• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jan 27, 2023
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 83 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 36 out of 83
  2. Negative: 34 out of 83
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  1. Jan 28, 2023
    At the same that is very beautiful to see Sam getting out the shelf, you would expect more from his 4th studio album. Overall, it's a mid-positive work.
  2. Feb 22, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the cohesion on gloria is surprising given how sonically eclectic it is. it is the sprawl of different sounds that makes this LP probably the most interesting of smith's musical career thus far. however it is unfortunate that some of the more genuinely entertaining or thought provoking moments like on 'hurting', 'dorothy' and title track 'gloria' are cut short to make room for platitudes that feel like more of the same from smith. indeed this is what syphons 'gloria's' overall potential. the album is just good when it really could've been great. Expand
  3. Jan 30, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. acho que todo mundo esperava mais de Glória, esperávamos mais liberdade, extravagância é que sam fugisse um pouco de “baladas românticas” já que é o que ele sempre tem nos entregado nos seus últimos trabalhos. Não posso deixar de comentar sobre seus interlude completamente poderoso e das músicas mais dançantes unholy e guimme que deram toco aquele toque picante do álbum Expand
  4. Mar 21, 2023
    in my humble opinion this album is one of Sam's best. They figure out ways to blend happy pop songs with some sad topics in there as well. Even with all of these ups there are downs. Sam's voice is very... not great. and "Gimme" is awful in every way. and the production is not my favorite. But in the end i was pleasantly surprised by this album.
  5. Feb 2, 2023
    Unholy doesn't belong on this album, all the other songs are throwback Sam Smith classics, but then we have the Ed Sheeran-duet Who We Love, and that unbearable GIMME.
  6. Feb 3, 2023
    Gloria is a very personal and unique album. Many people expected it to sound like smash hit "Unholy" most of the songs are more similar to the first single "Love me more". Even the fact that the album contains 13 tracks it's very short, a bit too short. Some songs in production aren't very different from each other which might make them boring after some listens. Of course there are stillGloria is a very personal and unique album. Many people expected it to sound like smash hit "Unholy" most of the songs are more similar to the first single "Love me more". Even the fact that the album contains 13 tracks it's very short, a bit too short. Some songs in production aren't very different from each other which might make them boring after some listens. Of course there are still some outstanding songs like "Im not here to make friends" or "No god" which keeps this album in "okay category". Loving "Gloria era" but the album could be better. Expand
  7. Feb 5, 2023
    Smith has a great voice and is, undeniably, a very talented singer. Nevertheless, someone's vocal talent is not enough to constitute great art. This project, like many others in this genre, has a mission of sending a positive message to people struggling with their own sexuality and low self esteem, but it fails to deliver something unique and remarkable, even if it appears to come from aSmith has a great voice and is, undeniably, a very talented singer. Nevertheless, someone's vocal talent is not enough to constitute great art. This project, like many others in this genre, has a mission of sending a positive message to people struggling with their own sexuality and low self esteem, but it fails to deliver something unique and remarkable, even if it appears to come from a (somewhat) authentic place. Expand
  8. Feb 6, 2023
    I don't really have much to say about this. There are 3 okay-ish songs and that's about it, not forgetting to mention whatever the hell the songs "Gimme" and "Gloria" are supposed to be. It just doesn't work.
  9. Jun 23, 2023
    The album is good to make you sleep, it is just really boring and makes every minute of it an eternity, it have some good songs but you loose the courage to hear that on the second one.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. 50
    While by no means a bad record, Sam Smith’s Gloria is largely hit-or-miss.
  2. Feb 10, 2023
    With songs that are both sacred and profane, with R&B and pop and disco and chorales, “Gloria” is all of that and more.
  3. Feb 3, 2023
    It's largely unobtrusive and serviceable, distinguished mostly by Smith's elastic voice and increased specificity and complexity to the reflective and romantic songs.