• Record Label: A&M
  • Release Date: Jul 6, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Buoyed by a favorable divorce settlement, a baby boy and a newly released high-energy dance album, Flesh Tone, the recently single Kelis is ready to bring the boys back to the yard.
  2. Whether or not Flesh Tone remains a stylistic outlier, the disc will always be a bright standout in Kelis' discography.
  3. Kelis's honey-husky voice slips easily into the hypnotic repetitions of dance music vocalisation; she uses the classic language of love songs and the soaring declarations of generalized euphoria particular to house music.
  4. While the sound of Flesh Tone is electro cool, the songs reveal a deep humanity.
  5. Perhaps the most fascinating aspects of Flesh Tone are the songs named 'Segue 1', 'Segue 2' and so on through to 'Segue 6' which are positioned to avoid gaps between songs. They're the album's most imaginative moments, and suggest that although Kelis is refining her sound to become queen of the disco, there's still dozens of ideas waiting to announce themselves.
  6. The biggest crime here is that it sounds so dated-listening to Flesh Tone is a bit like watching a filmmaker failing to ape the innovation of The Matrix more than a decade after it was made.
  7. Does pregnancy turn R&B singers into robots? First Christina Aguilera went cyborg for her post-baby album Bionic, and now Kelis has gone Robo-Mom on this tribute to her infant son, Flesh Tone, which blends awesomely sweaty urban pop with cold Eurodisco.
  8. It's clear that Kelis has carved out a new niche for herself, dancing in front of the turntables till the lights come on, if they dare.
  9. Kelis. Genius. Pop auteur. Credible diva. Welcome back.
  10. She's always had an impressionistic vision of R&B, but this isn't just a curveball for the hell of it; she uses escapist tracks (written with guys like David Guetta and Jean Baptiste) to realist ends.
  11. Her new album, Flesh Tone, sounds dated in the worst kind of way-that is, not enough to sound retro-cool, but enough to sound totally uncool
  12. As with her previous records, her fifth studio album doesn't sound like anyone else – she and producers David Guetta, Benny Benassi and others have concocted a dance, cosmic techno and R&B mix that's stamped with her unique take on things
  13. 90
    Long-time Kelis fans might be initially surprised at the sonic switch-up-it's more dance than quirky R&B-but there's something totally right about the way Kelis tackles electronic music.
  14. These songs, for all their Top 40 disco glitter (will.i.am. signed her to his label and executive-produces here), compel with their tradeoffs between vulnerability and euphoria, though if you aren't paying attention, they're slick enough to pass as merely exceptional pop-radio or club-floor fodder.
  15. Whatever her bad luck might be down to, Kelis can take some small comfort in having made her best album since Kaleidoscope.
  16. Uncut
    This is one record on which his ultimate masterplan to weld R&B sass to thumping club beats comes good. [Aug 2010, p.84]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 55 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 49 out of 55
  2. Negative: 2 out of 55
  1. Dec 3, 2010
    Far the best Kelis album, It is completely different from her previous albums but in a good way. All tracks compliment each other and flowFar the best Kelis album, It is completely different from her previous albums but in a good way. All tracks compliment each other and flow brilliantly. Kelis is one of those artist that I believe don't get enough recognition and she deserves so much more. Intro, Fireworks (4th of July), Acapella, 22nd Century & Brave are my top tracks. Should be on your iPod! Full Review »
  2. Aug 12, 2011
    Having not really been a fan of Kelis I didnt really plan on buying this album. After 'Acapella' and '4th Of July' I downloaded it and WOW!Having not really been a fan of Kelis I didnt really plan on buying this album. After 'Acapella' and '4th Of July' I downloaded it and WOW! One of the greatest albums I've ever bought!!! Full Review »
  3. Jul 3, 2018
    Modern, original and cohesive, Flesh Tone is one of the most solid records released in 2010. There are some killer songs on this one (e.g.Modern, original and cohesive, Flesh Tone is one of the most solid records released in 2010. There are some killer songs on this one (e.g. "4th of July", "Scream", "Home"). Full Review »