• Record Label: A&M
  • Release Date: Mar 27, 2001

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. Here's music tailor-made for cruising down the road with the wind blowing through your mullet.
  2. Another appealing throwback to the best in '70s hard rock.
  3. The new Monster Magnet album is kinda crappy, and they'd better check themselves before they quite irrevocably wreck themselves.
  4. A 12-song mess that veers unsteadily between the fuzztone freak-outs of his original concept and panicked-sounding rewrites of older Monster Magnet material.
  5. Alternative Press
    God Says No is the sound of a band heading toward the charts, full-speed.... This is a disappointing record for longitme fans; maybe new ears will dig it. [#153, p.81]
  6. Blender
    Less hook-a-minute than its predecessor, 1998's Powertrip, but with a more heavily articulated wallop. [Jun/Jul 2001, p.114]
  7. 70
    On God Says No, Monster Magnet sounds more simply like a cross between Soundgarden and any of a dozen longhaired stoner rock bands.
  8. God Says No brings the New Jersey quintet into the millennium with the same sharp approach of their other four records--it's loud, it's brash.
  9. In contrast to the relatively concise muscle car that was Powertrip, Magnet's 1998 commercial breakthrough, God Says No luxuriates in a decadent psych-rock whirlpool, improbably bridging the chasm between the Music Machine and Nine Inch Nails.
  10. Arguably the band's most diverse set yet, and certainly their mellowest.... In the end, some may be disappointed by God Says No's all-around sense of restraint, but open-minded fans will have to acknowledge Wyndorf's courageous insistence on breaking new ground with his continually inspired songwriting.
  11. God Says No maintains the attributes of its predecessor but also delves deeper into the groove-y psychedelia that's also part of the band's makeup.
  12. Entertainment Weekly
    The band's signature brown-acid hysteria shares time with suspensefuly muted click tracks, adding an element of noir to a world view that was plenty black to begin with. [13 Apr 2001, p.76]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. DamonB
    Nov 4, 2005
    i thinnk this is a good albulm ....but not the greasted rock albulm of that yr.
  2. BaronS
    Sep 22, 2004
    Once again Dave Wyndorf and co. continue to progress their sound by introducing new elements into the Monster Magnet sound, all the while Once again Dave Wyndorf and co. continue to progress their sound by introducing new elements into the Monster Magnet sound, all the while remaining consistent and true to themselves. This band is definetly getting better with age and making New Jersey proud. "God says No" brings some bluesy moments and more hooks than any of it's predecessors. This may be the most unapologetic, pedal to the metal, take no prisoners, old fashioned rock and roll band in the world. Full Review »
  3. GeoffreyK
    May 8, 2004
    There are a couple of good tracks on it, but basically not nearly as good as any of the previous albums...sigh.