• Record Label: Vagrant
  • Release Date: Jan 29, 2008
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 143 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 26 out of 143

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  1. Feb 11, 2022
    A good album with crazy ideas in the composition. Not their best and not their most mature album, but still a unique one.
  2. Dec 5, 2016
    Still firmly believe that this holds up to be one of the most impressive albums of all time. The interesting themes covered using Walker's enthralling, almost operatic style of singing, paired with the most overwhelming guitar melodies offers a listening experience like no other
  3. Sep 3, 2010
    Really melodic stuff. It's in fact a strong mix of different genres (i think form harcore there only few beatdown parts left). There is a strong infuence of heavy metal and everything you can ever imagine
  4. SamY
    Aug 16, 2008
    This album is spectacular. As a singer versed in a variety of different genres and styles, I give this album a ten because rody has an amazing range, luke and tim shred relentlessly, and arif and moe keep the beat popping like nobody's business. Before you rate this album low or dismiss it entirely, I would like to ask that you try and hit all the notes he does esp the growls and This album is spectacular. As a singer versed in a variety of different genres and styles, I give this album a ten because rody has an amazing range, luke and tim shred relentlessly, and arif and moe keep the beat popping like nobody's business. Before you rate this album low or dismiss it entirely, I would like to ask that you try and hit all the notes he does esp the growls and screams. Not so easy is it? What makes him even more remarkable is that he has developed enough vocal endurance to sing this style of music for a long time (during shows he rarely falters). Arif writes all the lyrics and can keep up with luke's shred with his own tapping and sweeps which garners a lot of respect from me. Protest would not be the metal onslaught it is today without arif and rody, two of the youngest powerhouse rockers of the new millenium. Expand
  5. Ilovepth
    Aug 12, 2008
    I have something very important to say. No one should classify any part of PTH's music "emo". Their lyrics and musical style are no such filth. They are progressive/metal/post hardcore/punk. Don't be ignorant about the musicianship either. I have been playing guitar (metal) for about 7 years and believe me the riffage on this album is AMAZING. This album deserves to be at the I have something very important to say. No one should classify any part of PTH's music "emo". Their lyrics and musical style are no such filth. They are progressive/metal/post hardcore/punk. Don't be ignorant about the musicianship either. I have been playing guitar (metal) for about 7 years and believe me the riffage on this album is AMAZING. This album deserves to be at the top. If don't understand what PTH is about maybe you should research what both Kezia and Fortress are about before you label it as mediocre. Let the real musicians and those who know great music decide where this album belongs. Expand
  6. Mislav
    Jul 13, 2008
    Truly epic music. The musicians are excellent, and the singer is great too. He has a good vocal range and voice as well as a scream and growl. It's not the kind of music everyone will appreciate, but it's awesome. I suggest listening to samples to see if you like it.
  7. KevinH.
    Jun 13, 2008
    This band is ingenious. Unique, heavy, progressive, melodic and lyrical. They aren't the most digestible band ever, but they are highly digestible for a metal band. Hence the criticism. Frankly, I don't care for an opinion from someone who thinks either Simple Plan or Cannibal Corpse deserve a better rating. The fact is, these guys do what they do well and no one can touch it. This band is ingenious. Unique, heavy, progressive, melodic and lyrical. They aren't the most digestible band ever, but they are highly digestible for a metal band. Hence the criticism. Frankly, I don't care for an opinion from someone who thinks either Simple Plan or Cannibal Corpse deserve a better rating. The fact is, these guys do what they do well and no one can touch it. Keep pissing people off boys. Expand
  8. TommyR.
    Jun 1, 2008
    Amazing band. Amazing album. Not as good as Kezia in my personal opinion, but still a spectacular record.
  9. GregF.
    May 10, 2008
    Is this the unused sessions from "Kezia"? How is it that it takes 3 years to record the same thing again? "Palms Read" contains a heavily engineered and overly produced 5-second slap-bass slop fest, and there is more half-hearted and Pro-Tools-infected screaming, but Protest needs to stop acting like they are metal Gods. Maybe if they played metal, and maybe if they could release a Is this the unused sessions from "Kezia"? How is it that it takes 3 years to record the same thing again? "Palms Read" contains a heavily engineered and overly produced 5-second slap-bass slop fest, and there is more half-hearted and Pro-Tools-infected screaming, but Protest needs to stop acting like they are metal Gods. Maybe if they played metal, and maybe if they could release a different album in less than three years, but until they give song titles more effort than "Bloodmeat," they are nothing special in my book, that is, unless you think fast = amazing. In that case, go kill yourself listening to this album in the car. Expand
  10. JerM.
    May 8, 2008
    I love how people criticize an album for its "emo" vocals etc. In order to properly judge an album and give it an unbiased rating people can't go into the review expecting something or alreay labelling the artists. Meerely listen, observe, and state your opinions and above all, know what you're talking about before you give something a mediocre rating.
  11. JustinS.
    May 4, 2008
    For god's sake, look at the reviewers who rated this album. No credibility Terrible record.
  12. JonoB.
    May 2, 2008
    This is a great album. Very original riffs, vocal melodies, and some great drumming. For all of those saying this release is "average" and "mediocre", I want to know exactly what you are listening to. You must have the most godly collection of music on the planet, or you yourself must be a virtuoso who's taking time away from your violin to critique a metal-core album. Whatever it This is a great album. Very original riffs, vocal melodies, and some great drumming. For all of those saying this release is "average" and "mediocre", I want to know exactly what you are listening to. You must have the most godly collection of music on the planet, or you yourself must be a virtuoso who's taking time away from your violin to critique a metal-core album. Whatever it may be, this is the best metal-core release ever, and one of the better metal releases in the last few years. Expand
  13. MikeM.
    May 1, 2008
    Great album, if you like metal at all give it a listen. Opinions are like culos, everyone's got one so judge this for yourself. This cd is one that I never leave the house without.
  14. MattA.
    Apr 30, 2008
    Thank God for the cokemachineglow review to even out the score from the metal dicksucking reviews from everyone else. Admittedly, metal has never been my cup of tea, but the good reviews prompted me to check it out, and this album simply reaffirmed my distaste for the genre. Only listen to if you like to play Warcraft on Friday nights and cut yourself.
  15. GilbertT.
    Apr 22, 2008
    The emo vocals take a while to get used to , but once I got past that I realized how awesome it is. If you are into technical metal you will love the guitar work on this, and I love how they switch genres so effortlessly without making it sound forced or gimmicky.
  16. DeclanE.
    Apr 20, 2008
    This album has so far been one of my favorites of 2008, which is saying a lot as this year has seen new albums from some of the best bands around, namely the mars volta and radiohead. They have shown a great deal of maturity over the course of their musical careers and Fortress is no exception. The musicianship is far greater than most bands in not only their genre, but overall. I just This album has so far been one of my favorites of 2008, which is saying a lot as this year has seen new albums from some of the best bands around, namely the mars volta and radiohead. They have shown a great deal of maturity over the course of their musical careers and Fortress is no exception. The musicianship is far greater than most bands in not only their genre, but overall. I just hope they continue down this path and don't stray too far into the realm of hardcore growlings which have become more prevalent since the days of Kezia. Expand
  17. TomP.
    Apr 15, 2008
    Okay, to start this off, I will admit that yes, they play well, and while this cd is entertaining to a point, that point does not deserve to bring this to a 90, I think we all know this deep down. This is Metacritic's flaw, a fluke, something that has allowed unworthy cd's, games, and movies undeservedly into the "Top of" lists time and time again. So sure, I guess we can throw Okay, to start this off, I will admit that yes, they play well, and while this cd is entertaining to a point, that point does not deserve to bring this to a 90, I think we all know this deep down. This is Metacritic's flaw, a fluke, something that has allowed unworthy cd's, games, and movies undeservedly into the "Top of" lists time and time again. So sure, I guess we can throw all the "mediocre-hardcore-power-metal" loving readers who are wetting their pants over this score a bone, but before you defend this band's "excellent" musicmanship, scroll to the top of the screen and look at that splendid FIVE below the score that represents the number of reviews it was based upon. Then go to a CD like Radiohead's In Rainbows, a far superior album, with a score of 88, based upon a much more reliable 42 reviewers, with a user score of 9.1, compared to the 7.1 this album currently has, and rethink your musical tastes. And don't try and pull out the "It's-mainstream-music-that-all-dumb-people-listen-to" card, because first of all, it's not, and it'll only make you look more ignorant. So go off, think you're so "different" and unconformist by listening to this slightly above average metal band, you're only conforming to the rest of the pathetic people just like you. There are more superior albums in the metal genre, Mezmerize, by System of a Down, (an album with an actual point and actual music) to name one of them. Just know that if I have to see this kind of rubbish at the #1 spot for 2008, there will be hell to pay. Besides, they sound like a mix between Avenged Sevenfold and Iron Maiden...(Not a winning combination.) Expand
  18. kgc
    Apr 14, 2008
    This is an amazing album and took a long time to make and those of you saying it is bad and you are 'tired of this stuff' you might as well keep it to yourselves because you have no idea what you are talking about. i have no idea what kind of music you like but iron maiden is an awesome band and is better than most.
  19. Stefan
    Apr 13, 2008
    This album defines a lot of boundires of music. People say there vocals are whiney whatever but in reality are some of the best vocals in contemporary metal. The guitars have taken much influence and create a unique sound not only in mathcore but also metal. This bands album has show how well they have progressed if you listen to there early stuff it shines on political messages anti flag This album defines a lot of boundires of music. People say there vocals are whiney whatever but in reality are some of the best vocals in contemporary metal. The guitars have taken much influence and create a unique sound not only in mathcore but also metal. This bands album has show how well they have progressed if you listen to there early stuff it shines on political messages anti flag would be proud of. Now they created music which show be appreciated by everyone! Expand
  20. MariaG
    Apr 13, 2008
    Bad crap...what a hell is with this rating.
  21. ZackB.
    Apr 9, 2008
    Protest have achieved a monolith of a metal album. Creative melodies and catchy hooks, adeptly weave into an insanely technical web of high-energy musicianship. They soar high above the sea of mediocrity that is currently the contemporary metal scene.
  22. DShaw
    Apr 3, 2008
    It's pretty bad, I'm getting tired of this stuff, young guys ripping off old classics.
  23. PAbraham
    Apr 3, 2008
    Protest is simply one the most awesome bands ever. 10/10 !!! Those who cannot like this must be making conclusions on a single listen. Complex music deserves a few more spins obviously.
  24. SethV.
    Apr 2, 2008
    This band is simply AMAZING.
  25. EddM.
    Apr 2, 2008
    Although the 90% average is slightly high, this is definately an album well worth listening to for fans of metal, protest, or for people who just want to try something new.
  26. JamesP.
    Apr 1, 2008
    WOW, Rael and Liam must have their ears painted on. The riffage is insane, the vocals are interesting and varied (more than jsut the screaming/melodious style of metalcore), the concept is cool too. I can understand the constant riffing might drive you nuts, and I understand you might have to like mathcore to get into it, but there is no denying these guys are doing something which is WOW, Rael and Liam must have their ears painted on. The riffage is insane, the vocals are interesting and varied (more than jsut the screaming/melodious style of metalcore), the concept is cool too. I can understand the constant riffing might drive you nuts, and I understand you might have to like mathcore to get into it, but there is no denying these guys are doing something which is leaps and bounds ahead of most prog bands. Played it to my mate who doesn't like heavy music and he was even suitably impressed... I believe his words were.. "Jesus Christ!" Expand
  27. NellyT.
    Apr 1, 2008
    Septic stuff.
  28. TonyB.
    Apr 1, 2008
    The emo vocals and their approach remind me of Faith No More but they have way much more technical musicianship that sets them on a higher level. The only issue I have with this band is that they have not figured out what they want to say with their music yet. I'll attribute it to them being still relatively young so they can waste their time , for a little while, with mindless The emo vocals and their approach remind me of Faith No More but they have way much more technical musicianship that sets them on a higher level. The only issue I have with this band is that they have not figured out what they want to say with their music yet. I'll attribute it to them being still relatively young so they can waste their time , for a little while, with mindless wandering as long as the music is good (which it kicks @ss in this case!!!). Once they get their heads out of their collectives @sses and take a stand on something other than D&D, medievel battles and video gamelike blood & gore...WATCH OUT!!! Then they will truly be a force to reckon with. Great listen! Expand
  29. JordanS.
    Apr 1, 2008
    I love what these guys are doing here. It sounds brilliantly like, you know, 1980's speed-metal, only it's loads more original. The vocals are outstanding, almost to a humorous point sometimes. I'm sure I would have enjoyed "Fortress" more, however, if the drummer could hold back a bit. That doesn't mean I'll discredit it the rating it truly deserves, but it would I love what these guys are doing here. It sounds brilliantly like, you know, 1980's speed-metal, only it's loads more original. The vocals are outstanding, almost to a humorous point sometimes. I'm sure I would have enjoyed "Fortress" more, however, if the drummer could hold back a bit. That doesn't mean I'll discredit it the rating it truly deserves, but it would be easier for me to enjoy if that double bass drum wasn't so incessant. "Blood Meat," the album's first single, is genius and will be on my list of best songs of the year for sure. Expand
  30. [Anonymous]
    Apr 1, 2008
    Awesome. Just awesome

Universal acclaim - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. It's a scarily mature album for a bunch of 21 year olds to have recorded, and the pairing of its ambitious lyrical concepts and motivated songwriting is something to be admired.
  2. Protest the Hero is having fun with their creativity here, and Fortress is a better album for it.
  3. Fortress stands out as gratifyingly heavy and heady.