• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Sep 23, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Blitzen Trapper's first release for Sub Pop doesn't just improve upon the promise of WMN, it expands its sonic horizons as well, narrowing the mixtape glee that fueled its predecessor with just enough maturity to lend it considerable weight.
  2. Blitzen Trapper's fourth album and Sub Pop debut delivers a more polished, coherent vision while not sacrificing the Portland sextet's vividly eclectic contortions through alt-folk and garage rock.
  3. Furr is a more consistent body of work, a perfect fall soundtrack rife with woodsy imagery.
  4. Blender
    Singer-guitarist Eric Earley accesses the haunted Americana Wilco nailed on "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot," with big nods to mid-'60s Bob Dylan, early-'70s Neil Young and the country Grateful Dead. [Oct 2008, p.78]
  5. While there isn’t anything as blisteringly heavy as 'Woof & Warp of the Quiet Giant’s Hem,' as gritty and grimy as 'Miss Spiritual Tramp,' or even as trippy and psychedelic as 'Hot Tip/Tough Cub,' there is still plenty to love on Furr.
  6. Furr is the work of an assured band that are in confident command of their craft.
  7. It’s good where it has to be good and it hits the notes it’s supposed to, but other than that it’s tough to find Furr inspiring in any way, especially with such a specifically backwards-looking strategy employed.
  8. Filter
    Furr's tight structures and stripped bones soar. Not that they've abandoned that record's ["Wild Mountain Nation"] sonic spectrum entirely; there's plenty of buried headphones treasures throughout, and they still steal gleefully from your parents' best records. [Fall 2008, p.92]
  9. 70
    Enjoying Furr, then, depends entirely on your ability (or willingness) to ignore the heavy footprints of familiar musicians.
  10. They’ve topped up every track with so many hooks and contemporary indie rock clichés that their new songs sometimes go right past catchy into corny.
  11. There’s no room for filler here; momentum carries on and roams wide but never eases.
  12. Blitzen Trapper are no longer talented jacks-of-all-trades, but a master of one, and Furr is proof that this already-great band gets even better as they define themselves more specifically.
  13. Furr is a brilliant and hard-earned combination of ambition and craft, two qualities albums rarely have at the same time in the oversaturated age of ProTools.
  14. Furr still finds Blitzen Trapper as a band that’s relentlessly restless, just one that’s purposefully that way.
  15. Throughout the album, Blitzen keep their songs highly tuneful, making Furr a breakthrough worthy of toasting with a microbrew, or several.
  16. Furr is country-chic posturing that works from a distance: as twangy background music for those elites who watch their politics on MSNBC.
  17. 70
    The band's freak-out, slacker glam jams return, but it's Earley's comparatively focused alt-country side that impresses.
  18. The Neil Young and Beatles influences are laid bare, the quirkiness is now more tuneful than cerebral, and the band has surrendered to the basic human craving for candied country melodies.
  19. Their determination to leave no musical stone unturned means Furr is substantially more fun than is normally expected from Dylan-loving Americans with an affection for facial hair.
  20. To the band’s credit, the album does warm-up to the listener with consecutive listens, but Blitzen Trapper will have to play some reputable live shows in order to distinguish themselves from the indie rock masses.
  21. Under The Radar
    There's enough diverse material here and in the past to build your own army of darkness. [Fall 2008, p.74]

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 18 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 18
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 18
  3. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. MarkR
    Nov 11, 2009
    Boring! I don't care how great the lyrics are if the music puts me to sleep.
  2. EricC.
    Nov 22, 2008
    Wild Mountain Nation may still be their best album, but my god, can they craft a great rock album.
  3. MarkS.
    Oct 1, 2008
    Psychedelic frontier rock that hits all the right spots better than the average Joe six-pack on a weekend when he feels like being the most Psychedelic frontier rock that hits all the right spots better than the average Joe six-pack on a weekend when he feels like being the most generous of lovers. Full Review »