the Face" is my favorite song of all time), but this album is perfect. Perfect. And you can't argue with that. Full Review »
  2. Nov 5, 2022
    Ahh.....Good Mourning...What a album! I was 18 when this came out and damn did this album stick with me 20 years later. Got in to Trio inAhh.....Good Mourning...What a album! I was 18 when this came out and damn did this album stick with me 20 years later. Got in to Trio in 2000 with MICF and loved them more then any band in History. Each track is a winner on this. Matt's voice is a little different then their other stuff but its still great. best songs to get it a go are WE Had Enough, Donner party and All On Black.. Those alone will get you hooked. Full Review »
  3. Sep 24, 2010
    Probably a much better album for their fans than the commercialised music later produced. Classic songs that can never be taken to seriously.Probably a much better album for their fans than the commercialised music later produced. Classic songs that can never be taken to seriously. Great listening music, much like the 2 albums before Full Review »