• Record Label: LaFace
  • Release Date: Oct 28, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. The sadder Pink gets, the better the big, rocky roar that characterizes much of the disc sounds.
  2. If the album doesn't always make that point in its words, it consistently makes that point by being as fun a pop record as Pink's albums tend to be.
  3. Pink continues to make everything she touches her own. She uses brains and brawn to turn the mainstream into a complicated place.
  4. Anything that reduces Pink's in-your-face presence, and that includes a preponderance of slowed-down, tarted-up examinations of divorce, is probably an ill-advised move.
  5. 70
    Funhouse is more haunting than amusing, but the solidarity that comes along with her recent divorce serves as the effort's muse and proves to be her best partner in life.
  6. 80
    Whether struggling with sobriety or confronting her own meanness, Pink has never been less cool: She's hot-blooded throughout, and it suits both her pipes and a female pop genre that rarely embraces this much tangible pain.
  7. Funhouse is a ride, empowered by her post-divorce freedom. In a way, that does make Funhouse unique among divorce albums, as it's the first to concentrate on liberation rather than loss--but if she was going to go in this direction, Pink may have been better off not pretending that she's bothered by the breakup.
  8. Ms. Alecia Moore turns tragedy into a huge artistic coup once again on the only somewhat inaccurately named Funhouse.
  9. On her confident fifth album, the multiplatinum hitmaker attacks her recent divorce in all styles.
  10. Perhaps Funhouse is a victim of its own excess: it may be inevitable that an album of 14 songs with more than a dozen credited writers will end up as hit and miss, as messy as this.
  11. Give Pink three spins and half a chance and by track five's killer New Order riff, you'll be singing 'Please, Don't Leave Me' back at her.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 175 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 20 out of 175
  1. Aug 3, 2012
    The only song that really stands out is the lead single So What, the rest of the album is just repetitive and tired songs. As a whole theThe only song that really stands out is the lead single So What, the rest of the album is just repetitive and tired songs. As a whole the album is trash. Full Review »
  2. Nov 7, 2012
    P!nk has released amazing albums like Mizzundastood and I'm Not Dead which make you wanna get dancing as her amazing voice hits you but thisP!nk has released amazing albums like Mizzundastood and I'm Not Dead which make you wanna get dancing as her amazing voice hits you but this is something new. her bratty, sexy, sad, yet fun record gets you going again, swaying your head to the beat of hard songs like So What and laughing with Bad Influence. "I'm the instigator of underwear" is the best lyric in the entire album from the latter song. Full Review »
  3. Jun 11, 2011
    Funhouse is a great pop-rock album. "Sober" is a masterpiece, while other tracks such as "So What" and "Please don't leave me" are also veryFunhouse is a great pop-rock album. "Sober" is a masterpiece, while other tracks such as "So What" and "Please don't leave me" are also very catchy. Despite being serious and emotional, there are also fun -not generic- songs in this album. Definitely worth a listen. Full Review »