• Record Label: Oh Boy
  • Release Date: Sep 30, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Oct 3, 2016
    It's still troubling that one of America's best songwriters seems to have lost the desire to pen new material, but For Better, or Worse shows John Prine hasn't lost his spirit as a performer.
  2. Oct 19, 2016
    It's a true joy to hear talented women juxtapose their obviously more gifted vocals with the rough-hewn Prine in dramatic, textured contrasts. On For Better, Or Worse, they help this old mailman deliver once again.
  3. Mojo
    Oct 3, 2016
    [For Bteer, Or Worse] maintains the same innate love of his subject and feeling of bonhomie. [Nov 2016, p.94]
  4. 80
    Joyous, maudlin or gritty, it’s marriage country-style. Delightful.
  5. Uncut
    Oct 3, 2016
    The result is a playful and moving return to themes like the battle of the sexes, and love lost in a blur of alcohol. [Oct 2016, p.37]

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