• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Mar 16, 2015
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Universal acclaim- based on 910 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 65 out of 910
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  1. Oct 9, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Um dos melhores álbuns alternativos que eu já escutei. Tem muitas músicas ótimas e dar gosto de quero mais. Eu Amei de coração esse álbum. Expand
  2. May 20, 2020
    the best album in the world you could ever hear. Marina is the greatest artist of our generation.
  3. Jun 20, 2020
    Álbum perfeito, sonoridade fantástica, uma Marina introspectiva, seu melhor álbum.
  4. Jun 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. just found this by a recommend from a friend. this is so gooodddd i can't. froot and better than that are my faves Expand
  5. Aug 8, 2021
    this is probably one of my favorite albums. the lyrics are so sincere, real and deep. it seems like every time you listen to it it gets better.
  6. Aug 29, 2020
    Sin duda , uno de los mejores albums de la vida ! Es preciosisimo en todos sus aspectos , lastima que a esta mujer no le den el lugar que merece
  7. Aug 29, 2020
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to ittalented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before,talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to ittalented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it Expand
  8. Sep 21, 2020
    The epitome of underrated female artist and album. There's already a couple of songs you'll be already hooked in, and then upon listening more to the album, you'll get hooked in with the rest.
  9. Oct 24, 2020
    El mejor álbum de Marina, todas las canciones tienen su propio sello, sin ser menos comercial que su antecesor, FROOT es de esos álbumes que demuestran lo que un verdadero artista trae bajo su manga
  10. Oct 23, 2020
    De longe o melhor albúm que ela já fez em toda a sua vida.O albúm é complexo, atemporal e memorável.As letras, além de perfeitamente compostas sob um olhar sentimental e único, são acompanhadas por um instrumental indie pop que combina muito com o conceito deste.Somente a Marina foi capaz de criar esta obra divina e sou grata por isso, sinto falta DESSA Marina!!!!.
  11. Jan 2, 2021
    Listening to "Froot" is like circling all the parts of being human: you get to see yourself contemplating the joys and anguishes of being in tracks like "Happy", "Forget" and "Solitaire"; you're able to think about romantic relationships in "Froot", "I'm a Ruin" and "Blue" and you can perceive yourself as part of something so much bigger than you in "Can't Pin Me Down", "Savages" andListening to "Froot" is like circling all the parts of being human: you get to see yourself contemplating the joys and anguishes of being in tracks like "Happy", "Forget" and "Solitaire"; you're able to think about romantic relationships in "Froot", "I'm a Ruin" and "Blue" and you can perceive yourself as part of something so much bigger than you in "Can't Pin Me Down", "Savages" and "Immortal".

    All of the lyricism is perfectly followed by crafted and well-thought melodies and production, which makes Marina's words feel like a breath of fresh air. This album shows how far Marina has come. Lyrically, it's sharper than ever - and I must admit it feels good knowing all the songs were written exclusively by her. Sonically, it feels like a much better version of the originality she brought with "The Family Jewels".

    It feels right that Marina chose rainbow-patterned visuals for the album: it's diverse, vibrant and beautiful. Yet, unified and unique.
  12. Jun 11, 2021
    FROOT es mi álbum favorito, te amo Marina, gracias a este álbum me pude tomar la vida con más calma y reaccionar a los altibajos de la mejor manera. ESTA ES UNA PIEZA DE ARTE!! TODA SU DISCOGRAFÍA LO ES!!
  13. Jun 9, 2021
    A contrasting shift from her previous work, Froot truly showcases Marina's lyrical talent and her full abilities when she's 100% in charge of a project.
  14. Jun 14, 2021
    A masterpiece. Marina walks the fine line between questions of a relationship and the existential reflections behind human experience.
  15. Dec 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the best album of marina FROOOOOOT LALALALALALALALALA JUCIE LALALALALALALALA Expand
  16. Oct 22, 2021
    she did so good on this album. it should’ve been the best rated album on here but people are tasteless so yeah
  17. Aug 21, 2022
    This is literally my favorite album of all time. Marina is so talented and deserve all the recognition in the world!
  18. Sep 16, 2022
    I love this album so much. Happy, Froot, Blue, Forget, Can't Pin Me Down, Savages and Immortal are my favorite tracks. I love Marina.
  19. Mar 17, 2015
    Finally I could hear FROOT!! I was anxious since its leak. First of all, the voice of Marina is extremely beautiful on this album, it seems like an angel echoing tones from Heaven.

    "Froot" is a mature album, single, quiet, personal and heavenly. Marina worked in all compositions alone, coproducted with David Kosten and simply brought her best work in a matter of composition. The songs
    Finally I could hear FROOT!! I was anxious since its leak. First of all, the voice of Marina is extremely beautiful on this album, it seems like an angel echoing tones from Heaven.

    "Froot" is a mature album, single, quiet, personal and heavenly. Marina worked in all compositions alone, coproducted with David Kosten and simply brought her best work in a matter of composition. The songs are complex, thoughtful and sometimes a kind of controversial.

    Certainly the peak of the album is "Happy", "Froot" and "I'm a Ruin" (which are the first three tracks), from "Blue" it will gradually losing its strength becoming a little tiring 'cause the instruments are somewhat similar and somewhat homogenics, but still remains great, pretty and so cozy. "Forget", "Can't Pin Me Down" and "Better Than That" are also appreciative and amazing! I really adore these!

    It's worth mentioning the splendid end with "Savages" and "Immortal", both are magnificent and extremely powerful musics, those that make the listener feel in a melodramatic paradise. Simply perfect!

    Anyway ... The album is great, impressive and very well done. It's not an album that deserves unless 80 or 8 notes! However,it has a much more personal sound and calm from Marina, remains a landmark work and close to be perfect. The best of her, no doubt.
  20. Apr 3, 2015
    gostei achei legal amei as composições melhor álbum porém prefiro o TFJ pq na epoca do TFJ ela n tinha treta com a Ellie e pq no TFJ ela n prometeu vir p Brasil e n veio essa vagabunda do caralho faltou bate cabelo tb então vai ficar 9 mesmo
  21. Mar 16, 2015
    If you try to find a big hit in "FROOT", you just won't, so stop trying. On the other hand, you can find many emotional Marinas and though the project is not a concept album like "Electra Heart", it serves as one, emotionally. There is the naked-soul Marina in "Happy". There is the girl-power Marina in the masterpiece "Can't pin me down". There is always the rock star (or the Charli XCX)If you try to find a big hit in "FROOT", you just won't, so stop trying. On the other hand, you can find many emotional Marinas and though the project is not a concept album like "Electra Heart", it serves as one, emotionally. There is the naked-soul Marina in "Happy". There is the girl-power Marina in the masterpiece "Can't pin me down". There is always the rock star (or the Charli XCX) Marina in "Forget", the 80's pop-funk Marina in "I'm a ruin", the new-wave pop Marina in "Froot" and so on.
    And hands down, earl grey bit**es, she is **** Greek.
    Read the whole review here: http://www.anartcalled.blogspot.gr/2015/03/marina-and-diamonds-froot.html
  22. Mar 16, 2015
    I found it fun and well composed. A good job with the participation of drummer from The Cure, alternating between pop and pop rock, the immortal letter is certainly the high point.
  23. Mar 26, 2015
    Marina crafts an absolutely irresistible album that is full of charm, style and catchy hooks! What i really love about Froot is how she has taken a more mature approach to her vision that she teased with on Family Jewels and Electra Heart. Hidden underneath all the layers of collaboration with hot producers and glitzy songwriters was a brilliant and smart songwriter. On Froot, we nowMarina crafts an absolutely irresistible album that is full of charm, style and catchy hooks! What i really love about Froot is how she has taken a more mature approach to her vision that she teased with on Family Jewels and Electra Heart. Hidden underneath all the layers of collaboration with hot producers and glitzy songwriters was a brilliant and smart songwriter. On Froot, we now finally get to see Marina's true talent and vision! Froot plays at a great pace with energetic numbers like the title track to more organic indie rock tracks like "Forget" & "Savages" as well as nicely atmospherics ballads like "Immortal". Froot is a gorgeous listen and a real treat for fans! Expand
  24. Dec 23, 2015
    People should listen to this because it has a variety on the lyric. Marina talks about human being, the false immortality we search, happiness. The album did well on the charts but no the singles. I think if Marina releases a big single(Better than That, in my opinion) of course it can do well on the charts and people will listen to this song and think ''Oh, I've been missing this''. OnePeople should listen to this because it has a variety on the lyric. Marina talks about human being, the false immortality we search, happiness. The album did well on the charts but no the singles. I think if Marina releases a big single(Better than That, in my opinion) of course it can do well on the charts and people will listen to this song and think ''Oh, I've been missing this''. One of the best albuns of 2015.

    Happy 9/10

    Froot 10/10

    I'm a Ruin 7,5/10

    Blue 8,5/10

    Forget 8/10

    Gold 7/10

    Can't Pin me Down 8/10

    Solitaire 7/10

    Better than that 10/10

    Weeds 8/10

    Savages 10/10

    Immortal 10/10
  25. Jun 23, 2015
    Realmente o melhor álbum da carreira da Marina, as letras compostas pela mesma estão lindas e dignas, do início ao fim do cd todo é uma maravilha. Muito sucesso.
  26. Sep 13, 2015
    Love this album, Marina never disappoints. I love Weeds, Savages, Solitaire, and I love when artists write their songs by their own. And there aren't too many producers like in Electra Heart, that makes it better.
  27. Sep 19, 2015
    Marina Diamandis once again proves that she is one of the queens of British pop with her latest effort. The album is concise yet packed full of punch, with few of the tracks failing to earn their place. Highlights include "I'm A Ruin" "Can't Pin Me Down" and the title track "Froot"
  28. Nov 9, 2015
    Marina está de volta ás suas origens! Um álbum que realmente merece ser criticado. Melhor disco de sua carreira, faixas escritas por ela mesma, sem intenção de hitar e longe de Dr. Luke! Arrasa FROOTeira.
    Deixando 'brincadeiras' de lado, podemos ver como Marina amadureceu nesse álbum, escrever suas canções sozinha, isso não é para qualquer uma.
  29. May 29, 2016
    Trylu her most cohesive work., it shows a very equilibrated balance between pop and alternative. As always, marina puts her emotions and impressions effortlessly in the lyrics. An outstanding track is Gold, showing a way to avanta garde aletrnative electronic genre we may expect from her next album. Also, Solitaire, a minimalist song that shows again how versatile she can be and now she isTrylu her most cohesive work., it shows a very equilibrated balance between pop and alternative. As always, marina puts her emotions and impressions effortlessly in the lyrics. An outstanding track is Gold, showing a way to avanta garde aletrnative electronic genre we may expect from her next album. Also, Solitaire, a minimalist song that shows again how versatile she can be and now she is prving to be. Expand
  30. Jan 23, 2021
    Marina shines because of her capability of stamping her personality in every track of irresistible heart-felt pure pop.
  31. Apr 7, 2018
    un album increible, y mas si ella sola escribio las canciones, me sorprende
  32. Jul 2, 2018
    A F**KING MASTERPIECE! The incredible beat, brilliant lyrics! If u first listen to this album, u should try "Forget", "FROOT", "Happy", "I'm A Ruin", "Savages", "Better Than That", "Immortal". This could be the bestest album of all time. The only bad song from this was "Gold" but that doesn't drag the whole album down. She really should replace this with "I'm Not Hungry Anymore". It's badA F**KING MASTERPIECE! The incredible beat, brilliant lyrics! If u first listen to this album, u should try "Forget", "FROOT", "Happy", "I'm A Ruin", "Savages", "Better Than That", "Immortal". This could be the bestest album of all time. The only bad song from this was "Gold" but that doesn't drag the whole album down. She really should replace this with "I'm Not Hungry Anymore". It's bad that she didn't release this wonderful song Expand
  33. Sep 23, 2018
    Já me considero um fã da Marina. "FROOT" realça ainda mais o seu talento, apesar de este álbum ser diferente dos dois anteriores. Ela seguiu um caminho não muito convencional para promover este álbum e funcionou perfeitamente. Os vocais, a produção e as letras alcançaram as minhas expectativas altíssimas. Um álbum sólido e coeso. Destaques para "Blue", "Forget", "Weeds" e "Savages".
  34. May 19, 2019
    It's magnificent album and he brings me joy and sadness at the same time is strange but is true
  35. Feb 22, 2020
    Marina and The Diamonds trouxe nesse álbum sua evolução artística em relação ao seu antecessor, o Electra Heart. Embora não tenha conseguido superar o Electra Heart nas paradas musicais, sem dúvida alguma ele foi um divisor de águas na carreira da cantora que entregou um trabalho com letras + batidas + visuais de causar inveja em muitos artistas que hoje possuem o título de A-list.
  36. Nov 14, 2019
    one of best in 2015, sooo good! thanks to Marina, Legend! I'm cant, crying, crying
  37. Mar 25, 2021
    Can't express how much I adore this album. It's so good at showing Marina's emotions while not sounding drab, it's constantly gripping!
  38. Jun 13, 2021
    a beautiful album, possessing that colorful vintage aesthetic that matches the rhythms and lyrics.
  39. Mar 21, 2015
    I personally think she could have faired better if she had filled her basket with sweet juicy treats rather than sour grapes (see what I did there) but overall very well produced and charming. Download: Froot, Immortal, Happy
  40. Mar 31, 2015
    I really really like this album. Marina has such an interesting and emotive voice, and her music is immediately accessible but still has its own distinct personality. Froot in particular has a darker and more mature sound than her previous albums. My personal favorites are Blue and I'm a Ruin, but most of the songs are pretty good.
  41. Mar 16, 2015
    Definitely a good job, rebate, melancholy, fun and motivation meet this album like no other. Natural and emotive, one of the best of its kind released so far.
  42. Mar 18, 2015
    Although three or two songs look similar to each other, froots is a sweet pleasure for the ears, the voice of Marina looks amazing on this tracks, she once again proves what a great composer and singer she is.
  43. Mar 20, 2015
    Composed all by her own hand and co-produced with the same guy on every track, Marina makes a comeback in music with a diverse, quirky and enjoyable journey through the world of FROOT. Exploring a variety of themes in each song and sounds from pop, disco and rock, it's easy to feel the whole as a bit all over the place. Nevertheless, the beauty behind Marina's vocal abilities, goodComposed all by her own hand and co-produced with the same guy on every track, Marina makes a comeback in music with a diverse, quirky and enjoyable journey through the world of FROOT. Exploring a variety of themes in each song and sounds from pop, disco and rock, it's easy to feel the whole as a bit all over the place. Nevertheless, the beauty behind Marina's vocal abilities, good production and some pretty amazing, down-to-earth lyrics make up for the weakest parts of the album. In all, a delightful experience and one of her best works to date. Expand
  44. Nov 20, 2017
    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Expand
  45. Aug 28, 2015
    I'm very impressed by the hard work of Marina doing this record. Mature lyrics, deep beats, and a very very wonderful voice. Savages, Froot, Immortal, and Forget are the best songs in this amazing album. There isn't any "worst song".
  46. Oct 4, 2015
    Um albúm incrivel, mistura de pop com alternativo, músicas dançantes e tristes, uma videografia incrivel, sem dúvidas um dos melhores albuns do ano. Porém em algumas músicas tudo parece se repetir, serem iguais a outras, nenhuma revolução ou algo inovador, porém muito bom para quem gosta do genero, não supera o trabalho anterior, porém mostra maios criatividade e letras magnificas.
  47. Oct 6, 2017
    An improvement from her sophomore album, Marina finally found her sound and she's more comfortable than ever! From the heart-felt opening track "Happy" to the dark and delicate "Immortal" Marina tries different sounds from dream pop, indie pop, and a little rock. In the outstanding "I'm A Ruin" we see marina referencing her selfish Electra Heart persona, while in the angry and futuristicAn improvement from her sophomore album, Marina finally found her sound and she's more comfortable than ever! From the heart-felt opening track "Happy" to the dark and delicate "Immortal" Marina tries different sounds from dream pop, indie pop, and a little rock. In the outstanding "I'm A Ruin" we see marina referencing her selfish Electra Heart persona, while in the angry and futuristic "Better Than That" she is the victim and is throwing shade on the people who stab her in the back. The insanely catchy title track "Froot" is one of the few happy moments on the album, along with "Gold" and the feminist anthem "Can't Pin Me Down". One of the finest pop-ish tracks on the album is the incredible "Forget" that creates a great trilogy with "I'm A Ruin" and "Blue". "Solitaire" is undeniably her most personal track on the record, where we find her obsessed with silence and solitude. The last two tracks on the album have one of the best moments, and "Savages" has the strongest lyrics and message. Overall, the album's greatest asset is the lyrics NOT the production, it somehow didn't give me the feeling of a complete cohesive piece of art. "Gold" is probably the weakest track here but still it's good. Standout Tracks: I'm A Ruin, Froot, Savages, Immortal and Happy. Expand
  48. Mar 5, 2019
    In the century of pop-fabricated hits, where artists are so separated from the content they produce (due to numerous co-productions, multiple writers and producers) is hard to find a musical project that sounds sincere and valuable. But Marina does. In this 12-track-solid album, the singer, along a single producer, wrote and developed this project. A clear pop record, with someIn the century of pop-fabricated hits, where artists are so separated from the content they produce (due to numerous co-productions, multiple writers and producers) is hard to find a musical project that sounds sincere and valuable. But Marina does. In this 12-track-solid album, the singer, along a single producer, wrote and developed this project. A clear pop record, with some striped-down tracks and others meticulously produced include subjects such as death, nature vs nurture and the process of finishing with a toxic relationship. It maintains as Marina's best and most cohesive effort to date. Expand
  49. Jun 1, 2019
    Froot, melhor álbum de Marina, possui tudo o que é necessário para um bom álbum pop: músicas divertidas, letras que fogem de clichês e coesão.
  50. Apr 28, 2020
    The wordplay in the lyrics makes the album feel very thought through in its writing, and the backing tracks and instrumentals are amazingly crafted to fit the mood of each song perfectly. This album definitely gives off the disco type vibe of Electra Heart, with the lyrical genius of The Family Jewels. The only issues I have with this album are the lyrics of the songs on this album areThe wordplay in the lyrics makes the album feel very thought through in its writing, and the backing tracks and instrumentals are amazingly crafted to fit the mood of each song perfectly. This album definitely gives off the disco type vibe of Electra Heart, with the lyrical genius of The Family Jewels. The only issues I have with this album are the lyrics of the songs on this album are amazingly constructed, but aren’t very consistent in mood, and the singles or most popular songs are disproportionately placed in the very beginning of the album. Expand
  51. May 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The most ambitious record from Marina and the Diamonds. It has everything that is match perfectly with her music roots, songwriting, music and her vocals. Expand
  52. Aug 29, 2020
    el concepto del álbum es re bueno, y las canciones lo son también, aunque algunas parecen relleno u.u fuera de eso tiene una temática fresca y super bueno solo para haber sido escrito enteramente por marina. mis canciones favoritas son froot, blue y solitaire
  53. Dec 11, 2016
    It perfectly blends the best aspects of 'The Family Jewels' and 'Electra Heart'. It's alternative and quirky, but modern enough to be commercially accepted. Don't get me wrong, after a few plays, each track does tend to slide into the other, making it a little repetitive, but it's produced so consistently that this is understandable. A little more studio trickery wouldn't have gone amiss.It perfectly blends the best aspects of 'The Family Jewels' and 'Electra Heart'. It's alternative and quirky, but modern enough to be commercially accepted. Don't get me wrong, after a few plays, each track does tend to slide into the other, making it a little repetitive, but it's produced so consistently that this is understandable. A little more studio trickery wouldn't have gone amiss. However, too many pop albums nower days have 17 producers, 38 song writers and countless other important names to mention. Hearing a modern pop album that's produced and written by just two people is a true pleasure. Expand
  54. Mar 17, 2015
    This album has fun moments and deep moments, and it's surely the most mature record by Marina & The Diamonds and maybe also the most mature female record of this year too. It's a pity that sometimes it sounds a bit cheapish.
  55. Oct 22, 2015
    I think Froot is a pretty solid album. I always loved Marina, the Family Jewels was so different from everything else back then. I really liked the semi-ABBA vibes on it. Electra Heart was also very good. Marina has always been such a visual artist too. Especially the EH era was very good visually.

    When the first single dropped, FROOT, I was super stoked. It sounded like the two last
    I think Froot is a pretty solid album. I always loved Marina, the Family Jewels was so different from everything else back then. I really liked the semi-ABBA vibes on it. Electra Heart was also very good. Marina has always been such a visual artist too. Especially the EH era was very good visually.

    When the first single dropped, FROOT, I was super stoked. It sounded like the two last albums combined. Although I thought the video was very weak I was sill excited to hear the rest. Some of the promo singles were rather good (I'm a Ruin, Immortal) some others were very weak, like Happy. Until today I don't understand why that song is the opening track/ on the record at all. Sounds like a demo to me and the lyrics are very lackluster.

    Some highlights of the album are Blue, one of my favorite popsongs of 2015, and Savages, very catchy and very Marine-like. Another miss is Weeds, it's a bit boring to me. Also Better Than That which is allegedly about Ellie Goulding feels a bit uninspired for someone who describes herself as a feminist and someone who hates to put woman against each other. (Can't Pin Me Down is a great feminist record btw)

    Anyway; It's a great album with great Marina songs and some rememberable pop moments; also some boring moments but don't we all have them?
  56. Jul 20, 2017
    Froot is the best album of Marina Diamandis to date. She shows that she finally found her sound and herself. Froot has very beautiful and emotional songs like Happy and Immortal, and also it has catchy songs like Froot and Blue. A very good album
  57. Jan 29, 2018
    Her best album thus far. A very strange pop album, but certainly a great one.
  58. Mar 26, 2015
    Do not be surprised if you start expecting great things of "Froot", I have to say that Marina managed to win me in his first tracks, however, this was short lived. Clearly the production in their work has increased considerably, however, in "Froot" is all very steady, safe, predictable and often bland.
    Although Marina have their moments, they are never entirely satisfactory, yet, we can
    Do not be surprised if you start expecting great things of "Froot", I have to say that Marina managed to win me in his first tracks, however, this was short lived. Clearly the production in their work has increased considerably, however, in "Froot" is all very steady, safe, predictable and often bland.
    Although Marina have their moments, they are never entirely satisfactory, yet, we can get good music here, but unfortunately, none of them are strong enough to stand on the head when it's all over.
  59. Nov 19, 2021
    After listening to her two previous projects, this one is clearly way better. I feel like she finally found her sound. More than half the songs are enjoyble, the most outstanding ones being "Froot", "Better Than That" and "Blue", which in my opinion, are the best three songs on the album. My favorite Marina album so far.
  60. Mar 18, 2015
    not so good as the previous album but i'm glad that marina finally found herself in music and stopped pretending to be another character which she actually wasn't. i really liked immortal, i'm a ruin & can't pin me down although gold and blue are rather weak.i think this album's pretty nice, 5/10
  61. Feb 4, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. could be better, there's a way what means to us that the 50% percent of album's songs are ok. what a shame that the people who overrate her don't even think to raise up her sales. Expand
  62. Jun 6, 2017
    Froot is a very strange album. It is ashame to see such a downgrade in her work. Electra Heart was a decent album however Froot is only bearable. Marina could do better.
  63. Mar 16, 2015
    just no, Marina, didn't like. The beat and lyrics ok, but that's not Marina I know. Maybe in this album she found herself but for me is just another album and Marina I know wouldn't make just another album.
  64. Mar 16, 2015
    This is just another Pop album, you know? Here's that Marina that I used to love? If it's the real Marina, ok. That's right for you, cause for me it's over... I won't give a **** for this Marina. I cannot even... I'm sorry.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. May 4, 2015
    In the end, Diamandis can't quite shape Froot into a coherent vision.
  2. Apr 20, 2015
    After closing the door on her Electra Heart era, Marina Diamandis knew she needed to reinvent her persona. Froot achieves just that, adeptly flirting with chart sugar on the title track and “Better Than That” but more often than not, digging her heels into raw, nail-biting reality.
  3. Apr 17, 2015
    She is an artist who knows who she is, and Froot luxuriates in the confidence that we do, too, relaxing in the space and power that Diamandis has claimed.