• Record Label: MCA
  • Release Date: Mar 30, 2018
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 519 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 25 out of 519
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  1. Feb 21, 2023
    this is so far one of my favorite albums, it takes you to a peaceful place.
  2. Dec 13, 2022
    This album is very special and unique in sense of creativity, authenticity, and range.
    The production is exceptional and on point, and each song sounds different and has its own magic.
    The songwriting is great on most songs and okay on others - the only songs I feel degraded the album are 'High Horse', which feels like a mediocre pure pop song that snuck into a great country-country pop
    This album is very special and unique in sense of creativity, authenticity, and range.
    The production is exceptional and on point, and each song sounds different and has its own magic.
    The songwriting is great on most songs and okay on others - the only songs I feel degraded the album are 'High Horse', which feels like a mediocre pure pop song that snuck into a great country-country pop album, and 'Mother', which is good, but I wish would be longer and more descriptive (It's fine as a track but not enough as a song in a studio album). Arrangements are great , composition is very good and the album is very professional musically-wise.
    Favorite Tracks: 'Butterflies', 'Space Cowboy', 'Golden Hour', and 'Rainbow'.
  3. Sep 10, 2022
    This is a beautiful piece of work and i wish everyone could hear it ! Rainbow mostly. Definitely deserving of the Album of the year
  4. Jul 16, 2022
    Golden Hour é o tipo de disco que você ouve uma vez e fica um pouco confuso sobre o motivo de ser tão aclamado pela crítica. Mas então você ouve de novo. E de novo. E de novo. E então você percebe que através de ideias simples e sons agradáveis, Kacey Musgraves constrói um mundo quase perfeito no qual você quer viver para sempre. Kacey me conquistou com este álbum para o resto da minhaGolden Hour é o tipo de disco que você ouve uma vez e fica um pouco confuso sobre o motivo de ser tão aclamado pela crítica. Mas então você ouve de novo. E de novo. E de novo. E então você percebe que através de ideias simples e sons agradáveis, Kacey Musgraves constrói um mundo quase perfeito no qual você quer viver para sempre. Kacey me conquistou com este álbum para o resto da minha vida. Expand
  5. Apr 21, 2022
    hediondacey mush!t retirate, Taydiosa Swiftodopoderosa tu eterna patrona flopera inmunda
  6. Mar 4, 2022
    I didn't know what to expect with this album, since I have never heard any song by Kacey Musgraves, and also because I don't really listen to country music, but I have to say this album is excellent. The melodies, Kacey's voice, the production, everything about this album is great, but what really caught my attention the most was the fusion between country music and pop music, it was doneI didn't know what to expect with this album, since I have never heard any song by Kacey Musgraves, and also because I don't really listen to country music, but I have to say this album is excellent. The melodies, Kacey's voice, the production, everything about this album is great, but what really caught my attention the most was the fusion between country music and pop music, it was done in a magnificent way Even though there are a couple of songs I didn't connect with and I think sound kinda bland, I still loved this album and I will definitely listen to it more. This record is truly a gem. Expand
  7. Nov 24, 2021
    Less concerned with outside forces than internal balance, Golden Hour stands as an assured, artful snapshot of a particular rush of feelings, but its wisdom speaks volumes to Musgraves’ ongoing evolution.
  8. Nov 23, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. "Whilst tracks like "Butterflies" and "High Horse" offer the best of what Musgraves can do in terms of balancing her obvious charm against a certain steely underbelly that has served her so well so far in her career, all too often, Golden Hour delivers a lackluster vibe and a feeling that Musgraves has become too infatuated with the pop side of her artistry and is beginning to forget about the things that made her so interesting and worth investing in in the first place." ... Expand
  9. Nov 6, 2021
    While I'm very generous with my ratings on Metacritic, Golden Hour is one of my 5 true 10/10s (the only others being Lorde's 2017 "Melodrama", and Taylor Swift's 2012 "Red" (will likely be replaced with Red (Taylor's Version) on Friday), 2014 "1989", and 2020 "folklore"). Golden Hour is an album I listen to almost daily even 3.5 years since its release. The way she explores the firstWhile I'm very generous with my ratings on Metacritic, Golden Hour is one of my 5 true 10/10s (the only others being Lorde's 2017 "Melodrama", and Taylor Swift's 2012 "Red" (will likely be replaced with Red (Taylor's Version) on Friday), 2014 "1989", and 2020 "folklore"). Golden Hour is an album I listen to almost daily even 3.5 years since its release. The way she explores the first feelings of love, and living for the hope of it all is just simply amazing. Musically it makes it perfect to listen during sunrises and sunsets and just gives a reason to get out of bed. This album top to bottom is phenomenal but the clear highlights are "Butterflies," "Slow Burn," "Happy and Sad," "High Horse," "Space Cowboy," and "Golden Hour." Expand
  10. Sep 1, 2021
    One of the most beautiful and heartwarming. albums I've heard in the quarter of a century I've spent on this planet. Kacey has won me over with this album for the rest of my life.
  11. Jul 22, 2021
    I'm not a fan of country music, but this album basically is my wish at what country music could have been. This is the best album of 2018 and it deserved the Album of the Year award so much. Simply put, Kacey Musgraves sounds very great when she sings. The lyrics, the vocals; everything is beautiful in this album. This will always be an outlier of country music, and she really pulled it off.
  12. Jun 11, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. perfect album! she deserve most succesful of the world, she is brillant omg i love her Expand
  13. Mar 24, 2021
    Simply amazing. The fact that she really did a great job here makes me wanna cry because it’s a entirely beautiful album. The AOTY was so well deserved... one of my favorites albums ever.
  14. Feb 15, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 3 years down the line i still adore this album. Kacey did such a great job with this one and she shows real growth and depth in her lyricism and vocally as well. The songs are at times very simple and poignant yet very evocative and powerful. It has a great mellow and nostalgic quality to it that is really hard to get. The melodies are unforgettable and the production is top tier and very diverse including some funk, disco and funk as well. Songs like Butterflies, Oh wHAT a World, High Horse and Love is a wild thing are personal favorites. i AM LOOKING FORWARD TO HER NEXT PROJECT Expand
  15. Feb 12, 2021
    What a beautiful album that still hits so hard after almost 3 years
  16. Feb 10, 2021
    It shows the maturity of her, just perfection. Rainbow - the outro of the album, seriously made me cry over it every time listen to it,
  17. Jan 12, 2021
    Álbum coeso, que traz de volta a doçura do country que somente Kacey sabe cantar. Melodias simbólicas e letras profundas. Perfeita abordagem.
  18. Jan 6, 2021
    la combinación de sonidos y letra de cada canción de este álbum hace que sea el mejor álbum de Kacey Musgraves
  19. Dec 21, 2020
    Almost every song is beautiful lyrically and sonically. “Butterflies” and “Space Cowboy” can convert any hater.
  20. Nov 30, 2020
    - 'Golden Hour' é a representatividade da palavra EXCELÊNCIA. Incrível como Kacey conseguiu fazer um álbum tão majestoso e inspirador, e que faz ser um dos melhores álbuns Country de todos os tempos. - Kacey sem dúvida nos trás um álbum Country/Pop - Folk com grande excelência, enaltecendo sua voz, e suas melodias. Esse álbum nos faz viajar a outro universo, não cabe letras para descrever- 'Golden Hour' é a representatividade da palavra EXCELÊNCIA. Incrível como Kacey conseguiu fazer um álbum tão majestoso e inspirador, e que faz ser um dos melhores álbuns Country de todos os tempos. - Kacey sem dúvida nos trás um álbum Country/Pop - Folk com grande excelência, enaltecendo sua voz, e suas melodias. Esse álbum nos faz viajar a outro universo, não cabe letras para descrever a perfeição de 'Golden Hour'. Este álbum trabalha em nossos corações, sendo um álbum incrivelmente coeso, enigmático e extraordinário. - Kacey mostrou que continua sendo uma das melhores compositoras Country da nova geração, e nos mostra letras profundas e cativantes, que nos faz refletir sobre nossas paixões e sonhos, e que demonstra a grandiosidade de nossas almas, e sempre sendo cautelosa em cada cifra e tom de música. - 'Golden Hour' é uma jornada, um percurso que nós percorremos ao ouvi-lo, simplesmente Kacey criou uma jornada, como se nossas almas adentrassem em um paraíso, e seria um pecado não ouvir este álbum do começo ao fim, simplesmente seria um erro grave ouvir apenas os singles, pois cada faixa é um percurso da jornada que Kacey nos proporciona. - Sua melodia é INCRIVELMENTE PERFEITA, Kacey, conseguiu trazer sua alma para o corpo de 'Golden Hour'. - Kacey não precisou escrever nenhuma letra [Explícita], pois ela simplesmente conseguiu expressar seus sentimentos com letras respeitosas, suaves e paradisíacas. Simplesmente merecido ter ganho a Album Of The Year no Grammy’s, pois esse álbum é mais que um Álbum Do Ano, ele é um Diamante, uma dádiva descida dos céus. - 'Golden Hour' descreve o mesmo, “Hora Dourada”, este álbum é uma Obra-Prima, e um Mar de Ouro em formato de música, obrigado Kacey, por nos proporcionar um trabalho digno de Exaltação. Expand
  21. Nov 14, 2020
    This is something really enjoyable, love the way she sings so straightfoward but it it so amazing!!
  22. Sep 2, 2020
    Pois muito que bem... o famoso AOTY. Não tenho muito o que falar.. a Kacey elevou os padrões de relacionamento pra um que só nos resta sonhar... butterflies vai ser minha musica de casamento
  23. Aug 28, 2020
    go kacey is phenomenal is a beautiful album that transports you to a paradise and this is perfect kacey deserves the success of his giant bone size. golder hour for eternity.
  24. Aug 28, 2020
    It's so extraordinary! Her vocals are so addictive, the melody and the vibe of this album definitely can transport you to a whole another world!
  25. Jul 24, 2020
    Golden Hour really deserved Grammys, this album is chill and it feels like I’m in heaven
  26. Jul 24, 2020
    Worst Album ever why they give Album of the year to this **** album i dont like it
  27. Jul 24, 2020
    This is like a Greatest Hits compilation album. It's not, and that's what made this a perfection. Each song has its own fully-realized story. I've read that they would put all these instruments and sounds but Kacey would strip them all down but she was true to her vision and clearly she did not lose sight of that as the album didn't end up monotonous. They tell you these beautiful imageryThis is like a Greatest Hits compilation album. It's not, and that's what made this a perfection. Each song has its own fully-realized story. I've read that they would put all these instruments and sounds but Kacey would strip them all down but she was true to her vision and clearly she did not lose sight of that as the album didn't end up monotonous. They tell you these beautiful imagery of butterflies, of home, of love, of womanhood. And the wordplay for Space Cowboy? Brilliant. You know this is a country album but there's something that transcends its genre but not quite. It must be thru Kacey's hold on her vision that she's able to ground it to country. I think they said they wrote these songs while high in LSD. So I suggest for those singers just getting high and wasted, try to write some songs while you're on it. Women in country radio are being shut out which is weird when this album outmatched every single album and songs released by any male country singer this past decade. Expand
  28. Jun 28, 2020
    Um álbum maravilhoso, com letras e sonoridade incríveis, cada vem melhor e mais coeso ,um álbum completo.
  29. Jun 22, 2020
    An extraordinary country album !! I love Kacey's beautiful voice OMG. She made a great mix of country, pop, folk and disco. I love this album. She deserved that Album of the Year !!
  30. Jun 11, 2020
    this is a MASTERPIECE OMGGGGGG i love It só much veyrrrddddddddddddddddddd!

Universal acclaim - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. 85
    Golden Hour imagines a world much sweeter than the one we’re living in; and for 45 minutes, it can just about take you there. Kacey Musgraves’ golden hour is far from over.
  2. May 23, 2018
    Golden Hour is a bedazzled, wide-eyed rush.
  3. May 9, 2018
    Whilst tracks like "Butterflies" and "High Horse" offer the best of what Musgraves can do in terms of balancing her obvious charm against a certain steely underbelly that has served her so well so far in her career, all too often, Golden Hour delivers a lackluster vibe and a feeling that Musgraves has become too infatuated with the pop side of her artistry and is beginning to forget about the things that made her so interesting and worth investing in in the first place.