
Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
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  1. Sep 25, 2012
    As with many of his songs, the lyrical value (clever, cerebral) is far greater than the musical value (sluggish, meandering). It's much more about delivering a message and provoking debate than replays.
  2. Sep 25, 2012
    Fiasco turns Food & Liquor II into one long tirade -- everything sucks and no one's going to fix it.
  3. Sep 25, 2012
    A challenging set that refuses to settle for easy rhymes or facile ideas.
  4. Oct 12, 2012
    Some of these tracks give Lupe the room to triumph... But he falters on the frivolous "Heart Donor."
  5. Sep 26, 2012
    It has its own moments of pop-leaning lightness, but there's more than enough revolutionary material here to leave the faithful satiated.
  6. Entertainment Weekly
    Oct 2, 2012
    He could use a little more production sugar to chase his socially conscious medicine on this restless, claustrophobic sequel. [5 Oct 2012, p.77]
  7. Sep 25, 2012
    With Food & Liquor 2: The Great American Rap Album Pt. 1, Rap's resident Judo master of juxtaposition sounds inspired again, dishing out shifting dichotomies through a scattering of deliveries without encroaching on petulance.
  8. Oct 4, 2012
    At best you could call Food and Liquor II a slightly above-average rap album.
  9. Sep 25, 2012
    Lupe's dexterity remains his greatest asset.
  10. Sep 27, 2012
    This is a fine collection of socially inquisitive rap music that would have probably even served as a competent swan song, had Fiasco actually decided to call it quits for good.
  11. Sep 26, 2012
    Making an album is a team game, and the end product isn't big enough, not quite as daring or bold as we may well have expected.
  12. Sep 25, 2012
    Food & Liquor II has the usual Lupe deficiencies: a hectoring tone ("Bitch Bad") and bombastic beats that pile-drive messages home. He's better when he relaxes a little: Songs like "Hood Now," a celebration of black cultural takeover, have a lighter touch, and hit twice as hard.
  13. Oct 4, 2012
    Food & Liquor II is fine and good. It's just not The Great American Rap Album.
  14. Oct 2, 2012
    Food And Liquor II feels more inspired than its predecessor from the start-not just in its florid production, a substantial improvement over Lasers' big-box synths, but also in Fiasco's rapping.
  15. Sep 27, 2012
    Fiasco is not without skills or beliefs, but neither are as refined as his self-regard.
  16. Sep 25, 2012
    The tunes are pugnaciously mass-market, with debts to Kanye West. Throughout, though, tracks such as ITAL (Roses) and Audubon Ballroom come inflected with righteous fury and weary humour.
  17. Oct 31, 2012
    What it proves to be is an exhilarating, uneven, thought-provoking, over-egged, over-long, lucid, barnstorming, soul-infused hip-hop album of a type that, as I may have mentioned once or twice or five times, you just don't get any more. Except, of course, you do, and here it is.
  18. Sep 25, 2012
    He's not always as nuanced as he's shown the ability to be, and can indeed come off preachy, so those with already established ideologies may find aspects of this album off-putting.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 94 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 68 out of 94
  2. Negative: 9 out of 94
  1. Sep 26, 2012
    Food and liquor 2: the great American rap album is a really good album. The beats are really good and his lyrics are a masterpiece. EveryFood and liquor 2: the great American rap album is a really good album. The beats are really good and his lyrics are a masterpiece. Every songs in the album are classic. My favorite songs on the album are Bad **** cold war, around my way, ital (roses), Strange Fruition, and Audubon ballroom. Buy this album, support real hip hop. Full Review »
  2. Sep 29, 2012
    Classic album... more focused and more potent than either the original F&L and The Cool. This will have a hard time going over on any fansClassic album... more focused and more potent than either the original F&L and The Cool. This will have a hard time going over on any fans he's made off of LASERS alone due to the heavy topics and dense lyrics. Lupe pulls no punches on this release and raps over heavy hip hop beats (something LASERS was missing) as well as some smooth ones (Its Hood Now). If youre a Lupe Fiasco fan you'll love the album. If youre not, you can still go pick up your Waka Flocka album. Full Review »
  3. Sep 26, 2012
    i rate this album solely based on lyrics and concept and with that said its a perfect 10 no less (maybe more)
    production is not so perfect
    i rate this album solely based on lyrics and concept and with that said its a perfect 10 no less (maybe more)
    production is not so perfect for me though but it matches very well with lyrics
    Full Review »