• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Mar 27, 2007

Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 18
  2. Negative: 4 out of 18
  1. Alternative Press
    Good Charlotte have become caricatures of themselves. [Apr 2007, p.175]
  2. 60
    13 tracks of Disney-channel-ready pop, buffed and Pro-Tooled almost beyond recognition--and it's not half bad. [Apr 2007, p.111]
  3. Spin
    There are a few clunky dance tracks... but it's Madden's search for love in the L.A. wasteland that gives Revival a certain charm. [Mar 2007, p.86]
  4. Uncut
    Gimmicky moments are plentiful, but it's the box-fresh pop songs like "Misery" and "The River" that benefit most from their renewed sense of purpose. [Apr 2007, p.100]
  5. The production quality is a crowning grace throughout the album in the face of some very dodgy writing and bad musical choices.
  6. Another album that gets further away from the band's core appeal.
  7. After years and years of hating every ounce of Maryland's mall-punk icons Good Charlotte, it seems now that the actual trick to enjoying their music on any plausible level is to go into the whole thing with absolutely no expectations. Not even low expectations. Nothing.
  8. You know what you're getting with Good Charlotte, and while it's all very well and respectable to make shapes on the dance floor to one of their tunes after several pints, buying this album is both pointless and foolish. It's a pop album; just burn the singles if you must.
  9. Whatever snotty humor they once had has calcified into smug sanctimony, rendering this a slick, stylized, stiff affair whose brief signs of life... only put the shortcomings of the rest of this turgid mess in stultifying relief.
  10. A perfectly functional album of loud guitars, ain’t life a bitch lyrics and the odd nod to different production styles and techniques.
  11. Q Magazine
    It's all doom and gloom, and it ain't pretty. [May 2007, p.125]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 133 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 78 out of 133
  2. Negative: 44 out of 133
  1. Apr 6, 2011
    Yes very fun album and great melody i believe this is one of their best, DFA really great song and the River very great singles . funYes very fun album and great melody i believe this is one of their best, DFA really great song and the River very great singles . fun energetic great vocals from JOel himself overall a cohesive album and i cant believe also for the reviews this one is even better than Cardiology Full Review »
  2. Dec 22, 2013
    For all the good albums released in 2007, there were two dissappointments, Linkin Park's Minutes To Midnight and this. The lyrics areFor all the good albums released in 2007, there were two dissappointments, Linkin Park's Minutes To Midnight and this. The lyrics are poorly-written and the sound feels more like pop than pop punk. If you like it, that's fine. Full Review »
  3. JoelW.
    Jun 11, 2008
    While this isn't the most mature album they've done it is very catchy and does still have some songs that show depth. it is really While this isn't the most mature album they've done it is very catchy and does still have some songs that show depth. it is really catchy and i love take your hands off my girl and the river. good job good Charlotte! i look forward to seeing what you do next. Full Review »