• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Aug 26, 2016
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  1. Oct 24, 2016
    Britney is back and better than ever. Glory truly shows her passion and it sparks though every single song. This is the best gift to her fans since we're been waiting for this album for so long. Thank you Britney
  2. Oct 24, 2016
    A beautiful album. You can actually feel Britney's presence on this record and you can tell that this is the work that she wanted to put out. My favorite album of hers so far.
  3. Oct 24, 2016
    A beautiful album. You can actually feel Britney's presence on this record and you can tell that this is the work that she wanted to put out. My favorite album of hers so far.
  4. Oct 24, 2016
    Este álbum é definitivamente o melhor de sua carreira, com a valorização de seus vocais e uma sonoridade muitos mais agradável do que a de seus antecessores, Glory prova que Britney Spears sabe realizar trabalhos de muita qualidade
  5. Oct 24, 2016
    With Glory, she made her best album since almost 10 years!
    Her lead, Make Me..., is the only featuring on the album, and it was a good choice as first single. Really good album, with some french & spanish songs, I Like It!

    Good songs: ALL ♥ (but especially: Make Me..., Do You Wanna Come Over?, Liar, Change Your Mind (No Seas Cortés))
  6. Oct 24, 2016
    With Glory, she made her best album since almost 10 years!
    Her lead, Make Me..., is the only featuring on the album, and it was a good choice as first single. Really good album, with some french & spanish songs, I Like It!

    Good songs: ALL ♥ (but especially: Make Me..., Do You Wanna Come Over?, Liar, Change Your Mind (No Seas Cortés))
  7. Oct 24, 2016
    An excellent album! It's great that we have legends like Britney to come and save pop music when it's in need. Nine years ago we all joked about Britney going bald... but the joke's on us, now we're the bald ones! Snatched us good.
  8. Oct 24, 2016
    What a great album! The best way to take away the bad taste of "Britney Jean" is present this great album . Britney is more present than ever in this modern production , the standard version should cover all 17 songs . Coupure Électrique is sublime.
  9. Oct 24, 2016
    amazing, so fresh, smart and relentless, her voice sounds better than ever, man on the moon is such an epic song, the violins makes me so emotional. liar and if i'm dancing are dancefloor anthem. if you mixed in the zone, blackout and femme fatale the result is glory
  10. Oct 24, 2016
    amazing, so fresh, smart and relentless, her voice sounds better than ever, man on the moon is such an epic song, the violins makes me so emotional. liar and if i'm dancing are dancefloor anthem. if you mixed in the zone, blackout and femme fatale the result is glory
  11. Oct 24, 2016
    This is her most mature album yet, i'm extremely proud! Great to see her trying new sounds and producers and putting her voice on the front stage again. Congrats Britney!
  12. Oct 24, 2016
    The best album of the world , britney is amazing people and the album is fantastic . i love her . buy the album everybody . britney i love you my favorite of the glory is clumsy , do you wanna come over and hard to forget ya
  13. Oct 24, 2016
    Best pop album of 2016? So far, yeah probably. Best Britney album? Unfortunately, on the whole, it doesn't quite match the freshness of Blackout or sexiness of In The Zone. But Brit Brit does sound better than she's had in a while and you can tell she's having fun being in control again.
  14. Oct 24, 2016
    Literally the best album of the decade! Britney really did amazing with the album, it's beautifully sung and the songs are amazing! If you don't like it, you must not know what real pop is. Because this is real pop.
  15. Oct 24, 2016
    En lo persona es uno de los mejores album que puede tener Britney, son ritmos diferentes, esencia que se ha perdido con el tiempo pero que retomó con fuerzas. En lo persona está al nivel de In the zone, incluso siento que esto ha traído una era que Britney, los antis y los mismos medios hicieron que se esfumara luego de su época oscura.

    Una Britney radiante, un cd fresco, divertido,
    En lo persona es uno de los mejores album que puede tener Britney, son ritmos diferentes, esencia que se ha perdido con el tiempo pero que retomó con fuerzas. En lo persona está al nivel de In the zone, incluso siento que esto ha traído una era que Britney, los antis y los mismos medios hicieron que se esfumara luego de su época oscura.

    Una Britney radiante, un cd fresco, divertido, sensual. Es un hecho que nos ha traído lo que es el POP, el que fue tan característico en ella. ¡Vamos Britney Spears! No dejes de resplandecer
  16. Oct 24, 2016
    A great album, probably one of the bests of the year. Spears deserves the critical acclaim this time with this awesome album. Every song is single worthy
  17. Oct 24, 2016
    Yeaaaas Best album of Britney Spears after IN THE ZONE. Incredible, epic BEST POP ALBUM 2016! Hello, grammy, glory deserves to be mentioned, category Pop Album and Best of the Year.!
  18. Oct 24, 2016
    Wonderful album!She deserves success with it. Britney Jean was embarrassing. Best album of her since in the zone,make me is a great single. She is back better than ever! Congratulations,Britney.
  19. Oct 24, 2016
    18 years into her career, pop icon Britney Spears does it AGAIN and delivers what could be her finest piece of art yet. Vocally, lyrically and soundwise - Britney definitely wins this one.
  20. Oct 24, 2016
    Perfect!! Best album of 2016!! Perfect!! Best album of 2016!! Perfect!! Best album of 2016!! Perfect!! Best album of 2016!! Perfect!! Best album of 2016!!
  21. Oct 24, 2016
    Pop: MJ, Madonna Britney, Adele, U2, Katy, Alanis, JLO, Kelly, George Michael, Bieber, Bruno.
    R&B: Mariah, Toni, MJB, Janet, TLC, Alicia, Maxwell, Sade, Usher, Aaliyah, Ciara, Brandy, Monica, 702. Rap: Nas, Lil Kim, Missy, Drake, Lauryn Hill, Fat Joe, Outkast, DMX, Kendrick, Biggie, Foxy, T.I. Salt n pepa.
    Pop: MJ, Madonna Britney, Adele, U2, Katy, Alanis, JLO, Kelly, George Michael, Bieber, Bruno.
    R&B: Mariah, Toni, MJB, Janet, TLC, Alicia, Maxwell, Sade, Usher, Aaliyah, Ciara, Brandy, Monica, 702.
    Rap: Nas, Lil Kim, Missy, Drake, Lauryn Hill, Fat Joe, Outkast, DMX, Kendrick, Biggie, Foxy, T.I. Salt n pepa.
    Educate OBHs on why Britney's a legend and part of the #WINNINGTEAM. Legend Britney is the Alpha and the Omega of ATRL. Bless yourself with BOMT (Genesis), Oops (Job), Britney (Psalms), In the zone (Proverbs), Blackout (St. Matthew) Circus (St. Mark) Femme fatale (St. Luke), Work btch standalone single (St. John) and WATCH. YOUR. GROWTH. Prepare for B9: Book of Revelation
  22. Oct 24, 2016
    Escutar o Glory é um pouco Nostálgico, pois você sente aquele POP característico, porém de forma contemporânea. Ainda consegue se embebedar de várias fontes, pois as musicas possuem ritmos diferentes. Realmente Glorioso.
  23. Oct 24, 2016
    To be honest, I was expecting a bit more. While the instrumentals are good overall (since In The Zone or Blackout, Britney didn't manage to bring instrumentals as good as the ones on this album), her vocals are so overproduced that almost made me stop listening to the album at some points.
    The concept is good but the production when it comes to her vocals are a mess.
  24. Oct 24, 2016
    Best album of Britney Spears after IN THE ZONE. Incredible, epic BEST POP ALBUM 2016! Hello, grammy, glory deserves to be mentioned, category Pop Album and Best of the Year.
  25. Oct 24, 2016
    This album is the new bible of pop, every track has its own glory! My favs are Private show, change your mind (no seas cortes), just love me and slumber party.
  26. Oct 24, 2016
    This is by far the best Britney Spears album, all the songs are very good and Britney's vocals in this album is so phenomenal. You can tell that Britney Spears really spent a lot of time in the creative process of this album and it came out unbelievably perfect! 10/10
  27. Oct 24, 2016
    definitely album of the year and Britney's best album after Blackout! Best songs in my opinion: Do You Wanna Come Over, Change Your Mind, Liar, If I'm dancing, Coupure Électrique and Love Me Down.
  28. Oct 24, 2016
    Best album of Britney Spears after IN THE ZONE. Incredible, epic BEST POP ALBUM 2016! Hello, grammy, glory deserves to be mentioned, category Pop Album and Best of the Year.
  29. Oct 24, 2016
    This album is amazing.
    Best album of Britney Spears after IN THE ZONE. Incredible, epic BEST POP ALBUM 2016!

    Apenas só tenho a agradecer a Godney por essa biblia
  30. Oct 24, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. While Britney may not write about political stances and deep opinions (hello from 1998: she never has), she still holds the record in being capable of making fun, dance-worthy pop. Britney's personal touch, aside from her ad-libs, is in the music itself. Much like "Britney", "In The Zone", and "Blackout", you can feel Britney's signature touch and her personal style throughout all of… Expand
  31. Oct 24, 2016
    Album digno de ser ouvido, sem dúvidas é um retorno glorioso da princesa do pop. Sonoridade bem tranquila, arranjos muito bem trabalhados, soa muito com uma mistura de in the zone com blackout.
  32. Oct 24, 2016
    Easily one of the best albums of the year, and definitely a ground-breaking album for Spears'. It mixes various different genres of music (Country, Dark, Pop, EDM, RnB and others) in a glorious masterpiece.
  33. Oct 24, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the best albums of 2016 and one of Britney's best, her voice is up front, she proves herself as a pro studio singer, and this sound is beautiful and modern, this is the album fans have been waiting for and critics need to hear! Expand
  34. Oct 24, 2016
    I never told I would be able to say again that britney did the best album of the years, it's all we ever wanted from her, a little bit of heart and sexiness, she's grown a lot since britney Jean and she let it show this on Glory really proud of her.
  35. Oct 24, 2016
    Her best album since Blackout and so far 2016's best album! She sounds confident and sexy, and she deserves all the glory that this album can get her! Epic Comeback.
  36. Oct 24, 2016
    I love it, I don't know I just love it, the BEST POP album, everything is super sexy, lovely, sweet in different way, I hope you guys can enjoy this album, come to shine Britney-army ~~~
  37. Oct 24, 2016
    This album is the new bible of pop, every track has its own glory! My favs are Private show, change your mind (no seas cortes), just love me and slumber party.
  38. Oct 24, 2016
    I never told I would be able to say again that britney did the best album of the years, it's all we ever wanted from her, a little bit of heart and sexiness, she's grown a lot since britney Jean and she let it show this on Glory really proud of her.
  39. Oct 24, 2016
    This album is everything you would want from a Britney album. Every song could be a stand-alone single! My highlights are Private Show, Man On The Moon, Slumber Party and Change Your Mind.
  40. Oct 24, 2016
    Britney's best album since In The Zone and Blackout. We can see a resurrection of old Britney who tries new vibes and sounds. She took risks and gave us a MASTERPIECE!
  41. Oct 24, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Even though the general public reception is likely to be lukewarm, the album manages to truthfully portray Britney’s artistry and that is a very pleasant surprise. Years and years of unreleased songs and scrapped projects left such a bad taste in the mouth of the fandom that we grew ridiculously accustomed to a soulless robotic voice slapped on a perfectly-crafted catchy pop tune. Two of her most critically acclaimed works, such as In The Zone and Blackout, started to sound soaked in nostalgia for what could have been (if she hadn’t had that infamous breakdown). But no more sadness, just one listen to this record is enough to rinse our frustration and reassure us that Britney was indeed in charge of this project. A testament to that is her voice: sultry and playful, warm and grating, multifaceted and yet always recognizable. Her most devoted fans will also immediately detect her beloved guitar riffs, the gypsy jazz style, the talking bits in different languages, and the haunting mid-tempo melodies that many times filled our vivid imagination stemming from poor-quality demos. Expand
  42. Oct 24, 2016
    Better para single já! Better para single já! Better para single já! Better para single já! Better para single já! Better para single já! Better para single já! Better para single já! Better para single já!
  43. Oct 24, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Joanne is better Joanne is better Joanne is better Joanne is better Joanne is better Joanne is better Joanne is better Joanne is better Joanne is better Joanne is better Joanne is better Joanne is better Joanne is better Joanne is better Expand
  44. Oct 24, 2016
    This was probably THE best album released this year. Britney has finally come back with a lot of smash songs that lots of people seem to enjoy including myself. This is definitely an improvement from Britney Jean and it reminds us of In The Zone and Blackout. She has shown more vocals in this album than in the past few albums and I am proud of her! No words can explain it... at all.
  45. Oct 24, 2016
    A great album, probably one of the bests of the year. Spears deserves the critical acclaim this time with this awesome album. Every song is single worthy
  46. Oct 24, 2016
    Wonderful album!She deserves success with it. Britney Jean was embarrassing. Best album of her since in the zone,make me is a great single. She is back better than ever! Congratulations,Britney.
  47. Oct 24, 2016
    18 years into her career, pop icon Britney Spears does it AGAIN and delivers what could be her finest piece of art yet. Vocally, lyrically and soundwise - Britney definitely wins this one.
  48. Oct 24, 2016
    Best album of Britney Spears after IN THE ZONE. Incredible, epic BEST POP ALBUM 2016! Hello, grammy, glory deserves to be mentioned, category Pop Album and Best of the Year.
  49. Oct 24, 2016
    best album ever

    I'm not gonna ask for a sip When I'm thirsty And you don't have to hold my hand When I'm hurting Won't make you sober me up When I'm turning And you don't gotta say it I know that I'm worthy You could ask me for a sorry Like the calm before the storm Ask for pieces of my body Until all of it is yours But I'm not gonna ask you for nothing Just luv me,
    best album ever

    I'm not gonna ask for a sip
    When I'm thirsty
    And you don't have to hold my hand
    When I'm hurting
    Won't make you sober me up
    When I'm turning
    And you don't gotta say it
    I know that I'm worthy

    You could ask me for a sorry
    Like the calm before the storm
    Ask for pieces of my body
    Until all of it is yours
    But I'm not gonna ask you for nothing

    Just luv me, just luv me
    I'ma keep it simple, real simple
    Just luv me, just luv me
    But I'm not gonna ask you for nothing
    Just luv me, just luv me
    I'ma keep it simple, real simple
    Just luv me, just luv me, just luv me

    If you think that I'm saying a big house
    I'm high maintenance
    Like I'm trying to mask every problem
    That I'm facing
    Well you're wrong cause I don't need nobody
    When I'm breaking
    All I need is your love
    And a little bit of patience

    You could ask me for a sorry
    Like the calm before the storm
    Ask for pieces of my body
    Until all of it is yours
    But I'm not gonna ask you for nothing

    Just luv me, just luv me
    I'ma keep it simple, real simple
    Just luv me, just luv me
    But I'm not gonna ask you for nothing
    Just luv me, just luv me
    I'ma keep it simple, real simple
    Just luv me, just luv me, just luv me
    I'm not gonna ask you for nothing
    Just luv me

    Oh no, I won't, I promise, I promise Oh no, I won't ask you for nothing Oh no, I won't, I promise, I promise I promise, I promise But I'm not gonna ask you for nothing Just luv me, just luv me I'ma keep it simple, real simple Just luv me, just luv me But I'm not gonna ask you for nothing Just luv me, just luv me I'ma keep it simple, real simple Just luv me, just luv me, just luv me Oh no, I won't, I promise, I promise Oh no, I won't ask you for nothing Oh no, I won't, I promise, I promise I promise, I promise I'm not gonna ask you for nothing Just luv me
  50. Oct 24, 2016
    obrigado por salvar o pop icone britney jean spears, que album maravilhosooooooooooooooooo, só tem musicas boas. Salvou o pop, só falta lançar um video bom para a era ser perfeita. Deus do pop é assim mesmo
  51. Oct 24, 2016
    Amazing. Britney is back. This album is a really comeback since in the zone. Man on the moon reminds me a sweetie Brit, all the songs are very good. It's a nice surprise for us.
  52. Oct 24, 2016
    This album is the new bible of pop, every track has its own glory! My favs are Private show, change your mind (no seas cortes), just love me and slumber party.
  53. Oct 24, 2016
    This is by far the best Britney Spears album, all the songs are very good and Britney's vocals in this album is so phenomenal. You can tell that Britney Spears really spent a lot of time in the creative process of this album and it came out unbelievably perfect! 10/10
  54. Oct 24, 2016
    This is by far the best Britney Spears album, all the songs are very good and Britney's vocals in this album is so phenomenal. You can tell that Britney Spears really spent a lot of time in the creative process of this album and it came out unbelievably perfect! 10/10
  55. Oct 24, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Glory makes for an enjoyable listen, and it definitely a huge step-up from 2013's Britney Jean. Her vocals are less processed and they shine in different places (see "Private Show"). The reason I gave it a 7 is some tracks are very forgettable, like the last 3 tracks on the standard edition, but songs like "Private Show". "Man on the Moon", and "Make Me..." really make up for it. Oh, and "Just Luv Me" just might be the sexiest song Britney has sung since "Circus".
    Solid record for the iconic Britney. 10/10
  56. Oct 24, 2016
    Britney's best album since In The Zone and Blackout. We can see a resurrection of old Britney who tries new vibes and sounds. She took risks and gave us a MASTERPIECE!
  57. Oct 25, 2016
    Best album of Britney Spears after IN THE ZONE. Incredible, epic BEST POP ALBUM 2016! Hello, grammy, glory deserves to be mentioned, category Pop Album and Best of the Year.
  58. Oct 25, 2016
    Literally the best album of the decade! Britney really did amazing with the album, it's beautifully sung and the songs are amazing! If you don't like it, you must not know what real pop is. Because this is real pop.
  59. Oct 25, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. En lo persona es uno de los mejores album que puede tener Britney, son ritmos diferentes, esencia que se ha perdido con el tiempo pero que retomó con fuerzas. En lo persona está al nivel de In the zone, incluso siento que esto ha traído una era que Britney, los antis y los mismos medios hicieron que se esfumara luego de su época oscura. Expand
  60. Oct 25, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A refreshing current sound that takes you on a musical journey. Delivering quality pop music is nothing new from the "Toxic" singer. Britney's ninth album reminds us of the music we truly enjoyed from her from previous albums such as Britney, In The Zone and Blackout. This is the piece of Britney we asked for. Glory came out silently - nothing promised, nothing exposed - but the noise the album gives to us is louder. Britney is in her best here exploring new sounds, new vibes and showing us sides of your voice that we didn't notice for a long time. Expand
  61. Oct 25, 2016
    Honestly her best work so far since Blackout, every track has personality, vocals, excellent melodies and instrumentation. One of, if not THE, best albums this year. 10/10 would recommend.
  62. Oct 25, 2016
    She sing, she make( maybe)her best album of your career. I'm Liking of this new age and I wait the better Britney Spears since two thousands and four. Britney, come with your better!
  63. Oct 25, 2016
    Britney once proved again that she can still deliver if she took control. The album is one of her best so far. The diversity of song genres and elements make the album fresh and outstanding. This is the best POP album of the year! Say hello to the mature Britney in music and personality.
  64. Oct 25, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's a masterpiece , thank you Britney . We were needing you back.
    I'm dreaming a mile a minute 'bout somebody
    This feeling, I wanna go with it
    'Cause there's no way
  65. Oct 25, 2016
    Glory makes for an enjoyable listen, and it definitely a huge step-up from 2013's Britney Jean. Her vocals are less processed and they shine in different places (see "Private Show"). The reason I gave it a 7 is some tracks are very forgettable, like the last 3 tracks on the standard edition, but songs like "Private Show". "Man on the Moon", and "Make Me..." really make up for it. Oh, andGlory makes for an enjoyable listen, and it definitely a huge step-up from 2013's Britney Jean. Her vocals are less processed and they shine in different places (see "Private Show"). The reason I gave it a 7 is some tracks are very forgettable, like the last 3 tracks on the standard edition, but songs like "Private Show". "Man on the Moon", and "Make Me..." really make up for it. Oh, and "Just Luv Me" just might be the sexiest song Britney has sung since "Circus". Expand
  66. Oct 25, 2016
    This is her most mature album yet, i'm extremely proud! Great to see her trying new sounds and producers and putting her voice on the front stage again. Congrats Britney!
  67. Oct 25, 2016
    Álbum com sonoridade totalmente atual, com diferentes estilos e idiomas. As melodias estão boas, junto com a voz da Britney que fica boa em qualquer estilo de música. Parabéns BRITNEY SPEARS.
  68. Oct 25, 2016
    amazing, so fresh, smart and relentless, her voice sounds better than ever, man on the moon is such an epic song, the violins makes me so emotional. liar and if i'm dancing are dancefloor anthem. if you mixed in the zone, blackout and femme fatale the result is glory
  69. Oct 25, 2016
    What a great album! The best way to take away the bad taste of "Britney Jean" is present this great album . Britney is more present than ever in this modern production , the standard version should cover all 17 songs . Coupure Électrique is sublime.
  70. Oct 25, 2016
    An excellent album! It's great that we have legends like Britney to come and save pop music when it's in need. Nine years ago we all joked about Britney going bald... but the joke's on us, now we're the bald ones! Snatched us good.
  71. Oct 25, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. SHE'S BACK!
    With Glory, she made her best album since almost 10 years!
    Her lead, Make Me..., is the only featuring on the album, and it was a good choice as first single. Really good album, with some french & spanish songs, I Like It!

    Good songs: ALL ♥ (but especially: Make Me..., Do You Wanna Come Over?, Liar, Change Your Mind (No Seas Cortés))
  72. Oct 25, 2016
    Glory is undoubtedly Britney's best album since Blackout. It is a HUGE improvement on Britney Jean. This time around, the songs sound more like what Britney wants...and it works! Glory is absolute magic!
  73. Oct 25, 2016
    Britney is back and better than ever. Glory truly shows her passion and it sparks though every single song. This is the best gift to her fans since we're been waiting for this album for so long. Thank you Britney
  74. Oct 26, 2016
    This album is amazing.
    Best album of Britney Spears after IN THE ZONE. Incredible, epic BEST POP ALBUM 2016!

    Apenas só tenho a agradecer a Godney por essa biblia
  75. Oct 26, 2016
    Amazing. Britney is back. This album is a really comeback since in the zone. Man on the moon reminds me a sweetie Brit, all the songs are very good. It's a nice surprise for us.
  76. Oct 26, 2016
    definitely album of the year and Britney's best album after Blackout! Best songs in my opinion: Do You Wanna Come Over, Change Your Mind, Liar, If I'm dancing, Coupure Électrique and Love Me Down.
  77. Oct 26, 2016
    Tão perfeito quanto a realidade permite que seja. Nem mesmo Deus faria algo tão esmerado, e não é por falta de tentativas. Britney acaba de fundar uma nova religião e só nos resta reunirmos-nos em torno de sua obra para adorá-la.
  78. Oct 26, 2016
    Tão perfeito quanto a realidade permite que seja. Nem mesmo Deus faria algo tão esmerado, e não é por falta de tentativas. Britney acaba de fundar uma nova religião e só nos resta reunirmos-nos em torno de sua obra para adorá-la.
  79. Oct 26, 2016
    The album features distinct materials which showcase Britney Spears' vocals in the best way possible. She might not write every single song in this album, but every song has special connection to her in a magical way. It can be heard though her not-so-over-processed vocals. Oops! She did it again.
  80. Oct 26, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album includes 17 songs in a deluxe version. Every song shows Britney to us in a different way. Invitation - it is invitation to her Glory. It is very smooth and Britney's vocals are as an angel's. Private Show - a funky song, something new in… Expand Expand
  81. Oct 26, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is by far the best Britney Spears album, all the songs are very good and Britney's vocals in this album is so phenomenal. You can tell that Britney Spears really spent a lot of time in the creative process of this album and it came out unbelievably perfect! 10/10 Expand
  82. Oct 26, 2016
    I absolutely loved it! It shows her evolution as an artist and showcases her voice a lot more than in her previous records. Personally, my favorite album right now.
  83. Oct 26, 2016
    I am SO proud of Britney for releasing her best album in YEARS. Her natural vibrato is actually seen throughout the album and I'm shocked. It actually sounds like In the Zone Britney all over again! I'm excited to see the album chart.
  84. Oct 29, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This new album is one of the best of her carrer. In fact, Ms. Spears created various songs and sing better than ever. Like it's saying, it's a vibe between "In The Zone" and "Blackout" and it's a success.
    She deserves many awards for her work supplied during 2 years.
  85. Nov 1, 2016
    This album sounds fresh and new. We've all seen what Britney is able to do on stage, and this new material give us the sound of a real pop icon. Sexy, moody, BRILLIANT! And the best: It makes you smile!
  86. Nov 1, 2016
    Sem duvidas o melhor album pop de 2016, mais uma vez a britney não nos decepcionou e presenteou a gente com essa obra prima. Vida longa a princesa do pop.
  87. Nov 4, 2016
    Бритнин Глори не красивый? Да Бритни, блять, стройная, она блять при теле, поет как бог танцует как ангел нахуй, у нее блять большие глаза, ровной формы нос, четко очерченные скулы и тонкие губы. Блять, это идеальная женщина, че вы тут на Глори пиздите? Вы блять в зеркало когда в последний раз смотрелись, пидрилы?Бритнин Глори не красивый? Да Бритни, блять, стройная, она блять при теле, поет как бог танцует как ангел нахуй, у нее блять большие глаза, ровной формы нос, четко очерченные скулы и тонкие губы. Блять, это идеальная женщина, че вы тут на Глори пиздите? Вы блять в зеркало когда в последний раз смотрелись, пидрилы?
  88. Nov 7, 2016
    One of her best works! Make Me and Slumber Party are the best musics of this album! Of course, this is so much better than Britney Jean. Glory, Femme Fatale and Oops...! I Did It Again are her best albums
  89. Nov 29, 2016
    A perfect come back from princess of pop. She is the real princess of all. Even though her fame is not that great like 10 years ago, this album is pure masterpiece of pop. I do enjoy every song.
  90. Dec 21, 2016
    Sin duda una re-invención de parte de Britney Spears en cuanto a sonido. Es muy diferente a "Femme Fatale" y "Britney Jean". Este álbum es sinónimo de perfección, Spears explotó nuevamente el R&B, un género que no cantaba desde "In The Zone" o "Circus". En este disco Britney supo llevar la temática sexual a un nivel bastante elegante sin tocar nada vulgar y se notó bastante su maduraciónSin duda una re-invención de parte de Britney Spears en cuanto a sonido. Es muy diferente a "Femme Fatale" y "Britney Jean". Este álbum es sinónimo de perfección, Spears explotó nuevamente el R&B, un género que no cantaba desde "In The Zone" o "Circus". En este disco Britney supo llevar la temática sexual a un nivel bastante elegante sin tocar nada vulgar y se notó bastante su maduración vocal. Sin duda el mejor álbum de Britney desde "Blackout". Las mejores del disco son "Invitation", "Man on The Moon", "Slumber Party", "Better", "Change Your Mind (No Seas Cortés)" y "Liar". Expand
  91. Jan 21, 2017
    Maravilhoso álbum dessa cantora, eu super recomendo, músicas com toques bem maduros e eu gostei bastante, espero que você goste idem quando ouvir. Muito Show.
  92. May 12, 2017
    This is certainly the most confident, creative and most hard-worked album since In The Zone or Blackout, two Pop gems. The album's sound is very planned, and has some new sounds that long-time fans never excepted to hear from Britney - she surprise us singing in French and Spanish! 'Invitation', that clearly is an invite to us, translates into a simply but softly romantic demand. Then weThis is certainly the most confident, creative and most hard-worked album since In The Zone or Blackout, two Pop gems. The album's sound is very planned, and has some new sounds that long-time fans never excepted to hear from Britney - she surprise us singing in French and Spanish! 'Invitation', that clearly is an invite to us, translates into a simply but softly romantic demand. Then we have some reggae in 'Slumber Party', having a mix of fun and a Oops... I Did it Again nostalgia with 'Clumsy', and a sexy latin dance with No Seas Cortés. An amazing track, featured in the Japonese's editions, 'Mood Ring', features a personal meaning to it's lyrics and a catchy sound. There are some sounds that didn't went along very well, like 'Private Show', although it deserves a credit for at least trying to create a unique sound. This album is everything that Pop needs right now, and a listen is extremely recommended. Expand
  93. Jun 16, 2017
    You can tell that ritney puts her soul and heart to this record... The 00' Britney is back. tracks like "Just Luv Me" and "Liar" take us to the glory Britney days
  94. Aug 9, 2017
    Amo álbum demais..................nnhjjikkiiiiiijjjkkkjjjlhljlbvlvljlhlhouououuuu7hhjkhkjj jkhkhljljljlhlhljkkkjljkkkllkkkiiiikkkvlvkvkvkclclckbovkvkvj
  95. Jul 26, 2017
    Better Better Better Better Better Better Better Better Better Better Better Better Better Better Better Better Better Better Better Better Better
  96. Jul 29, 2017
    This album makes me (ooh)... WOW! It's incredible, but very underrated by critics. There's a different sound, a sexier Spears, It creates a wonderful atmosphere, especially with Make Me... and Slumber Party. If she sponsored more the album instead of the Residency it would be a big popularity.
  97. Jul 29, 2017
    She recovered very well of the Britney Jean era. GLORY is the saviour of pop in 2016 for me. People lose time comparing female artists albums, they forget BRITNEY SPEARS is a must listen to in the industry.
  98. Oct 11, 2017
    É um álbum que mostra todo o amadurecimento de Britney Spears dentro do cenário mundial, mostrando que a Princesa do PoP está sempre em evolução em cada uma de suas era,
  99. Nov 16, 2017
    Britney Spears showcased her voice very well on Glory. Glory is easily one of the best Britney album she has ever made. 2016 is definitely Britney and Glory's year and I think this album deserves more recognition.
  100. Feb 2, 2018
    Best album of Britney Spears, every track sounds perfect and unique.
    Moreover, we can hear an optimal mix between sound effects and Britney's real voice, and we all know how amazing is her voice!
    The only flaw is that the best tracks are located in the deluxe edition (Liar, Change your mind), but it doesn't matter! Welcome back, Britney!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. 60
    Although it marks no significant shift in style--she’s still mining the same pop-R&B seam--it’s undoubtedly a better effort than its predecessor.
  2. Sep 1, 2016
    Like Britney herself, Glory is a fascinating if flawed listen--while she remains very much a singles artist, this is her most successful record in a while, and still contains glimpses of why she remains so compelling, 18 years into her career.
  3. Glory is no masterpiece, but it’s a marked improvement on 2013’s ‘Britney Jean’, a messy attempt to merge thumping EDM tunes with supposedly reflective midtempo songs.