• Record Label: MCA
  • Release Date: Mar 30, 2018
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Universal acclaim- based on 519 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 25 out of 519
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  1. Feb 21, 2023
    this is so far one of my favorite albums, it takes you to a peaceful place.
  2. Dec 13, 2022
    This album is very special and unique in sense of creativity, authenticity, and range.
    The production is exceptional and on point, and each song sounds different and has its own magic.
    The songwriting is great on most songs and okay on others - the only songs I feel degraded the album are 'High Horse', which feels like a mediocre pure pop song that snuck into a great country-country pop
    This album is very special and unique in sense of creativity, authenticity, and range.
    The production is exceptional and on point, and each song sounds different and has its own magic.
    The songwriting is great on most songs and okay on others - the only songs I feel degraded the album are 'High Horse', which feels like a mediocre pure pop song that snuck into a great country-country pop album, and 'Mother', which is good, but I wish would be longer and more descriptive (It's fine as a track but not enough as a song in a studio album). Arrangements are great , composition is very good and the album is very professional musically-wise.
    Favorite Tracks: 'Butterflies', 'Space Cowboy', 'Golden Hour', and 'Rainbow'.
  3. Sep 10, 2022
    This is a beautiful piece of work and i wish everyone could hear it ! Rainbow mostly. Definitely deserving of the Album of the year
  4. Jul 16, 2022
    Golden Hour é o tipo de disco que você ouve uma vez e fica um pouco confuso sobre o motivo de ser tão aclamado pela crítica. Mas então você ouve de novo. E de novo. E de novo. E então você percebe que através de ideias simples e sons agradáveis, Kacey Musgraves constrói um mundo quase perfeito no qual você quer viver para sempre. Kacey me conquistou com este álbum para o resto da minhaGolden Hour é o tipo de disco que você ouve uma vez e fica um pouco confuso sobre o motivo de ser tão aclamado pela crítica. Mas então você ouve de novo. E de novo. E de novo. E então você percebe que através de ideias simples e sons agradáveis, Kacey Musgraves constrói um mundo quase perfeito no qual você quer viver para sempre. Kacey me conquistou com este álbum para o resto da minha vida. Expand
  5. Mar 4, 2022
    I didn't know what to expect with this album, since I have never heard any song by Kacey Musgraves, and also because I don't really listen to country music, but I have to say this album is excellent. The melodies, Kacey's voice, the production, everything about this album is great, but what really caught my attention the most was the fusion between country music and pop music, it was doneI didn't know what to expect with this album, since I have never heard any song by Kacey Musgraves, and also because I don't really listen to country music, but I have to say this album is excellent. The melodies, Kacey's voice, the production, everything about this album is great, but what really caught my attention the most was the fusion between country music and pop music, it was done in a magnificent way Even though there are a couple of songs I didn't connect with and I think sound kinda bland, I still loved this album and I will definitely listen to it more. This record is truly a gem. Expand
  6. Nov 24, 2021
    Less concerned with outside forces than internal balance, Golden Hour stands as an assured, artful snapshot of a particular rush of feelings, but its wisdom speaks volumes to Musgraves’ ongoing evolution.
  7. Nov 6, 2021
    While I'm very generous with my ratings on Metacritic, Golden Hour is one of my 5 true 10/10s (the only others being Lorde's 2017 "Melodrama", and Taylor Swift's 2012 "Red" (will likely be replaced with Red (Taylor's Version) on Friday), 2014 "1989", and 2020 "folklore"). Golden Hour is an album I listen to almost daily even 3.5 years since its release. The way she explores the firstWhile I'm very generous with my ratings on Metacritic, Golden Hour is one of my 5 true 10/10s (the only others being Lorde's 2017 "Melodrama", and Taylor Swift's 2012 "Red" (will likely be replaced with Red (Taylor's Version) on Friday), 2014 "1989", and 2020 "folklore"). Golden Hour is an album I listen to almost daily even 3.5 years since its release. The way she explores the first feelings of love, and living for the hope of it all is just simply amazing. Musically it makes it perfect to listen during sunrises and sunsets and just gives a reason to get out of bed. This album top to bottom is phenomenal but the clear highlights are "Butterflies," "Slow Burn," "Happy and Sad," "High Horse," "Space Cowboy," and "Golden Hour." Expand
  8. Sep 1, 2021
    One of the most beautiful and heartwarming. albums I've heard in the quarter of a century I've spent on this planet. Kacey has won me over with this album for the rest of my life.
  9. Jul 22, 2021
    I'm not a fan of country music, but this album basically is my wish at what country music could have been. This is the best album of 2018 and it deserved the Album of the Year award so much. Simply put, Kacey Musgraves sounds very great when she sings. The lyrics, the vocals; everything is beautiful in this album. This will always be an outlier of country music, and she really pulled it off.
  10. Jun 11, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. perfect album! she deserve most succesful of the world, she is brillant omg i love her Expand
  11. Mar 24, 2021
    Simply amazing. The fact that she really did a great job here makes me wanna cry because it’s a entirely beautiful album. The AOTY was so well deserved... one of my favorites albums ever.
  12. Feb 15, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 3 years down the line i still adore this album. Kacey did such a great job with this one and she shows real growth and depth in her lyricism and vocally as well. The songs are at times very simple and poignant yet very evocative and powerful. It has a great mellow and nostalgic quality to it that is really hard to get. The melodies are unforgettable and the production is top tier and very diverse including some funk, disco and funk as well. Songs like Butterflies, Oh wHAT a World, High Horse and Love is a wild thing are personal favorites. i AM LOOKING FORWARD TO HER NEXT PROJECT Expand
  13. Feb 12, 2021
    What a beautiful album that still hits so hard after almost 3 years
  14. Feb 10, 2021
    It shows the maturity of her, just perfection. Rainbow - the outro of the album, seriously made me cry over it every time listen to it,
  15. Jan 12, 2021
    Álbum coeso, que traz de volta a doçura do country que somente Kacey sabe cantar. Melodias simbólicas e letras profundas. Perfeita abordagem.
  16. Jan 6, 2021
    la combinación de sonidos y letra de cada canción de este álbum hace que sea el mejor álbum de Kacey Musgraves
  17. Dec 21, 2020
    Almost every song is beautiful lyrically and sonically. “Butterflies” and “Space Cowboy” can convert any hater.
  18. Nov 30, 2020
    - 'Golden Hour' é a representatividade da palavra EXCELÊNCIA. Incrível como Kacey conseguiu fazer um álbum tão majestoso e inspirador, e que faz ser um dos melhores álbuns Country de todos os tempos. - Kacey sem dúvida nos trás um álbum Country/Pop - Folk com grande excelência, enaltecendo sua voz, e suas melodias. Esse álbum nos faz viajar a outro universo, não cabe letras para descrever- 'Golden Hour' é a representatividade da palavra EXCELÊNCIA. Incrível como Kacey conseguiu fazer um álbum tão majestoso e inspirador, e que faz ser um dos melhores álbuns Country de todos os tempos. - Kacey sem dúvida nos trás um álbum Country/Pop - Folk com grande excelência, enaltecendo sua voz, e suas melodias. Esse álbum nos faz viajar a outro universo, não cabe letras para descrever a perfeição de 'Golden Hour'. Este álbum trabalha em nossos corações, sendo um álbum incrivelmente coeso, enigmático e extraordinário. - Kacey mostrou que continua sendo uma das melhores compositoras Country da nova geração, e nos mostra letras profundas e cativantes, que nos faz refletir sobre nossas paixões e sonhos, e que demonstra a grandiosidade de nossas almas, e sempre sendo cautelosa em cada cifra e tom de música. - 'Golden Hour' é uma jornada, um percurso que nós percorremos ao ouvi-lo, simplesmente Kacey criou uma jornada, como se nossas almas adentrassem em um paraíso, e seria um pecado não ouvir este álbum do começo ao fim, simplesmente seria um erro grave ouvir apenas os singles, pois cada faixa é um percurso da jornada que Kacey nos proporciona. - Sua melodia é INCRIVELMENTE PERFEITA, Kacey, conseguiu trazer sua alma para o corpo de 'Golden Hour'. - Kacey não precisou escrever nenhuma letra [Explícita], pois ela simplesmente conseguiu expressar seus sentimentos com letras respeitosas, suaves e paradisíacas. Simplesmente merecido ter ganho a Album Of The Year no Grammy’s, pois esse álbum é mais que um Álbum Do Ano, ele é um Diamante, uma dádiva descida dos céus. - 'Golden Hour' descreve o mesmo, “Hora Dourada”, este álbum é uma Obra-Prima, e um Mar de Ouro em formato de música, obrigado Kacey, por nos proporcionar um trabalho digno de Exaltação. Expand
  19. Nov 14, 2020
    This is something really enjoyable, love the way she sings so straightfoward but it it so amazing!!
  20. Sep 2, 2020
    Pois muito que bem... o famoso AOTY. Não tenho muito o que falar.. a Kacey elevou os padrões de relacionamento pra um que só nos resta sonhar... butterflies vai ser minha musica de casamento
  21. Aug 28, 2020
    go kacey is phenomenal is a beautiful album that transports you to a paradise and this is perfect kacey deserves the success of his giant bone size. golder hour for eternity.
  22. Aug 28, 2020
    It's so extraordinary! Her vocals are so addictive, the melody and the vibe of this album definitely can transport you to a whole another world!
  23. Jul 24, 2020
    Golden Hour really deserved Grammys, this album is chill and it feels like I’m in heaven
  24. Jul 24, 2020
    This is like a Greatest Hits compilation album. It's not, and that's what made this a perfection. Each song has its own fully-realized story. I've read that they would put all these instruments and sounds but Kacey would strip them all down but she was true to her vision and clearly she did not lose sight of that as the album didn't end up monotonous. They tell you these beautiful imageryThis is like a Greatest Hits compilation album. It's not, and that's what made this a perfection. Each song has its own fully-realized story. I've read that they would put all these instruments and sounds but Kacey would strip them all down but she was true to her vision and clearly she did not lose sight of that as the album didn't end up monotonous. They tell you these beautiful imagery of butterflies, of home, of love, of womanhood. And the wordplay for Space Cowboy? Brilliant. You know this is a country album but there's something that transcends its genre but not quite. It must be thru Kacey's hold on her vision that she's able to ground it to country. I think they said they wrote these songs while high in LSD. So I suggest for those singers just getting high and wasted, try to write some songs while you're on it. Women in country radio are being shut out which is weird when this album outmatched every single album and songs released by any male country singer this past decade. Expand
  25. Jun 28, 2020
    Um álbum maravilhoso, com letras e sonoridade incríveis, cada vem melhor e mais coeso ,um álbum completo.
  26. Jun 22, 2020
    An extraordinary country album !! I love Kacey's beautiful voice OMG. She made a great mix of country, pop, folk and disco. I love this album. She deserved that Album of the Year !!
  27. Jun 11, 2020
    this is a MASTERPIECE OMGGGGGG i love It só much veyrrrddddddddddddddddddd!
  28. Mar 27, 2020
    Magnificent album, Slow burn, lonely weekend, butterflies and happy & sad are religious experiences to me, she takes wherever she intended to and literally 'i'm happy there but with a Little bit of sorrow, addicting feeling, thanks Kacey for this
  29. Feb 15, 2020
    I think is a perfect album even if you aren't in love with someone. I mean this album makes you feel like you need to be involved in some kind of relationship.
  30. Feb 2, 2020
    álbum perfeito, cheio de músicas incríveis e super pessoais e melodias que deixam o coração quentinho
  31. Jan 17, 2020
    This Album is perfection!.
    All the lyrics are beautiful and powerful, I love all the tracks, aoty well deserved!
  32. Jan 12, 2020
    2020 and I am still listening and loving this record! All the production, mind behind this is making me speechless! I wish i could see her singing live!
  33. Jan 11, 2020
    Deserved the AOTY award, Kacey has brought country to the next level. This album proves her diversity and talent.
  34. Nov 20, 2019
    Um álbum revolucionário para seu gênero. Kacey sempre nos apresentando um material totalmente novo em seus projetos, e nesse, ela levou isso ainda mais a sério. Nenhum defeito!
  35. Sep 15, 2019
    This album is absolutely magical! I never want to stop listening to Kacey’s vocals.
  36. Aug 31, 2019
    Country music is always true but not always beautiful. Kacey did both and set a world you can just sleep and enjoy. From slow burn to rainbow, you can never feel it boring.
  37. May 30, 2019
    Seduzente e tranquilizante, Golden Hour brilha com suas composições e com uma ótima produção pop-country, mas carece de momentos que façam as canções brilharem sozinhas da maneira que brilham em conjunto
  38. May 15, 2019
    Not a traditional Country album but it is an amazing album. It’s a great collection of the country, disco and an amazing closing ballad “Rainbow” which is definitely something great to hear.
  39. Feb 27, 2019
    This album is the best of 2018. Art, just pure art. It's beautiful, happy, sad, melancholy, fun, sentimental, everything. Her best album.
  40. Feb 16, 2019
    Golden Hour is an extraordinary album. It marks a different essence of the country genre and I'm sure it also marks much the essence of the artist that Musgraves has become over the years.

    Musgraves has been evolving as an artist betting on genres and instruments to make production flawless. Best tracks: Slow Burn, Butterflies, Oh What a World, Space Cowboy, Happy & Sad, High Horse,
    Golden Hour is an extraordinary album. It marks a different essence of the country genre and I'm sure it also marks much the essence of the artist that Musgraves has become over the years.

    Musgraves has been evolving as an artist betting on genres and instruments to make production flawless.

    Best tracks: Slow Burn, Butterflies, Oh What a World, Space Cowboy, Happy & Sad, High Horse, Golden Hour, Rainbow
  41. Feb 13, 2019
    Kacey Musgraves is beautiful.... I have nothing to tell more. I am sure she once will bring modern a country to even more qualitative and high level as in due time I have made it Taylor Swift.
    The finest lyrics and each note inspires..... Great
  42. Feb 12, 2019
    Worth the Album of the Year Grammy: Kacey shows that simple and clear concepts can be more effective that complex productions and over-the-top vocals.
  43. Jan 26, 2019
    A chill and beautiful country album integrated with modern production. The songwriting is also amazing. Kacey's voice is wonderful. Deserve Grammy.
    Slow Burn 9.5/10
    Lonely Weekend 10/10 Butterfiles 10/10 Oh, What a World 8.5/10(nice try using different production) Mother 7/10 Love Is a Wild Thing 8/10 Space Cowboy 10/10 Happy & Sad 9.5/10 Velvet Elvis 8.5/10 Wonder Woman 9/10
    A chill and beautiful country album integrated with modern production. The songwriting is also amazing. Kacey's voice is wonderful. Deserve Grammy.
    Slow Burn 9.5/10
    Lonely Weekend 10/10
    Butterfiles 10/10
    Oh, What a World 8.5/10(nice try using different production)
    Mother 7/10
    Love Is a Wild Thing 8/10
    Space Cowboy 10/10
    Happy & Sad 9.5/10
    Velvet Elvis 8.5/10
    Wonder Woman 9/10
    High Horse 10/10
    Golden Hour 7.5/10
    Rainbow 10/10
  44. Jan 22, 2019
    I love it, what a great album, very original and its sound so different than other artists.
  45. Jan 21, 2019
    There are a plethora of reasons why this glorious album has been received the way it has been and also receiving a prestigious Album of the Year nod at the 2019 Grammys. Kacey is a trailblazer and on 'Golden Hour' she blends her country roots with pop and the result? Perfection. Period.

    The album opener 'Slow Burn' is cathartic and almost epiphanous. It sets a wondrous tone to what is
    There are a plethora of reasons why this glorious album has been received the way it has been and also receiving a prestigious Album of the Year nod at the 2019 Grammys. Kacey is a trailblazer and on 'Golden Hour' she blends her country roots with pop and the result? Perfection. Period.

    The album opener 'Slow Burn' is cathartic and almost epiphanous. It sets a wondrous tone to what is to come. The lead singles 'Butterflies' and 'Space Cowboy' illuminate once again her stellar songwriting abilities and storytelling.

    With Kacey just recently getting married, 'Golden Hour' juxtaposes with her previous work as there are love songs throughout the album. 'Mother', an interlude of such is an ode to her missing her mother and her mother missing hers. It gets the listener to reflect themselves on their own Mom on everything they've done.

    The second half of the LP picks up speed with up-beat jams like 'Velvet Elvis' and 'Wonder Woman'. But nothing prepares a Kacey fan with the disco-pop 'High Horse'. Arguably, one of 2018's finest pop songs, Kacey effortlessly makes the transition from rusty steel guitars to an intoxicating discoteque vibe.

    Finally, the album closes with the heartbreaking and reflective 'Rainbow'. When Kacey sings "Let go of your umbrella/'Cause, darlin', I'm just tryin' to tell ya/That there's always been a rainbow hangin' over your head" it really feels like she's personally singing to the listener. Just you and Kacey. She's giving herself and any listener a hug; reassuring life will be okay in the end.
  46. Jan 14, 2019
    Brilliant, timeless and genre breaking. Kacey introduces the album with a slow burn and leaves us with a Rainbow of country/pop/electro infused tracks that have infinite replay value. This album is perfection start to finish.
  47. Jan 11, 2019
    Um album que leva o country contemporâneo a outro patamar. "Slow Burn" faz uma amostra ao ouvinte sobre como o mundo e tudo o que está ao nosso redor nos constrói e nos faz únicos, em um som envolvente.

    Na faixa "Butterflies" os elementos country se misturam a sintetizadores e sons pop, que trazem uma maior diversidade sonora, mudando os traços marcados e batidos do country, mas sem se
    Um album que leva o country contemporâneo a outro patamar. "Slow Burn" faz uma amostra ao ouvinte sobre como o mundo e tudo o que está ao nosso redor nos constrói e nos faz únicos, em um som envolvente.

    Na faixa "Butterflies" os elementos country se misturam a sintetizadores e sons pop, que trazem uma maior diversidade sonora, mudando os traços marcados e batidos do country, mas sem se perder em um gênero novo. Oh, What a World, quarta faixa do disco, nos leva a uma reflexão pessoal e intimista de nossa própria vida em relação ao mundo, nos questionando sobre nossas condutas e vivencias cotidianas. A música ainda coloca em nossos olhos o olhar de Musgraves sobre o mundo, como se fizéssemos parte de uma mesma vida. As reflexões levantadas ao longo do disco nos trazem bons à mente e alguns nem tanto, mas que fizeram parte de nossas próprias vidas e ainda tivesse lados que nos ajudasse a evoluir.

    "Love is a Wild Thing" explora um romantismo e como a paixão transforma e renova nossos sentimentos. "Space Cowboy" é uma das cerejas do bolo do disco. A faixa conta a história de um término, e de como levamos e seguimos a vida nos dando conta que a pessoa não vai mais estar lá, e mesmo assim, está tudo bem. O pop é presenta na música, e aliada ao country, com os vocais refinados e únicos de Kacey, leva o ouvinte a uma viagem sobre nossos relacionamentos vividos.

    "Happy and Sad" é uma das chaves do album, que mais demonstra o quão a vida é um grande contraste. "You got me sliming with tears in my eyes, i've never felt so high" nesse trecho a cantora justamente aponta sentimentos contrastantes mas que vivenciamos quase que a todo momento em nossas vidas, não existe meio termo quanto se trata de emoções do ser humano, e conviver com eles ao mesmo tempo é normal. Em "High Horse" a faixa mais radiofônica dos cds - perfeita para baladas e barzinhos, inclusive - mostra um lado mais acessível de Kacey. A pegada country pop mais marcante e desinibida revela que os dois gêneros podem gerar resultados inesperados com grande qualidade, algo que Lady Gaga tentou reproduzir no disco "Joanne" sem grandes êxitos, no entanto.

    A penúltima música do cd, "Golden Hour" traz poucos elementos, com destaque ao violão e a voz da cantora. A faixa-título do álbum mostra-se grandiosa mesmo com uma simples construção musical. O cd se encerra com a emocionante música "Rainbow". Sob o comando do piano e o vocal presente de Musgraves, a cantora demonstra toda sua genialidade lírica, que é visivelmente vista em todas as faixas, com letras inteligentes, metáforas e recursos linguísticos não convencionais, que elevam seu material, como um dos melhores álbuns country da década, e o melhor album de 2018.
  48. Dec 2, 2018
    Golden Hour finds Kacey Musgraves at her best. She might not have the best voice, or be the most talented songwriter, but her music feel fresh, something that is not common to experience these days. In Golden Hour, Kacey steps up for a moment from her country roots, without getting too much into a mainstream pop sound.
    The best album of 2019.
    Highlights: Space Cowboy, Slow Burn and Butterflies.
  49. Oct 31, 2018
    The whole country genre is well down my list of preferred listening and I only checked this out as it was in loads of half year best of lists. This album hasn't converted me but it's a nice listen, inoffensive but really decent tunes from a songwriting point of view. Can see this material potentially being given the Taylor Swift treatment and being huge but for now seems content to aim forThe whole country genre is well down my list of preferred listening and I only checked this out as it was in loads of half year best of lists. This album hasn't converted me but it's a nice listen, inoffensive but really decent tunes from a songwriting point of view. Can see this material potentially being given the Taylor Swift treatment and being huge but for now seems content to aim for the country music market. Expand
  50. Aug 19, 2018
    Amazing album. The mixing of influences from different genres is made so well, the lyrics are thoughtful and cute, her soprano voice it's really a pleasure to listen. It's for sure one of the best albums of the year.
  51. Aug 17, 2018
    "Golden Hour" shows that the strength of Musgrave's lyricism can be matched by the power of her melodies and when the two meet, something truly heavenly results.
  52. Aug 6, 2018
    This is a beautiful record with gorgeous songs about love but with some pithy lyrics. All the songs are extremely strong and offer a clever mix of pop and country sounds without diluting either genre. What a revelation.
  53. Jul 26, 2018
    Golden Hour is the type of record that you listen to once and you are a bit confused on why it's so critically acclaimed. But then you listen to it again. And again. And again. And then you realize that through simple ideas and pleasant sounds, Kacey Musgraves constructs a near perfect world that you want to live in forever.

    Favorite Songs: Lonely Weekend, Space Cowboy, Happy & Sad,
    Golden Hour is the type of record that you listen to once and you are a bit confused on why it's so critically acclaimed. But then you listen to it again. And again. And again. And then you realize that through simple ideas and pleasant sounds, Kacey Musgraves constructs a near perfect world that you want to live in forever.

    Favorite Songs: Lonely Weekend, Space Cowboy, Happy & Sad, Wonder Woman, High Horse
  54. Jul 25, 2018
    I'm not a huge country fan but it always melts my heart whenever i listen to this album, maybe the concept is simple and she simplified it as much as she can so we can fully observe what she see. Golden hour is slow,warm and touching. Love is a wild thing has a really deep meaning and poetic. Slow burn is nostalgic. Space cowboy is more than just a song for the one
    I'm not a huge country fan but it always melts my heart whenever i listen to this album, maybe the concept is simple and she simplified it as much as she can so we can fully observe what she see. Golden hour is slow,warm and touching. Love is a wild thing has a really deep meaning and poetic. Slow burn is nostalgic. Space cowboy is more than just a song for the one who left, it also mean myself to others. Rainbow is such a masterpiece
  55. Jun 1, 2018
    Immaculately done, Musgraves slightly departs from the sarcastic wit found on her first two albums, and embraces a slightly more romantic side. She also mostly leaves behind the country-western feel, with the exceptions of stunners "Oh, What a World," and "Slow Burn," and embraces a more disco-pop approach, highlighted in the standout track "High Horse." Excellently laid out, there are fewImmaculately done, Musgraves slightly departs from the sarcastic wit found on her first two albums, and embraces a slightly more romantic side. She also mostly leaves behind the country-western feel, with the exceptions of stunners "Oh, What a World," and "Slow Burn," and embraces a more disco-pop approach, highlighted in the standout track "High Horse." Excellently laid out, there are few weaknesses on this album, and I expect Musgraves to be a darling at next year's Grammy Awards, and she may even experience increases in radio play, possibly looking at a pop crossover hit with "High Horse."

    Highs of the album: "Slow Burn"; "Oh, What a World"; "Space Cowboy"; "High Horse"
    Lows of the album: "Golden Hour"; "Mother"
  56. May 13, 2018
    This Album shows how much Kacey have grown as an artist. Every song its perfect in their own unique way.
  57. May 13, 2018
    It's a crime this album doesn't have a perfect score here. It's, as they call it, an instant classic, if there is such a thing. This album will be viewed in history as one of the all-time greatest albums. It's that good.
  58. May 8, 2018
    I enjoyed Pageant Material but this is another level of storytelling. Despite fluctuating between country, acoustic and disco(!), this is one of the most cohesive albums I've ever heard. By the end of the first listen I was prepared to call it my album of 2018 so far, narrowly edging out Janelle Monae.

    I've never even written a Metacritic review – that's how much I love it. Faves
    I enjoyed Pageant Material but this is another level of storytelling. Despite fluctuating between country, acoustic and disco(!), this is one of the most cohesive albums I've ever heard. By the end of the first listen I was prepared to call it my album of 2018 so far, narrowly edging out Janelle Monae.

    I've never even written a Metacritic review – that's how much I love it.

    Faves are: Slow Burn, Butterflies, Oh What a World and High Horse.
  59. May 6, 2018
    Musgraves surprises in this beautiful album with a new bet on his work. Kacey made a great mix of country and pop that artists like Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake and Kylie Minougue tried to do but failed miserably.
    Kacey combined flawless lyrics with smooth, harmonious melodies. The 80's vibe of "High Horse" sounds like something genuine in the midst of poorly made repetitions of the
    Musgraves surprises in this beautiful album with a new bet on his work. Kacey made a great mix of country and pop that artists like Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake and Kylie Minougue tried to do but failed miserably.
    Kacey combined flawless lyrics with smooth, harmonious melodies. The 80's vibe of "High Horse" sounds like something genuine in the midst of poorly made repetitions of the industry. The first singles "Space Cowboy" and "Butterflies" sound melancholy but with a passionate softness.
  60. Apr 29, 2018
    So far my favorite album of 2018. All songs are great; the melody is unbelievably good, and she shines as a singer on this one. The record is a must listen for any music lover.
  61. Apr 14, 2018
    Brave moves! Instead of bringing a hard, typical country sounds, Kacey incorporates some other genres in which made them more calming and hypnotizing. She sings so beautifully pure without any auto-tune, and the lyrics and the melodies are flowing in harmony. It is a modern country album, so a lot of people may consider the existence of modern beats in it; Yet it's nothing to be worriedBrave moves! Instead of bringing a hard, typical country sounds, Kacey incorporates some other genres in which made them more calming and hypnotizing. She sings so beautifully pure without any auto-tune, and the lyrics and the melodies are flowing in harmony. It is a modern country album, so a lot of people may consider the existence of modern beats in it; Yet it's nothing to be worried about, since the production team are doing their great work on the album. The first listen of entire tracks in the album will make feelings of homesick, love of nature, nostalgia, happiness, and sadness at the same time. Expand
  62. Apr 14, 2018
    Este álbum realmente representa meus sentimentos. As letras são muito tocantes e a melodia também é muito fácil de lembrar.
  63. Apr 13, 2018
    Good, but not great. I was able to listen to it all the way through, and it's warranted further listens, but there are much better albums to listen to in my limited amount of time to do so.
  64. Apr 12, 2018
    There are so many great things about this album. But, by far, the songwriting stands out the most. Her work with Natalie Hemby is just blissful. Through this album, I also found out Natalie Hemby has written most of favorite Miranda Lambert song.
  65. Apr 9, 2018
    Kacey creates bearable country music with an actual purpose and a worthwhile message. I don't consider myself a fan of country music, but Musgraves' country-pop lyrics and melodies are irresistible. My favorite track is "High Horse."
  66. Apr 8, 2018
    i was pleasantly surprised by this one. golden hour appeals to listeners of all genres - country, pop, rnb etc... there is such a variety in production and lyricism it's hard not to be adjusted to liking. kacey musgraves is definitely one of my favourite up-and-coming artists now.
  67. Apr 6, 2018
    What a stunning, beautiful record - on another level from her previous work. The songs are gorgeous, and the production is bathed in a gauzy, hazy echo that sounds amazing. The real tear jerker is "Rainbow" - guaranteed to give you a lump in the throat at least. Her voice is amazing, and the musicianship even more so. This will very likely get many Grammy nominations.
  68. Apr 5, 2018
    I already knew Kacey Musgraves was an extraordinary artist. That was no secret. Her songwriting is sharp, incisive, and emotional. Her voice is spot on, always. But the best thing about Kacey Musgraves is not her voice or her songwriting, it is her attitude. She takes chances and she doesn't care if it fits within her perceived "comfort zone" or if it is what people expect from her. SheI already knew Kacey Musgraves was an extraordinary artist. That was no secret. Her songwriting is sharp, incisive, and emotional. Her voice is spot on, always. But the best thing about Kacey Musgraves is not her voice or her songwriting, it is her attitude. She takes chances and she doesn't care if it fits within her perceived "comfort zone" or if it is what people expect from her. She does it because it satisfies her artistic urges. That my friends, the willingness to break out of one's comfort zone and bend genres to their will is what separates great artists from good ones. Bob Dylan, Nick Cave, Tom Waits, Neil Young, Prince, and countless other truly great artists didn't stick to genre conventions, they transcended genres. Kacey Musgraves is transcending genre. She is doing the unexpected and executing it in perfect fashion.

    When I heard the first two singles on this album ("Space Cowboy" and "Butterflies"), I wasn't sold. I longed for the old "Kacey" sound. I wasn't sure I was gong to order the album. However, I told myself to trust her artistry. She has earned my confidence with the brilliance of her first two studio albums (Christmas album excluded for these purposes, despite it being great). So, I didn't listen to any other singles and I waited for the record to arrive at my house. The first thing I noticed was the beauty of the packaging compared to the other record of hers I have on vinyl (Same Trailer...). Then I saw the clear vinyl, perfectly cut. Finally, I popped it on the turntable and let the music do the talking.
    Three songs in and I was sold, 13 tracks in and I started it over and listened to it from the beginning for a second time, then a third time. Something about the album as a whole is intoxicating. The songs flow effortlessly but each one is distinct from the one before. The album feels like a concept album in the way that it comes together seamlessly and there are no missteps.
    The tracks that I originally didn't fall in love with, I am now jamming to because they make sense within the context of the album. I couldn't fully appreciate those songs until I heard the entirety of Golden Hour.

    There are no mistakes on this album. Everything works and everything is perfection. Kacey Musgraves has knocked it out of the park with this effort and has perhaps made THE album of 2018. Only time will tell, but at this point, she has my vote.
  69. Apr 4, 2018
    Sou novato no som dela, mas achei bem interessante e gostei bastante do álbum. Coeso, maduro, emocional e com certeza um dos melhores álbuns que eu escutei até agora. O álbum brinca com o disco em alguns momentos e é definitivamente a coisa que eu mais gostei (além da voz dela). 10 merecido.
  70. Apr 4, 2018
    Sonically diverse while staying true to her origins, lyrically mature, vocally blissful and a damn fine listen from beginning to end. Kacey Musgraves is quite the songwriting force, and knows how to pair with producers that will make those beautiful songs shine as bright as they can. Brava young lady :-)
  71. Apr 4, 2018
    The songwriting is very different from her previous albums, but still feels like her
  72. Apr 4, 2018
    This album is so incredibly good, I never really listened to her before except one other song. But this definitely made me a fan! So many great, personal songs and such a cohesive sound overall. My favorites on here are "Butterflies", "Oh, What A World" and "High Horse". She definitely made me appreciate country music more than I did before and I would recommend this album to anyone, evenThis album is so incredibly good, I never really listened to her before except one other song. But this definitely made me a fan! So many great, personal songs and such a cohesive sound overall. My favorites on here are "Butterflies", "Oh, What A World" and "High Horse". She definitely made me appreciate country music more than I did before and I would recommend this album to anyone, even if country isn't your cup of tea per se. I could wax poetic about this album all day but bottom line: Kacey Musgraves is a queen. Expand
  73. Apr 4, 2018
    One of my all time favorite albums and by far my favorite album she has put out. Just as before Kacey Musgraves uses her spectacular voice and songwriting skills to put together a beautiful piece of art. Her songs Slow Burn, High Horse, Butterflies, and Space Cowboy are by far my favorites on the album.
  74. Apr 2, 2018
    "Golden Hour" is extremely good. I have never listened to her last previous works, but this one seems pretty obvious that she is amazing on what she does. Kacey is effortlessly giving us the hype of alternative country and some kind of folk music with quality. As of the instrumentals, the strings and all the well placed arrangements, she deserves the full rate.
  75. Apr 2, 2018
    "Golden Hour" is an extraordinary album on every level. It's a perfect blend of country, pop, and folk. The lyrics are more personal than on her past albums, and they add a lot of depth to the already wonderful melodies. It's easily the best album of the year so far, and one of the best albums of this entire decade. I'll be shocked if this doesn't win Album of the Year at the Grammys.
  76. Apr 2, 2018
    There is something for everyone on this album, from disco-infused 'High Horse' to country infused 'Space Cowboy.' Kacey hits it right in the Golden Hour.
  77. Apr 1, 2018
    You will get high of her vocal, instruments, the rhythm and the mood and tones of sounds.
    Can't stop listening to it
  78. Apr 1, 2018
    From this past years, country terms always divided, especially after the presence of Chris Stapleton, Sturgill Simpson, Maren Morris, Thomas Rhett and another. Yet, with her newest albums, Kacey proves that country has no boundaries. Blending sophisti-pop with country, it makes a calm record with sharp songwriting.

    Maybe it doesn't satisfy your ear, dear country cowboy fan. Because you
    From this past years, country terms always divided, especially after the presence of Chris Stapleton, Sturgill Simpson, Maren Morris, Thomas Rhett and another. Yet, with her newest albums, Kacey proves that country has no boundaries. Blending sophisti-pop with country, it makes a calm record with sharp songwriting.

    Maybe it doesn't satisfy your ear, dear country cowboy fan. Because you said, "She's another Taylor Swift. Bye Kacey!", but no. Seriously, from what I hear this is not what typical country singer moving into pop. It just experimenting with new things. Combination of modern and traditional. Space and reality. If she wants to go into pop, just do a pure pop song, doing EDM with famous DJ (like Maren Morris did) or maybe get involved with bro-country.
  79. Mar 31, 2018
    Kacey Musgraves' album "Golden Hour" is simply extraordinary. An album that easily blends the Country, with Indie and Folk and of course, pop shines and leaves the album even younger, making people listen. Certainly a strong contender for the big Grammy categories.
  80. Mar 30, 2018
    Nice mix of country pop and dance. Kacey throughout maintains her country roots through this masterpiece. Nice follow up to Pageant Material. A must add to your country collection.
  81. Mar 30, 2018
    As always, Kacey Musgraves loves to break boundaries. In "Golden Hour", she embraces new elements (pop/rock/disco) so much for the first time, but sings so naturally that you'd thought she's been singing these kind of songs for years. At the same time, her songwriting is still her strongest weapon : raw, clever, and literate.

    "Lonely Weekend", a song about having fun while one's alone,
    As always, Kacey Musgraves loves to break boundaries. In "Golden Hour", she embraces new elements (pop/rock/disco) so much for the first time, but sings so naturally that you'd thought she's been singing these kind of songs for years. At the same time, her songwriting is still her strongest weapon : raw, clever, and literate.

    "Lonely Weekend", a song about having fun while one's alone, pop sounds of the old-Taylor Swift appear here and there. However, with the honesty and the casualness of the lyrics, Kacey knows how to make herself shine, definitely a different way, comparing to T-Swift. In an interview, Kacey also said that she "mixed future and traditional sound" in this album, and that appears in "Oh, What a World", which starts with a Daft Punk-sound, and it would sure make your eyes widened at first listen. The highlight of the album, "High Horse", has a disco sound perfectly mixed with guitars and banjos, which is already critic's favorite.

    We all know that Kacey just got married, which influenced a lot in the concept of her new music. The album opener, " Slow Burn", sets the stage that this album is going to be chill and comfortable to listen. In both "Oh, What a World" and "Love Is a Wild Thing", the beauties of the world are described as magic. Not to mention the pure love songs : "Butterflies" and "Velvet Elvis". We've never seen her being so in love before, this IS her golden hour, the kind of music her fans have been waiting for for so long. Still, some of the best lyrics appeared in "Space Cowboy", a song about letting go of someone who wants to leave.

    As a whole, Kacey takes us through the ups and downs of life, as usual, with clever lyrics that brings freshness every time you listen to it. While this time, she adds new music elements that shows her ambitions. We can't wait for her next step.
  82. Mar 30, 2018
    From her first album i knew she was different and unique artist and now she once again proves why she is the best country artist out there. Golden Hour is bold, real and an ambitious album.
  83. Mar 30, 2018
    We all remember the huge stir Kacey Musgraves caused in country music with her first major-label release, "Same Trailer Different Park" back in 2013, a record so timeless that won her her first Grammys and that we sill blast until this day. She was back in 2015 with her sophomore effort, "Pageant Material" which contained even sharper country melodies (Musgraves herself dubbed it "countryWe all remember the huge stir Kacey Musgraves caused in country music with her first major-label release, "Same Trailer Different Park" back in 2013, a record so timeless that won her her first Grammys and that we sill blast until this day. She was back in 2015 with her sophomore effort, "Pageant Material" which contained even sharper country melodies (Musgraves herself dubbed it "country as **** at one point) and corkier smart lyrics that established her as one of the finest lyricists on the scene, and, at the same time, one of country music's biggest rebels.

    With her third album (fourth, if you count her Christmas album), Kacey announced that she was switching things up a little, and making a record less about rebellion and small-towns, and more about her actual state: being in love, getting married, and focusing on all the beauty laying around.

    The lead-singles were there to assure us that, however changed, Kacey's never gonna make a song that's less than absolutely extra-ordinary: 'Butterflies' is a sweet (and catchy) love song about falling for the man she ended up marrying, while 'Space Cowboy', with all its instrumentation, smart wordplay, and lyrics like "boots weren't made for sitting by the door", is a real tear-jerker.

    So yeah: "Golden Hour" indeed sees Ms. Musgraves taking a different approach in making music: she uses a vocoder on the intro of 'Oh, What a World', which is a grand track about appreciating all the magic in the world, she places a nearly-one-minute-and-a-half track as a sort of ode to her mother five tracks deep into the project, and she goes for a country-infused disco sound on 'High Horse', which turns out to be an absolute success. Pretty unusual things for a Kacey Musgraves album, aren't they?

    However, there are some aspects that are still reminiscent of Musgraves' older works. Album opener 'Slow Burn' feels like it could easily fit into "Pageant Materiel"'s whole narrative, with lyrics such as "Texas is hot, I can be cold / Grandma cried when I pierced my nose", while 'Happy & Sad' sees Kacey reflecting on not enjoying the good times in fear of the lows that will surely follow, because, you know, that's life.

    As a whole body of work, "Golden Hour" is a cohesive, well-written and beautifully-crafted collection of songs that are all at the same time fun, reflective and relatable. Whether it's a little fun song about showing off the man she's in love with ('Velvet Elvis'), or depicting struggles, salvation, and learning to let go ('Rainbow'), Kacey sounds just as confident and as mature even without her deep country roots; and "Golden Hour" proves that it might be, in Kacey Musgraves' career, just what its title suggests it is.

Universal acclaim - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. 85
    Golden Hour imagines a world much sweeter than the one we’re living in; and for 45 minutes, it can just about take you there. Kacey Musgraves’ golden hour is far from over.
  2. May 23, 2018
    Golden Hour is a bedazzled, wide-eyed rush.
  3. May 9, 2018
    Whilst tracks like "Butterflies" and "High Horse" offer the best of what Musgraves can do in terms of balancing her obvious charm against a certain steely underbelly that has served her so well so far in her career, all too often, Golden Hour delivers a lackluster vibe and a feeling that Musgraves has become too infatuated with the pop side of her artistry and is beginning to forget about the things that made her so interesting and worth investing in in the first place.