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Universal acclaim- based on 61 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 56 out of 61
  2. Negative: 2 out of 61
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  1. Mar 7, 2019
    Gloriously introspective and hauntingly moody, the debut album from The Japanese House is layered with heavy, echoing beats; dreamy, harmonized-vocals; idiosyncratic instrumental and production choices; and an engaging tone that ranges from angry to melancholy. If you enjoyed Maggie Rogers’ debut, this album is its cousin, offering an equally stunning musical venture. Highlights includeGloriously introspective and hauntingly moody, the debut album from The Japanese House is layered with heavy, echoing beats; dreamy, harmonized-vocals; idiosyncratic instrumental and production choices; and an engaging tone that ranges from angry to melancholy. If you enjoyed Maggie Rogers’ debut, this album is its cousin, offering an equally stunning musical venture. Highlights include the indie-pop gems of “Maybe you’re the reason,” “We Talk all the Time,” and the coffeehouse soft-pop of “You Seemed so Happy.” Expand
  2. Mar 1, 2019
    One of the next great musicians. She's got an inherent 1975 vibe, which makes sense as to why George Daniel, the drummer of 1975 was drawn to the project. In some ways, she reminds of what the 1975 could have been if they didn't dive off the deep end in terms of mainstream pop. That's not a knock against 1975, though, as they are certainly doing pop music right. This is a record that isOne of the next great musicians. She's got an inherent 1975 vibe, which makes sense as to why George Daniel, the drummer of 1975 was drawn to the project. In some ways, she reminds of what the 1975 could have been if they didn't dive off the deep end in terms of mainstream pop. That's not a knock against 1975, though, as they are certainly doing pop music right. This is a record that is certainly not lacking in style and substance. Every song masterfully crafted, and pushing the limits of what it means to be defined by just one respective genre. Expand
  3. Mar 3, 2019
    One of the better pop records released in a few time. Although both this project and must of The 1975's catalog have similar vibes, Good at Falling takes the sound into a much more insular and fragile place. The hooks and melodies really shine through the dreamy and lush production, as Amber Bain fleshes out what a Japanese House song can be. From the thick neo-80's riff of Maybe You'reOne of the better pop records released in a few time. Although both this project and must of The 1975's catalog have similar vibes, Good at Falling takes the sound into a much more insular and fragile place. The hooks and melodies really shine through the dreamy and lush production, as Amber Bain fleshes out what a Japanese House song can be. From the thick neo-80's riff of Maybe You're the Reason to the stripped back, lullaby-esque rendtion of Saw You In A Dream, Bain experiments with orchestral arrangements, acoustic guitar, autotune amongst other things to create an unifying and engaging listen . For as diverse as the album may seem as paper, the pristinely tight production (courtesy of Bain herself, BJ Burton- who's worked with Bon Iver and Francis and the Lights-, and George Daniel of The 1975, brings that signature sound that brings the album together. That and Bain's voice. Bain's voice captivates with a deeper tone that still manages to hold some fantastic melodies. Think of a slightly more uptempo Victoria Legrand. Her voice will disarm you every-time, as it's unlike anything found in the modern pop landscape. I would definitely turn to her EPs like Saw You in a Dream, Swim Against the Tide and ESPECIALLY Clean. Even though this album is great, her earlier EPs hold some of the best dream pop songs of this decade. But Good At Falling proves more than the Japanese House being more than a fluke. It reveals Bain as one of pop's most intriguing songwriters and hints at the potential for The Japanese House becoming a household name in indie pop in the next decade. Expand
  4. Mar 3, 2019
    It's about being free, it's about being the best of ourselves, it's about feeling, perfect.
  5. Mar 29, 2019
    A very strong album, "Good Falling" has that amazing vibe about it, it is able to transport the listener to whatever idea Amber Bain is singing about. 'Wild' is a very well-executed well-structered song, and 'F a R a W a Y', featuring the one and only Matty Healy, actually sounds like it's straight out of the 1975's catalog. Bain's vocal delivery, charged up by her personal, beautifulA very strong album, "Good Falling" has that amazing vibe about it, it is able to transport the listener to whatever idea Amber Bain is singing about. 'Wild' is a very well-executed well-structered song, and 'F a R a W a Y', featuring the one and only Matty Healy, actually sounds like it's straight out of the 1975's catalog. Bain's vocal delivery, charged up by her personal, beautiful lyricism make The Japanese House an act whose sophomore album I'm definitely going to be anticipating. Expand
  6. Mar 1, 2019
    I've been following The Japanese House since late 2015 when Amber Bain released a series of EPs. Good At Falling is totally worth the wait as it showcases Amber's artistry and eclectic mix of atmospheric indie pop, folk, ambient, and Imogen Heap-inspired electronica. For those who want to feel the rawness and emotion of music, this is the album that you should definitely listen to in 2019.
  7. Jan 1, 2020
    never felt so many emotions listening to an album since lorde's pure heroine. it's the best album of 2019, for sure.
  8. May 29, 2019
    Worms and somethingfartoogoodtofeel are two of the best songs to come out all year
  9. Jun 2, 2019
    A raw, wild and vulnerable debut encompassed with a grandiose, original sound that promises creativity and a fresh, assuring outlook on life complimented by a growing talent and a feat sonically, almost perfect.
  10. Apr 27, 2020
    Soft drums, delicate synths, and quiet, electronically flavored vocal harmonies create a relaxing atmosphere without being too sleepy. This soothing and engaging album is my new go-to chill music.
  11. Mar 2, 2023
    Super emotional album! Introspective in a way that is similar to The 1975 at one point. Excited for more music!

Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. May 2, 2019
    Good at Falling is an extremely impressive debut LP from a songwriter who's more than proved that she's unafraid to delve into the melancholy parts of her past and wrap them up in dreamlike, atmospheric songs which are accessible for various kinds of music fans without ever sounding too saccharine.
  2. Mar 5, 2019
    While at times the overall production and heavy effects can take away from the impact, Good at Falling is ultimately a work of emotions. The album perfectly represents what people go through while trying to hold on to relationships, knowing they should let go.
  3. Mar 4, 2019
    Good at Falling makes little headway into its own unique musical space, that’s something fans can hopefully expect in the future as Bain continues to distance herself from this vigilantly-traced launching pad. For now, here’s to another round of synth-laden pop balladry.