• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Mar 16, 2015
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Universal acclaim- based on 910 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 65 out of 910
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  1. Jun 17, 2015
    Honestly, this is not only the album of the year for me, but it is one of my favorite albums that I have ever heard. I had incredibly high expectations for this album, especially after hearing the title track, and it did not disappoint but excelled. Do yourself a favor and listen to this record if you haven't already. It's amazing.
  2. Jun 10, 2015
    FROOT is strong, fragile, beautiful, powerful and meaningful. I haven't heard a pop album so good as this one in years. Congrats, Marina, you did it..
  3. Apr 21, 2015
    É um álbum maravilhoso, cada álbum da Marina difere-se um do outro. Incrível! Não há uma faixa "mais ou menos" ou "ruim", todas são maravilhosas.
  4. Apr 5, 2015
    Marina realmente me surpreendeu com FROOT, é maravilhoso, envolvente e inovador, esse album tem vida própria. Traz tantos elementos dos anos 70, com um sugar pop maravilhosos e algumas melodias compostas em piano, consegue também ser psicodélico. Um album que te da vontade de ouvir do começo ao fim varias vezes sem cansar, eu não entendo como isso é possivel.
  5. Apr 3, 2015
    gostei achei legal amei as composições melhor álbum porém prefiro o TFJ pq na epoca do TFJ ela n tinha treta com a Ellie e pq no TFJ ela n prometeu vir p Brasil e n veio essa vagabunda do caralho faltou bate cabelo tb então vai ficar 9 mesmo
  6. Apr 3, 2015
    Eu poderia te dar 0 sua vadia , me deixou esperando aqui no brasil igual uma trouxa , mas como eu te amo e adorei o albúm toma ai umm 10 lindaaaaaaaaa
  7. Apr 2, 2015
    Totalmente diferente do seu antecessor o aclamado "Electra Heart", Marina trás um material novo e um clima mais "refresh" e com músicas de sua própria autoria, a capacidade da Marina de compor tudo sozinha é admirável.
  8. Mar 31, 2015
    I really really like this album. Marina has such an interesting and emotive voice, and her music is immediately accessible but still has its own distinct personality. Froot in particular has a darker and more mature sound than her previous albums. My personal favorites are Blue and I'm a Ruin, but most of the songs are pretty good.
  9. Mar 30, 2015
    FROOT is just marvelous, im happy that she did not want to make another Pop mainstream record. She did what she wanted to do and besides, the lyrics are just amazing! Here we have a true artist who deserves a lot of success!
  10. Mar 26, 2015
    Marina crafts an absolutely irresistible album that is full of charm, style and catchy hooks! What i really love about Froot is how she has taken a more mature approach to her vision that she teased with on Family Jewels and Electra Heart. Hidden underneath all the layers of collaboration with hot producers and glitzy songwriters was a brilliant and smart songwriter. On Froot, we nowMarina crafts an absolutely irresistible album that is full of charm, style and catchy hooks! What i really love about Froot is how she has taken a more mature approach to her vision that she teased with on Family Jewels and Electra Heart. Hidden underneath all the layers of collaboration with hot producers and glitzy songwriters was a brilliant and smart songwriter. On Froot, we now finally get to see Marina's true talent and vision! Froot plays at a great pace with energetic numbers like the title track to more organic indie rock tracks like "Forget" & "Savages" as well as nicely atmospherics ballads like "Immortal". Froot is a gorgeous listen and a real treat for fans! Expand
  11. Mar 26, 2015
    Do not be surprised if you start expecting great things of "Froot", I have to say that Marina managed to win me in his first tracks, however, this was short lived. Clearly the production in their work has increased considerably, however, in "Froot" is all very steady, safe, predictable and often bland.
    Although Marina have their moments, they are never entirely satisfactory, yet, we can
    Do not be surprised if you start expecting great things of "Froot", I have to say that Marina managed to win me in his first tracks, however, this was short lived. Clearly the production in their work has increased considerably, however, in "Froot" is all very steady, safe, predictable and often bland.
    Although Marina have their moments, they are never entirely satisfactory, yet, we can get good music here, but unfortunately, none of them are strong enough to stand on the head when it's all over.
  12. Mar 25, 2015
    Increible album que ya goza de uno de los mejores puestos en mi estantería, no conocia apenas a Marina Diamandis, Electra Heart no llamó mi atención pero FROOT es un album redondo, crea paisajes, ambientes, es melancolico, energico y bailable a la vez! FAN TAS TI CO!
  13. Mar 24, 2015
    This album is amazing and absolutely shows the real Marina and The Diamonds. There isn't even one song that I don't love on this album, I love all so much I don't even have a favorite/lease favorite! Great job, Marina. You topped yourself on this one. Not to mention, she wrote this entire album by herself, and there isn't even one meaningless song here, all are amazing lyrically andThis album is amazing and absolutely shows the real Marina and The Diamonds. There isn't even one song that I don't love on this album, I love all so much I don't even have a favorite/lease favorite! Great job, Marina. You topped yourself on this one. Not to mention, she wrote this entire album by herself, and there isn't even one meaningless song here, all are amazing lyrically and musically. Froot definitely deserves an above 80 metascore, and not be judged too quickly. Expand
  14. Mar 23, 2015
    Marina, sempre inovando e se mostrando cada vez mais criativa, intensa, cheia de ironias, e, finalmente, totalmente ela. Esse álbum é uma "segunda bíblia" sobre relacionamentos (ou o fim deles).
  15. Mar 22, 2015
    Froot is the new bible, an album for the gays, very eccentric and fruitful. She mixes all the fruits with the stars and creates this wonderful world of FROOT. Marina probably thought of the name FROOT while she was looking at her boobs which resemble the two O's of FROOT. My favorites songs are Froot and Weeds, because they are related to nature and reminds of the things I sell on theFroot is the new bible, an album for the gays, very eccentric and fruitful. She mixes all the fruits with the stars and creates this wonderful world of FROOT. Marina probably thought of the name FROOT while she was looking at her boobs which resemble the two O's of FROOT. My favorites songs are Froot and Weeds, because they are related to nature and reminds of the things I sell on the beach. F R O O T, froot!!. is an album for all the emo gothic rocker vampire people around the world, sink your teeth in that froot manas!. Expand
  16. Mar 22, 2015
    YASSSS! O melhor álbum da Marina é "FROOT". Ela compôs/produziu todo o CD, que artista faz uma obra prima dessas nos dias de hoje?! Marina merece todo sucesso do mundo depois do "FROOT". Cada música é de uma forma pessoal e crítica, o que deixa ainda mais maravilhoso. Marina tem talento pra caramba, rainha!
  17. Mar 22, 2015
    Ouvindo o Eletric Heart e logo após ouvindo Froot você percebe o crescimento da Marina como artista, como cantora, compositora e como ser humano. Froot é simplesmente incrível e com certeza veremos o álbum entre os indicados ao Grammy.
  18. Mar 21, 2015
    I personally think she could have faired better if she had filled her basket with sweet juicy treats rather than sour grapes (see what I did there) but overall very well produced and charming. Download: Froot, Immortal, Happy
  19. Mar 21, 2015
    It's amazing. It's like a heaven. Amazing album, her best so far.. Right now my favourites are Can't Pin Me Down, Savages and Weeds, but I love all of the songs on Froot.
  20. Mar 20, 2015
    Composed all by her own hand and co-produced with the same guy on every track, Marina makes a comeback in music with a diverse, quirky and enjoyable journey through the world of FROOT. Exploring a variety of themes in each song and sounds from pop, disco and rock, it's easy to feel the whole as a bit all over the place. Nevertheless, the beauty behind Marina's vocal abilities, goodComposed all by her own hand and co-produced with the same guy on every track, Marina makes a comeback in music with a diverse, quirky and enjoyable journey through the world of FROOT. Exploring a variety of themes in each song and sounds from pop, disco and rock, it's easy to feel the whole as a bit all over the place. Nevertheless, the beauty behind Marina's vocal abilities, good production and some pretty amazing, down-to-earth lyrics make up for the weakest parts of the album. In all, a delightful experience and one of her best works to date. Expand
  21. Mar 19, 2015
    Marina's been around for awhile and she's LONG overdue for her breakthrough. Whether that's Froot or not is beside the point because her "diamonds" will always be with her no matter where she goes. From my personal standpoint, Marina continues to grow and she's moved out of her "Electra Heart" phase where it seems like she's grown from Electra and come back to Family Jewels, but in a newMarina's been around for awhile and she's LONG overdue for her breakthrough. Whether that's Froot or not is beside the point because her "diamonds" will always be with her no matter where she goes. From my personal standpoint, Marina continues to grow and she's moved out of her "Electra Heart" phase where it seems like she's grown from Electra and come back to Family Jewels, but in a new way that shows complete growth. Either way, Marina is an artist I'm probably going to always support because she gets people on a personal level. Expand
  22. Mar 19, 2015
    Love this album! Like nothing that's out there today. Each song stands on its own. What really makes this album great is that if you listen closely, you can hear how much thought and detail went into making each track, from the lyrics to the beats to the background instrumentals. Best songs: Gold, Blue, I'm a Ruin, and Froot. Better Than That gets an honorable mention. Heck, all of theLove this album! Like nothing that's out there today. Each song stands on its own. What really makes this album great is that if you listen closely, you can hear how much thought and detail went into making each track, from the lyrics to the beats to the background instrumentals. Best songs: Gold, Blue, I'm a Ruin, and Froot. Better Than That gets an honorable mention. Heck, all of the songs on this album deserve an honorable mention. Expand
  23. Mar 18, 2015
    After being dripped-fed new tracks over the past few months (which was already building up quite the collection of tracks) by the time the entire album had dropped, it was bursting with so much juice and punch. Marina seems to feel more comfortable than ever on her new album, and you can really tell that. Her lyrical confidence is evident through the show-stopping Savages (her honest viewAfter being dripped-fed new tracks over the past few months (which was already building up quite the collection of tracks) by the time the entire album had dropped, it was bursting with so much juice and punch. Marina seems to feel more comfortable than ever on her new album, and you can really tell that. Her lyrical confidence is evident through the show-stopping Savages (her honest view of humanity), Weeds (an emotional, unique heartbreak song with a difference) and the captivating I'm A Ruin (which twists the heartbroken/heartbreaker to a whole new level). Topped off with sweeping ballads (Happy and Immortal - the opening and closing tracks) that are nothing but relatable, and a whole load of sass on Better Than That and Can't Pin Me Down. The title track is also a highlight, filled with so much juice as well as the the more commercial friendly track, Blue.

    I can't recommend this highly enough.
  24. Mar 18, 2015
    This album is pure perfection. I believe in it because Marina said it's what she has wanted to do, and so far, every song has amazed me. The only song that maybe should not be on the album is Better than That, but other than that, every song is perfection. So proud of her whole discography. She is so underrated and people do not understand her amazing music. It's unfair how someThis album is pure perfection. I believe in it because Marina said it's what she has wanted to do, and so far, every song has amazed me. The only song that maybe should not be on the album is Better than That, but other than that, every song is perfection. So proud of her whole discography. She is so underrated and people do not understand her amazing music. It's unfair how some critics give her harsh reviews. Listen to it and Buy Froot. Expand
  25. Mar 18, 2015
    Although three or two songs look similar to each other, froots is a sweet pleasure for the ears, the voice of Marina looks amazing on this tracks, she once again proves what a great composer and singer she is.
  26. Mar 18, 2015
    O melhor álbum da História. Todo o conceito do álbum, assim como todas as suas musicas foram desenvolvidas pela Marina. Ela quer que a musica inspire as pessoas, quem da nota Zero para isso só pode ser retardado.
  27. Mar 18, 2015
    not so good as the previous album but i'm glad that marina finally found herself in music and stopped pretending to be another character which she actually wasn't. i really liked immortal, i'm a ruin & can't pin me down although gold and blue are rather weak.i think this album's pretty nice, 5/10
  28. Mar 18, 2015
    Although containing simpler production and arrangements than previous works, Froot is Marina stripped to her core. Sharp in social criticism. Elegant in human emotion. Edgy in instrumentation. Memorable content throughout. Highlights: I'm a Ruin, Blue, Solitaire, Savages, Immortal.
  29. Mar 17, 2015
    Depois de "The Family Jewels" e "Electra Heart" serem dois álbuns que Marina considera como experimentais, com FROOT, Marina encontrou seu caminho para ser feliz. Só o fato da Marina ter escrito todas as músicas sozinha, e ver a qualidade das mesmas é perceptível ver o quanto Marina amadureceu. Músicas chicletes e com letras "simples", porém funcionais, como "Blue", até músicas com umaDepois de "The Family Jewels" e "Electra Heart" serem dois álbuns que Marina considera como experimentais, com FROOT, Marina encontrou seu caminho para ser feliz. Só o fato da Marina ter escrito todas as músicas sozinha, e ver a qualidade das mesmas é perceptível ver o quanto Marina amadureceu. Músicas chicletes e com letras "simples", porém funcionais, como "Blue", até músicas com uma melodia melancólica e com uma letra profunda, como "Immortal". Um álbum completo, variado e o mas importante, maduro. Marina finalmente encontrou o caminho que quer trilhar. Expand
  30. Mar 17, 2015
    Marina slayed once again with her new album, that includes most of her best songs ever in her career. Unfortunately, it's not being an easy month to Charli XCX fans, that got their ass kicked by Queenrina again. F*** off, Charli, I don't want dandruff.
  31. Mar 17, 2015
    FROOT is amazing and quite frankly relatable. Full of classics that I'm in love with. Would love to see her perform live. Well done Marina, I can't wait to see the music videos next!
  32. Mar 17, 2015
    This album is so perfect, the lyrics, the melodies, everything particulates My favorites are "Blue" and "Can't Pin Me Down," Blue is commercial, and perfect, the letter leaves a little to be desired, but it is very good to hear, Can not Pin Me Down is controversy, the curse leaves a shine to the music, and about feminism, is also polemical, but Marina wanted to do different then managed
  33. Mar 17, 2015
    Marina Diamandis, better know as Marina and the Diamonds (her fans) has returned after three years for her new studio album FROOT. Gone are the likes of Dr. Luke and Diplo, instead Diamandis decided to write the entire album on her own and had only one producer: David Koston. FROOT highlights a change from Marina's last album Electra Heart which was very mainstream, and instead taken aMarina Diamandis, better know as Marina and the Diamonds (her fans) has returned after three years for her new studio album FROOT. Gone are the likes of Dr. Luke and Diplo, instead Diamandis decided to write the entire album on her own and had only one producer: David Koston. FROOT highlights a change from Marina's last album Electra Heart which was very mainstream, and instead taken a more indie approach. These changes include recording with a live ban and like said earlier using one producer known more for his work with Bat for Lashes. Ranging everywhere from stripped back ballads like "Happy" to dance floor ready disco inspired tones like "Blue" the album has a wide variety that still fits together. Lyrically this album is about a break-up and her trying to find happiness afterwords.

    Songs in order from best to worst:

    1. Blue
    2. Can't Pin Me Down
    3. Happy.
    4. Forget
    5. Solitaire
    6. Savages
    7. Immortal
    8. Better than That
    9. Froot
    10 Weeds
    11. Gold
    12. I'm a Ruin

    The only song i find that isn't that good is I'm a Ruin which is probably the most "electra heart" song lyrically but it fails to make any impression.
  34. Mar 17, 2015
    FROOT, Marina's best album so far, is a pop spectacle. It features everything form sparkling ballroom ballads, like one of the standout tracks "Immortal", and uptempo pop-rock songs like "Forget". It would be hard to pick favorites from this impressive album, but if I had to, they would be "Can't Pin Me Down", "Better Than That" and the already mentioned "Immortal". Overall, the albumFROOT, Marina's best album so far, is a pop spectacle. It features everything form sparkling ballroom ballads, like one of the standout tracks "Immortal", and uptempo pop-rock songs like "Forget". It would be hard to pick favorites from this impressive album, but if I had to, they would be "Can't Pin Me Down", "Better Than That" and the already mentioned "Immortal". Overall, the album features clever songwriting and catchy melodies and is definitely worth buying. Expand
  35. Mar 17, 2015
    Ela é uma rainha , marina impressiona a cada album , sempre melhorando , impecavel como sempre , voz doce e gostosa de ouvir , merece todo o sucesso do mundo .
    e lança blue como single mulher , agradecido , bjs
  36. Mar 17, 2015
    Amazing. Marina is an excellent artist. She never disappoints. One of my favorite albuns of all-time, I could listen it for hours and hours.!

    Underneath it all, we're just savages...
  37. Mar 17, 2015
    FROOT is magnificent from start to finish, each track is flawlessly written by Marina herself and she never fails when it comes to making music, a stand out album of 2015.
    If you enjoy this album I would recommend an album even better than FROOT, Night Time, My Time by the artist of our generation, Sky Ferreira, or even if you didn't enjoy this album I would still highly recommend it.
  38. Mar 17, 2015
    This album is so personal and thought provoking. The songs are ALL written by Marina, they're all different ranging from stripped back ballads to funky pop. It's Marina's best work to this date! :)
  39. Mar 17, 2015
    Esse album é maravilhoso, o mais maduro e coeso da nossa Marina. Podemos ver o quanto ela conseguiu produzir suas letras sozinhas, com toda majestosidade e personalidade de uma cantora que amadureceu tanto artisticamente como pessoalmente. Um album sincero, e que merece toda atenção e aclamação possível. Parabéns Marina, você merece tudo de bom.
  40. Mar 17, 2015
    FROOT, Marina and The Diamonds, se destaca imensuravelmente por suas composições magníficas, cheias de pessoalidade e envolvência. Quanto ao som, observa-se uma reinvenção da cantora com toques diferenciados aos trabalhos anteriores.
  41. Mar 17, 2015
    Finally I could hear FROOT!! I was anxious since its leak. First of all, the voice of Marina is extremely beautiful on this album, it seems like an angel echoing tones from Heaven.

    "Froot" is a mature album, single, quiet, personal and heavenly. Marina worked in all compositions alone, coproducted with David Kosten and simply brought her best work in a matter of composition. The songs
    Finally I could hear FROOT!! I was anxious since its leak. First of all, the voice of Marina is extremely beautiful on this album, it seems like an angel echoing tones from Heaven.

    "Froot" is a mature album, single, quiet, personal and heavenly. Marina worked in all compositions alone, coproducted with David Kosten and simply brought her best work in a matter of composition. The songs are complex, thoughtful and sometimes a kind of controversial.

    Certainly the peak of the album is "Happy", "Froot" and "I'm a Ruin" (which are the first three tracks), from "Blue" it will gradually losing its strength becoming a little tiring 'cause the instruments are somewhat similar and somewhat homogenics, but still remains great, pretty and so cozy. "Forget", "Can't Pin Me Down" and "Better Than That" are also appreciative and amazing! I really adore these!

    It's worth mentioning the splendid end with "Savages" and "Immortal", both are magnificent and extremely powerful musics, those that make the listener feel in a melodramatic paradise. Simply perfect!

    Anyway ... The album is great, impressive and very well done. It's not an album that deserves unless 80 or 8 notes! However,it has a much more personal sound and calm from Marina, remains a landmark work and close to be perfect. The best of her, no doubt.
  42. Mar 17, 2015
    Mas não é Novidade nenhuma que Marina é maior que a Charli CXC dentro e fora do UK, esse album apenas veio confirmar oque de praxe todos nois ja sabemos, Diamondis é uma excelente cantora ,compositora , feirante vendedora de fruta e Supra sumo da musica POP INDIE.
  43. Mar 17, 2015
    Fazer um ótimo álbum com composições Alheias e é fácil, Mas e Fazer o melhor álbum de sua carreira com suas próprias composições? FROOT consegue trazer o melhor dos trabalhos anteriores de Marina Diamandis.
  44. Mar 17, 2015
    FROOT is far the best disco of this year. This is pure and real art, this is when you realise that music industry is not lost. Since Pure Heroine, by Lorde, I wanted to hear another honest disco. Marina did this another. And it is simply wonderful.

    +: Savages, Happy, Froot and Solitaire are the best ones. -: The only one I disliked is Better Than That (it doesn't mean it's a bad song,
    FROOT is far the best disco of this year. This is pure and real art, this is when you realise that music industry is not lost. Since Pure Heroine, by Lorde, I wanted to hear another honest disco. Marina did this another. And it is simply wonderful.

    +: Savages, Happy, Froot and Solitaire are the best ones.
    -: The only one I disliked is Better Than That (it doesn't mean it's a bad song, I just didn't like it).
  45. Mar 17, 2015
    Her best record so far, Marina's lyrical capacity on the whole level, such a beautiful and joyous work. Funny, introspective and deep, great sound just on point.
  46. Mar 17, 2015
    This album has fun moments and deep moments, and it's surely the most mature record by Marina & The Diamonds and maybe also the most mature female record of this year too. It's a pity that sometimes it sounds a bit cheapish.
  47. Mar 17, 2015
    Marina wrote every single lyric on FROOT and each song lyrically is flawless. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤMarina wrote every single lyric on FROOT and each song lyrically is flawless. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
  48. Mar 16, 2015
    I loved it. This album is definitely what I expected from Marina, she did an amazing job on writting all the lyrics and I can't find any negative points about it, it's just gold in its purest form.
  49. Mar 16, 2015
    I found it fun and well composed. A good job with the participation of drummer from The Cure, alternating between pop and pop rock, the immortal letter is certainly the high point.
  50. Mar 16, 2015
    This album is simply incredible. I feel like it's lived up to all of the hype that surrounded it. It's funny really, I first heard of Marina when I saw her live opening for Coldplay and at the time didn't really like her (what was I even thinking???) but now she's my absolute favourite artist and I adore her other albums as well. This album as a whole feels like an evolution for Marina'sThis album is simply incredible. I feel like it's lived up to all of the hype that surrounded it. It's funny really, I first heard of Marina when I saw her live opening for Coldplay and at the time didn't really like her (what was I even thinking???) but now she's my absolute favourite artist and I adore her other albums as well. This album as a whole feels like an evolution for Marina's style and what she truly believes in. I find every song to be really catchy, and my favourite songs from the album are probably Savages and Blue. Expand
  51. Mar 16, 2015
    This is just another Pop album, you know? Here's that Marina that I used to love? If it's the real Marina, ok. That's right for you, cause for me it's over... I won't give a **** for this Marina. I cannot even... I'm sorry.
  52. Mar 16, 2015
    Froot the album is magnificent, shows the more mature side of the Marina, in addition to being all written and produced by the same, my admiration grows only for her.
  53. Mar 16, 2015
    Such an incredible album, Froot supplements Electra Heart and The Family Jewels amazingly. An entirely rethought album and it works perfectly. Marina really worked her magic
  54. Mar 16, 2015
    The first track is called "Happy", and one of this album's themes is the search for happiness and its find, the last track is called "Immortal" which Marina concludes this subject with saying that in the end, nothing is left, but love, love and happiness are two of the things that could live forever, the spirit is forever and this album fully represents that. It's Marina at her best,The first track is called "Happy", and one of this album's themes is the search for happiness and its find, the last track is called "Immortal" which Marina concludes this subject with saying that in the end, nothing is left, but love, love and happiness are two of the things that could live forever, the spirit is forever and this album fully represents that. It's Marina at her best, lyrically and production-wise, this album is PURE POP GOLD. Expand
  55. Mar 16, 2015
    Definitely a good job, rebate, melancholy, fun and motivation meet this album like no other. Natural and emotive, one of the best of its kind released so far.
  56. Mar 16, 2015
    just no, Marina, didn't like. The beat and lyrics ok, but that's not Marina I know. Maybe in this album she found herself but for me is just another album and Marina I know wouldn't make just another album.
  57. Mar 16, 2015
    If you try to find a big hit in "FROOT", you just won't, so stop trying. On the other hand, you can find many emotional Marinas and though the project is not a concept album like "Electra Heart", it serves as one, emotionally. There is the naked-soul Marina in "Happy". There is the girl-power Marina in the masterpiece "Can't pin me down". There is always the rock star (or the Charli XCX)If you try to find a big hit in "FROOT", you just won't, so stop trying. On the other hand, you can find many emotional Marinas and though the project is not a concept album like "Electra Heart", it serves as one, emotionally. There is the naked-soul Marina in "Happy". There is the girl-power Marina in the masterpiece "Can't pin me down". There is always the rock star (or the Charli XCX) Marina in "Forget", the 80's pop-funk Marina in "I'm a ruin", the new-wave pop Marina in "Froot" and so on.
    And hands down, earl grey bit**es, she is **** Greek.
    Read the whole review here: http://www.anartcalled.blogspot.gr/2015/03/marina-and-diamonds-froot.html
  58. Mar 16, 2015
    Better than Katy,Madonna,Ariana, and other basics "artist"... Marina writes her own songs, this album is pure GOLD, I'm a ruin is the best song by far,
  59. Mar 16, 2015
    Simple but amazing. In my opnion, her best album by far. I'm just too addicted to that, i love it all. Highlights: Better Than That, I'm a Ruin, Blue and Forget,
  60. Mar 16, 2015
    This is the best album of him! She wrote all the songs herself and produced them all, few artists can do that and have a result as good as Marina succeeded in Froot. In one word to define Froot: iconic
  61. Mar 16, 2015
    I couldn't even put it into words how this album is so good. This definitely proves that Marina is definitely better on her own. I really like her growing confidence in this album as a writer and a producer. 10/10, highly recommended! The best and my favorite Marina and the Diamonds album so far.
  62. Mar 16, 2015
    Incredible lyrics, a great mix of glorious pop, ballads and up-tempo rock songs. All songs grew on me after a few listens. Savages, Froot, I'm a Ruin and Can't Pin Me Down are a must listen. Written solely by Marina herself, she did a fantastic job!
  63. Mar 16, 2015
    Amazing album, her best so far.. Right now my favourites are Forget, Solitaire and CPMD, but I love all of the songs on Froot. The lyrics are brilliant as well. This could even be the best album of 2015!
  64. Mar 16, 2015
    This new album by Marina and The Diamonds has a new sound and I love it! From the ballad 'Happy' to the sassy 'Better Than That' - I love them all. It's my favourite album so far. One more point: she wrote the whole album alone and co-produced it with David Kosten, they did a great job!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. May 4, 2015
    In the end, Diamandis can't quite shape Froot into a coherent vision.
  2. Apr 20, 2015
    After closing the door on her Electra Heart era, Marina Diamandis knew she needed to reinvent her persona. Froot achieves just that, adeptly flirting with chart sugar on the title track and “Better Than That” but more often than not, digging her heels into raw, nail-biting reality.
  3. Apr 17, 2015
    She is an artist who knows who she is, and Froot luxuriates in the confidence that we do, too, relaxing in the space and power that Diamandis has claimed.