• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Feb 5, 2021
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Universal acclaim- based on 190 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 15 out of 190

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  1. Nov 7, 2022
    such a beautiful breathe of fresh air. this album is beautiful; i only wish there were mroe visuals
  2. Jun 26, 2022
    This album is pure, honest and personal art. You can see that all lines wrote it by Hayley reveals her talent as composer and still her deep feelings. The album sounds like something as indie&folk, the production is simple and minimalist. Hayley remembered us how simple things can be meaningful, deep and good. I feel like this album it'll have an special spot in my life growing up on me.This album is pure, honest and personal art. You can see that all lines wrote it by Hayley reveals her talent as composer and still her deep feelings. The album sounds like something as indie&folk, the production is simple and minimalist. Hayley remembered us how simple things can be meaningful, deep and good. I feel like this album it'll have an special spot in my life growing up on me. At least I hope so. Expand
  3. Jul 29, 2021
    I can't fault this very dark, lonely, sad album. I've played it nearly every day since it's release.
  4. Jul 4, 2021
    not perfect but still a incredible album
  5. Jun 16, 2021
    Eu gostei da primeira parte do álbum, tanto das letras e da sonoridade, mas na segunda ele me perde
  6. May 26, 2021
    um álbum perfeito para admirar o céu em uma tarde de outono enquanto o sol se põe. letras intimistas com muitos sentimentos, essa é uma das maiores compositoras do século.
  7. Apr 25, 2021
    Excellent album with Hayley playing all instruments - great vocals and beautiful candour and lyrics.
  8. Apr 6, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. ARTE. Desde los teclados en Descansos hasta las guitarras acústicas en Wait On, Williams hace que se nos erize la piel con cada melodía. Sumandole que ejecuta todos los instrumentos de este álbum, nos hace viajar con esas melodías más intimas, mostrandose desde su vulnerabilidad. Arte. Expand
  9. Apr 4, 2021
    Unique and amazing.
    Hayley made her masterpiece!
    Every song brought her fellings back, there's no bad song, I can't skip none
  10. Mar 26, 2021
    the best album of 2021 is here, a álbum full of balads, there’s nothing else I could’ve asked for
  11. Mar 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Talented, Brilliant, Incredible, Amazing, Showstopping, Spectacular, Never The Same, Totally Unique, Completely Not Ever Been Done Before, Unafraid To Reference Or Not Reference, Put It In A Blender, **** On It, Vomit On It, Eat It, Give Birth To It Expand
  12. Mar 21, 2021
    É muito lindo ver a evolução artística da Hayley e acompanhar de perto o amadurecimento dela, tanto pessoal quanto musical. Esse álbum dá uma sequência perfeita ao Petals, maravilhosa.
  13. Mar 20, 2021
    Perfeito do começo ao fim, cada faixa uma emoção, ela te transporta para os sentimentos
  14. Mar 20, 2021
    Very boring and repetitious. And what's even worse is that most of ballads are forgettable and strenuous.
  15. Mar 20, 2021
    One of the worst follow-up albums I've heard from an artist in about 15 years. Talk about a major letdown.
  16. Mar 20, 2021
    severely underwhelming and its a shame too considering i was a fan of her paramore days but her solo music simply doesn't interest me. i played it and just dozed off
  17. Mar 14, 2021
  18. Mar 5, 2021
    It’s refreshing to hear Hayley to be so intimate and vulnerable, where the emotions of her lyrics matches the production, and is affective as it is beautiful. She may lack the variety to showcase the general theme of the record, but the vision and total execution for “Flowers for Vases / Descansos” is something Hayley has sounded so honest and so aware with her emotions.
  19. Feb 23, 2021
    Viajei com as músicas e sentimentos que elas trazem... tudo parece fazer sentido nesse álbum!
  20. Feb 12, 2021
    I have to be honest, I did not enjoy her debut solo album, “Petals for Armor.” I felt like it was messy and she totally got lost in her influences. This new surprise album is very different and for sure a step up in quality. It's full of stripped back and personal folky ballads that are heavily acoustic. We know that she can kill an emotional ballad but these are very different. SheI have to be honest, I did not enjoy her debut solo album, “Petals for Armor.” I felt like it was messy and she totally got lost in her influences. This new surprise album is very different and for sure a step up in quality. It's full of stripped back and personal folky ballads that are heavily acoustic. We know that she can kill an emotional ballad but these are very different. She sings much lighter and rarely goes into her belt. At first listen I appreciated the mood because she seems to have a stronger vision for this album, but it did bore me a little bit as some of these songs didn’t feel complete. “Over Those Hills'' was an initial standout with one of the best bridges I've heard from her that is followed by an explosive guitar hook that feels straight out of a “The War on Drugs,” song. Though I was kind of lukewarm at first, I've learned with these types of albums with no bops, I need to give it more time.

    I really started to try to pay attention to all the lyrics and the sadness finally clicked. Hayley is still really affected by this breakup, or at least was when this was written. The whole album is really about trying as hard as you can to get over someone who was your everything. It’s the simple choruses that are my favorite parts like, “ I wonder who you view me now,” on "HDY" and “It’s no use I just love you” on "No Use I Just Do"; these moments just break my heart. You can tell by her held back vocal delivery that this is all very genuine. Although Hayley isn’t doing anything original on this album, I buy it because it’s clearly her story. There are some parts towards the beginning I'm not crazy for though. I find the chorus in “My Limb” incredibly annoying and the tune on "Asystole" isn't very memorable. I am very impressed though on just how Hayley opened up and showed us that breakups can hurt for a while and you don’t always end up stronger at the end. Sometimes they take something out of you and I just hope she’s okay.

    Best Songs: HYD, No Use I Just Do, Over Those Hills, Just a Lover, Wait On, First Thing To Go, Find Me Here

    Worst Songs: My Limb, Asystole
  21. Feb 12, 2021
    Hayley Williams released her second album, without too much publicity, because this is not meant to be music for the masses. Flowers for vases / Descansos is not a sequel to Petals for Armor and not even a prequel it's more an interlude, a reinvention, one proof is the finding of Find Me Here already heard in the self-serenades. There is a great influence of Folklore also because Hayley isHayley Williams released her second album, without too much publicity, because this is not meant to be music for the masses. Flowers for vases / Descansos is not a sequel to Petals for Armor and not even a prequel it's more an interlude, a reinvention, one proof is the finding of Find Me Here already heard in the self-serenades. There is a great influence of Folklore also because Hayley is one of Taylor Swift's best friends, she transpires a delicate folk guitar. Hayley shows herself even more fragile reaches a higher degree of maturation, where she does everything by herself, plays and sings, she no longer needs anyone, it's just her and the music, but without exaggerating, with simplicity. The visions mix, the songs are slow but not boring. Among the repertoire I love Asystole, cardiac arrest is a metaphor for the failure of a relationship, the result is an indie rock ballad that shows most of all the true soul of Hayley, still fond of her rock world. Hayley has completed her transformation, now she is a true storyteller who lives immersed in her often depressing memories that cannot be erased, they are part of her and now also of us listeners, who realize that we are not alone, we all live moments difficult, you cannot tell only the beauty. Expand
  22. Feb 10, 2021
    This album was released as a surprise to many people. Hayley surprises us positively with each new release, either solo or with Paramore.
  23. Feb 9, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Flowers for Vases is a great album. Its very soft and mellow and the songs are just very "in your face'. The production is very minimal and acoustic. Mostly just guitars to give that good country or soft rock sound (i think). I have to commend the songwriting here which is pretty consistent if you consider that she single-handedly wrote the entire album. This gives many of the songs a very sincere, personal and heartfelt authenticity that i think is rare. Most of the songs are short but very evocative, mostly about lost love and past memories. The opening track, First thing to go, talks about a loved one from the past, whose memories she is scared she is losing. I really love the chorus here, so simple and evocative. The next song, My Limb is perhaps my favorite on the whole album, she says that her lover is her limb without which she cannot survive. I love the lyrics, the chorus is great with some spoken and whispered background lyrics. The melodies and layered vocals are so catchy .Asystole is an acoustic number in which she details a failing relationship and tries to figure out what to do next. I love the guitars and lyrics here.Trigger is another acoustic song in which she talks about a past relationship. I found the chorus here pretty memorable though i struggled to understand the lyrics in their entirety. In over those hills, she finds herself wondering how an old lover is doing, there seems to be some great electric guitars at the end as well.Good grief also explains the feeling of heartbreak in the aftermath of a heartbreak. Its very sad and its the kind of emo stuff i just personally love. The next song, Wait On You is laced with many metaphors and its pretty interesting to analyze if you want. Inordinary is another highlight for me, with its beautiful lyrics. She recalls some childhood memories and reminds the listener that there is beauty in ordinary things. I highly recommend!! HYD is also a great acoustic number in which she ponders about a past lover but No Use I Just do doesn't have much going for it lyrically. The title track also has some beautiful lyrics about supporting someone through a rough time but letting them sort out their issues individually. More like being patient with them i guess, its beautiful. I also love the instrumental Descansos and the beautiful vocals on it, paired with the piano. Stylistically, the closer is the most distinct , with some solid production though it has a strange structure with no chorus or bridge. All in all the album is very calm and minimal but her vocals and emotion in the songs shines bright. Expand
  24. Feb 9, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I’m a sucker for sad music. This album is beautiful, lyrically especially but I also love the music. There are hidden gems that you hear after listening to it over and over. I am so impressed that Hayley played every instrument and did it all from home. I’m so in love with this album. My Spotify will not lie to you so I’m sure it’s wondering if I’m okay after I’ve played the album over and over for the past 5 days. I still cannot pick a favorite but HYD made me sob so that might be #1 right now. I love the gut wrenching lyrics. Thanks for this Hayley! I didn’t think you could give me a sadder songs than 26 or TELL ME HOW but here we are. Expand
  25. Feb 8, 2021
    One of the worst follow-up albums I've heard from an artist in about 15 years. Talk about a major letdown.

    Pros: - Production is actually not bad considering most of this was recorded in a home studio. I did get a slight chuckle at the airplane driveby outtake that she kept on the album. I've been there. - Lyricalism is still quite strong. Some areas do slack and just aren't as
    One of the worst follow-up albums I've heard from an artist in about 15 years. Talk about a major letdown.

    - Production is actually not bad considering most of this was recorded in a home studio. I did get a slight chuckle at the airplane driveby outtake that she kept on the album. I've been there.

    - Lyricalism is still quite strong. Some areas do slack and just aren't as metaphoric this time around.


    - Way too many ballads on one album. Very boring and repetitious. And what's even worse is that most of ballads are forgettable.

    - Vocals don't branch off much at all. They stay within the same range for most of the album.

    - Including an instrumental [which I usually do love on albums] that is redundant and doesn't try to branch off and be unique. (A small piano solo or something would have made it more interesting.) Boring.
  26. Feb 8, 2021
    After Petals For Armor which if you ask me, it was the best album from 2020 she really got me here again! What a flawless album. You ROCK H! My personal fav is Over Those Hills.
  27. Feb 8, 2021
    Emotionally visceral and complex, the soothing guitar and piano on many of the tracks is accompanied by beautiful lyrics touching on themes of loss and love. The listener’s enjoyment and understanding of the album matures with each playthrough.
  28. Feb 8, 2021
    Hayley Williams pulled a Taylor Swift and made of "FLOWERS for VASES / descansos" her "evermore", with a surprise release after her debut solo album less than a year ago.

    With ethereal vocals, minimal instruments, deep lyrics and powerful message, she conceived her strongest piece of work to date under a waterfall of petals: soft, gentle, beautiful, earthy. While the sound is calmer
    Hayley Williams pulled a Taylor Swift and made of "FLOWERS for VASES / descansos" her "evermore", with a surprise release after her debut solo album less than a year ago.

    With ethereal vocals, minimal instruments, deep lyrics and powerful message, she conceived her strongest piece of work to date under a waterfall of petals: soft, gentle, beautiful, earthy.

    While the sound is calmer than everything she has ever done, both with Paramore and as a solo artist, the emotion behind is abismal. She sings of self-reflection, hope, regret, melancholy, doubt, accountability, and demonstrates a willingness to let her feelings out in the field, with no apparent fear to be judged or blamed. That honesty is rare and precious, and it is essentially what makes this album so unique.

    Standout tracks include: Trigger, Over Those Hills, No Use I Just Do and Just A Lover.
  29. Feb 7, 2021
    If Petals for armor felt like Hayley was showing us another side of her, Flowers for vases feels like she is stripping her soul before our own ears. It is not a commercial album; you have to give it a few listens to completely fall in love with it. The production is not elaborate, but its so intimate that feels just perfect, and it's a lyrical gem.
  30. Feb 7, 2021
    Hayley herself referred to it as her own personal folklore even if it doesn't quite have anything as magnificently beautiful as exile yet is a softer, smooth collection of the artist's introspection, deep and moving lyricism. Some of the tracks blend into one another to both its detriment and its benefit, as it may be tough to distinguish some, each feels like a piece of a puzzle createdHayley herself referred to it as her own personal folklore even if it doesn't quite have anything as magnificently beautiful as exile yet is a softer, smooth collection of the artist's introspection, deep and moving lyricism. Some of the tracks blend into one another to both its detriment and its benefit, as it may be tough to distinguish some, each feels like a piece of a puzzle created by Hayley all fitting together. A lot of the musical choices in this lend to making it a rather calm creation blended with striking descriptions and wording. Early parts of the album deal with her reconciling with the past and her history with relationships in some of the most impactful tracks such as Asystole and Trigger. The production choices made throughout provide a very soft vibe as it feels relaxing and comforting with simple guitars and drums. Good Grief comes in near the middle as a piano settles in comfortably, allowing Hayley to further exhibit the aforementioned calm and softness. Wait On is a beautiful example of the stress and burden of fame and popularity, with pressure coming in and her decision to still stay strong because people continue to wait on her. After a soothing breath within KYRH that serves as an intermission, there is a transition into Inordinary from looking back at fame and love into her past and how things used to be under this new light she chose to shine on it, missing those missed opportunities obstructed by a new life she had as a part of Paramore. She continues on with the narrative of looking into the past then when No Use I just Do comes up, it shifts towards love once more as a beautiful, mesmerizing, haunting declaration of admiration. The succeeding track, Find Me Here is absolutely indescribable as a piece of the album, just simple and carefully produced, as it discusses the choice to let a loved one learn to fight for themselves instead of choosing to come for the rescue. Descansos is the penultimate song, being something similar to No Friend from After Laughter with the lack of Hayley's voice, being a moody and easy highlight that feels like it would fit in the soundtrack of a movie or a game such as The Last of Us franchise, as its title takes from the memoirs of places where death lays in both physical and emotional aspects of existence. As a finale, I almost thought I'd prefer the previous track but Just A Lover is as perfect as they get, being a compilation of everything in the album, discussing her past, her loves, her heartbreaks all culminating in a finale that just brings upon an energy not present yet up until this point, concluding the album with a euphoric blending of guitars and drums powerful enough to match with Hayley's memorable vocal performance. All in all, Flowers for Vases/descansos displays the peak of the Paramore frontwoman's powerful lyrics blended with the calmest and most soothing production of her career. Expand
  31. Feb 7, 2021
    Em divergência sonora com Petals For Armor, Flowers For Vases, apesar de carecer um pouco de músicas diferentes umas das outras, esbanjou o lado mais nu e cru de Hayley Williams.
  32. Feb 6, 2021
    A fantastic album with every song carrying it’s own energy and tone. Some songs stray from the traditional Foo Fighters sound and are still wonderful showing how great of a songwriter Dave Grohl is. If only this album had a few more tracks I would give it a 10
  33. Feb 6, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Trabalho maravilhoso mano, obrigado hayley por compartilhar musicas que cuidam da nossa alma, espero que cure a de vocês ❤️ Expand
  34. Feb 6, 2021
    Fascinating. My favorite ones are My Limb and Asystole. I love the dark vibe of the album.
  35. Feb 6, 2021
    Te amo, Hayley! Obrigada por nos trazer essa arte maravilhosa! Você literalmente salvou meu 2021!
  36. Feb 6, 2021
    The lyrics, the vocals, everything on this album is amazing, sometimes repetitive, but hayley never disappoints.
  37. Feb 6, 2021
    this is an album that feels like art, Hayley Williams is a masterpiece. We can feel her feelings about everything. That’s it, perfect.
  38. Feb 5, 2021
    Its just art, I feel all the songs, it’s raw, amazing lyrics, beautiful voice, so perfectly harmonized
  39. Feb 5, 2021
    Que delicado trabajo suele hacer Hayley, merece mas reconocimiento a su fabuloso estilo
  40. Feb 5, 2021
    Hayley’s range continues to surprise and impress me! Solid work and a strong follow up to Petals
  41. Feb 5, 2021
    Hayley Wiliams' first solo album, at the time received a lot of flattering reviews that surprised me quite a bit.

    I wouldn't say that Petals for Armor was a bad album, but personally I believed it was an album that sought to reach for more than its sound could provide. Especially since many people preferred to pay more attention to the lyrics. FLOWERS for VASES / descansos is a
    Hayley Wiliams' first solo album, at the time received a lot of flattering reviews that surprised me quite a bit.

    I wouldn't say that Petals for Armor was a bad album, but personally I believed it was an album that sought to reach for more than its sound could provide.

    Especially since many people preferred to pay more attention to the lyrics.

    FLOWERS for VASES / descansos is a surprise album, both because of its sudden release and because Williams shows a more mature side as a songwriter that she couldn't reach in her predecessor.

    This is basically an acoustic album. The arrangements are minimal and in some cases the finished tracks even sound like demos.
    It's a more ethereal and organic experience, and therefore more pleasant.

    Hayley herself said that she was preparing her own ''folklore'' and it's quite evident that she was influenced by Taylor Swift, although both approaches are definitely different, they both share an indie vein.

    The album loses strength in the last tracks after the middle, but the closing is good.
    Although personally I think she should have arranged the tracklist and closed with "Descansos". The most ghostly and ambient track of them all.

    Notable Tracks

    > First Thing To Go
    > Asystole
    > Over Those Hills
    > KYRH
    > Descansos
    > Just A Lover
  42. Feb 5, 2021
    Hayley is a life saver and her Art means so many things, this album is perfect for some of us and I will listen for the rest of my life
  43. Feb 5, 2021
    parabéns por ser a maior desse mundo sempre hayley williams, você está sempre servindo, o mundo te ama
  44. Feb 5, 2021
    outstanding, amazing, 10/10.

    The fact she also wrote, performed and recorded this all in her house during a pandemic is INCREDIBLE
  45. Feb 5, 2021
    This is quite possibly the calmest album i’ve ever listened too. She is absolutely amazing. Trigger and Over Those Hills hit hard. This is a great album for a mellow day.
  46. Feb 5, 2021
    Everything about this album is wonderful. Hayley's vocals are of course beautiful and enthralling, the instrumentals are powerful and engaging, the songwriting is top notch and the production is fantastic. This album is emotional, powerful, beautiful and personal. This is very, very close to a 10 for me, and is absolutely no doubt an Album of the Year contender.
  47. Feb 5, 2021
    Un álbum sumamente increíble, muestra vulnerabilidad y sentimientos muy profundos, Hayley no se equivocaba cuando dijo que este sería su "folklore"
  48. Feb 5, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I played this album for my dog dying of cancer and she was cured. Thank you Hayley Williams. Expand
  49. Feb 5, 2021
    ela realmente fez isso!! esse álbum mostra o talento mais profundo da hayley. ela escreveu, tocou cada instrumento, ela realmente é a maior de todos.
  50. Feb 5, 2021
    A beautifully constructed body of work, every song feels so intricately placed. Flowers for Vases is very different sonically from Hayley’s debut, Petals for Armor, but it’s just as personal and disarming, if not more so. An absolute masterpiece.
  51. Feb 5, 2021
    This album is beautiful and cohesive. I'm starting to warm up to the thought that this is better than Petals for Armor.
  52. Feb 5, 2021
    This album is everything we needed: cohesive, beautiful, calmed, and great.
  53. Feb 5, 2021
    Did this album finally make me create an account here? It sure did. An absolute highlight of 2021 so far. I haven't found a single song that was underwhelming, this whole album is just so masterfully crafted and I feel like it really shows of what kind of absolute powerhouse of an artist Hayley is.
  54. Feb 5, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. "All songs written and performed by Hayley Williams" The fact that she did it alone, blows my mind. In my opinion, this is better than PFA. Expand
  55. Feb 5, 2021
    album of the year. Intimate, personal, cohesive, melancholy and mature vocals.
  56. Feb 5, 2021
    Mais um trabalho incrível e adorável de umas das melhores artistas da nossa geração. Incrível como a Hayley tem facilidade em compor músicas que tocam na alma e nos fornece uma alta qualidade sonora. Fico ainda mais maravilhado ao saber que ela trabalhou de vários modos e usando vários instrumentos pra nos entregar um sucessor a altura do Petals for Armor.
  57. Feb 5, 2021
    This is pure ART. I consider this album more cohesive than PFA, a meticulous and deliciously melancholy work. Not to mention the most delicate and mature vocals ever. Grammy doesn't deserve you, Hayley, you're superior. Thank you!
  58. Feb 5, 2021
    album of the year incoming, i just know it. just a lover will be crowned song of the year. completely surpassed my expectations and blew petals for armor out of the water.
  59. Feb 5, 2021
    Cohesive, powerful and personal. Hayley Williams show us how talented she is, by singing, writing and playing different instruments. She definitely embraced herself through the pandemic, found her inner voice, and screamed to the world who she is.
  60. Feb 5, 2021
    It has been a pleasure to get to know Miss Williams a little more. This album is a wonderful intimate work of art.
  61. Feb 5, 2021
    IMPECÁVEL! Just a Lover, faixa que encerra o disco é puro intelecto sonoro, te levando a outro espaço no universo. Recomendo ouvir o album com fones, deitado, no escuro, a noite em seu quarto. A viagem fica cada vez melhor a cada faixa.... TE AMO REILA
  62. Feb 5, 2021
    Hayley Williams propôs uma introspecção neste álbum, um meio de desabafo sobre muitas questões que vem ocorrendo em sua vida pessoal nos últimos anos: casamento, amizade e novos romances. É bonito ver como ela desenvolveu essa maturidade pessoal e artística, sendo seu primeiro álbum totalmente escrito por ela, em sua casa. Este é um momento tão gracioso para Hayley e para os fãs.
  63. Feb 5, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is so lovely. As someone who struggles with depression and loss I found the music striking emotional cord several times. Not just the lyrics, but it feels like the music and how she sings was stripped to its most vulnerable form. Not as catchy or upbeat, but it felt like that therapeutic place of identifying your truth and just letting it exist instead of grappling of how you think you should feel. 5th time listening right now and I’m still absorbing everything. Expand
  64. Feb 5, 2021
    Ii like the lyrics, production , and the concept it’s so beautiful, and i think it’s a series between petals for armor,

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Mar 12, 2021
    Powerful, but in an entirely different way to its predecessor, it’s a record which further proves that the strength of Hayley Williams - as a songwriter, a vocalist, a woman - is still awe-inspiring.
  2. Feb 17, 2021
    Largely acoustic with a limited amount of overdubs, Flowers feels somewhat more minimalist than the aesthetically varied Petals -- which isn't to say it's any less impressive. There is a sense that Williams is celebrating her influences.
  3. Feb 11, 2021
    There are no obvious singles or earworms, but more so than Petals for Armor, FLOWERS for VASES takes a step closer to healing.