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Universal acclaim- based on 84 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 73 out of 84
  2. Negative: 3 out of 84
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  1. Apr 29, 2023
    This fusion of hardcore and bedroom pop is something that doesn’t sound like it should work on paper. In reality, I can’t get enough of these tracks.
  2. Sep 7, 2022
    I like this album. It has catchy metal-core songs which pull quite a bit from dream-pop. Every song here goes hard.
  3. Aug 3, 2022
    The sound of the future right here. Catchy, energetic, and ridiculously fun. Turnstile have struck gold with this one.
  4. Apr 3, 2022
    There's a lot of snobbishness around Turnstile, purely because they've merged punk and pop sensibilities. Ignore all that - this album is nothing but a good time from start to finish. Punk is supposed to be about welcoming everyone- this album should attract people of many different tastes.
  5. Apr 1, 2022
    Bright hard hitting rifts with anthemic choruses and fantastic experiments. Tjis is a marvel i took embarrassingly long to like. It's original, sincere and catchy.
  6. Jan 30, 2022
    Turnstile's third studio album "GLOW ON" is a masterpiece that has no equivalent. Starting with the shattering opener "MYSTERY", followed by 14 voluminous, heavy, epochal, intense and vital hardcore songs. Without time to catch breath, the 35 minutes pass without a single skip.

    Turnstile convinces with versatility, a tremendous choice of different instruments and sounds and a
    Turnstile's third studio album "GLOW ON" is a masterpiece that has no equivalent. Starting with the shattering opener "MYSTERY", followed by 14 voluminous, heavy, epochal, intense and vital hardcore songs. Without time to catch breath, the 35 minutes pass without a single skip.

    Turnstile convinces with versatility, a tremendous choice of different instruments and sounds and a transgressive change between various genres. It's just fun to listen to "GLOW ON". Not only one of the best hardcore albums of the year; it's one of the best albums of the year in general.

    My favorites:

    ~ Fürstenberg
    January 30, 2022
  7. Jan 18, 2022
    Defining Hardcore in a new way! From pure HC-Bangers like „TLC“ or „Humanoid“ to Smiths-like post punk Influencer beauties like „New Heart Design“
    Turnstile Inventing theirselfes in a new way, without selling out or getting „soft“
  8. Jan 6, 2022
    Turnstile are not only reinventing the whole genre on "Glow On"; they might be the beginning of a new generation of hardcore artists. Their musical evolution is something truly inspiring. Despite being crafted with amazing execution and production, album's biggest advantage is probably its versatility. While it remains a hardcore record intended to be played on live shows, the presence ofTurnstile are not only reinventing the whole genre on "Glow On"; they might be the beginning of a new generation of hardcore artists. Their musical evolution is something truly inspiring. Despite being crafted with amazing execution and production, album's biggest advantage is probably its versatility. While it remains a hardcore record intended to be played on live shows, the presence of a few softer tracks (like Alien Love Call) makes it highly pleasurable just to listen casually. Absolute highlights are Blackout and Holiday, with their lyrics representing the whole idea ("and when you see me on the floor, it's just the part of my show", "and i can sail with no direction, like it's a holiday"), with their inescapable sense of comfort and affiliation. They are also probably the fastest and most entertaining positions of the tracklist.
    With "Glow On" Turnstile are taking hardcore on an entirely different level. This is definitely one of the best albums of the year: fresh, energetic, sunny, above all beautiful.
  9. Dec 24, 2021
    I'm someone who is so far removed from hardcore and this is my pick for the best album of the year. I love all the melancholy touches that the elements that are outside of the genre bring to the songs and how they are juxtaposed with the harder sound which are for me the main selling points for this album from a genre that i never listen to and the songs are brief enough that they neverI'm someone who is so far removed from hardcore and this is my pick for the best album of the year. I love all the melancholy touches that the elements that are outside of the genre bring to the songs and how they are juxtaposed with the harder sound which are for me the main selling points for this album from a genre that i never listen to and the songs are brief enough that they never reach to the point of annoyance. Expand
  10. Dec 15, 2021
    Turnstile, the American hardcore scene's pioneers, exchanged their gritty tricks and rapid bites for a more luscious poppy progression in one of the year's most stunning curveballs, and it worked! How did they manage it? By never compromising the qualities that made them unique in the first place. Instead, they sought delight within the confines of their limitations, resulting in theirTurnstile, the American hardcore scene's pioneers, exchanged their gritty tricks and rapid bites for a more luscious poppy progression in one of the year's most stunning curveballs, and it worked! How did they manage it? By never compromising the qualities that made them unique in the first place. Instead, they sought delight within the confines of their limitations, resulting in their most cohesive album to date—not a significant departure, but a deliberate stride, one superb adjustment rarely accomplished so effectively in modern music. To be honest, I have yet to come across a single critic who can correctly explain this album. I'm one of them. Expand
  11. Dec 4, 2021
    This was a very fun album that had me headbanging from beginning to end. Great vocals and instrumentation that gets you feeling good. Hopefully Turnstile is able to keep up with the amazing work with their future projects.
  12. Nov 20, 2021
    Tutaj nie ma zbędnej nuty. 15 utworów, niecałe 35 minut muzyki. Jest intensywnie, intensywnie i - jeszcze raz - intensywnie. Na swoim trzecim krążku amerykańska punkrockowa (uważam, że to za wąskie gatunkowe ramy dla nich) formacja nie bierze jeńców.
  13. Nov 3, 2021
    One of the best rock albums I've heard in years. The Best album of 2021 so far.
  14. Oct 10, 2021
    Hot and electric is Turnstile's new album. The biggest switch up was in "NEW HEART DESIGN", but it's not a discard. And I also want some T.L.C. for me.

  15. Sep 18, 2021
    This is such a fun album beginning to end. Whether or not you’re into hardcore music, I’d recommend a listen just for the sheer entrainment of it all. Seriously - do yourself a favor.
  16. Sep 9, 2021
    Though their rougher hardcore edges have been somewhat sanded down (although hardly altogether ditched) in favor of a more melodic approach, Turnstile nevertheless deliver as expected on pointedly short, sweet, headbanging and fist-pumping punk while simultaneously evolving and refining their sound in exciting new ways.
  17. Sep 5, 2021
    This a masterpiece. This is not a hyperbole, there is no other way to put it. It is a masterpiece.
  18. Sep 3, 2021
    This is one of the best hardcore records in general. I don't think you even need to enjoy punk to like this album. Good time front to back.
  19. Sep 3, 2021
    Rock album of the year, no doubt, it's truly incredible. Demands more listens.
  20. Sep 3, 2021
    It’s fun from beginning to end. A true treat. Thank you turnstile. XOXOXOXO
  21. Sep 2, 2021
    Energy, youth, joy, anger, summer! These are the words I associate with this album. Stunning record!
  22. Aug 30, 2021
    This album truly has no skips. The production is absolutely spot on and unique, leaving you waiting for what will happen next. Each and every song on this record flows together perfectly, sometimes you don't even know the song has changed.

    This album is mainly full of hard hitting rock songs that will get you jumping and wanting to dance around, but does offer some calmer songs like
    This album truly has no skips. The production is absolutely spot on and unique, leaving you waiting for what will happen next. Each and every song on this record flows together perfectly, sometimes you don't even know the song has changed.

    This album is mainly full of hard hitting rock songs that will get you jumping and wanting to dance around, but does offer some calmer songs like "UNDERWATER BOI" and "ALIEN LOVE CALL", giving you time to breathe. This album is genuinely one of the best albums of 2021.
  23. Aug 27, 2021
    This is one the best records of 2021. No doubt the fusion between hardcore, punk and alternative rock make this album unique in its own way. You will feel the need of dancing, jumping, taking some breath and pause. A jewel from start to end.

    It would be very hard to skip any track if you really get into it.

Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 13
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 13
  3. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Sep 16, 2021
    Both vital and respective of the listener's time at just under 35 minutes, Glow On rolls in like a violent, late-summer storm and pummels the power grid but mercifully leaves the lights on.
  2. 80
    It's wildly accessible and I think what works the most is you just wouldn't be able to tell what kind of band they really are and what's their definitive sound -- which is a beautiful chaos that works in Turnstile's favor.
  3. Aug 30, 2021
    They’ve managed to pace their listeners through sonic wreckage while being a little more daring in doing so. Synths, chipmunked vocals, and R&B flair don’t suggest this is the future of hardcore, but these elements do indicate that the genre’s future is more encompassing, and it will have this record to thank.